1930s Yearbook Art Editors

1935 LLoyd Schafer and 1937 Clarence Getman

June 2022

1935 LLoyd Schafer and 1937 Clarence Getman
The 1937 Cover by Clarence Getman

The 1935 Annualogue Drawing - page 2 by LLoyd Schafer


LLoyd Schafer - 1935

1935 Yearbook Art Editor - LLoyd Schafer
1935 Yearbook Art Editor - LLoyd Schafer

Lloyd Schafer was born in Utica, New York, the son of the late Charles and Blanche Schafer, on November 24, 1916. He received his education in the Ilion School District and graduated with the Class of 1935. After graduation, Lloyd served with the Marines, during World War II, in the South Pacific. On October 26, 1940, he married the former Jayne M. Leary, IHS 1938.


The second page of the 1935 Yearbook contained LLoyd Schafer's Annologue drawing and is featured in this month's cover story image. His senior yearbook caption centered on his artistic talents.

"He'll be a Rembrandt sure as fate,
If he keeps on at his present rate."

Page 22 of the 1935 Yearbook contains another example of LLoyd Schafer's art work.

1935 Yearbook Art Editor - LLoyd Schafer Activities Sketch


Post World War II

Lloyd was employed as a design engineer with Remington Arms in Ilion. Jayne was a stay at home mom, raising their children Linda and Joanne. They made their home on Brook Street, Ilion.


1935 Yearbook Art Editor - LLoyd Schafer - Remington House Drawing


After his retirement, the Schafers moved to Old Forge where Lloyd has his Singing Waters Art Studio in Old Forge, New York, and later in Silver Springs, Florida. During his retirement, Lloyd completed and sold over four thousand watercolor paintings as well as helping out in community projects such as painting the sign-age on the Inlet Fire Dept., trucks, and the train bridge in Old Forge. Both Lloyd and Jayne were members of the Old Forge Art Council and members of St. Joseph's Mission Church in Silver Springs, Fla.

Lloyd Schafer passed away on Sunday, June 8, 2008, in Ocala, Florida. Three weeks later, Jayne passed away Sunday, June 28, 2008, at daughter Joanne and Jack Valent's home in Cashiers, NC. Surviving them was a daughter and son-in-law, Joanne and Jack Valent of Cashiers, N.C.; five grandchildren and six great-grand children. Lloyd was survived by a sister, Ruth Hanson in Silver Springs, Fla., and Jayne was survived by a sister, Louise Falzareno of Ilion. They were predeceased by their daughter, Linda Schafer and a grandson, Anthony (Chipper) Angelichio.



Clarence Jacob Getman - 1937

1937 Yearbook Art Editor - Clarence Jacob Getman
1937 Yearbook Art Editor - Clarence Jacob Getman


Clarence Jacob 'Jake' Getman was born May 2, 1919, in Ilion. He was the son of Clarence and Bessie (Cone) Getman, of Otsego Street. Clarence graduated from Ilion High School in 1937. Clarence was an outstanding student in art and won many prizes and other recognition for his work. His father, Clarence F. Getman, was a former village trustee. He was also a well known grocery-man; as proprietor of Getman's Grocery Store on Otsego Street from 1901 until his retirement in 1945. Mr. Getman died unexpectedly November 23, 1947, in his home, at 12 English Street.

The theme for the 1937 Mirror was described in the Forward of the Yearbook. From page 3 of the yearbook, "we have chosen for the theme of "The Mirror", the pioneers of the Mohawk Valley, their lives, and their ideals. Because this section has received so much publicity in those three excellent books, Three Bags Full, Drums Along the Mohawk, and Listen for a Lonesome Dove, we feel it is only fitting that we, as the natives of this valley should also pay tribute to it." Thus, Clarence's yearbook art work was predefined for him and featured the Mohawk Indian.


Page 2 of the 1937 Yearbook contains another example of Clarence Getman's art work.

1937 Yearbook Art Editor - Clarence Getman - The Mirror of 1937 Clubs and Activities


Finally, Page 31 of the 1937 Yearbook for "Clubs and Activities" is another example of Clarence Getman's Indian art work.

1937 Yearbook Art Editor - Clarence Getman - The Mirror of 1937 Clubs and Activities


Finally, page 45 of the 1937 Yearbook contains the last example of his Indian art work, "Sports and Pastimes."

1937 Yearbook Art Editor - Clarence Getman - The Mirror of 1937 Sports and Pastimes


Post High School

Clarence Getman gradated from the Pratt Institute School of Fine and Applied Arts, Brooklyn, New York in 1941. At Pratt, he completed his course in commercial art, majoring in advertising design, lettering, and layout work. His parents attended his graduation from Pratt. He was a member of Alpha Temple Fraternity and the Baptist Church. After graduation, he joined the staff of the Needham and Grohmann Advertising Agency, Rockefeller Center, NYC. Later, he was studio manager of the Beacon Advertising Agency, New York City.

Gone Too Soon

Clarence Getman, age 29, died April 16, 1949, in St. Joseph's Hospital, Paterson, New Jersey. Besides his mother, he left his wife, the former Florence Cash of New York; two sons, William and Steven; a brother, Tracy Getman of Ilion and two sisters, Mrs. Clara Parry and Mrs. France Hitchcock, Ilion. He was predeceased by his father. The funeral services was conducted in Whiter Funeral Home, Ilion, the Rev. Stanley B. Thompson, Baptist minister, officiated. Burial was in Armory Hill Cemetery.


Related Sources

Fultonhistory.com Newspaper Archive References:

Illion NY Sentinel 1917 - 0804.pdf March 8, 1934 - Poster Prizes go to Ilion Boys
Illion NY Sentinel 1941-1943 - 0190.pdf June 14, 1941 - Joins New York Firm

Other References:

The Central New York Watercolor Society Newsletter August 2008 - www.centralnewyorkwatercolorsociety.org
Lloyd Schafer Works of Art Old Forge Library Winter 2011 - www.oldforgelibraryarchives.org
LLoyd Schafer of Old Forge June 22, 1983 - nyshistoricnewspapers.org
LLoyd Schafer Notecards www.webbhistory.org
LLoyd Schafer Riverview Cemetery - Old Forge, New York - findagrave.com
Jayne M Leary Schafer Riverview Cemetery - Old Forge, New York - findagrave.com
Clarence Jacob Getman Armory Hill Cemetery - Ilion, New York - findagrave.com

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June 1, 2022

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