Ilion High School Ilion NY
Ilion High School Ilion NY


Ilion school seal

Clarence Walker Seamans

In December 2015, the Central Valley School District (formerly Ilion School District) announced plans for an Alumni Hall of Fame. One only had to look down at his/her keyboard to be reminded of Clarence Walker Seamans, the force behind the Remington Typewriter Company. He was the Steve Jobs of his time.

Visit the March 2016 cover story to learn why my first nomination for the Ilion Alumni Hall of Fame is Typewriter Typcoon, C. W. Seamans. This 200th year of the founding of Remington is a perfect time to recognize the the other impact of the company on our nation's history.

"History is made by what is made in Ilion" - from the novel "The Surrendered" Change-rae Lee - 2011 Pulitzer nominated novelist.


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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney
Class of 1974, Ilion, New York
Last Updated - March 11, 2016
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2016 Aileen Carney Sweeney