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Local News Archive - 2015


Ilion Citizens Codes Committee....

The Ilion Citizens Codes Committee was organized at the suggestion of Village Officials. One of its goals is to quickly and easily educate the public about Ilion Codes Enforcement topics. Snippets from Ilion Codes Laws will be published on the group's Facebook page to help you learn about Ilion laws. More information is also available on the web site - Ilion Citizens Codes Committee. The year 2016 will mark the 200th year of the start of the Remington Company. In preparation for what will be a celebration year, all residents are asked to keep their properties looking good and code compliant. (October 29, 2015)

Welcome to the Ilion Citizens Codes Committee Facebook Page. The purpose of this page is to quickly and easily educate...

Posted by Ilion Citizens Codes Committee on Sunday, October 18, 2015


1973 Class Ring Found and RETURNED....

The Ilion 1973 Class Ring that was found at Deer River, Lewis County, in September 2012, has been returned to the classmate who lost the ring 43 years ago. On behalf of all Ilion Alumni, a huge thank you goes out to the "finder" who went out of her way to find the rightful owner and returned the ring through US Postal mail. The ring was received on June 29, 2015 and per Terry (Nichols) Bautch, it looks brand new. As Lawrence Welk would say, "That's wonderful, wonderful!" (June 30, 2015)

Featured in The Observer Dispatch and The Evening Telegram newspaper article, by reporter Lydia Goerner, on July 21, 2015. The photograph is of the actual ring and was sent in by Terry (Nichols) Bautch. The ring still fits!

A nice story about the kindness of strangers (and the power of technology) ...

Posted by Observer-Dispatch on Monday, July 20, 2015


Jessica (Arsenault) Rivenburg IHS 2000.....

The Valley Side

Jessica (Arsenault) Rivenburg IHS 2000 and Al Dorantes, local freelance reporters, launched a web site, in February 2015 named The Valley Side. "The Valley Side strives to bring its readers diverse articles about breaking news, on-going issues, entertainment, business and things to do." In addition to local events, The Valley Side provides a local, on-line, police blotter, named 'Busted'. (June 13, 2015)


Tyler Brien< br/>Cortland Pitcher Tyler Brien
Image used with permission of Patrick Brien

Tyler Brien and the Cortland Red Dragons Baseball Team

Tyler Brien and the Cortland Red Dragons won their first-ever Division III World Series and were welcomed home as national champions. The Red Dragons have been to the World Series 13 times. This was their first time winning the championship. Tyler is the son of Patrick Brien IHS 1996 and step-son of Katherine (Donahue) Brien IHS 1998.

In mid-May, Ilion's Tyler Brian was granted a "... a rare military exemption waiver earlier this week. The NCAA Division III Baseball National Committee allowed SUNY Cortland to include Brien on its 25-man playoff roster for the regional's opening two days Wednesday and Thursday at Falcon Park in Auburn, N.Y., and then replace him for the remainder of the tournament." see the full story - SUNY Cortland Relief Pitcher Fulfills Duty on the Mound and in the Military. (June 13, 2015)

Tyler Brien
Tyler Brien with Coach, Mike Urtz IHS 89
Image used with permission of Patrick Brien
Tyler Brien
Tyler Brien with his dad, Patrick Brien IHS 93
Image used with permission of Patrick Brien


'The Mersey Side V' - 50th Anniversary Tour....

Join classmates Gary Rigo IHS 1967 with Rick DeJohn IHS 1969, Bruce Ward, Bill Mirgo and Rick Short as they kick of the 50th Anniversary Tour of band, The Mersey Side 5. (May 31, 2015)

When: Saturday June 6
Where: Silverado Inn, Herkimer
Cost: $5 cover


Women Belong in History Books
Image used with permission of Jane Spellman

Women Belong in History Books

A new book, "Women Belong In History Books", features over 100 women from Herkimer and Oneida Counties who have played an important part in our country's history. The book is to be released in June 2015. The book was edited by Ilion resident and historian, Jane Spellman.

One of the women featured is Ilion's first female school principal, Loretta O. Douglas, who began her teaching career with the Ilion Union School District, in 1892. She was appointed Principal of the school in 1909. She held that position until 1920. She was the first principal of the High School at its present location on Weber Avenue.

The book is being offered at a discounted pre-publication rate of $22.00 (which includes tax). It will be $25.00 (plus tax) after June, when it is scheduled. To pre-order a copy, send a check to the Herkimer County Historical Society, 400 N. Main St., Herkimer, NY 13350. Also add $4.00 for postage for if you do not want to pick up their copy at the Historical Society or at a local library in the Mid-York system (designate which library). All of the proceeds from the book will go towards publishing a second volume.(Added May 15, 2015)



Harold Whittemore - Editor of The Ilion Sentinel....

Due to the generosity of the Ilion Public Library's loan of The Ilion Sentinel newspaper source microfilm, Mr. Whittemore's articles are searchable and available online. In November 2014, the Ilion Public Library allowed Thomas Tryniski, webmaster of fultonhistory.com, to scan and therefore preserve, the newspaper pages. The pdf files can be searched or perused year by year, edition by edition, page by page. The Ilion Sentinel newspaper, was managed by Harold Whittemore for many years. (Added January 31, 2015)

Ilion Library Microfilm - Ilion Sentinel


Browse Newspapers

Illion NY Sentinel Browse by years 1917 - 1955

Illion NY Citizen Browse by years 1857 - 1919

     (**** note the misspelling of Ilion, with two L's instead of one L, because that is how the folders and files were named on fultonhistory.com)

Other Local Papers Include:

See Complete List of All Available Newspapers
Utica Daily Press 1882 - 1987
Utica Observer Dispatch 1848 - 1989
Utica Daily Press 1882 - 1987

Search Newspapers (Historical Newspaper Pages from the USA & Canada)

Search Newspapers Link

To search a particular newspaper issue, instead of the hundreds that are on the site, use the commands that are described below. Enter the commands in the search window's textbox.

  • Filename contains AND

  • Title of the newspaper, or part of the title of the newspaper AND

  • Your search TEXT words or phrase in double quotes

Sample A. "golden bombers" and (Filename contains (Illion NY Citizen))
Sample B. golden and bomber and (Filename contains (Illion NY Sentinel))

Enter the exact Newspaper title (the title as it was created on the site) when Mr. Tryniski scanned them. That is why it is important that you know that the titles, of the two Ilion newspapers, were misspelled. To search those particular newspapers, you must enter the names with the same spellings).

Illion NY Sentinel 1817 - 1955
Illion NY Citizen 1857 - 1919

How to Search using an iPad

The site requires Adobe Flash which does not work on an iPad. To search for fultonhistory.com newspaper articles on an iPad or iPhone, use this trick:

Open a Google search page and type this in the search box. That will tell google to search ONLY the web site fultonhistory.com

site:fultonhistory.com (followed by the words or the phrase in double quotes that you are seeking)
For example, enter the exact words below in the google search box

      site:fultonhistory.com Ilion "Golden Bomber"

Hold your finger over the resulting links and OPEN that link IN a NEW TAB.
That keeps your original search results in the left browser while launching the pdf file in the the new browser tab. Repeat for all the links displayed.



Local News Archive Links

2014 News

2007-2013 News

2002-2007 News

2001 News

2000 News Part II

2000 News Part I

1999 News Part III

1999 News Part II

1999 News Part I

1998 News


Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2015 ilionalumni.com
Modified July 22, 2015