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You can now search Digitized Ilion Yearbooks (link opens in new browser tab) using the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. The earliest yearbook available was from 1909. There are a few missing yearbooks from 1910 through the early 1920s, but from 1926 to 2013 each yearbook was available to be digitized. Thank you to Shauna Williams Bishop IHS 1991, the Ilion Public Librarian, and Mike Disotelle IHS 1989 Ilion Library Historian for completing this huge task! Soon, links to each yearbook will be added to each class page and to the Hall of Mirrors page. (March 24, 2021)

The "MIRROR" was first published in 1926, and contained only six pictures. It was sub-titled "Reflections of the Class of 1926." Senior names and activities were included, but there were no individual senior pictures. This first "MIRROR" contained mostly write-ups of various activities, compositions and jokes. Although the "MIRROR" has greatly changed throughout the years it has been printed, each class has tried to retain its original purpose - to come forth with an accurate and descriptive record of the four years spent at Ilion High.

"The Mirror" was the source of many Class Histories that appear on this web site. The Class History was a wonderful, concise, written summary of the four years each graduating class spent at Ilion High School. It usually included the names of class officers, for each of the four years, highlights of each year including homecoming floats, fund-raising activities, traditions, dances, etc.. Unfortunately, recent yearbook editions have eliminated this written article and historical record from "The Mirror". The Class History has been abandoned in favor of small photos, photos and more photos. There is no longer one "go to place", in the yearbook, to discover the Class History.

Over the years, many Ilion students have assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief of The Mirror.

Learn how a "Mirror" is created today. Don't be shocked, but the cost to purchase a yearbook is now about $55!.

Do you have favorite yearbook cover? We held a survey/contest so that alumni like you could pick the best of the best. Visit the Yearbook Cover Survey/Contest to see the winner!

See the Yearbook Covers presented on one page!

View all of the Mirror Covers

Pre 1930 Mirrors 1930's Mirrors 1940's Mirrors 1950's Mirrors 1960's Mirrors
1970's Mirrors 1980's Mirrors 1990's Mirrors 2000's Mirrors 2010's Mirrors


Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2021
First Published January 16, 1998 - Modified April 1, 2021