Ilion High SchoolClass of 1960Alumni News
Digitized Class Yearbook....Mirror 1960 from the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. Link opens in new browser tab. (added March 24, 2021)
Class History....Now everything you wanted to know about the IHS Class of 1960 is at your published in the 1960 Mirror Class History.
Class Roster....Class Roster, Officers and Honor Students, as published in the "The Mirror 1960", are available on the 1960 Class Roster page. (added February 19, 2022).
Class Historical Newspaper Articles....
1960 Facebook Page....A public Facebook page was created for the Class of 1960 to share news. see Ilion H.S. Class of 1960. (Feb 1, 2020)
Wrestling Hall of Fame ....Three Ilionites were inducted into the Wrestling Hall of Fame.. The Section III Wrestling Hall of Fame is the highest honor that can be bestowed on a member of Section III. This honor is earned by a lifetime of hard work and dedication to Section III Wrestling. Congratulations to all Section III Wrestling Hall-of-Famers. George 'Pee Wee' Jones, Jr. IHS 1960 was inducted with the Class of 2005. While a student at Ilion High School, he captured three Section III Championships in 1958, 1959, and 1960. His record was 51-2. Mr. Jones has officiated at league, section and state levels in both football and wrestling since 1969. "'Pee Wee' has gained the respect and admiration of all who have come in contact with him." (January 4, 2015)
Tribute to Thomas Christ Shepherd Sr......Tom gave his life for our country March 24, 1971 at Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam. See our Tribute to Thomas Christ Shepherd Sr.
Ed Conte - Rigid Digits.....Ed Conte's Blog was captured by the Wayback Machine web archive. Although his web site can no longer be reached, you can still view the content of Rigid Digits. The site contains 'CONTEmplations of a Novelist, Poet and Freelance Writer" from August 2010 until February 1, 2012. Ed was affected by myotonic muscular dystrophy. Ed passed away peacefully on March 8, 2012, surrounded by family and friends. (July 7, 2012 - modified September 20, 2020)
Class of '60 - 50th Reunion Held in 2010.....CLASS OF '60 50th REUNION Friday 10/8 - Ilion Elks' informal get-together 7:30 Committee w/have small refreshments - bar on your own Saturday 10/9 - Bella Vista at 6:00/dinner @ 7:00 - bar on your own 50th REUNION OF THE CLASS of 1960 PRESENT AT THE BELLA VISTA - OCTOBER 9, 2010
Many were accompanied by spouses/guests ( )indicates # of reservations Jean Allen Reynolds & Bob Reynolds (2) Sonia Bassler Sterling (2) Ralph Bell Marilyn Billings Jones Faye Bostrom Thomas (2) Jim Bower Ann Carver Hailston Eleanor Connick Bob Conover (2) Ed Conte (2) Fran Coriale Brewer Mel Darling Nancy Decker Alexander Dan DeForrest (2) Karen Delong Sandra DeMartine Knop Pat Deyle (2) Tony Enjem (2) Bridget Foisy Snyder (2) Margie Gird Risseeuw (2) Carol Goldsmith Hadcock Joyce Gonyea Maytan (2) Mary Jane Haggerty Guile Dick Holland (2) Pam Hopkins Rose (2) Loren Hughes (2) PeeWee Jones Nancy Kelly Bronson (2) Gary Leonis Carol Loefler Zutter Ray Ludwig (2) Pam Miles Klopp Barb Mills Guris (2) Roy Morton (3) Chuck Mumford (2) Joyce Palmer McCarthy Barb Peak Coulter Barb Seaman Hodom (2) Mary Jane Silvernail Tinkler (2) Joe Sitts Jane Spatol Smith (2) Connie Valentine Burrell (2) Mary Lee Walrath Lynch (2) Mary Ann Wilson Scott (2) There were several classmates/guests that were scheduled to come but couldn't - mostly due to their or family illnesses. We missed them............ John Sohacki (2) Joyce Eastwood Bateman Nancy Croop Snedeker Claire Gilbert Marilyn Aizas Schreiber Paula Dulak (2) Gail Murray Arkin (2) Dianna Bower - Jim's wife FRIDAY NIGHT AT THE ILION ELKS, THERE WERE AN ADDITIONAL 3 CLASSMATES WHO CAME BUT WERE UNABLE TO COME ON SATURDAY NIGHT DUE TO PRIOR COMMITTMENTS. We were glad to see these people there: Judy Bechard Jablonski Janice Phelps Orendorf Don Dack DECEASED MEMBERS OF I.H.S. CLASS OF 1960 Bertha Ann Bennett (Sept 1962) Nancy Bishop Barbara June Bracken (Mar 21, 1992) Elizabeth Ann Connors Nancy Jane Croop Snedeker (April 14, 1942 - March 11, 2011) James David Darling Timothy J. Dekin (March 2001) Linda I. Dibble (May 2008) Timothy Durgee (Aug 1960) Frank Raymond Frezza Timothy Paul Heintz (Oct 1998) Barry Frederick House Ann Marie Hurteau (May 2007) Linda Ann Kerr Roberta Kirkland (12/9/41 - 8/16/09) Robert Lanphier (2001) Emanuele F. Laura Karen Letts Lester Lints Arnold Miller Lawrence Miller (5/1/42 - 5/30/07) Ronald Miller Helen Patterson Linda Schafer (7/11/42 - ll/10/07) Thomas Shepard *** (Vietnam/March 24, 1971) James Earl Sickler Joseph Charles Teso (2003) Beth Suzanne Thomas Andrew Tjeerdsma Stephen Tooney (1/19/42 - 11/12/06) Arthur Whitcomb I.H.S. Class of 1960 Remaining Class Members (Nov 13, 2010) We live near & far Dick Adams - Marcy NY Marilyn Aizas Schreiber - Webster NY Jean Allen Reynolds (Bob) - Newport NY Betty Alvis Girardeau - Venore TN Elaine Applegate Pettingill - Ilion NY Sonia Bassler Sterling - Herkimer NY Judy Bechard Jablonski - Palm Harbor FL Ralph Bell - Swannanoa NC Pat Bergin Hartigan - Ilion NY Marilyn Billings Jones - Utica NY Fay Bostrom Thomas - Kingsport TN James Bower - Ilion NY Ruth Briggs Miller - Mohawk NY Peter Brown - St Petersburg FL Ann Carver Hailston - Ilion NY John Chesebrough - Monroeville PA Nancy Coakley Pierce - **** Eleanor Connick (Forestport NY) Robert Conover (Sylvania OH) Edward Conte - Ocean View DE (temporarily) Francess Coriale Brewer - Mohawk NY Donald Dack - Ilion NY Linda Daly Yots - Chula Vista CA Robert Danforth - S Africa Melvin Darling - Ilion NY George Davis - San Angelo TX Barbara Decker Baylis - Ilion NY Nancy Decker Alexander - Brownsville NY Daniel DeForrest - Gloversville NY Karen Delong - Ilion NY Sanra DeMartine Knop - Herkimer NY John "Pat" Deyle - Ilion NY Patricia Dodge March - Ilion NY David Donohue (Sally) - Loudon TN Paula Dulak - Portland OR Ann Durant Shepard - Hendersonville NC Joyce Eastwood Bateman - Fredonia NY Anthony Enjem - New Hartford NY Pat Ferguson Farr - Bradenton FL James Fitzgibbons - St Petersburg FL Bridget Foisy Snyder - Ilion NY Esther Friis Fuller - Wayland NY Sally Grey Donohue (Dave) - Loudon TN Robert Frosch - Waianee HI Claire Gilbert Gilmore - Drexel Hill PA Carolyn Gintley Meyer - Newbury Park CA Marjorie Gird Risseeuw - Lewes DE Carol Goldsmith Hadcock - Ilion NY Joyce Gonyea Maytan - Ilion NY Eleanor Gressell Hartquist - Penfield NY Charles Guile (Mary Jane) - Ilion NY Mary Jane Haggerty Guile (Chuck) - Ilion NY Sandy Harper Sullivan - Rome NY Gail Harrer Kornbrust - Lady Lake FL Richard Holland - Plantation FL Pamela Hopkins Rose - Little Falls NY Loren Hughes - Rome NY Dale Johnson - Ilion NY George "PeeWee" Jones - Herkimer NY Nancy Kelly Bronson - Mohawk NY Barbara Kinney Sapanaro - Hopkinton MA Sally Ann Kozenewski Seeton - Houston TX George Long - **** Gary Leonis - Mohawk NY Carol Loefler Zutter - Punta Gorda FL Linda March Duckworth - Willow Spring NC R aymond Ludwig - Cayuga NY Robert McNeil - Stewart FL Judy Miller Thurman - Berwyn PA Jack Mitchell - Anaheim Hills CA Sue McKenna Clar - Livonia NY Pamela Miles Klopp - Arnold MD Sandy Miller Patterson - N Villerica MA Barbara Mills Guris - Mary Esther FL Gail Murray Arkin - Chappaqua NY Roy Morton - Jefferson MD Charles Mumford - E Hartford CT Joyce Marian Palmer Prosser - Fulton NY Robert O'Connell - Loveland CO Norman O'Dell - Penfield NY Veronica Perkins Rose - Ilion NY Joyce Maureen Palmer McCarthy - Ilion NY Barbara Peak Coulter - Bridgewater NY Richard Phillips - Mohawk NY Nancy Peterson Rockwell - W Palm Beach FL Janice Phelps Orendorf - Mohawk NY Patricia Raymond Nep - Mohawk NY Jack Rapenske - **** Beverly Rasmussen Rapenske - Frankfort NY Robert Reynolds (Jean) - Newport NY Elsa Rettschlag Smith - Cassvile NY Mary Jane Silvernail Tinkler - Clearwater FL Karen Scanlon McElhenny - Beaufort SC Robert Reiman - Lake Clear NY Lawrence Rose - Ilion NY Kenneth Shaw - Kayuta Lake NY Barbara Seaman Hodom - Delmar NY Edward Shattuck - Carbondale CO Brent Smith - ? PA (e-mail only) Ronald Stalloch - Richfield Springs NY Rev. Joseph Sitts - Longwood FL John Sohacki - San Luis Obispo CA Lorraine Smith - S Daytona FL Ronald Smithson - Frankfort NY Patricia Withers Mumford - Vernon Rockville CT Jane Spatol Smith - Adirondack NY Linda Sprague Theriault - Prospect CT Shirley Strait Goodrich - Sylvester GA Ellen Staring Worboys - Tallahassee FL Sharon Stevens - Belen NM Mary Lee Walrath Lynch - Kast Bridge NY Joan Thomasch Wedgewood - Deep River IA Connie Valentine Burrell - Oxford NY Charlotte Wheeler - Ilion NY Mary Ann Wilson Scott - Las Vegas NV Donna Zoller Bibeau - Melbourne FL **** - classmates we couldn't locate
Classmate carries torch in Olympic Relay....Former classmate, Edward J. Conte, age 59, achieved the honor of being a torchbearer in the Salt Lake 2002 Olympic Relay in Greenville, S.C. He had to carry the torch for his 2/10 of a mile while in a wheelchair due to his muscular dystrophy. Edward currently lives in Loudon, Tenn. He's the second member of his family to join the select list of people chosen to carry the Olympic flame. Conte's daughter, Danielle, 32, was a torchbearer in Greensboro, N.C. for the 1996 Summer Olympic Games which were held in Atlanta. His daughter, along with several friends, wrote a letter to the Olympic Committee nominating him for the honor. "It was magical. It was fantastic. I tried to think of all the people who have helped me through the years in my child advocacy work. I felt like I was representing all those people," said Conte of his torch-bearing experience. Ed's route did not begin until 11 p.m. "It was fantastic. There were crowds of people lined up in the streets and the sidewalks who were really cheering me on. Even at 11 there were tons of people out," said Conte, who added that the feeling of national unity at the Relay was particularly strong because of the events that happened on Sept. 11. Among those rooting him on were several members of his family, including both of his sisters, Donna Fifield and Norma Powers of Ilion, his wife, Jeanette, Danielle and his other daughter Kristen. In addition, some of Conte's friends from Vestal, N.Y. were on hand for the occasion. Ed's journey of community service started in Ilion as a teen-ager, when he became active with youth programs at the Methodist Church and the YMCA. Currently, Conte is trying to establish a child advocacy center in Tennessee that would provide several services in one place for children who have been sexually abused. He is the son of the late Iva and Louis Conte of Ilion and has also been actively involved with the Make-a-Wish Foundation along with other advocacy-minded organizations. (Source "The Evening Telegram - December 8, 2001)
40th Year Reunion for Class of 1960.....The class of 1960 held a class reunion October 7, 2000, at the Knights of Columbus. Thanks to photographer Barb (Mills) Guris you can see the Reunion Pictures! More than 20 pictures were posted by Bridget (Foisy) Snyder at Yahoo - Class of 60 Reunion 2000.(Updated Dec 22, 2000) We are still looking for the following classmates. If anyone knows their address, please get in touch with Jim Bower at or P.O. Box 510 Ilion, NY 13357 or 895-7485 (week days). (Updated May 3, 2000)
Shirley Strait Goodrich
Condolences.....Barbara Jean (Seaman) Hodom, IHS 1960, age 82, of Slingerlands, N.Y., passed away peacefully at home on April 13, 2024, surrounded by family, after a long battle with dementia. She was born on May 11, 1941, in Ilion, N.Y. She attended grade school at Annunciation Catholic School and graduated from Ilion High School in 1960. Barbara was pre-deceased by her father, Gordon Seaman; mother, Edith (McMillan) Seaman; and sister, Beverly Seaman. Her surviving siblings are Elizabeth Garlock, Lawrence Seaman, Bernice "Bunny" Seymour and Benita "Nita" Holley. Barbara married Michael Hodom in 1960 and proceeded to support him through his college education. They moved to Delmar, N.Y. in 1965, where they raised their family. Barbara went to work at the Town of Bethlehem in 1976 as an assistant court clerk. She served as the Justice Court Clerk from 1978 to 2008 when she retired. The town named the Town Courtroom after her upon her retirement. Barbara was also very involved in the New York State Magistrates and Court Clerk Association. She was president from 1987-1990 and she was named Court Clerk of the year in 1996. She retired from the association in 2013. Barbara also served as the Slingerlands Elementary School PTA president and was a member for the Bethlehem Hight School Booster Club. She was very involved in the St. Thomas the Apostle programs through the years and served as a Eucharistic Minister. She was a member of the Bethlehem Garden Club and enjoyed several years of wintering in Naples, Fla. In addition to her devoted husband, Michael; Barbara is survived by her children, Michael Hodom (Susan) of Delmar and Kathleen Paris (Michael) of Averill Park. She has six grandchildren, Shauna Paris, Jacob Hodom, Ryan Paris, Nicholas Hodom, Brianne Bermas and Michayla Mann; as well as six great-grandchildren, Brynn, Reese, Lilah, Jaxon, Keegan, and Ellison; and many nieces and nephews. The family would like to thank Community Hospice and especially her dedicated care givers, Chi, Sue, Geri, Pam, Jarod, and Kim, as well as the Eddy Foundation and St. Thomas Church visitors: Marcia, MaryKay, Marie, Alice, Francine, Lorraine, Mary and Sandy. There will be a service at a later date as Barb has donated her remains to the Albany Medical College, Anatomical Gift Program. In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to Albany County Community Hospice, 310 S. Manning Blvd., Albany, N.Y. 12208, or St. Thomas The Apostle Church, 35 Adam's Place, Delmar, N.Y. 12054. Published by Albany Times Union on Apr. 14, 2024. (April 14, 2024)
Ruth R. Miller, IHS 1960 age 81, of North Street, Mohawk, passed away on February 5, 2024, at Wynn Hospital, with her devoted family at her side. She was born on May 11, 1942, in Herkimer, New York, a daughter of the late Fred and Millie (Stanley) Mix. She was a graduate of Ilion High School, Class of 1960. She was married to Ron Miller, Sr., on June 8, 1963 and he preceded her in death. Through the years, Ruth enjoyed gardening, bowling, camping, and Yahtzee. She was active in so many family functions and events and was an avid Wheel of Fortune watcher! She will be dearly missed. She is survived by her partner, Gary Snyder; her children, Sue Hale and her husband, Ralph, Ron Miller, Jr. and his wife, Karen and Rick Miller and his wife, Amy; her grandchildren, Rebecca, Dan, Nicky, Kaylee, Kenzie and Jake; her sister, Betty Johnson; her brother, Ed Briggs; and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband, Ron Miller, Sr.; her parents, Fred and Millie; and her sister, Marjorie Briggs. The family will be present for calling hours at the Enea & Ciaccia Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road, in Ilion, on Thursday, February 8, 2024, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and the Funeral Prayer Service will begin at 6:00 p.m. and conclude the evening. The spring burial will be in Oriskany Cemetery. Flowers are very welcome to honor Ruth's memory as she loved them. Additionally, please consider the option to donate to The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research, at Grand Central Station, P.O. Box 4777, New York, New York 10163-4777. Ruth's funeral arrangements have been entrusted to Enea, Ciaccia & Applegate Funeral Directors. (February 5, 2024)
Janice (Phelps) Orendorf, IHS 1960, age 81, of Mohawk, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, December 6, 2023. Jan was born on October 24, 1942, in Ilion, a daughter of the late Waldo and Ada Phelps. She was a graduate of Ilion High School where she enjoyed playing sports. Jan married Gary Orendorf of Mohawk on May 23, 1970 and together they built a beautiful home filled with love and raised their family just a few minutes outside of town. Jan worked for many local businesses over the years, accepting new challenges whenever life offered. She truly enjoyed being with her co-workers and customers, many of whom will remember her from the Martin Reel Co, The Mohawk Village Market, and most recently the Town of German Flatts Offices where she finally decided she could retire and enjoy some quiet time. Jan was a lifelong member of the Ilion First Presbyterian Church where she served in several roles, including Deacon for many years. She loved animals, especially her dalmatians, and rescued countless dogs, cats and rabbits, and even a few birds. She was happiest when surrounded by her family. Over the years, they all enjoyed so many hobbies: building and driving antique and classic vehicles, attending her sons’ and grandchildren’s sporting events, recitals, plays and stock car races, supporting local ice hockey, especially the Utica University men’s and women’s teams, woodworking, snowmobiling, boating, camping, yardwork, anything to keep busy and be together. If you were friends with her boys, you just called her Mom, Mom-O, or Ma, and she thought the world of you. Mom loved family dinners for any reason at all. Cooking for 5 or 6 made her smile, but if it was 10 or 12 or more, and quite often it was more, she was beaming. Everyone was welcome at the house, no matter the time of day, and every visit was too short. There was always a spare room open, unless some, or all, of the grandchildren were staying over again, then you were more than welcome to the couch. Jan is survived by her husband Gary and their two sons and daughters-in-law, Mike and Lynne Orendorf and Shaun and Heather Orendorf; grandchildren, Sarah Smithson, Claire Orendorf, Mason Geno, Dane Geno, Zoey Orendorf, and Joslyn Orendorf, and great-granddaughter, Rosie Jane Smithson, as well as her sister, Sue Hartman, her brothers and sisters-in-law, many very special nieces and nephews, and all of her dear friends and extended family members, including her “third son” Butch Benedict and Jennifer. Besides her parents, she was predeceased by her brothers, Spike and Cappy Phelps, and brother-in-law Leo Hartman. Friends and family may call at Whiter Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St. in Ilion this Sunday, December 10th, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, with a memorial service following. Thank you to everyone who has reached out and offered support in so many different ways, especially our aunts and uncles, our country road family, the Spattos and the Wollabers. Please consider memorial donations to the First Presbyterian Church of Ilion or the Herkimer County Humane Society. Mom - You will forever be the source of our strength. You taught us it is sometimes necessary to be hard and stand tall, but it is always right to be soft and giving. You showed us hands calloused by hard work can still have the gentlest touch. We will never stop working to make you proud. Love you always. To leave condolences for Jan’s family, please visit (December 9, 2023) Loren W. Hughes, IHS 1960, Camden, NY: Mr. Loren W. Hughes, 81, passed away, Sunday, December 3, 2023, at his home. Born in Ilion, NY, May 21, 1942, Loren was a son of the late William and Marion (Patterson) Hughes. Raised and educated in Ilion, he was a 1960 graduate of Ilion High School and later attended Mohawk Valley Community College (MVCC). Loren proudly served his country with the U.S. Army. He was honorably discharged on March 3, 1970, from New York State National Guard, serving as a Senior Military Policeman. As a young man, Loren enjoyed fast cars; playing the rock and roll music of his time on the piano; playing hymns on his keyboard in later years; and was an avid sports fan. His biggest joy, as a young man, was being a trick slalom water skier. Loren felt blessed to have had a camp in the Adirondacks, where he enjoyed boating, fishing, and skiing with his family and friends. On November 29, 1980, Loren married the former Cindy Parent. Cindy went home to be with the Lord on June 3, 2010. Their loving marriage lasted over twenty-nine years. Loren was very fortunate to have met and married the former Robin L. Failing, May 10, 2022, who he met through church functions and friends. He loved her with all his heart. Together they were true servants of Christ. He was grateful for the love and care that they shared with each other. Loren was a member of the Utica Welsh St. David's Society; enjoying many trips to Wales to visit family and friends. Loren was a prayer intercessor, who truly loved people. Through the years, he was active in many Bible study groups; and also involved in men's ministry pertaining to the Bible and the Cross of Christ by faith believing. For over thirty years, Loren had several different battles with cancer, though he seldom complained. He felt that he was the most blessed person in the world. He said that he had loving parents and grandparents, a loving wife, and loving children, and grandchildren. Loren felt honored to know his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He is survived by his wife, Robin; a son and daughter-in-law, Shawn and Caroline Hughes of Utica; a daughter and son-in-law, Megan and David Orsini of Guilderland, NY; daughter, Monica Hughes of Mechanicville, VA; stepchildren, Christine Cox, Phillip Reed, and Robert Reed; grandchildren, Delaney Hughes and her fiancée, Deano Flemming, Callahan Hughes, Quinn Orsini, and Devon Orsini; a great granddaughter, Rynleigh Flemming; a sister, Judie Stone of Richfield Springs, NY; several nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews, cousins, in-laws, and many special friends. He was preceded in death by a brother-in-law, Bruce Stone; and a son-in-law Rob LeChevalier. In keeping with Loren's wishes there will be no public visitation. Mr. Hughes's funeral and celebration of life will commence on Sunday afternoon, December 10, 2023, at 1:00, at Abundant Life Community Church, 86 Mexico Street, Camden, NY 13316. Please consider memorial contributions in Loren's memory to the church. Envelopes will be available at church the morning of his funeral service. Arrangements have been entrusted to Adrean Funeral Service, Inc., Utica, NY. (December 8, 2023)
George T. (Pee Wee) Jones, IHS 1960, age 81, a longtime Herkimer resident, passed away peacefully on Friday, September 8, 2023, at FoltsBrook Center with his devoted daughters by his side. He was born on April 3, 1942, in Ilion, NY the son of the late George T. and Flora (Durse) Jones, Sr. Pee Wee was a graduate of Ilion High School, class of 1960 and furthered his education at Utica College and college in Tennessee. Pee Wee was last employed as a truck driver for Utica Plumbing in Utica. For many years, he was employed at the former Valley Beer Distributors in Herkimer and in the 1970's he owned his own swimming pool business. While a student at Ilion High School, Pee Wee captured three Section III Championships for Wrestling in 1958, 1959 and 1960. He held a record of 51-2. In 2005, he was inducted into the Section III Wresting Hall of Fame. Since 1969, Pee Wee has given back to high school athletes as a referee in wrestling and football. He has officiated at league, section and state levels in both sports. Coaches and athletes who have competed in Section III all know Pee Wee. He was widely recognized as an outstanding official with a great sense of humor. Despite his stature, he would not back down from anyone. For the qualities and his competence as an official, Pee Wee has gained the respect and admiration of all who have come in contact with him. He also coached Little League and Babe Ruth League baseball. Pee Wee was also a member of the Ilion Elks and the Baseball Hall of Fame Museum. Survivors include his wife, Donna (Ward) Jones of Herkimer; his daughters, Simone Jones of East Herkimer, Bridget (Jones) Crossett and husband Kris of East Herkimer, and Cindy (Jones) Hailston and companion Craig of Mohawk; two grandchildren, Christopher Carney and Tyler Hailston; a great granddaughter, Adrianna Carney, sister-in-law, Winnie Jones of Oneida, and many nieces and nephews. He was pre-deceased by his daughter, Bobbi Jo Jones in 1978, sister, Noreen Jones, and brothers, Morgan and Brian Jones. The family will be receiving relatives and friends on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, from 5 - 7 pm at the Vincent A. Enea Funeral Service (next to Hannaford Markets), 527 E. Albany St., Herkimer, NY. A prayer service will follow at 7:00 pm in the chapel of the funeral home. Burial at Calvary Cemetery will be held on Friday, September 22, 2023, at 11:00 am. In lieu of flowers please make all memorial contributions to the Herkimer Humane Society, 514 State Route 5s, Mohawk, NY 13407. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. The family would like to express their sincere gratitude to the staff of the third floor of FoltsBrook Center for the care shown to Pee Wee during his stay. Also, a special thanks to Leigh, Tony and Bob for their special friendship. (September 13, 2023)
Peter Brown, IHS 1960 passed away Monday, 7/17/2023 in St. Petersburg, FL where he had lived for many years. - From Linda Brown Killem (August 7, 2023)
John Michael Chesebrough, IHS 1960 of New Windsor, MD, passed away on Saturday, April 8, 2023. Beloved husband of the late Joyce Chesebrough. Loving father of Jon (Amy), Michael (Jennifer) and the late Jason Chesebrough; dear grandfather of Kevin, Jeremy, Matthew, Luke, Amanda, Tyler, Kendall, and Gavin; preceded in death by his parents Russ and Edith Chesebrough; brother of Russell (Dale) and Robert (Cherie) Chesebrough; uncle of Christopher (Lynn) Chesebrough; brother-in-law of Loretta Rardin (late Carl). John served as a First Lieutenant in the US Army. He later graduated from Michigan Tech with a degree in electrical engineering. After a 20-year career at US Steel, he went back to school and earned an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh prior to becoming a Certified Financial Planner. Family and friends will be received Friday, April 21, 2023 from 6-8 p.m. at the JOBE FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY, INC. (MONROEVILLE/PLUM CHAPEL) 445 Beatty Road, Monroeville (412-856-4747). Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. at Mother of Sorrows Church. Entombment to follow at St. Joseph Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Virginia Special Olympics Polar Bear Plunge at To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of John Michael Chesebrough, please visit our floral store. (April 25, 2023)
Robert Morton Conover, IHS 1960, of Sylvania, Ohio, passed away, peacefully, at home, on January 15, 2022, surrounded by his children, and listening to big band music. Born January 30, 1942 to David and Marion (Morton) Conover, in Ilion, NY. Bob was raised in the Mohawk/Ilion/Frankfort area. He was a 1960 graduate of Ilion Central High School. Bob enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in December of 1960. After finishing his basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Bob completed electronic equipment repair school at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, MS in June 1961. Bob was ultimately stationed in Germany, where he served in the 7030th Combat Support Wing, on special assignment, at the U.S. Army Sembach Airfield, in Bremerhaven. Bob married Linda Kornbrust in 1962. Linda joined Bob in Germany and their first child, Tracy Alane, was born later that year. The family rented rooms, off base, from Herr & Frau Schneider. Bob learned a lot of Deutsch while living with the Schneiders and seemingly never forgot any of it. After being honorably discharged from the Air Force, Bob went to work for Sperry Rand/Univac, in Ilion and Utica, NY, in electronics and computer programming. He also became a lifetime member of the American Legion, Mohawk chapter. Robert Scott was born in 1967. In 1971, Univac transferred the family to Streamwood, IL. Bob and Linda divorced in 1977. Bob married Linda Elwess, in 1982. Their daughter, Valerie Marie, was born in 1984. In 1989 Univac/Unisys transferred the Conover family to Bluebell, PA and a year later, transferred them again, to Sylvania, OH. Bob retired from Unisys in 2000. Sadly, Linda lost her battle with breast cancer, six months later. Growing up in a musical family, Bob loved everything music and the arts. In high school, he played percussion in the school's Dance Band, Concert Band, and Orchestra, as well as singing in the Choir. While in the Airforce, Bob became a charter member of the Sembach Base Orchestra. During and after high school, Bob and his father participated in the Black Hawks Drum and Bugle Corps of Utica, NY, where Bob was part of the drumline. While living in Illinois, Bob rekindled his love of drum corps, playing with the Chicago Connection, the Spirit of '76 (of Racine, WI) and the Chicago Vanguard. Bob was an accomplished percussionist, but also played the trumpet, for his "own amazement". After moving to Ohio, Bob played tympany/percussion with the JCC Orchestra, the Maumee Community Band, and sang with the Lourdes College Choir, (where Valerie eventually joined him), and its Good Company Ensemble. Later, he sang with the Sylvania Senior Center Choir, and participated in their annual Follies, but, nearest and dearest to his heart, was singing bass with the Toledo Choral Society. Bob's life was filled with good friends, music, and dining at his two favorite places, Classic Cafe and Mayberry Diner. For over 10 years, friends fed him and drove him to restaurants and rehearsals. When COVID took most of that away, he was hit hard by the isolation. During this time, his small circle of close, dedicated friends, who had already adopted him into their families, provided meals, transportation, groceries, companionship – you name it, they were there. They never left him. It was through their dedication, that Bob was able to remain in his home, until the end. Bob's family thanks you all, from the bottom of their hearts. you know who you are. Bob is survived by his Aunt Barb (Morton) Tibbits, brother Gary (Carmon) Conover; his three children, Tracy (Curt) Conover-Beck, Robert S. Conover, and Valerie (Sam) Conover; four grandchildren, Curtis & Daniel Beck, Shelby & Ben Conover; and one great granddaughter Calianna Miles. Viewing will be Sunday, January 23rd from 2 to 6 p.m. with a memorial service at 6:00 p.m., at Reeb Funeral Home, Sylvania, OH. The Memorial service will be live streamed on Reeb's Facebook page. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to The Toledo Choral Society ( or Ohio Living Health and Hospice ( or call (800) 686 7800). Online condolence to (January 21, 2022)
Mary Jane (Haggerty) Guile, IHS 1960, age 79, of Ilion, passed away on Wednesday, December 29, 2021 at home. She was born in Ilion on May 31, 1942 the daughter of the late Edward and Marian Chrisman Haggerty. She attended Annunciation grade school and graduated from Ilion High School. She was employed as a Teacher's Aide at Barringer Road Elementary School for many years where she developed many great friendships. She was married to Charles Guile on July 27, 1963 in the Church of the Annunciation. Chuck passed away on October 28th of this year. Mary Jane is survived by one son, Dan Guile and his companion, Sally of Ilion; one daughter and son in law, Wendy and Jim Putnam of Frankfort; her beloved grandchildren, Daniel Guile (Kendra), Jimmy Putnam, Josh Putnam and Allison Putnam; her great-grandchildren, Carson, Lorenzo and Atreyu Guile; one sister in law, Shiela Haggerty of Ilion and many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. She also met many great friends that she kept close with throughout her retirement, especially Phyllis Metz. She was predeceased by three brothers and one sister. Calling hours will be held on Friday, January 7, 2022 from 4:00 - 6:00 pm in the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St. in Ilion. A funeral service will follow at 6:00 pm in the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home with Deacon James Bower, officiating. Interment will take place with her beloved husband later in the Spring in Mountain View Memorial Gardens in Little Falls. To leave condolences for Mary Jane's family, please visit (January 7, 2022)
Donald 'Don' S. Perry, IHS 1960 Beloved family patriarch Donald "Don" S. Perry, age 79, of E. River St., Ilion, peacefully ascended into Heaven, on Friday, July 2, 2021, surrounded by his family after succumbing to illness at St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Utica. Don was born on June 15, 1942 to Stewart and Norma (Shepard) Perry in Herkimer, NY. He was educated at Annunciation Catholic School and the Ilion School District. On June 4, 1960, he wed the love of his life, Sharon Matthews, at Ilion's Church of the Annunciation. From this union, the pair were blessed with three children as well as many grandchildren and great-grandchildren who affectionately knew him simply as "Pa." Don was passionate about his 50 year career in sales and repair for Electrolux Vacuum Co. where he received many awards and never forgot a customer. In his free time, Don was a member of the Church of the Annunciation, the Herkimer Polish Club and local bowling leagues. He especially enjoyed time with his family, during birthday parties, holidays, etc. He also enjoyed camping trips, watching NASCAR, and attending stock car races in Fonda, NY and Utica-Rome Speedway. He cherished going boating and fishing. Don was always quick with a joke or anecdote and was notorious for his ability to strike up conversation with anyone. He made new friends wherever he went. Surviving family include his wife of 61 years, Sharon; his children, Don and his wife Kim Perry, of Ilion, Ruth and her husband, William "Sonny" Klink, of Mohawk and Patricia (Perry) Vandawalker and her partner, Steve Diehl, of Maryland, NY; as well as his brother, Robert "Bob" Perry, of Frankfort. He also leaves 8 grandchildren, Luke Perry, Holly Polidori and her husband, Michael, Jeremy Klink and his wife, Amanda, Matthew Klink and his wife, Kayla, Shannon Vandawalker and her husband, Joseph Sabin, Zachary Vandawalker, Brandi Perry and her partner, Justin Murray, Cody Coleman and her husband, Aaron Coleman; many great grandchildren, Andrew Perry, Jazper, Jude and Lena Polidori, Brian Reile, Adalyn Klink, Liam and Wesley Klink, Silas, Talon and Forrest Murray, Harper, Isaac and Aaron Coleman, Jr.; several nieces and nephews including Robert "Bobby" Perry, Jr., Nathan Perry and his wife, Nicole and their children Nicholas and Olivia Rose; as well as several cousins. Don will also be sorely missed by his faithful dog, Harley. Don was predeceased by his parents; his sisters, Carol Ann Perry and Mary Rose (Perry) Trask; and his nephew, Lenny Perry. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home at 4309 Acme Rd. (Old Main St.) Ilion, NY. (Town of Frankfort). Anyone planning on attending visitation or services are asked to please wear a mask. Thank you. Funeral services will be held on Thursday, July 8, 2021, at 1:30 p.m., at the Church of the Annunciation, in Ilion, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Father Paul Catena, Pastor. Burial will be in Cedarville Cemetery. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Don, or add to his online memorial may go to In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Association, 441 W. Kirkpatrick St., Syracuse, NY 13204, or the American Heart Association, 125 Business Park Drive, Ste 106, Utica, NY 13502. Envelopes will also be available at the funeral home. Don's service arrangements and supervision are entrusted to his Family Funeral Director and long time friend, Don Applegate. (July 8, 2021)
Melvin (Mel) George Darling, IHS 1960, 76 of Ilion, New York passed away on Thursday, March 28, 2019 at home with his loving family by his side. Mel was born on February 23, 1943 in Ilion and was the son of the late George and Dorothy (Slade) Darling. He was a 1960 graduate of Ilion High School and following high school he served in the United States Air Force from 1963 to 1966. Mel was married to Janet Price Darling in Ilion on August 21, 1965 in the Ilion Methodist Church. He worked for many years as a electronics technician for Martin Lockheed in Utica. Mel is survived by his son, Scott Darling of North Carolina and his daughter, Renee Darling Lisowski and her husband, Todd of MA; his grandchildren, Erica Darling Solesby, Aelan Lisowski and Sawyer Lisowski; great grandchildren, Ryker and Xander Solesby; his brothers and sisters, Dick Darling and his wife Diana, Dawn Wilson, Gary Darling and his wife Lareeta and Cheryl Hennessey; his in-laws, Steve and Cathy Price, Tom and Carol Price and Eileen Price, as well as many nieces and nephews. Mel also leaves his faithful companion, Lacey. Mel was predeceased by his parents and his brother, Carl; brothers in law, Gary Price and Richard Wilson and his sister in law, Dawn Ludwig and father and mother in law, Virgil and Jane Price. Mel was a devoted family man. He often traveled to his family’s homes to do a remodeling project and was especially proud of the home he and his wife renovated. He was quite a handyman and could fix just about anything. Mel was a patient, quiet, kind and gentle man who will be deeply missed. The family wishes to thank Hospice and Palliative Care for their compassion. Many thanks to Steve Price and his wife, Cathy who took such good care of Mel through his time at home before passing. Also, a huge thank you to Mel's doctors for their care. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday June 15 at 11 am in the Ilion Presbyterian Church, Rev. Rick Riggle will officiate. Arrangements are being made by Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Inc., 100 Otsego Street, Ilion, New York 13357. To leave an online condolence please visit at: (May 24, 2019)
Robert Edward Riemann, IHS 1960, Bob Riemann "Bobcat" went home to be with the Lord on October 23, 2018, at the Community Hospice Acosta-Rua Facility, Jacksonville, Florida. Born on March 3, 1942 in Cortland, Bob was the son of Edward and Jean (Marshall) Riemann. He married Catherine Trapl on July 17, 1993 in Utica. Most of Bob's life was spent in Ilion and Herkimer (the Mohawk Valley). In 1996, however, he and his wife began the adventure of spending winters in Anguilla, British West Indies and summers in Lake Clear (Adirondack Mountains). In 2009, they settled in Jacksonville, Florida, in winters and continued to spend summers in Lake Clear until 2017. Bob earned his helicopter pilot's license and worked for a short time in the Catskill Mountain resort areas, (New York) in the '70s, but his true loves were music and Amateur (Ham) Radio. He founded "Rieman's of Herkimer," a musical instrument sales and repair business specializing in pianos and organs and was in business for over thirty years. He taught the piano and was highly regarded in the music field. His love for music was inherited from both parents, who were accomplished musicians. He delighted many in the resorts of Anguilla and Lake Placid (Adirondack Mts), with his easy listening and dancing music. "Keyboard stylings" he mused with his singer and other accompanists. Amateur radio was Bob's main hobby, although he was often described as a "jack of all trades." He earned his first license, K2ZCM, in the late '50s, but his most recent call signs were N2FBB (Fine Business Bob) and VP2EBR (Caribbean call). He was an active member of amateur radio clubs in Herkimer, Anguilla, Saranac Lake and Florida. In life, Bob was a generous, kind and caring man and was so even in death. He made arrangements for his body to be donated to Anatomy Gifts Registry, a nonprofit body donation program, located in Hanover, Maryland. The research from his generous donation will continue to help countless others for years to come. Bob is survived by his wife and soulmate of thirty years, Catherine; stepson, Malcolm Burke (Ryna), of Jacksonville; stepson, Antoine Hodge (Charzetta), of North Carolina; grandchildren, Malcolm II, Amare, Mallory Kate, Zachary, Haley, Sydney, Catherine Amaya, Antoine Jr. and Anthony; his 101-year-young mother, Jean Cleveland, of Florida; his sister, Annie Babcock (Tom), of Florida; his nephew, Mike Babcock, of California; his aunt, Alma Rumsey, of South Carolina; his uncle, Bill Marshall, of New York; several cousins; and his special friend, Jaine Rogers Price, of Anguilla. He was predeceased by his father, Edward Fred Riemann. Published by Times Telegram from Mar. 1 to Mar. 2, 2019. (February 16, 2022)
Ronald L. Smithson, IHS 1960, 74 years, was reunited with the love of his life, Ann Marie on Sunday, December 3, 2017 at St. Luke's Memorial Hospital. He was born in Ilion on Saturday, January 2, 1943, the son of the late Arthur and Virginia Emrich Smithson. He attended Ilion Schools and graduated from Ilion High School with the class of 1960. Ronald was married to Ann Marie Smithson on June 22, 1963 in St. Mary's Church, Frankfort. The couple had a blessed marriage of 52 years until her passing on July 5, 2015. Ronald was employed by Remington Arms in Ilion and retired after 43 years of service. He was a communicant of Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church. He loved to go camping and cook for his family. Ron is survived by one son and daughter in law, Scott Richard and his wife, Kelly Smithson of Westmoreland; one daughter and son in law, Kimberly Ann and her husband, Harold Wehrle, with whom he resided; two cherished grandchildren, Cheyenne Rosalie Smithson and Harold Raymond Wehrle lll; one brother and sister in law, Robert and Mary Jane Smithson of Ilion; one sister and brother in law, Mary and Bernard Jory of Ilion; his in laws, Barbara Smithson, Joseph Scarafile and Gary Klein and several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by two brothers, James Emrich and Richard Smithson. His funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9:45 from the V.J. Iocovozzi Funeral Home, Inc. 203 Second Ave, Frankfort and at 10:30 in Our Lady Queen of Apostles Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by the Rev. Paul Catena, pastor. Interment will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Calling hours will be Wednesday evening from 4-8 PM in the V.J.Iocovozzi Funeral Home, Inc. Ron's family would like to express their sincere appreciation to the nurses and staff of St. Luke's Memorial Hospital's 5th & 6th floor and ICU for the wonderful care and compassion shown to him during his stay and passing. Expressions of sympathy may be place on Ronald's online memorial page by going to (December 15, 2017)
Edward ( Ed ) Shattuck Jr., IHS 1960 With great sadness we mourn the loss of Edward ( Ed ) Shattuck Jr. age 74, who passed away on December 29, 2016. Ed was born in Ithaca, New York, the first of four children to the late Edward Sr. and Mary Shattuck. He is survived by his wife Julie, her sons, John and Andre Mpitsos of Aspen,Co., sisters Mary (Rick) Bush of Saratoga,NY and Claudia ( Lou ) Szitar of Clay, NY, brother John Shattuck ( Patti Vanvalkenburgh ) of Schenectady, NY and many nieces, nephews and other family members. Ed proudly served in the US Navy abroad the USS Barry during the Cuban missile crisis and blockade. Following his military service he continued his education and received degrees from SUNY Oswego and the University of Wisconsin. His degrees and interest in vocational rehabilitation led to his career with the Commission for The Blind in Portland, Oregon. After retirement Ed and Julie moved to the Roaring Fork Valley ( Colorado ). Ed's love of sports began early in life. His high school classmates in Ilion, NY called him "Ace" because of his drive to excel in sports. Later he became " Fast Eddie " to his Oregon and Colorado friends. That drive to excel fueled his zest for life and led to many adventures: traveling the world with Julie; competitive running; climbing, biking and skiing legendary mountains. He was brave, determined, enthusiastic, outgoing, fun loving, patriotic and successful. He will be unforgettable and sorely missed. Interment will take place at the Gerald B.Solomon National Cemetery in Saratoga, NY. The date for interment as well as a date for a celebration of Edward's life in Carbondale, Co. will be announced at a later time. We are particularly grateful to the staff of Hospice of the Valley for the care and support they provided. In lieu of flowers, donations to Hospice would be welcome. HomeCare & Hospice of the valley, 1901 Grand Avenue, Suite 206 Glenwood Springs, Co. 81601. (January 14, 2017)
Beverly (Rasmussen) Rapenske IHS 1960, 73, passed away Monday, October 5, 2015 at home with her family by her side. Bev was born on December 3, 1941 in Ilion, the daughter of the late Avery and Ivah McIntyre Rasmussen and was a 1960 graduate of Ilion High School. She was employed as an account clerk with RCIL, Utica prior to her retirement and was a member of the Ilion First Presbyterian Church. Bev is survived by her daughter and son in law Robin and Dale Gregory, with whom she resided, a sister and brother in law Shirley and William Pickett and a brother and sister in law Andrew and Sandra Rasmussen all of Ilion, three grandchildren, Grace Victoria, Lincoln Avery and Luka Jagger, she also leaves two special friends Erminia Guido and Debbie Roberts. In keeping with Beverly's wishes there will be no calling hours and the funeral will be at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Inc, 100 Otsego St. Ilion. To leave an online condolence and light a candle please go to (October 11, 2015)
Edward James Conte, 69, born in Ilion, and a former resident of Tellico Village in Loudon, Tenn., passed away peacefully on March 8, 2012, surrounded by family and friends. A graduate of Utica College of Syracuse University, Ed grew up as a leader in church and school. A gifted athlete, Ed excelled in many sports including baseball, basketball and golf. Although Ed battled muscular dystrophy throughout his adult life, he continued to find ways to enjoy sports and remain active. A humble and humorous man with a keen wit and sense of mischief, he is remembered as someone whose inner strength prevailed over hardship and 'as a hero who laughed in the face of adversity.' Known for his courage and his jokes, Ed was a great humanitarian. Selected to carry the Salt Lake City Olympic Torch in 2002 as a community champion, Ed was the first board chair of the Kids First Child Advocacy Center in Lenoir City, Tenn. He also organized local golf tournaments and other fundraisers to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation in North Carolina. He was a founding member and officer of clubs including Elks and Kiwanis in North Carolina and Tennessee. The author of poetry that tackled subjects serious and light, Ed took up fiction, free-lance writing and blogging in recent years, delighting his readers with insights into the profound and inane. He was in the process of selling his first suspense/thriller manuscript at the time of his death. Ed is survived by his beloved daughters, Danielle Conte Broadstreet, of Summerfield, NC, and Kristen Conte Bunting, of Virginia Beach, Va., and their husbands, Glen Broadstreet and David Bunting; adored grandchildren, Drew and Joshua Broadstreet and Madeline and Elena Bunting; his devoted companion and Gal Friday Benay Leff, of Ocean View, Del.; brother-in-law, Jack Bowers, of Winston-Salem, NC; many adoring nieces and nephews; and a multitude of loving friends. He was predeceased by his parents, Iva Mae and Louis Conte; brothers, Robert Mathews and William Mathews; sisters, Norma Bowers and Donna Fifield; and wife, Jeanette Freeland Conte. Visitation will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, March 16, 2012, at Hanes Lineberry Funeral Home, 515 N. Elm St., Greensboro, NC 27401. Memorial service will follow at 2 p.m. The family wishes to thank the caring professionals at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Beebe Medical Center and, in lieu of flowers, suggests contributions to the Kids First Child Advocacy Center, P.O. Box 928, Lenoir City, TN 37771. The website is Online condolences may be sent to Ed Conte's Blog was captured by the Wayback Machine web archive. Although his web site can no longer be reached, you can still view the content of Rigid Digits. The site contains 'CONTEmplations of a Novelist, Poet and Freelance Writer" from November 2010 until February 1, 2012.(Mar 13, 2012 - modified September 20, 2020)
Nancy Jane (Croop) Snedeker IHS 1960, 68, of Red Lion,PA, passed away surrounded by her loving family on Friday, March 11, 2011 at York Hospital. She was the wife of Robert Leo Snedeker, to whom she was married for 39 years. Mrs. Snedeker was born April 14, 1942 in Ilion, NY, the daughter of the late Paul B. and Marjorie (Crossman) Croop. A service to celebrate the life of Mrs. Snedeker will be held on Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 7:30pm at the Austin H. Eberly Funeral Home, Inc., 104 West Main St., Dallastown with Rev. Father Charles Persing officiating. A viewing will be held at the funeral home from 6:30pm until 7:30pm on Thursday. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Snedeker is survived by a daughter: Leigh Marjorie Brown Watkins and her husband Jimmy, of Morrisville; a son: Robert Shannon Snedeker and his fiance Melissa, of Hanover; grandchildren: Alliyah C. Croop Snedeker; Robert M. Snedeker; Elissa M. Snedeker; Haley E. Wark; Alexis Nichole Martin, Darius Paul, Adrianna Elizabeth, Jillian Malinda-Jane, and Jaleessa Rae Watkins; step-grandchildren: Kevin D. and Josie L. Redfern; many nieces and nephews. Mrs. Snedeker was preceded in death by a sister: Particia Rae Dederick, and her husband Clinton. Mrs. Snedeker graduated from Ilion High School Class of 1960 and from Oneonta State Teachers College Class of 1965. She was employed as a Home Economics Teacher in Fonda-Fultonville School District and the Ilion High School for many years. In addition to being a loving wife, mother and grandmother, she enjoyed crafts, quilting, making dolls and baking. Mrs. Snedeker's family has suggested that in lieu of flowers, donations be made in her memory to Austin H. Eberly Funeral Home, Inc., 104 West Main St., Dallastown, PA 17313 to defray costs and assist some of her favorite charities. To share memories of Nancy Jane (Croop) Snedeker and view a video tribute, please visit The family is being cared for locally by the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Rd., Ilion, NY 13357. A memorial service at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home of Ilion and Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Herkimer will take place around Labor Day. (March 21, 2011 modified March 20, 2016)
Roberta May (Kirkland) Danforth,67 of 78 W. North St. in Ilion, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday August 16, 2009 at St. Elizabeth's Medical Center. Roberta was born on December 9, 1941 in Ilion, the daughter of the late Robert B. and Pearl N. (McWilliams) Kirkland. She was a 1960 graduate of Ilion High School. She formerly was employed at Mohawk Valley General Hospital. Most recently she was a client aid with the H.A.R.C., where she was dedicated to her clients and was rewarded daily through their interactions. She retired in 2005. Roberta was a loving mother, aunt, and grandmother. She was devoted to her family and friends and was always there in times of need to lend a hand. She made many sacrifices to provide for her children and to give them a better life. She was adored by her grandchildren and she took great joy in watching them grow and hearing the funny things they said. Roberta's favorite time of day was the early morning where she was often found in her back yard enjoying a cup of coffee, listening to the birds, and waiting for the sun to rise. She loved gardening, decorating, and wandering around garage sales in hopes of finding that special item she's been searching for. Roberta was strong and determined. Her family and friends were very proud of her most recent achievement of quitting smoking after 50 years. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her. Roberta is survived by a son Robert and his wife Doreen of Schodack Landing, NY. Two daughters Sheila and her husband Daniel Brindisi of Whitesboro, and Debra and her husband Kelly Knowlton of Ilion. Her grandchildren Alec and Kaley Brindisi and Courtney and Kyle Danforth. She also leaves a brother in law Glenn and his wife Bonnie Danforth of Ilion, two sister in laws Shelley Morris of Ilion and Sandy Ebner of Rockaway NJ. An aunt Mary McWilliams of Mexico, NY, and a brother in law Michael Doyle of Hammondsport, NY. As well as several nieces and nephews. Roberta also leaves her many friends including her special friends Kay Balch of Ilion and Barb Goodson of Mohawk. Roberta was predeceased by her sister Janet Kirkland, her uncle Francis McWilliams and her sister in law Jana Doyle. Funeral services for Roberta will be held on Wednesday August 19, 2009 at 10:30 am at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego St. in Ilion, Rev. Victor McKusick will officiate. Interment will follow in the Armory Hill Cemetery in Ilion. Friends may call on Tuesday August 18, 2009 from 5-8 pm at the funeral home. Roberta's family wish to thank the Ilion Ambulance and the staff at St. Elizabeth's for the care given her. Memorial donations may be made to the Ilion Ambulance, envelops are available at the funeral home. Online condolences may be left by going to (August 19, 2009)
Linda J. Schafer, age 65, of 238 William St., passed away Saturday, Nov. 10, 2007, at the Siegenthaler Center, Clinton. She was born July 11, 1942, in Ilion, the daughter of Lloyd C., and Jane Leary Schafer. Linda was a graduate of Ilion High School, and attended Fredonia College, majoring in music. Linda was employed as the court clerk for the village of Herkimer for 20 years. After her retirement she did medical transcripts from her home for the last 10 years. Linda attended St. Anthony and St. Joseph's Church in Herkimer. She is survived by her parents, Lloyd and Jane Schafer of Silver Springs, Fla.; her son, Larry Dack and his daughter Tianna of Herkimer; her daughters, Joanne Dack of Herkimer, and Nancy and Jim Phillips and their children Alyssa, Courtney and Shannon of Little Falls; a sister and brother-in-law, Joanne and Jack Valent of Cashiers, N.C.; her nephews, Ronald and Michael Angelichio; an aunt and uncle, Louise and Orie Falzarino of Ilion; and a close friend Patty Panza. A memorial service will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 9:30 a.m. from the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc., 100 Otsego St., Ilion, with Fr. Anthony Ligato officiating. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, town of Herkimer.Friends may call Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the Siegenthaler Center of the Herkimer County Humane Society in Linda's memory. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. The family would like to thank Folts Homes in Herkimer, the Siegenthaler Center and Dr. Butala for all the care and compassion shown to Linda duringher illness. Online condolences may be left at (Nov 14, 2007)
Lawrence R. "Larry" Miller age 65, of Haynes Road, Beekmantown, N.Y., passed away Wednesday, May 30, 2007, at his home. Larry was born in Amsterdam, N.Y., on May 1, 1942, the son of Ida (Labunski) Miller, and the late John Miller. Larry was a graduate of Ilion High School Class of 1960 and Buffalo State in 1964 with a degree in Industrial Arts. He started his teaching career in Plattsburgh High School in 1964 until 1966. Larry started at Beekmantown Central School in the fall of 1966 and taught until his retirement in 2005. Prior to his retirement, Larry served as liaison during the construction of the addition to Beekmantown Central School. In his retirement, Larry continued at Beekmantown Central School until 2006. Larry enjoyed spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren. He was a member of St. Peter's Church. Larry is survived by his wife of 42 years, Sharron (Deyo) Miller of Beekmantown; two daughters, Hope Costin and her husband Kevin of Plattsburgh, Faith Miller and her companion Holly Whipple of Diamond Point, N.Y.; three grandchildren, Kassandra, Keyden and Kordell Costin of Plattsburgh; his mother, Ida Miller of Ilion; a sister, Lorraine O'Connor of Chestertown, N.Y.; also several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Friday, June 1, at 10 a.m. at St. Peter's Church. Donations in Larry's memory may be made to the Multiple Myleoma Foundation of Myelofibrosis Research in care of the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Fla. Anyone who knew Larry knows the tremendous loss his family has sustained. He will be surely missed by all. Local arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St., Ilion. Online condolences may be sent to 27, 2007)
Stephen P. 'Steve' Tooney, age 64, of 305 1/2 Church St., Herkimer, formerly of Ilion, passed away at home unexpectedly Sunday, Nov. 12, 2006. Steve was born Jan. 19, 1942, in Ilion, son of the late Raymond and Marie (Schneider) Tooney. Following his high school graduation, Steve attended Utica College. He was a proud veteran of the U.S. Air Force, serving during the Vietnam War. Steve was an accomplished photographer, both as a profession and a hobby. At one time, he worked as a photographer for The Evening Telegram. He was a coin collector and was always interested in aviation, collecting literature and photos of aircraft. Those who knew Steve found him to be a polite, considerate and knowledgeable gentleman. He is survived by his sister, Nancy Tooney of Brooklyn. Steve was predeceased by his parents and brother, William. All arrangements will be private with interment on the Tooney Lot in Oak View Cemetery, Frankfort. There will be no public calling hours or public funeral services. To send a letter of condolence, share a memory or sign the online register go to on the Internet. The Applegate & Day Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion, is proud to handle Steve's arrangements. (Dec 1, 2006)
Timothy Dekin, from Wilmette, IL, English Instructor, and Poet at Loyola University Chicago, died in March 2001. Andy Hansen, Tim's former neighbor, sent notification that Timothy Dekin, from Wilmette, IL, English Instructor, and Poet at Loyola University Chicago, died. "A book of his poems is being published posthumously and it received a good review in the March 1, 2002, issue of Booklist, a publication of the American Library Association." Tim's biography, found at, contains the following: "Timothy Dekin has taught in writing programs at Loyola University, Northwestern University, and Stanford University. He is the recipient of several Illinois Arts Council Grants, and his poems have been published in Poetry, American Scholar, Southern Review and Threepenny Review. He is the author of four chapbooks, Occasional Uncles (Knife River Press, 1975), Winter Fruit (Elpenor books, 1983), Carnival (Robert L. Barth, 1986) and Errand (Robert L. Barth, 1989). Dekin died in March 2001." His poetry book Another Day On Earth is available for purchase at (March 23, 2002)
Request from Victoria Heintz, widow of Tim Heintz.... "My name is Victoria Heintz and I was married to Tim for 31 years. Tim died in October 1998. He always hoped that one day he would be able to attend a reunion for his alumni The times we thumbed through the 'Mirror' over the years as he shared the memories of his school days. I feel that I know many of you. I only ever got to meet Lennie Hendrix when I first came to Ilion from England (where I was born). Tim and I met while he was stationed in the Air Force over there." "Tim had a very good life and we traveled so many places together. He was highly respected by his colleagues at work and became a manufacturing Manager at one of the local semiconductor plants, here in Dallas. He graduated from the University of Dallas with a Bachelors Degree in Business Management. Tim was awaiting a heart transplant at the time of his death. Myself and the two children, 24 & 13, still reside here in Garland a suburb of Dallas." "If any one would like to share any memory of Tim, we would surely treasure it. Thank you all so much." - Victoria Heintz - email (March 7, 2000)
Golden Bombers Buzz WebSite.....Ellen (Bonnie) Staring Worboys, email, registered. (Sept 30, 2013) George 'PeeWee' Jones, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (July 3, 2010) Barbara Peak Coulter, Retired, email, Yuma, AZ, registered. (Sept 27, 2009) Joyce Palmer Prosser '60, from Leesburg, FL, email, re-registered. (Feb 22, 2009) Ed Shattuck, Retired, email, Carbondale, CO, registered. (July 13, 2008) Donna Zoller Bibeau, email, from Melbourne, FL, re-registered. (Mar 6, 2008) George Long, Driver, email, Seguin, TX, re-registered. (Jan 26, 2008) Ken Shaw, Retired, from Utica, NY, email, re-registered. Visit Ken's website (December 14, 2007) Eleanor Grssel Hartquist, Accounts Manager, from Spencer, NY, email, re-registered. (Oct 26, 2007) Sally Grey Donohue, Retired, from Loudon, TN, email, re-registered. (Sept 12, 2007) David Donohue, President-Rouse Construction Co., from Loudon, TN, email, re-registered. (Sept 12, 2007) Robert MacNeil, retired, email, from Stuart, FL registered. (July 2, 2007) Robert O'Connell, retired, email, Loveland, CO, re-registered. (May 11, 2007) Edward Conte, from Loudon, TN, re-registered. (April 25, 2005) "I thought some of you old (and I now use that term literally) classmates would enjoy discovering that we have a small Golden Bomber community in Tellico Village, which is located on a lake in beautiful East Tennessee near Knoxville. The topography here is very similar to the Mohawk Valley, but the weather is much more conducive to survival. They include: Jack (Class of 58) and Linda Callahan, John (Class of 60)and Joyce Chesebrough, Ed (No class) and Jeanette Conte, Dave and Sally Donohue (Both class of 60), Bill (Class of 64) and Marie Wardle. We also have other close friends, Ralph (Class of 60) and Helen Bell, as well as Don (Class of 59) and Marty Beach living within short driving distances. It's great when we all get together. Maybe I should rephrase that statement. It's great for us, but maybe not so great for the neighbors. We have often talked about how fortunate we were to grow up in Ilion and especially during that particular period of time. Through the years we all have traveled and made new friends, but we all concur that our closest and most cherished friends are those of our youth. It's a real hoot to have friends you've known since age four and beyond as neighbors." - Ed Conte Roy Morton, retired, email, Jefferson, MD, re-registered. (August 3, 2004) Carol Loefler Zutter, email, from Port Charlotte, FL, sent news. (September 29, 2003) "Sorry I'm late in reporting on Ilion Day at Coquina Beach,FL in March, but things have been very busy with us. There were 52 of us there this year, had a great time as usual. Remember it is the first Wednesday in March for all of you that will be in FL at that time. E-mail me and I will give you more details." Betty Alvis Girardeau, email, from Midlothian, VA, re-registered and sent news. (July 17, 2003) "My husband, John, and I will celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary on August 23, 2003. We still do not have any grandchildren, but there is hope. Our son, David, was married in October 2002. He and his wife, Caroline, have begun building their new home near Chapel Hill, NC. David is a software developer for Allied Telesyn Networks (they develop software that is used in long distance telephone systems) and Caroline is a Doctor of Pharmacy. Our oldest son John, is career military. He is with Army Intelligence and is currently stationed at Ft. Huajaca, Arizona. Thankfully, because of the kind of work that he does, he has not been directly involved in the war in Iraq. Nevertheless, in the last year he has been in Germany, Kuwait, Australia, New Zealand, and many parts in between. Our daughter Anne, who graduated with honors from Marymount Manhattan College in NYC in 2001, is currently the webmaster/designer for John Tyler Community College in Virginia. She recently won an international award for the website that she designed for the school. Go check it out at She lives about 15 minutes from us, which is really nice. We recently bought a 32' Eagle Trawler boat and hope to be able to eventually get to Ilion on it via the Chesapeake Bay, inter-coastal waterway, Hudson River, and Erie Canal. We'll let you know when we feel ready and able to do that one. It may be awhile! We'll keep you posted. Donald (Don) Patterson's daughter, Melissa, email, is seeking information about her father. "I am the child of Donald (Don) Patterson and I am trying to find outmore of my father's history and past there in Ilion, if anyone knew him then please contact me. Thank you" (April 3, 2003) Nancy Henrickson, from Masonville, CO, is attending the mega-reunion. (October 6, 2002) John Mitchell, email, from Woodland Hills, CA, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 5, 2002) Jane Spatol Smith, email, from Saratoga Springs, NY, is attending the mega-reunion and re-registered (August 19, 2002) Robert Conover, Sylvania, OH, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 16, 2002) Mary Ann Wilson Scott, Hamden, CT, is attending the mega-reunion. (July 29, 2002 Barbara Mills Guris, email, from Mary Esther, FL, is attending the mega-reunion. (July 2, 2002) Pamela Hopkins Rose, email, from Little Falls, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002) Faye Bostrom Thomas, email, Kingsport, TN, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (March 3, 2002) Robert Frosch, Operations Officer U.S.Army Hawaii, email, from Waianae, HI, registered. (March 1, 2002) John Mitchell, email, from Woodland Hills, CA, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (Feb 27, 2002) Nancy Decker Alexander, receptionist- Limerick Vet Clinic, email, from Brownville, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey. (February 16, 2002) Nancy Decker Alexander, receptionist- Limerick Vet Clinic, email, from Brownville, NY, registered. (October 19, 2000) Constance Valentine Burrell, elementary teacher, email, from Oxford, NY, registered. (Modified May 20, 2001) Faye Bostrom Thomas, Retired fast food mgr, email, from Kingsport, TN, registered. (September 17, 2000) Dick Holland, Market Trader, email, from Plantation, FL, registerd. (July 17, 2000) Carol Phillips DeTraglia, CNA, email, from Little Falls, NY, registered. (modified Jan 14, 2001) "It's been a long time since I was in Herk. Cty. We moved to Madison in June of 1959. Right after I finished my Junior Year. I graduated from Madison Central High School in 1960. I always felt that I should have graduated with my friends and class-mates in Ilion. I went to Ilion high school all my life. It would be great to hear from some of my old friends. I was a bookkeeper for years for Colgate University. When we moved back here I decided I was ready for a change. I took a course at Boces and became a licensed Nurses Aide. I now do private duty." - Carol Lorraine Smith, Executive Assistant, email, from South Daytona, FL, registered. (April 23, 2000) Nancy Kelly Bronson, Teacher, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (November 2, 1999) Judy Bechard Jablonski, email, from Palm Harbor, FL, sent news. (July 26, 1999) "Hi! Just a quick note on this page to register. Hal (Jabber) and I just passed our 38th anniversary and we are now retired and living in Florida. Sure would like to hear from some of the old graduates. Saw Fran Coriale last week, while visiting in Mohawk." - Judy Eleanor Connick, Registered Nurse, email, Forestport, NY, registered. (April 26, 1999) Robert Reynolds, email, from Newport, NY, registered in the directory. (July 27, 1998) Jean Allen Reynolds, email, from Newport, NY, registered in the directory. (July 27, 1998) Francess Coriale Brewer, featured on the November 1997 Website Cover, from Mohawk, NY, registered in the directory. (January 23, 1998) "I finally figured out how to register. I had sent a note to Aileen Sweeney commending her on getting this thing started. It's been great fun. I have written a couple of notes to some of our classmates but either the notes didn't go through or they are ignoring me. Could be either case. I will try to write to others soon. Take care." Fran Betty Alvis Girardeau, from Midlothian, VA, registered in the directory. (January 18, 1998) "First off, I am so pleased to have found this site before my sister did. She was in the class of 1952. I keep wondering when I am going to get invited to a class reunion. I have been to two of my husband's reunions, and they were great. I would love to have him have to endure/enjoy what I had to do. Anyway, I would love to know if there is anyone from the class of 1960 out there. Please e-mail me, and I will be checking in on the site, too. This is great!!!" Melvin Darling, Disabled, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the alumni directory. (modified April 11, 2002) News from Rev. C. Joseph Sitts.... "My brother, George (class of '57) was web surfing and came across the class of '60 page and let me know about it. It doesn't sound like you have a big list yet, but you can add mine to it. I graduated from Utica College in '64, and then taught for a year at New Hartford Junior High. After three years of seminary in New Haven, I was married and ordained in the Episcopal Church in '68. I'm still married and still ordained!! An unusual combination these days." "I served parishes and we lived in Oneonta and Schenectady, NY, and in Warren, Ohio. We have been here in Longwood, Florida (a suburb of Orlando) for a little over five years. Margaret and I have two adult daughters, and a son, who lives at home and is in school. One daughter lives and works in Boston and the other works at Disney and lives near there." "I'm still in the clergy business and am Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection where we also have an elementary day school. I haven't kept up with anyone from the class of '60, or anyone from Ilion for that matter. The last time I was in the school was the night it burned down... I was reporting on it for WIBX radio. My mother still lives in Ilion and I get there on occasion. I'm going there in a couple of weeks. I saw Bob Reiman a year or two ago. He is still in music and had a piano/music store on Rt 5 near Herkimer. Good luck with the project. Maybe by our 40th we can get a group together."
Sandra Miller Patterson, North Billerica, Ma, email, the first alumnus from the Class of 1960 to register in the alumni directory. News from Betty Alvis Girardeau.... "Sandy, this electronic age stuff is GREAT!! My mother died 16 years ago and my dad remarried and moved to South Carolina, so I have little or no contact with Ilion people anymore, and I have kept wondering what has happened to everyone." "To up-date everyone on me. I have lived with my husband and children just outside of Richmond, Virginia for nearly 35 years. My husband, John, and I have 3 children, 2 sons who are grown and on their own, and a daugther who is a freshman in college. Our older son, John, is in the army and stationed at Ft. Meade, Maryland with Military Intelligence. He is planning to be married in August. Second son, David, lives in Cary, North Carolina, and is a computer software developer for Nortel. Anne is attending Marymount Manhatten College in NYC and wants to become a movie or tv producer. I have been enjoying lots of trips to the Big Apple already since she first decided on MMC at the end of her sophomore year in high school." "My husband retired from DuPont almost 5 years ago, and we have spent much of that time renovating our house, which we finally completed after 25 years the week before Anne's high school graduation. I have a home-based business doing custom sewing and monogramming, with an emphasis on weddings. I also teach smocking, heirloom sewing, machine embroidery, etc at two of our local sewing shops. Until this past August, I had also spent 25 years playing the organ and directing church choirs. I am now enjoying just singing in our own church choir and substituting when I feel like it." "For quite a few years Betsy Conners and I were able to keep in touch, but as our children grew, we became too busy, and lost contact. I have tried to "find" her again, but have not been successful so far." "I hope to hear from some of you others out there sometime, and look forward to a reunion." - Betty Alvis Girardeau (February 1, 1998)
Please email class news to: Jean Allen Reynolds email, your Class Contact.
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