Ilion High School Ilion NY
Ilion High School Ilion NY


Ilion school seal

The proctor for this exam is retired American History Teacher - Mrs. Barb Teeter.
The first Alumnus with the correct answer and others who passed the exam are featured on the answer page.

Exam Question - A jet plane traveling 600 miles per hour can make a trip to an Ilion High School reunion in 33 hours less time than a train traveling at 50 miles per hour. How long does the train trip take? Thanks to Mr. John Wallace for help with this month's feature.

- Graduating Class of which you were a member at IHS

- Your Last Name (current):

- Your Last Name (at graduation):

- Your first Name:

- Your Answer:

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney
Class of 1974, Ilion, New York
Updated February 15, 2014
Published June 1 2000
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2023 Aileen Carney Sweeney