Shown above with a portrait of the late Dr. Earl P. Waktin is Bob Loomis, president of the Ilion Student Council, who recently engineered a drive in the Ilion High School for grades 7-12 to purchase the memorial.
Similar to the one placed in the main hall of the high school a few years back, as a memorial to Mr. John Prindle, the portrait is a beautiful picture of the beloved Superintendent who passed away suddenly at his desk a few months back.
The student drive, conducted last month through the home rooms at the school netted $125.00 for the portrait, and was done exclusively by the students. Teachers added to the collection, but the students did the work.
The portrait was purchased by Mr. Joseph A. Baker, Acting Superintendent of Ilion Schools, through the J. B. Wells Company of Utica, and will be placed in the Main Hall at the High School near the office.