Local News Archive - 2016
Jim Colburn bikes across America to IHS Reunion
Timothy Seymour IHS 1980, 2016 Community Visionary winner....
Charles Walz and Bill Richards, IHS 1973
Photograph courtesy of The Evening Telegram
Bill Richards IHS 1973 - Steps up to Repair Stairs
IHS 1973, Bill Richards, received the go-ahead from the Ilion village board to work on the project to repair the Armory Hill Stairs. Bill was joined by volunteers for work sessions at the stairs. Richards said there has been some discussion among residents interested in setting up a fund to raise money for the restoration project. The Herkimer Times Telegram featured Ilion Alumnus, Bill Richard's plan to save the stairs. Bill recently volunteered his time and efforts to repair the two stone pillars at the entrance of Otsego and Richfield Streets.
Bill Richards and Charles Walz, of Walz Engineering, offered to donate their time to repair the stairs. The plans call for repairing one side of the stairway so it can be safely used again. The plan would also call for fencing off the other side because the stairs are completely dilapidated on one side. Walz estimated the cost of the concrete could range from $6,000 to $10,000. The board voted early in December 2015 to close the stairs for safety reasons. Village crews then installed barricades and fencing to discourage use of the stairs. A public hearing was held in February of 2016. The general consensus of those who attended the public session was that the village should repair or replace the stairway. Village officials received one initial quote, between $170,000 and $200,000, to replace the stairs. (November 12, 2016)
Captain Laurie DeVaul-LaVine Featured in HCCC Alumni Magazine.
IHS 1982, Ilion policewoman Captain Laurie DeVaul-LaVine, has been
on the Ilion police force for almost 30 years. She started as a
police officer in 1987 after graduating from the HCCC Criminal Justice Program. The Fall 2006 HCCC Alumni magazine featured Ilion Alumnus, Captain Laurie DeVaul-LaVine's service history with the Ilion police force. She shared memories of her student experience at HCCC and the positive impact her teachers had on her career choices.
Although the article is 10 years old, it was a nice find about a dedicated Ilion Alumnus. The full HCCC Fall 2006 edition article is available in the pdf file link shown above. Look for the Alumni Profile - Giving Back to Her Community. (September 30, 2016)
 Photograph courtesy of HCCC Connections Magazine
Ilion Public Library - New Librarian

After many years of dedicated service, Ilion Librarian, Thomasine Jennings, retired. She was married to IHS Alumnus Frank W. Jennings, Jr., IHS 1958. Frank was a Professional Engineer. He passed away on Monday, January 11, 2016.
Ilion's new librarian is Travis Oliveri. He has launched
the Ilion Free Public Library Facebook page to help publicize this local gem.
The library is utilizing social media in other ways. Visit the Ilion Library on Instagram at www.instagram.cm/ilionlibrary. Use the hashtag #ilionlibrary to share your photos with the library. The library also has a web page at www.midyorklib.org/ilion. (September 30, 2016)
 Image used with permission of Jane Spellman
Women Belong in History Books Volume II - You can order it now.
A new book, "Women Belong In History Books Volume II", features women from Herkimer and Oneida Counties who have played an important part in our country's history. The book is to be released in August 2016. The book was edited by Ilion resident and historian, Jane Spellman.
You can pre-order a copy using this order form.
The essays in Volume II on the Ilion Richardson sisters, were written by the Ilion Alumni Site webmaster, Aileen Carney Sweeney. Other outstanding Ilion women are also featured in Volumn II.
One of the women featured in Volume I was Ilion's first female school principal, Loretta O. Douglas, who began her teaching career with the Ilion Union School District, in 1892. She was appointed Principal of the school in 1909. She held that position until 1920. She was the first principal of the High School at its present location on Weber Avenue.
The book is being offered at a discounted pre-publication rate of $22.00 (which includes tax). It will be $25.00 (plus tax) after August, when it is released. To pre-order a copy, send a check to the Herkimer County Historical Society, 400 N. Main St., Herkimer, NY 13350. Also add $5.00 for postage for if you do not want to pick up their copy at the Historical Society or at a local library in the Mid-York system (designate which library). (modified Agust 4, 2016)
 Image bookcover from Amazon.com
Carrie (Lenarcic) Firestone Writes Novel
IHS 1988 alumnus, Carrie (Lenarcic) Firestone, joins the list of Ilion graduate authors with her debut, young adult, novel "The Loose Ends List". Carrie's novel was released in June 2016. Her novel was featured in the Utica Observer Dispatch news story. "The story is about 17-year-old Maddie O'Neill Levine, whose grandmother is also her go-to confidante. According to the author's website, the grandmother has "booked the family on a secret death-with-dignity ship called the Wishwell, as the grandmother has terminal cancer and is determined to leave the world in her own way — and give her family an unforgettable summer of dreams-come-true in the process."
The novel can be ordered on-line at the following links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Google Play, Indiebound and Walmart.
Carrie graduated from William Smith College with a bachelor’s degree in English and anthropology. She earned a master’s degree from Columbia University Teacher's College. She is the daughter of retired HCCC professors Ray and Faye Lenarcic. Carrie lives with her husband, Michael, in Avon, Connecticut.
Carrie co-founded The Ilion Project in 2010. The group was started after she began with a grass-roots movement to collect information on illnesses and gather environmental data on potential pollution in the Village of Ilion. Carrie began investingaing contamination after her sister, Jennifer (Lenarcic) Snyder of New Hartford, was diagnosed in 2008 with a brain tumor. Carrie asked her IHS 1988 classmates if they had any health problems. The classmates started a website and began collecting data on illnesses among Ilion natives and current residents, calling the effort "The Ilion Project." Current information about the efforts can be found on The Ilion Project Facebook discussion group. (June 27, 2016)
Ilion Days - Celebrating 200 Years of Remington.....
July 16-24, 2016
Ilion Days web site
Ilion Days Facebook Page
(June 12, 2016)
Ilion Free Public Library Foundation Fundraiser.....
We have been the recipient of a very generous gift of a one week stay in the Yellowstone House in the beautiful Paradise Valley half way between Yellowstone National Park and Livingston, Montana to be used as a fundraiser for the Ilion Free Public Library Foundation. It is our intention to sell a maximum of 400 raffle tickets at $25 or 2/$40 for a one week stay plus $2000 cash between May 1, 2016 and Ilion Days in July.
Yellowstone house is a perfect spot for a romantic western get-away for two, four couples for a week or a family to enjoy Big Sky Country with all sorts of activities right at hand. For a complete description and 24 great pictures to whet your appetite go to: www.yellowstonehouse.com. Be sure and scroll all the way down to see what is available. (April 26, 2016)
Tickets will be on sale at the Library on the following dates from 3 PM till 6PM. Remember, cash only!
April - Tue. 26th
May - Tue. 3rd, Tue. 10th, Tue 17th, Tue. 24th, Tue. 31st
June - Tue. 7th, Tue. 14th, Tue.21st, Tue. 28th
July - Tue. 5th, Tue. 12th, Tue 19th
Drawing 23rd
Ilion Free Public Library Foundations Trustees: Melinda Marley, Barb Lennox, Bob Mocko, Ann Paoni, Pat Kelly, Jane Gilmartin, Jim Garnsey, Frank Kucerak, Library Laison
Elementary School Reorganization.....

Elementary Schools will be reconfigured beginning in 2016. All pre-K through 1st grade students will attend Fisher Elementary in Mohawk. There will no longer be a mix of different aged students, up to grade 4, in any one building. All 2nd through 4th grade classes will be held at Barringer Road Elementary in Ilion. Read more at The Princeton Plan - Elementary School Reorganizations. (January 31, 2016)
Traffic issues near Fisher school discussed.....
Traffic backs up when parents and buses arrive to drop off children in Mohawk at the CVA schools in Moahwk. Residents commplained that vehicles block the side street, making it impossible for residents to drive off the street. Read the full story on the Herkimer Times Telegram web site - Traffic issues near Mohawk schools discussed. (January 31, 2016)
Hope for Ilion’s stairs.....

Jessica (Arsenault) Rivenburg IHS 2000 featured the news story about the Ilion Armory Hill to Otsego Street Stairs. "The hearing has been set for Wednesday, Feb. 10, at 6 p.m. in the main hall of the municipal building. The steps, referred to by many older Ilion residents as The Hundred Stairs, were built in 1908. They have been in heavy use from their construction 107 years ago, right through their recent closing, even as they slowly deteriorated." Read more about it here. The Valley Side - Hope for Ilion’s stairs. (January 31, 2016)
Ilion Citizens Codes Committee....
The Ilion Citizens Codes Committee was organized at the suggestion of Village Officials. One of its goals is to quickly and easily educate the public about Ilion Codes Enforcement topics. Snippets from Ilion Codes Laws will be published on the group's Facebook page to help you learn about Ilion laws. More information is also available on the web site - Ilion Citizens Codes Committee. The year 2016 will mark the 200th year of the start of the Remington Company. In preparation for what will be a celebration year, all residents are asked to keep their properties looking good and code compliant. (October 29, 2015)
Jessica (Arsenault) Rivenburg IHS 2000.....

Jessica (Arsenault) Rivenburg IHS 2000 and Al Dorantes, local freelance reporters, launched a web site, in February 2015 named The Valley Side. "The Valley Side strives to bring its readers diverse articles about breaking news, on-going issues, entertainment, business and things to do." In addition to local events, The Valley Side provides a local, on-line, police blotter, named 'Busted'. (June 13, 2015)
Harold Whittemore - Editor of The Ilion Sentinel....
Due to the generosity of the Ilion Public Library's loan of The Ilion Sentinel newspaper source microfilm, Mr. Whittemore's articles are searchable and available online. In November 2014, the Ilion Public Library allowed Thomas Tryniski, webmaster of fultonhistory.com, to scan and therefore preserve, the newspaper pages. The pdf files can be searched or perused year by year, edition by edition, page by page. The Ilion Sentinel newspaper, was managed by Harold Whittemore for many years. (Added January 31, 2015)
Browse Newspapers
Illion NY Sentinel Browse by years 1917 - 1955 (link modified May 5, 2018)
Illion NY Citizen Browse by years 1857 - 1919 (link modified May 5, 2018)
Utica Daily Observer Browse by years 1848 - 1989 (link added May 5, 2018)
Utica Daily Press Browse by years 1882 - 1987 (link added May 5, 2018)
All Newspapers Browse by newspaper title. There are 10 pages of folders of newspaper titles listed alphabetically. (link added May 5, 2018)
Search Newspapers (Historical Newspaper Pages from the USA & Canada)
Search Newspapers Link
To search a particular newspaper issue, instead of the hundreds that are on the site, use the commands that are described below. Enter the commands in the search window's textbox.
- Filename contains AND
- Title of the newspaper, or part of the title of the newspaper AND
- Your search TEXT words or phrase in double quotes
Sample A. "golden bombers" and (Filename contains (Illion NY Citizen))
Sample B. golden and bomber and (Filename contains (Illion NY Sentinel))
Enter the exact Newspaper title (the title as it was created on the site) when Mr. Tryniski scanned them. That is why it is important that you know that the titles, of the two Ilion newspapers, were misspelled. To search those particular newspapers, you must enter the names with the same spellings).
Illion NY Sentinel 1817 - 1955
Illion NY Citizen 1857 - 1919
How to Search using an iPad
The site requires Adobe Flash which does not work on an iPad. You can download the free browser, Puffin, from the Apple store. You can also search for fultonhistory.com newspaper articles on an iPad or iPhone, using this trick:
Open a Google search page and type this in the search box. That will tell google to search ONLY the web site fultonhistory.com
site:fultonhistory.com (followed by the words or the phrase in double quotes that you are seeking)
For example, enter the exact words below in the google search box
site:fultonhistory.com Ilion "Golden Bomber"
Hold your finger over the resulting links and OPEN that link IN a NEW TAB.
That keeps your original search results in the left browser while launching the pdf file in the the new browser tab. Repeat for all the links displayed.
Local News Archive Links
Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2018 ilionalumni.com
Modified Oct. 29, 2018