Ilion High School Ilion NY
Ilion High School Ilion NY


Ilion school seal

Annunciation School Staff, Sisters of Mercy, 1967 - 1968
Annunciation School Staff, Sisters of Mercy, 1967 - 1968

The Sisters of Mercy are preparing to celebrate 150 years of service in the Albany Diocese. As part of the celebration, they would like to compile a collection of Mercy stories that refelect their history of service, past and present, in a meaningful way. For those Ilion graduates, who started their education at Annunciation School, please share your stories so that the spirit of Mercy will live on in the next generation. Email stories to or mail to: Mercy Stories, c/o Kathy Schongar, 406 Spring Street, Albany, NY 12203.

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney
Class of 1974, Ilion, New York
Updated January 22, 2017
Published August 4, 2012
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2017 Aileen Carney Sweeney