Ilion High School Ilion NY
Ilion High School Ilion NY


Ilion school seal

Liliputians in Fairyland or Cruise of the Polar Star - Carney Family Photograph
Image courtesy of Jeff Carney - grandson of pharmacist George Carney
spacer Liliputians In Fairyland

This month's cover story features the history of the wildly popular operetta and Ilion's own production of the spectacular melodrama "Liliputians" in Fairyland or Cruise of the Polar Star. These images are from physical photograph albums of the Carney family. They show family cast members of the production held in June 1901 in Ilion. The show was held under the auspices of the Ave Maria Church, now known as Annunciation Parish.

Although the images were first published on the alumni site, in October 2004, the images are not from a Halloween event.

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney
Class of 1974, Ilion, New York
Last Updated - October 4, 2014
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2013 Aileen Carney Sweeney