List of Our Brave Boys Who Were Doing Service for Uncle Sam During World War I
November 6, 2023
On August 30, 1917, The Ilion Citizen newspaper published the names of all the Ilion men, by service branch, who were serving during World War I. See the entire list here - Ilion Citizen - August 30, 1917 Article 4
Ilion YouTube Channel
Golden Bombers Rewind
April 1, 2022
Ilion Videos
Golden Bombers Rewind - Thanks to the Walsh family of Ilion, you can now relive these Golden moments, including sports games, proms, parades, Annunciation School and synchronized swimming, on the YouTube channel Golden Bombers Rewind Playlist. There are 84 videos as of April 1, 2022. (April 1, 2022)