Ilion's Soldiers' Monument

Soldiers' Monument - March 2021
This historic Ilion monument needs to be carefully preserved and cleaned by professional conservators. In today's dollars, the cost to erect a monument of this size would be roughly $87,000. It was designed and constructed by Alexander Jarvis who was the great-grandfather of Challenger Astronaut and Mohawk native, Gregory B. Jarvis.

Source - 1816 - 1916 Remington Centennial Historical Souvenir Programme
This Civil War granite soldier has stood at 'parade rest', on Otsego Street, facing towards Armory Hill Cemetery where most of Ilion's Civil War veterans are buried. The monument is in the area known as 'Monument Square'.

1966 Memorial Day Parade - Source - Dr. Theodore Carney Photographer
"For many years, annual Memorial Day parades used to march slowly up Benedict Avenue to the beat of muffled drums, when his ancestors would pay homage to his 'buddies' with flowers and accolades and firing rifles." - Ernie Sitts - The Evening Telegram 1960

Source - Ilion Citizen February 12, 1904
This monument was first proposed in 1904 by the Chismore Post No. 1 of the Woman's Relief Corps (W.R.C.); an auxiliary to the Civil War Veterans organization, The Grand Army of the Republic (G.A.R.). On May 16, 1905, The Woman's Relief Corps awarded the commission to design and erect the monument to Ilion's granite and marble artisan, Alexander Jarvis. At the time, Mr. Jarvis operated his monument business on East Main Street in Ilion. Mr. Jarvis designed and constructed the granite monument here in Ilion.

December 1914 - Jarvis Monument Business, East Main Street, Ilion
Source - Ilion Free Public Library
Civil War Monument Specifications
The junction of Otsego, Morgan and Third streets and Benedict Avenue was considered the ideal location; " is at the foot of the street leading to the cemetery, is at the junction of four streets, is facing the largest amount of travel and trade which come into Ilion from the country, and is as centrally located as is possible. The contract calls for a monument 25 feet high above the sub-base, and 1 feet 4 inches square at the base; the statue of a soldier 7 feet in height stands at the top; it is to be of Barre granite, the best in the world, and is to be finished in the best style known to the trade; the design is beautiful and impressive and bears the fitting inscription:"
"The contract called for the completion of the monument by October 15. It will weigh about 30 tons and the contract price is $3,000."

Source - Ilion Free Public Library
On May 30, 1906, during a picture perfect day, a Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument was held for the Observance of Decoration Day, now known as Memorial Day. The exercises were held about the soldiers' monument and consisted of selections by the Ilion Military band and the Armory Glee club. Mrs. A. H. Jones, who was prominently connected with the Women's Relief Corps, made the presentation speech to the village.
Mr. Jarvis was able to admire his handiwork, daily, because he lived at 147 Otsego Street, which was only three houses south of Benedict Avenue. In 1909, three cannons were added to the location. The cannons were later removed.
The Jarvis Family

Alexander Jarvis founder of Jarvis Monument Business, East Main Street, Ilion
Source - Ilion Free Public Library
Alexander Jarvis - Patriarch
Alexander Jarvis traveled to Barre, Vermont to select the material from which he constructed the Soldiers' Monument. Mr. Jarvis was determined to make this piece of work his masterpiece and believed that there was no granite in the world equal to Barre granite. His skills were described in the December 5, 1905 Ilion Citizen.
"During a call at the office of Alex Jarvis we had the pleasure of seeing a number of pieces of most artistic work from his chisel; a very handsome life size figure for the finishing piece of a monument was unusually fine; also a very handsome design was that from which will he built a monument ordered by A. N. Russell; it is of sarcophagus design and weighs about eleven tons; when erected it will be a most handsome completion of the Russell family lot. The foundation for the monument has been laid under Mr. Russell's personal supervision; the monument will be set up within the next two months."

Photograph courtesy of - Thomas A. George
Alexander Jarvis' background and business was featured in the October 4, 1906 Ilion Citizen edition.
"Mr. Jarvis has devoted a lifetime and learned his trade in Scotland when but a boy. He located to Ilion in 1901 and to-day enjoys a reputation and patronage that can only be obtained by fair and square dealing. His works are equipped with 7 ½ H. P. electric motor pneumatic tools and all conveniences, and as Mr. Jarvis gives all work his personal supervision, he is in a position to guarantee all work to the first-class in every respect. All kinds of cemetery work is done including marble and granite monuments, headstones, markers, railings for family lots, etc., as well as chimney caps, door steps, window sills, etc. In addition to the above, Mr. Jarvis is also a dealer in flagging and curbing and can offer inducements in this line. Drawings and estimates for all kinds of stone work are furnished upon application and a prompt and satisfactory service is rendered at all times. Mr. Jarvis personally is a native of Scotland. He is a business man in whom every confidence can be placed, a hard worker and enjoys the good will of all who know him. His success is well merited."
Alexander Jarvis was born at Bollater, Scotland, August 25, 1860. He lived the greater part of his life in this country. He was affiliated with various fraternal, civic, and business organizations in Ilion and New York State. For ten years, he was treasurer of the New York state Granite Dealers' Association. For the last six years, he was secretary and treasurer of the Odd Fellows' Building Association.
Alexander Jarvis died in March of 1920. He was survived by his wife, his mother, four brothers, one sister, two daughters, Mrs. [Elizabeth aka Bessie] William R. Cross, IHS 1908, of New York City, and Mrs. [Mae aka May] R. P. Evans, IHS 1909, of Dade City, Florida and three sons, Charles IHS 1905, Harold IHS 1909, and Leon Jarvis IHS 1913. The funeral was held from his home at 147 Otsego Street, March 29, 1920. Rev. E. D. Barnes, pastor of the Presbyterian church, of which Mr. Jones was a member, officiated. The remains were placed in the Richardson Memorial Chapel for later internment in Armory Hill Cemetery.
Charles Jarvis IHS 1905 - Banker
James Edward 'Ed' Carney (top row - third from left), Leo Powers (front row - far right), Edna Brand McGowan (top row - far right)
Photograph is from the Carney family, personal, photograph albums. Photograph was enhanced and retouched by Aileen Carney Sweeney.
Charles D. Jarvis, the eldest of the Jarvis children, was born on November 28, 1888, in England, a son of Alexander and Rachel Lee Jarvis. He came to Ilion in 1900 with his family. He graduated from Ilion High School with the Class of 1905. He graduated from Albany Business College in 1906. He continued his studies at Harvard University and graduated in 1910. He married Ethel Penny on October 21, 1922. He was a well-known banker and businessman in the area. He was associated with the Savings Bank of Utica, Herkimer County Trust Co. and was employed for 11 years as manager of the Syracuse office of the Foster & Adams Investment Company. He and his wife raised their only child, Dr. Charles A. Jarvis IHS 1942, in the same house that his parents occupied at 147 Otsego Street in Ilion. He died on August 16, 1958 and is buried in the Jarvis family plot in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion.
Charles D. Jarvis Obituary
Charles D. Jarvis, 73, of 147 Otsego St., died Saturday in a Utica hospital after a long illness. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. tomorrow from the Applegate Funeral Home by the Rev. Robert Withington, Episcopal rector. Interment will be in Armory Hill Cemetery. Mr. Jarvis was born in England on Nov. 28, 1884, son of Rachel Lee and Alexander Jarvis. He married Ethel Penny on Oct. 21, 1922. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1905; Albany Business College in 1906 and Harvard University in 1910. Mr. Jarvis was associated with the Savings Bank of Utica, Herkimer County Trust Co., and for 11 years was manager of the Syracuse office of Foster & Adams Investment Co. Mr. Jarvis leaves his wife; one son, Dr. Charles A. Jarvis, Staten Island Marine Hospital; one sister, Mrs. William Rich Cross of Greenfield, Mass.; one brother, Leon of Ilion; three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Elizabeth (Bessie) Jarvis IHS 1908
Front: Helen Hutchins (Lawrence), Lillian Gould, Bessie Jarvis (Cross) - class salutatorian, Harris Myers - class president, Blanche Kark (Newton), Grace Robinson (Zeller)
Middle Row: Josephine Parker (Smith), William DuBordieu, Elsie Van Wiggeren (Edwards), Ruth King (Crim), Harrison Brand, Marion Bell (Welling)
Back Row: Ethel Barger (White), Vera Ackler (Jones), Clyde Werner, Elsie Johnson (Presley) class valedictorian, Anna Carney.
Newspaper photograph is from the Carney family, personal, photograph albums and was enhanced and retouched by Aileen Carney Sweeney.
Elizabeth 'Bessie' Jarvis was born in 1889. She was the Salutatorian of the IHS Class of 1908. She married William R. Cross by 1912 and they last made their home in Greenfield, Mass. They had one daughter, Mrs. Jean Merryman Cross Dickinson, Greenfield, Mass and a son, Cpl. William Cross, Jr. Elizabeth Jarvis Cross died in Greenfield, MA, in 1968, and is buried in the Green River Cemetery.
Harold Jarvis IHS 1909 - Pharmacist

Harold Jarvis was born October 30, 1891 in Barre, Vermont, a son of Alexander and Rachel Lee Jarvis. Harold Jarvis was the Class President of the IHS Class of 1909. After graduation from high school, he began teaching in District No. 7 in Schuyler, in 1910. He worked for J. V. Downs' pharmacy in 1912. That same year, he entered the Columbia University School of Pharmacy. For two years, Harold was with Charles B. Skinner & Co., pharmacists at Amsterdam. In 1913, Bert H. Bentley, purchased J. V. Downs, a well-known pharmacy at the corner of Otsego and First streets in Ilion. Mr. Bentley took into partnership Harold Jarvis. The change took effect at once and was conducted under the firm name of Bentley & Jarvis. Harold Jarvis graduated from pharmacy school in 1914. In 1916, Harold Jarvis accepted a position with England A McCaffrey at Utica. He married Bessie Burns, from Mohawk, NY, in 1916. From that union were born two children. Alexander Bruce Jarvis was born in 1917 and a daughter was born on October 30, 1919 which was the same day as her father's birthday. On August 13, 1917, Harold bought a store in Mohawk located in the Weller block. A year or so later he purchased his long-time place of business, on Main Street in Mohawk, from Martha and Charles Steele. Harold Jarvis was the first licensed druggist to operate in that store.
After Harold's death, the pharmacy was operated by his son, Bruce Jarvis, who also graduated as a pharmacist. Bruce would later go on to be an owner of the Ilion Towpath Motel. He was the father of Challenger Astronaut, Gregory B. Jarvis, for whom the Central Valley Middle School in Mohawk is now named.
Harold L. Jarvis Obituary
Harold L. Jarvis, 55, of 13 W. Main St., local druggist for the past 30 years, died yesterday April 17, 1947 at his home following a brief illness. Funeral services will be conducted 2:30 p. m. Sunday from the Graves Funeral Home with the Rev. Garrett Roorda officiating. Burial will be in the Mohawk cemetery He was born Oct. 30, 1891 in Barre, Vermont, a son of Alexander and Rachel Lee Jarvis. He moved to Ilion with his parents about 46 years ago. A graduate of Ilion High School and Columbia School of Pharmacy, New York, he worked for several years as a pharmacist in Ilion prior to moving to Mohawk where he purchased the block from which he had conducted his pharmacy for the past 30 years. He was a member of the Ilion Presbyterian Church, Mohawk Masonic Lodge, Alexander Hook and Ladder Co., Community Club, Mohawk Club and the Mohawk Fish & Game Club. He leaves his wife, the former Miss Bessie Burns whom he married in Mohawk about 31 years ago; his mother, Mrs. Rachel Jarvis, Dade City. Fla.; a son, Alexander Bruce, Mohawk; two brothers, Leon M. and Charles D„ both of Ilion; two sisters, Mrs. Robert P. Evans, Dade City and Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, Greenfield, Mass., and a grandson.
May (May) Jarvis IHS 1909 - Teacher
Front Row, from the left - Elizabeth Dutcher (Sherwood), Arthur Roberts, Rachel Jenks, Wesley Ingersol, Mae Jarvis, Bernard Tracy, Laura Chandler (Mitchell), Elizabeth Mathews (Lenig)
Second Row - Ray Shaul, Lulu Barnes (Williams), Floy Brown (Woodward), Eva Hempstead (Seymour), Selena Haughton, Harold Jarvis - Class President, Jessie Pratt, DeWitt Brown, Blanche Burdick (Ray), Estella Hall (Austen), Benjamin Wheelock
Back Row - Blanche Ingalls, Fred King, Olive Williams (Billington), Earl Jones, Gertrude (Carney) Tracy, Leland Quinlavin, Ann Kelner (Sands), Raymond Allston, Grace Greenfield, Carl Byron
May Jarvis was born May 6, 1892 in East Montpelier, Vermont, a daughter of Alexander and Rachel Lee Jarvis. May came with her family to Ilion in 1900. May Jarvis graduated, with her brother Harold, as a member of the Ilion High School Class of 1909. May attended Oneonta Normal School after graduating from high school. She taught schools in Schenectady where she was married to Robert Evans. They moved to Dade City, Florida, where she was teaching at the time of her death. May died at Dade City, Fl., at the age of 62, on February 18, 1955. She was survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. William Petway, Florida; one son, Robert Evans Jr., Florida; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Cross, Greenfield, Mass.; and two brothers, Leon and Charles Jarvis, Ilion.
Leon McVaugh Jarvis IHS 1913 - Businessman, Policeman
Leon McVaugh Jarvis was born on October 6, 1893, in East Montpelier, Vermont, the son of Alexander and Rachel Jarvis. He was the youngest child of all the Jarvis siblings. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1913. He married Cora Jane Morris, in her family home in Litchfield in 1916. At the time, he was employed with his father in the monument business. He and his wife had one son and six daughters. The children were Sam Jarvis, oldest IHS Class of 1936, Jane Jarvis Francey IHS Class of 1938, Gwen Jarvis (Austin) Rasbach IHS Class of 1939, Joanne (Joan) Jarvis (Bob) Dingman IHS Class of 1940, Audrey Jarvis (Jack) Fischer IHS Class of 1944, Barbara Jarvis Brennick Vodicka IHS Class of 1951 and Carol Jarvis (Bob) Harris IHS Class of 1956.
Leon carried on the monument business for many years after his father's death in 1920. Leon purchased the Ilion Garage, in 1921, from Thomas Donlin and it became an authorized Ford service station. In 1936, he became the desk clerk for the Ilion police department. He was a charter member of the Ilion Police Benevolent Association, organized in October, 1936. His wife died in 1944. Leon died September 9, 1948 just four months before his scheduled retirement.
A posthumous salute to Leon Jarvis was paid by members of the Police Benevolent Association at the 21st annual Policemen's Ball held at the Ilion Elks Club in November 1958. The following is from The Evening Telegram November 26, 1958 edition.
In his honor and to show the esteem in which his memory is held by those who carry on the traditions he so ably supported, we humbly and respectfully dedicate this year’s program. Jarvis was a veteran member of the Ilion Police Department and a charter member of the Ilion Police Benevolent Association, organized in October, 1936.
"He believed sincerely in the charitable principles upon which the association was founded. Ever active in the association's work, he took a keen interest in the charitable work performed so anonymously by the group. He demonstrated his ability through active participation in the Christmas toy distribution.
"The Association is proud to dedicate this program to Leon Jarvis in recognition of his service to the Association. We revere the memory of his friendliness and understanding of human problems and his eagerness to join in the charitable work of the association, even though such charity cannot be publicized. An unwritten law of the Association forbids publicity in helping those less fortunate."
Leon M. Jarvis Obituary - ILION POLICE CLERK DIES
Leon M. Jarvis, 64, desk clerk for the Ilion Police died yesterday in Ilion Hospital after an illness of a week. He was born Oct. 6, 1893, in East Montpelier, Vt., son of Alexander and Rachel Lee Jarvis. His wife, the former Cora Jane Morris died in 1944. He had lived in Ilion since 1900 and graduated from Ilion High School in 1913. Mr. Jarvis carried on a monument business for many years after his father's death. Since 1936 he had been desk clerk for the police department. Mr. Jarvis was a member of the First Presbyterian Church; Ilion Masonic lodge; Hose Company and the Ilion Police Benevolent Association. He was also a deputy sheriff. He leaves one son, Samuel, of Richfield Springs; six daughters, Mrs. George Francey of Syracuse, Mrs. Austin Rasbach of Rochester, Mrs. Robert Dingman of Herkimer, Mrs. John Fischer of Ilion, Mrs. Richard Brennick of Oakdale, Conn., and Miss Carol Jarvis of Albany; 15 grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. William R. Cross of Greenfield, Mass. Services will be at 2:30 Friday from the Whiter Funeral Home with the Rev. Charles Bartlett, Presbyterian minister, officiating. Interment will be in Kinnie Cemetery, Litchfield. Ilion Masons will hold ritualistic services at 7:30 tomorrow night in the funeral home.
Charles Arthur Jarvis Jr. IHS 1942 - Doctor
Charles Arthur Jarvis was born on May 24, 1925 in Little Falls, N. Y. He was the only child of Charles and Ethel (Penny) Jarvis. He grew up in the house previously occupied by his grandparents, Alexander and Rachel Lee Jarvis, at 147 Otsego Street, Ilion. He graduated from Ilion High School with the Class of 1942. Charles entered Harvard University, as a freshman, in September, 1942. In June of 1943, a $500 scholarship was granted to Charles Jarvis, Jr., of Ilion, by Harvard University for completing his first year with four scholastic honors and a place on the dean's list. Jarvis was awarded a similar scholarship in May 1942, if he selected Harvard University. At Harvard, he studied bio-chemistry as a prelude to the study of medicine. He was expected to receive his medical degree, in June, 1948, from Johns Hopkins Medical School. Charles married his wife, Louise Marie Wilson, in 1948. Louise graduated from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing in 1947. Dr. Charles Jarvis served in the armed forces during the Korean War. He became chief medical officer at the U. S. Penitentiary Leavenworth, Kansas. Charles Jarvis was awarded the U. S. Public Health Service's meritorious service medal by Dr. Robert Brutsche, medical director of the Bureau of Prisons. Jarvis had spent 14 of his 27 years with the Public Health Service working at the U. S. Penitentiary.
Together Dr. Charles and Louise raised three children; Susan, Robert and Anne. Louise and Charles settled in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1961. Their son, Robert Charles Jarvis, also attended John Hopkins and received his medical degree in 1980. Dr. Charles Jarvis died in 2000. At the time, he and Louise had been married for 52 years. Louise Jarvis died April 23, 2018 in Lansing, Kansas. She was preceded in death by her husband, Charles, and their son, Dr. Robert Jarvis.
Alexander Bruce Jarvis - Mohawk High School
Alexander Bruce Jarvis was born in 1917; the son of Harold and Bessie (Burns) Jarvis. After Harold Jarvis died in 1947, the Mohawk pharmacy continued to be operated by his son, Bruce Jarvis, who was also a pharmacist. Bruce would later go on to be an owner of the Ilion Towpath Motel. Bruce Jarvis was the father of Challenger Astronaut, Gregory B. Jarvis, for whom the Central Valley Middle School in Mohawk is now named. Bruce Jarvis passed away on January 6, 2003 at the age of 85 in Orlando, Florida.
Gregory B. Jarvis - Mohawk High School 1962 - Challenger Astronaut
Gregory Jarvis was born in Detroit, Michigan, the son of Bruce and Lucille Jarvis. He graduated from Mohawk High School in 1962. He was a member of the school football team, and enjoyed skiing and racquetball. Gregory Jarvis was an all-around athlete, a well-liked student and an avid biker. He attended SUNY at Buffalo State and Northeastern University in Boston, where he received a master's degree in electrical engineering. He was hired by Hughes Aircraft Company, as an electrical engineer, after serving four years in the Air Force. He was selected from among 650 Hughes employees for the Challenger Space Shuttle mission. He was to be its payload specialist, monitoring a satellite that was to have been deployed. Jarvis trained extensively during his stay at the space center in Houston. He lived in a simulated shuttle environment as part of his training and went through several medical tests and weather briefings.
Gregory B. Jarvis, who grew up in Firman Street area of Mohawk, died January 28, 1986 when the space shuttle Challenger exploded. He was 41 years old. He and his wife, Marsha, had no children. They lived in Hermosa Beach, California. His brother, Stephen, lived in Torrance, California, and his brother, Alan, lived in Springfield, Massachusetts. His father, Bruce Jarvis, lived Orlando, Florida. His mother, Lucille 'Tele' (Rankins-Jarvis) Ladd, and step-father, John Ladd, lived at Forge Hill Estates, Ilion.
The Mohawk high school was renamed the Gregory B. Jarvis Jr.-Sr. High School after the disaster. It is now the Gregory B. Jarvis Middle School in the Central Valley School District.
A Jarvis Family Legacy - Monuments

The Challenger Memorial Park on West Main Street, in Ilion, contains a monument and plaques in memory of the 1986 Challenger Astronauts. This memorial includes Gregory B. Jarvis, the great-grandson, of Ilion Soldiers' Monument maker, Alexander Jarvis.
A little over twenty years ago, Ilion's Soldier Monument was in excellent condition and was not showing any great need to be cleaned. That is no longer the case. It is time to return the Soldiers' Monument to its former glory.
Below are photographs from the Ilion Days, Bloomin' Crazy Contest, 1997-1999 when Ted Carney IHS 1981, adopted and planted the monument site in memory of his father, Dr. Theodore Carney IHS 1936. In recent years, this site has been adopted by Bernice 'Bunny' (Seaman)Seymour IHS 1969.

Soldier Monument - Blooming Crazy Contest 1997

Soldier Monument - Blooming Crazy Contest 1998

Soldier Monument - Blooming Crazy Contest 1998

Soldier Monument - Blooming Crazy Contest 1999
Sources - Soldiers' Monument
A Soldiers Monument - May 20, 1904 - Illion NY Citizen 1903-1904 - 0620.pdf -
Honor to Our Heroes A Three Thousand Dollar Soldiers; Monument - May 16, 1905 - Illion NY Citizen 1903-1904 - 1085.pdf -
Honor The Flag Decoration Day and Memorial Sunday to Be Observed - May 30, 1905 - Illion NY Citizen 1903-1904 - 1085.pdf -
Alexander Jarvis is in Barre, Vt - Ilion NY History Vol2_257.pdf -
Jarvis is in Vermont - June 13, 1905 - Illion NY Citizen 1903-1904 - 1085.pdf -
Ilion Department - Figure for the Soldiers Monument is completed - December 5, 1905 - Illion NY Citizen 1903-1904 - 1363.pdf -
Address at the Dedication of the Soldiers' Monument at Ilion - May 30, 1906 - Syracuse NY Herald 1906 - 2614.pdf
Lest We Forget Ilion Salutes The Flag And Honors The Dead - May 31, 1906 - Illion NY Citizen 1906-1908 - 0242.pdf -
Lest We Forget Ilion Salutes The Flag And Honors The Dead - continued - May 31, 1906 - llion NY Citizen 1906-1908 - 0247.pdf -
Man About Town - L. F. Bellinger - three cannons - May 20, 1909 - Illion NY Citizen 1909-1910 - 0573.pdf -
He Started Lonely Vigil 54 Years Ago By Ernie Sitts - 1960 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1960 01383.pdf -
Sources - Alexander Jarvis
Marble and Granite Works of A. Jarvis - October 6, 1906 - Illion NY Citizen 1906-1908 - 0479.pdf -
1904 Advertisement - February 12, 1904 - Illion NY Citizen 1903-1904 - 0506.pdf -
The First Presbyterian Church Cornerstone donated by Jarvis - 1913 Armory Hill Cemetery -
Death of Alexander Jarvis - April 6, 1920 - Herkimer NY Free Press 1810-1829 00286.pdf -
Beautiful Rustic Monument Van Gumster Monument by Jarvis - 1929 Armory Hill Cemetery -
James C. VanGumster Monument by Jarvis - 1910 Armory Hill Cemetery -
Samuel Thomas Russell Monument by Jarvis - 1929 Armory Hill Cemetery -
Albert Newton Russell father of Samuel Russell - Armory Hill Cemetery -
Sources - Charles D. Jarvis and Dr. Charles Arthur Jarvis
Ilion High 1905 Class Roster -
Charles Jarvis to Harvard - September 23, 1906 - Illion NY Citizen 1906-1908 - 0442.pdf -
Charles Jarvis Dies, Ilion Resident - August 18, 1958 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1958 01961.pdf -
Charles D. Jarvis, 73, Former Area Banker - August 17, 1958 - Utica NY Observer 1958 a-4407.pdf -
Salom Rizk To Address Ilion Grads Tues. Night - June 18, 1942 - Illion NY Sentinel 1941-1943 - 0639.pdf -
News Notes From All Around Us - June 14, 1943 - Cooperstown NY Otsego Farmer & Republican Grayscale 1942 - 1943 - 0615.pdf -
VACANT CHAIRS REMIND ILION MEN IN SERVICE - December 6,1952 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1952 03034.pdf -
CHARLES ARTHUR JARVIS - December 6,1952 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1952 03034.pdf -
Charles Arthur Jarvis - Page 156 - Harvard_University_Red_Book_Yearbook -
Charles Jarvis Page 21 - Ilion Mirror Yearbook 1942 - Ilion Yearbook Collection -
JARVIS HONORED AT USP - October 24, 1975 -
Robert Charles Jarvis his son graduates from John Hopkins Medical School - May 30, 1980 -
Sources - Elizabeth 'Bessie' Jarvis Cross
Ilion High 1906 - 1908 Class Rosters -
Ilion High School Valedictorians and Salutatorians -
Ilion Items - Mrs. Elizabeth J. Cross May 10, 1945 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1945 00811.pdf -
Sources - Harold Jarvis
Harold Lee Jarvis Page 8 -
Senior Annual IHS 1909 - Ilion Yearbook Collection -
Ilion School Notes - Senior Class Officers October 8, 1908 - Illion NY Citizen 1906-1908 - 1378.pdf -
The Class of '09 June 24, 1909 - Illion NY Citizen 1909-1910 - 0604.pdf -
Ilion High 1909 Class Roster -
The Class of '09 June 24, 1909 - Illion NY Citizen 1909-1910 - 0604.pdf -
Ilion High 1909 Class Roster -
Ilion H.S. Football Squad of 1908 Ilion NY History Vol3_60.pdf -
Teacher January 13, 19210 - Illion NY Citizen 1909-1910 - 0855.pdf -
Interesting Information About Our Neighbors - Harold Jarvis - Columbia Pharmacy School September 19, 1912 - llion NY Citizen 1911-1913 - 0717.pdf -
Harold Jarvis - Columbia Pharmacy School September 20, 1912 - Utica NY Daily Press 1912 - 3688.pdf -
New Drug Firm August 2, 1913 - Utica NY Herald Dispatch 1915 - 2463.pdf -
Personals - Harold Jarvis - Graduate of Columbia Pharmacy School May 14, 1914 - Illion NY Citizen 1913-1916 - 0473.pdf -
Notes - Harold Jarvis November 14, 1916 - Utica NY Daily Press 1916 - 0144.pdf -
Mohawk Notes - Son Bruce Born November 22, 1917 - Illion NY Citizen 1917-1919 - 0363.pdf -
News of the Week - Daughter Born November 1919 - Illion NY Citizen 1917-1919 - 0337.pdf -
Mohawk Notes – Bruce Jarvis October 31, 1926 - Utica NY Observer 1926 a - 6250.pdf -
Spogen Buys Gallinger Drug Store February 3, 1965 - 1913 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1965 00336.pdf -
Jarvis Building One of Mohawk's Oldest November 12, 1953- Illion NY Sentinel 1953 - 0698.pdf -
Jarvis Building One of Mohawk's Oldest - continued November 12, 1953- Illion NY Sentinel 1953 - 0698.pdf -
Harold Jarvis Druggist Dies April 18, 1947 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1947 01579.pdf -
Look back: Village remembers Mohawk astronaut killed in Challenger explosion - January 29, 1986 - The Utica Observer Dispatch -
Alexander Bruce Jarvis Endured his Son's Death Aboard Challenger - January 8, 2003 - The Orlando Sentinel -
Ilion Service Honors Challenger astronauts - May 24, 2008 - The Herkimer Evening Telegram
Sources - May Jarvis Evans
Ilion High 1913 - 1917 Class Rosters -
Mrs. Evans, Former Ilion Resident, Dies February 19, 1955 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1947 01579.pdf -
Sources - Leon Jarvis
Ilion High 1909 Class Roster -
The 1910 Ilion High School Football Team -
Jarvis - Morris Nuptial Popular Young Couple Married at Brides' Home in Litchfield September 14, 1916 - Illion NY Citizen 1913-1916 - 1066.pdf -
Thomas Donlin sells the Ilion Garage to Leon Jarvis 1921 - Ilion NY History Vol1_304.pdf -
Ilion Police Clerk Dies September 10, 1958 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1958 02151.pdf -
Police Group Pays Tribute to Jarvis November 26, 1958 - Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1958 02882.pdf -
Sources - Jarvis Graves
Alexander Jarvis grandfather - 1920 Armory Hill Cemetery -
Rachael Lee Jarvis grandmother - 1950 Armory Hill Cemetery -
Charles D. Jarvis father - 1958 - Armory Hill Cemetery
Jean Merryman Cross Dickinson daughter of Elizabeth 'Bessie' Jarvis Cross - 2000 - Green River Cemetery
Ethel May Penney Jarvis mother - 1971 - Armory Hill Cemetery
Charles Arthur Jarvis 2000 - Sunset Memory Gardens Leavenworth
Louise Marie Wilson Jarvis his wife 2018 - Sunset Memory Gardens Leavenworth
Louise Marie Wilson Jarvis Obituary - April 25, 2018 -
Harold L. Jarvis - 1947 Mohawk Cemetery -
Bessie E. Jarvis wife - Mohawk Cemetery -
Alexander Bruce Jarvis son - 2003 Mohawk Cemetery -
Gregory Bruce Jarvis grandson Astronaut on the Space Challenger - 1986 Mohawk Cemetery -
May Jarvis Evans - 1955 Dade City Cemetery -
Leon McVaugh Jarvis - 1958 Litchfield Cemetery -
Sources - Monument Adoption and Cleaning
Parkway Statues Getting a Facelift - May 9, 2017 Utica Observer-Dispatch -
A Good Neighbor, Stewart's Shops Gives Back to Community with T.R. Proctor Monument Adoption - 2018-2019 Central New York Conservancy news -
Don’t Clean With - The Cemetery Conservators for United Standards -