Ilion High School

Class of 1999

Alumni News

1999 Ilion Yearbook


Digitized Class Yearbook....

1999 Mirror Save The Best for Last Ilion High School from the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. Link opens in new browser tab. (added March 26, 2021)


Class Roster....

Class Roster and Honor Students, as published in the "The 1999 Mirror Save The Best for Last", are available on the 1999 Class Roster page. (added October 24, 2022).


Meet the Class of 1999 .....

The list of 1999 graduates is now available. See if you can recognize familiar names. (July 5, 1999)


Top Scholars of the IHS Class of 1999 ....

Each of the top scholars attained a seven-semester average of 90 percent or better.

Heidi Mergenthaler is the 1999 Valedictorian. She is the daughter of Mrs. Christine Mergenthaler. She has applied to the University of Rochester and Wellesley College.

Theresa Murray is the Salutatorian for the class of 1999. Theresa is the daughter of Brian Murray 1972 and Deb Trombley Murray 1973. Theresa has applied to SUNY Geneseo, Hamilton College, Hobart and William Smith College, Colgate University, Union College and Hartwick College. (June 15, 1999)

Other top scholars are:

John Day
Maura Tutty
John Varlaro
Christie Kraeger
Mary McGrellis
Jennifer Farley
Luke McCann
Patricia McGrellis
Michael Zaccaria
Robert Collea
Catherine Ellis Jacob Diaz
Rebecca Leonard
Christine Korba
Valerie Angelichio
John Pezdek
Sabrina Duffy
Ritamarie Vivacqua
Ryan Sweet
John Ashton
Jackie Richards
Kimberly Murphy


Gilmartin/Morris Scholarship Award ....

Maura Tutty and Valerie Angelichio are the first recipients of the Gilmartin/Morris Scholarship Award. The award honors the memory of the late Mary Gilmartin Morris IHS 1937, who taught in Ilion schools for many years, and Gerald and George Gilmartin. The recipient must be a senior in the top 15 percent of the graduating class, with a well-rounded extracurricular schedule both in and out of school, and must be attending college to study education or business leadership. The award is $1000 a year, for four years. The Scholarship is administered by the Ilion Central School District Foundation. (July 22, 1999)


Ilion Days 1999 Congratulations.....

Tony Massocco
Tony Massocco
The Official Ilion Days - 1999 Male T-Shirt Model.

Brendan and Senan Greene were awarded the Ilion Days Scholarship.

Tony Massocco was selected as the "Official Ilion Days - Male T-Shirt Model". Tony was chosen from the male members of the Ilion High School - Class of 1999. By a popular vote, the Senior Class designated .... Mr. Tony Massocco, to be the "Official Ilion Days - Male T-Shirt Model".


Condolences .....


Chief Petty Officer Jeffery Lloyd Perrone, IHS 1999, US Navy Submarine Service, of Ilion, NY, has joined those on Eternal Patrol and succumbed to the devastating effects of advanced stage neuroendocrine carcinoma on March 18th, 2023. He was 2 weeks shy of his 42nd birthday. Chief Perrone served on the USS Providence (SSN-719) for two tours as Quartermaster based at SUBASE New London, Groton, CT, one tour aboard the USS Alexandria (SSN-757) as Assistant Navigator (ANAV) based at Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego, CA, and one tour aboard the USS Albany (SSN-753) as ANAV based at NS Norfolk, Norfolk VA. Shore commands included a full tour at Camp Ali Al Salem in Kuwait, NSSC at SUBASE New London, and Submarine Group 10 at SUBASE Kings Bay, GA. Chief Perrone was dedicated to his decades long career in the US Navy and was looking forward to a peaceful retirement, and the remainder of his life that was cruelly stripped away from him by cancer. He was a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, a medieval recreation society where he took on the name of Gieffrei de Toesni, and studied the history and techniques of numismatics and coin making in the Middle Ages. He inspired many to take up the art, and was inspired by others to take to the battlefield. There was no craft he did not excel at. He is survived by his wife of almost-9 years Angela, his grandmother Arlene, mother Carol, sisters Barbara and Marjorie, nieces Abigail and Mycena, and grand-niece Elizabeth. The family would like to extend heartfelt thanks to his care teams at Moffitt Cancer Center, and the James A. Haley Veteran's Hospital in Tampa, Florida, for their outstanding quality of care. A Celebration of Life as an Irish Wake will take place at a later date to be determined. In lieu of flowers, please send donations in Chief Perrone's memory to Moffitt Cancer Center and Semper Fi and America's Fund. (July 21, 2023)


Daniel 'Dano' 'Boone' David Ingraham IHS 1999, 31, a lifelong resident of Ilion, passed away Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Born March 8, 1981, Dan was the son of Cathy Wildey Ingraham. Dan was a 1999 graduate of Ilion High School where he was active in basketball and football. At one time, Dan was employed at Robinson Bros. Appliances, Husted Concrete and Remington Arms. He recently became employed at Hale Mfg. Dan had a magnetic personality that drew people to him with his ever-present smile and jokester attitude. He was such fun to be around. The word "cool" can be defined in two words: Dan Ingraham. Dan gave love in heaping quantities and he gave it unconditionally. He was quick to hug and had a big, contagious laugh. The world is a quieter, lonelier place without him. Two years ago Dan was blessed with a beautiful son who was the light of his life. Dan loved being with Daniel, just hanging out, playing and laughing. He loved being a Dad. It is the goal of Dan's family and friends to keep his memory alive for Little Daniel. A kind and loving son, father, brother, nephew and friend, Dan is survived by his adoring and devoted mother, Cathy Ingraham, his big brother, Joe Ingraham who Dan admired and looked up to so much and Joe's fiancé, Jesse Llewellyn and their daughter, Dan's niece, Josie. His son, Daniel Brian Ingraham and Daniel's mother, Lindsay White and her daughter, Erin, who Dan loved like his own child. His god-children, Mercedes Sassone and Jeffrey Wildey. Dan was especially close to his Aunt Mary Tubia (Mrs. T.), his godfather, Uncle Jeff Wildey (UJ) and his lifelong best friend, party partner and cousin, Hollie Raux. He is also survived by his grandfather, Garrett Blake and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Dan was predeceased by his grandmother, Katherine Blake, his great grandmother, Helen LaPoint and his uncle and namesake, Daniel H. LaPoint. Friends are invited to attend Dan's funeral service to be held on Monday, August 6, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Inc., 100 Otsego Street, Ilion, New York with Deacon James Bower officiating. Calling hours will be from 11:00 a.m. until the time of the funeral. For those wishing to contribute, a memorial fund is being established for Little Daniel's education. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Special thanks to Dan's friends, Adam and Patti Denicola, Steve Fuhrer, Brian Kinney, Jon Morehouse, Jason Denicola, Kyle Canipe, Scott and Brandon Zink, Dan's aunt and uncle Jim and Priscilla Wildey and Dan's grandfather, Garrett Blake. (Aug 5, 2012)


Golden Bombers Buzz WebSite.....

Elaine (Stalloch) Morgan, EMT-IV, email, Colorado Springs, CO, re-registered. (Aug 4, 2012)

Shannon Loomis LaCelle, Stay at home mom, email, Ilion, Ny, registered. (Mar 3, 2012)

Ryan Sweet, Scientist, email, Holland Patent, NY, registered. (April 12, 2010)

Melissa Mogensen, Caseworker/Student, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (Mar 26, 2009)

Lucas Cotto, United States Marine Corps, email, Peoria, AZ, registered. (Oct 12, 2008)

Samantha Tayler, email, registered. (Sept 4, 2008)

Amanda Fitch Whittle, email, from Little Falls, NY, re-registered. (Sept 5, 2008)

Craig Hight, Retired, email, Houston, TX, re-registered. (Aug 18, 2008)

Jill (Fitch) Denicola, Stay at home mom, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (Aug 13, 2008)

Patrick Tillinghast, Heating-A\C, and owner of a convenience station email, from Logan, IA, re-registered. (Oct 26, 2007)

Stephanie Carino Wilcox, Stay at home mom, email, Ilion, NY, registered. (Feb 15, 2007)

Diana Smith, Graphic Designer & Graphic Artist, Freelancer, from Ilion, NY, email, sent news. (Dec 1, 2006)

"I got my degrees, I am working at finding a full-time graphics job. Have a good year and love your family and friends. My prayers are with those of us serving in the military."

Terry Riesel, Officer, U.S. Army, email, from Yelm, WA, re-registered. (Sept 14, 2006)

Brooke Selby, email, from New York, NY, sent news. (Jan 18, 2006)

"I am currently still living and working in NYC as an event planner for a downtown law firm. I make it back to Ilion several times a year. I look forward to seeing you all, best of luck in the new year!"

Ryan Smith, Management, email, from Dallas, TX, registered. (Jan 7, 2006)

Olivia Jarrett-Hammond , email, from Boynton Beach, FL, re-registered. (Sept 10, 2005)

Robert Watson, 1st grade Teacher at Mohawk Central Schools, email, from Mohawk, NY, registered. (Sept 10, 2005)

Kimberly Murphy, sales, email, re-registered. (June 20, 2005)

Matthew Thibault, email, registered. (November 20, 2004)

Darrell Doolen, Mercedes-Benz technician, email, Tampa, FL, registered. (November 20, 2004)

John Cloutier, Lab Tech, email, Newark, DE, registered. (November 20, 2004)

Josh Mitchell, CSR at ACS, Microcomputer Specialist for the Utica City School District, email, Ilion, NY, sent news. (November 20, 2004)

"Ello ello, my friends. Been a while since I last posted (too darn long!). Well anyway, thought I'd let everyone know what ol' Mitch has been up to. Yes I'm still in Ilion, working on moving to Atlanta, GA. I'm still working at ACS in Utica for now. I recently became a certified computer technician through CompTIA's A+ certification course, so now I can prove I know what I'm doing when it comes to fixing computers(LOL). I left my e-mail address so if any of ya's wanna get in contact with me feel free to do so! Miss y'all, hope to see ya at the reunion (if there is one?)!"

Pamela (Kasper) Riley, email, Gulf Breeze, FL, sent news. (August 25, 2004)

"We plan on coming up to NY for Thanksgiving and Christmas. My dad's (Scott Kasper '75) plans are to have a memorial type service for my mom (Verna Martin Kasper 1976) around Thanksgiving. We know she had lots of friends up there, after all who wouldn't love her! After several deployments, one of course being Iraq, I will be moving back to live with my dad and brother for a while. My husband Kody will be joining the Guard and also moving to Florida in November when he returns from Iraq."

Eileen Hoy, email, Tallahassee, FL, interior design student, re-registered with engagement news. (July 11, 2004)

Matt Lawrence, mattlary's web blog, Rochester, NY, re-registered. (May 18, 2004)

Rebecca Leonard, Global History Teacher, email, Rome, NY, re-registered. (Feb 1, 2004)

Maura Tutty, Field Sales Representative, email, Des Plaines, IL, registered. (Jan 24, 2004)

Jill (Fitch) Denicola, Ilion, NY, sent news. (November 13, 2003)

"Married August 4, 2001 to Darren M. Denicola. My husband Darren Denicola who graduated from Ilion in 1994 and I had our first child a daughter named Lizabeth Pauline Denicola on May 19, 2003."

Anna Papkov, email, from Falls Church, Va, registered. (December 8, 2002)

Michele Vivyan, student, email, Niagara Falls, NY, is registered in the directory. (October 19, 2002)

Jacob Diaz, College Student, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (October 3, 2002)

Christina Korba, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (August 15, 2002)

Daniel 'Dan' Des Champs, college student, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (March 11, 2002)

Amy Nichols, stay-at-home mom, email, Ilion, NY, registered. (December 28, 2001)

John Ashton, Student, email, Rochester, NY, registered. (October 29, 2001)

Rae Vandawalker, email, Ilion NY, registered. (May 23, 2001)

Cesar Cespedes, United States Airforce, Dover, DE, email, from registered. (modified October 13, 2000)

Justin Smithson, Banker-HCT/Musician, Showtime, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (modified July 14, 2001)

Ed Jasewicz, Student, email, from Herkimer, NY, registered. (February 1, 2000

Dustin Overacker, from Syracuse, NY, registered. (February 1, 2000)

Mark Des Champs, email, from Columbia, SC, registered. (January 28, 2000)

"I just wanted to say wasup to everyone, and to everyone who thought I wouldn't graduate, I'm probably doing better than you now. Currently I'm a Jag Legal NCO, in the army, and going to college at G Tech to get my bachelor's degree. To everyone else, it would be great to hear from you." - Mark

Chris Geroux, email, registered. (January 9, 2000)

John Pezdek, email, from Canton, NY, registered. (October 10, 1999)

Sara-Lynn Lawrence, College Student, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (October 2, 1999)

Valerie Angelichio, student, email, from Canton, NY, registered. (modified October 5, 1999)

Jackie Richards, student, email, from Ilion, NY, the first member of the Class of 1999 registered. (July 4, 1999)


1999 Class Editor....

Guy - Mirror Mascot
'Guy' - Mirror mascot for Class of 1999
Artist - Phillip Gogol
     Please email: Aileen Carney Sweeney if you would like to be the Class Contact. Include your name, Class Page Graduating Year, email address, US postal office address and phone number, in your email message.


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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2023
Modified July 21, 2023