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Ilion Alumni Web Site News/Developments
More Musical Details Added .....The cast of the 1954 Musical has been added. (November 8, 2023)
Commencement Programs .....The class pages for 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009 and 2011 have been updated to include links to pdf file versions of their Commencement programs. (March 19, 2023)
Musical Details Added .....The "110 In The Shade" program details and newspaper articles have been added. Thank you to Kevin Gould IHS 1973 for providing the program and newspaper clippings. (March 16, 2023)
Alumni Physicians and Pharmacists .....The Alumni Physicians page has been updated with the addition of Dr. Harold G. Ross. He has also been added to the Alumni Pharmacists page. Please let me know if there are other physicians who should be added to this compilation. (March 11, 2023)
Alumni Physicians .....The Alumni Physicians page has been updated with the addition of Dr. Sherwood Haggerty 1890. Please let me know if there are other physicians who should be added to this compilation. (January 28, 2023)
Class Rosters up to 2013.....The Class home pages have been updated with a link to a Class Roster Page. This has been completed up to and including the Class of 2013; the last graduating class from Ilion High School. So, in addition to adding graduation newspaper articles, the class lists have also been created using the names that appeared in the senior section of the class yearbooks. This will make it easier to search the site when trying to determine when someone graduated. Newspaper articles listing graduates, will be added, when they are located and as time permits. (January 17, 2023)
Graduation newspaper articles.....Class Newspaper Articles are continually being added to the site. The articles are organized by class year. An effort is being made to find articles that list all of the graduates and the honors/awards they received. (modified December 23, 2022)
Class Roster for 1920 .....In the process of updating Ilion Alumni dentists, a newspaper article containing the graduates of the Class of 1920 was discovered. The names have been added to the 1920 Class Roster and the newspaper article added to the list for the Class of 1920. (October 8, 2022)
Memoirs of the Union School - Scanned Version Available .....In April 2022, this document, "Memoirs of the Union School", was scanned and added to the New York Heritage digital collections - Ilion Public Library and is available for download here: New York Heritage digital collections - Ilion Public Library - Memoirs of the Union School. Thank you Mike Disotelle! - added April 25, 2022
Ilion Hospital - 1965 Dedication .....An addition to the local news section has been added to the Ilion Hospital history. The Evening Telegram, July 25, 1965 article is available here - Ilion Hospital Dedication Set. - added April 25, 2022
Golden Bombers Rewind - YouTube Channel.....Links have been added to the Sports and Generalnews main pages that will take you to the Walsh family "Golden Bombers Rewind" YouTube channel. (April 1, 2022)
Class Rosters up to 1989.....The Class home pages have been updated with a link to a Class Roster Page. This has been completed up to and including the Class of 1989. So, in addition to adding graduation newspaper articles, the class lists have also been created using the names that appeared in the senior section of the class yearbooks. This will make it easier to search the site when trying to determine when someone graduated. This will be completed for the remaining classes as time permits. (March 8, 2022)
Class Information for 1925 .....The Class of 1925 is a very mysterious class. Up until now, no newspaper article has been located that lists the members of the Class of 1925. There is no yearbook as well. If you have a class program or class composite photograph, please let us know so that we can include that information on this site. (December 4, 2021)
Class Portraits for 1926 .....Today 53 portraits for the 83 students who graduated in 1926 have been added. The 1926 yearbook did not contain senior pictures but it did contain the names and addresses of 82 students. Recently, a poster board of composite senior photos was located in the Ilion Public Library. Some of the images were missing from the board. Thank you to Mike Disotelle for digitizing these images. If you know of any family members who may have the original class composite photograph with all 82 students, please notify the library so that the missing photographs might be included in the future. Members of the Class of 1926 are listed in the 1926 Class Roster page. Members of the Class of 1926 with photographs are published on the Class of 1926 Senior Composite - Individual Photographs page. (December 17, 2021)
Class Rosters up through 1939.....Class Rosters are being added to the site bit by bit. The sources of the rosters are the yearbooks, the Alumni book "History of the Union School" from 1925 and newspaper articles about each class graduation. To date, class rosters have been compiled up to 1939. The class roster page links are available from each class's main page. This should help you when you are using the Search page to find relatives, friends and others. Eventually, a Class Roster page will be completed for all classes. (December 4, 2021)
Digitized Yearbooks available.....You can now search Digitized Ilion Yearbooks (link opens in new browser tab) using the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. The earliest yearbook available was from 1909. There are a few missing yearbooks from 1910 through the early 1920s, but from 1926 to 2013 each yearbook was available to be digitized. Thank you to Shauna Williams Bishop IHS 1991, the Ilion Public Librarian, and Mike Disotelle IHS 1989 Ilion Library Historian for completing this huge task! Soon, links to each yearbook will be added to each class page and to the Hall of Mirrors page. (March 24, 2021)
2018 Hall of Fame Inductees.....The 2018 Central Valley Hall of Fame inductees were honored at a luncheon held March 10, 2018 at Francesca's Restaurant in Ilion. Congratulations to the recipients and their families. (March 12, 2018)
Biography High School Principal.....The High School Principals page now contains the biography of Renee Rudd. (January 1, 2018)
Major Elementary School Reorganizations.....The Local news page contains links to stories on a major reorganization of Ilion and Mohawk elementary schools. Barringer Road school and Fisher Elementary school will no longer be the neighborhood community schools that you and your elementary aged siblings, or your children, attended together. (January 31, 2016)
2008 through 2011 Cover Stories Restored.....The Alumni site monthly cover stories for the years 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 are fully restored. (Decembr 28, 2015)
All General News (aka Quill Gallery) Cover Stories Restored.....The Alumni site Quill Gallery general news stories from 1997 to the present are fully restored. (September 6, 2015)
The Lever Cup Roster Completed.....Ilion teacher, Jane (Cring) Conner, provided the last two names needed to complete The Lever Cup Roster. Thank you Jane! (August 25, 2015)
1999 - 2003 Cover Stories Restored.....The Alumni site monthly cover stories for 1999 through 2003 are fully restored. (February 21, 2015)
Biography of Principal Loretta O.Douglas .....The Biography of Loretta O. Douglas and her photograph have been added to the High School Principals page. Miss Douglas was the first principal to administer the High School in its present location on Weber Avenue. Library staff members, Jean Putch and Mike Disotelle, have been a huge help for locating sources in The Ilion Historical Room. Their latest contribution, a hard to locate photograph, is featured on the February 2015 Cover story. (Feb 2, 2015)
Class of 1919 .....The Ilion Library's loan of newspaper microfilm, to the fultonhistory.com website, is featured on the Local News 2015 page. There you will find tips on how to search the two newspapers provided by the Ilion Public Library. The newspapers are The Ilion Sentinel newspaper, which was managed by 1934 Ilion Alumnus, Harold Whittemore, and The Ilion Citizen newspaper. (January 31, 2015)
Class of 1919 .....Names of the members of the Class of 1919 have been added, including the averages of the top three graduates, Lindsay Taylor, Ethel Allegra Thomas and Nellie Gilchrist. (January 31, 2015)
Guess The Graduate Stories Restored.....The monthly feature contest results for all of the Guess The Graduate contests have been restored. Over fifty contest themes were featured between September 1997 and April 2002. The Guess The Graduate feature went on hiatus in the Summer of 2002 while plans were being made for the Ilion Alumni All-Classes/Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion. (January 31, 2015)
1997 through 1998 Cover Stories Restored.....The Alumni site monthly cover stories from September 1997 through 1998 are fully restored. Others are being added in the near future including the monthly Guess The Graduate results. (January 17, 2015)
Leo J. Sammon Biography.....The biography of Principal Leo J. Sammon Jr. has been added to the District History. (January 4, 2015)
Homecoming Kings and Queens Restored.....Site Renovation for the Homecoming Kings and Queens list is available. Since the fall of 1957, Homecoming weekend was a great tradition for Ilion High School. The selection of the Homecoming King and Queen was announced during Friday afternoon pep rallies. See the compilation of Homecoming Kings and Queens, with photographs and summary descriptions for each class year, in the Traditions section. (December 29, 2014)
Valedictorian and Salutatorian List.....The Valedictorian and Salutatorian page now includes all names of all the Valedictorians and Salutatorians. Thanks goes to Mike Disotelle at the Ilion Public Library for finding the four class years. Joe Collea and Kathleen Carney Donahue identified many of the other year honorees. The other missing names were identified using fultonhistory.com. Thank you, Mr. Thomas Tryniski, for maintaining this huge treasure of archived newspapers. The Ilion Citizen and the Ilion Sentinel have recently been added to the collection. (December 29, 2014)
Annunciation Parish Sub-site Restored.....Site Renovation for the Annunciation Parish and Annunciation School sub-site is complete. In October 1999, Father Joseph Benitende, who was the Pastor of Annunciation Parish at that time, graciously gave me permission to reproduce the Parish Booklet - Annunciation Parish 1868 - 1968. (December 20, 2014)
Cheerleader Fashions Through the Years Restored.....Site Renovation for the Cheerleader Fashions is complete. In the spring of 1998, Paul and Carol (Baxter) McLaughlin gave permission to publish photographs, from their personal, family collection, of Carol as an Ilion cheerleader. Dot (Loopman) Garnsey and Jim Garnsey provided the photograph from 1948. Additional cheerleading photographs, from the Garnsey collection, are available on the Class of 1948 and Class of 1949> pages. Jane (Russell) Nile provided the 1950 and 1951 cheerleader photographs. Members of the class of 1943 also contributed a photograph. Other images were scanned, edited and digitally created, by me, to provide a unique perspective of Ilion cheerleaders. The section became part of the retrospective view of Cheerleaders in the Traditions section. (December 20, 2014)
Classes 1980 - 1989 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 1980 - 1989 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. (November 26, 2014)
Classes 1960 - 1969 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 1960 - 1969 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. This includes stories and tributes about 1962 classmate, Richard Adams and 1964 classmate Noreen Jones who was murdered by Bennie DiPiaza on August 27, 1964. Also restored is Bill Burke's IHS 1966 Reunion report that included the Black & White Hero Recipe. (November 24, 2014)
Classes 1970 - 1979 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 1970 - 1979 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. (November 24, 2014)
Memorials/Obituaries Restored.....Site Renovation for alumni memorials is complete. Obituaries, dating back to 1997, are available by the year that the alumnus passed away. The memorial pages are organized by calendar year of the obituary. When available, a link to the originating funeral home memorial page has been updated. All links to funeral home memorial pages open in new browser windows. A special note of gratitude is extended to local funeral homes for graciously permitting these testaments to be published on the alumni site. Links to local funeral homes are available on the Local Web Sites page. You can use the Search link to find if an obituary has been published for a particular alumnus. A page dedicated to deceased Ilion alumni veterans is updated regularly. If you would like the obituary for an alumnus, family member, to be included on the alumni site, please send the information via the Submit News form. Please include the URL of the originating obituary if it is available, and the Class year of the alumnus. (November 16, 2014)
Classes 2000 - 2013 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 2000 - 2013 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. The list of 2013 graduates has been added. The Class of 2013 is the last class to graduate from Ilion High School. (November 16, 2014)
Classes 1940 - 1959 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 1940 - 1959 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. (November 1, 2014)
Search .....The Search link has been added to most main navigation bars so that you can reach it from any page on the alumni site. The ilionalumni.com web site is indexed weekly by its free search engine - freefind. The site search page has been modified to explain how to use its many powerful features. It also includes links to tips that show you how the search engine functions and how to use it. The new tip links open in new browser windows so that you can remain on the alumni site while using the external web site, free find, to search the alumni site. (October 12, 2014)
Local News Articles 1997 - 2014 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Local News articles is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. Sample featured stories from that time period included, Annunciation Parish, History of Ilion Hospital, Alumni Physicians list, 1999 Village Wall of Fame, and "The 30 Year Wrestling Winning Streak against Magicians" and many more. (October 1, 2014)
Valedictorian and Salutatorian List.....The Valedictorian and Salutatorian page was updated to include names recently found for the years 1905, 1911, 1913 and 1917. Thanks goes to Mike Disotelle at the Ilion Public Library for finding the fout class years. Joe Collea and Kathleen Carney Donahue identified many of the other year honorees. We only need to identify four more class year honorees. (August 22, 2014) Classes 1930 - 1939 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 1930 - 1939 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. (July 20, 2014) History of Village of Ilion Elected Officials .....Mr. James F. Garnsey IHS '49 has generously shared a document that was created as a gift to him, by Janet C. Kirkland, IHS '57. James Garnsey holds the record of the person who served in the position of Mayor of Ilion for the longest number of years. Janet Kirkland was Ilion's first female village trustee. In 1988, she dedicated and presented her historical booklet of Ilion elected officials to Mr. Garnsey. Janet's booklet chronicled the history of Ilion government, up to 1988. She compiled information on every President/Mayor and Trustee as of that date. With the permission of James Garnsey, this wonderful booklet, "The Honorable James F. Garnsey", a history of village elected officials, is now available. (June 6, 2014)
Principals.....Biographies are being added for High School Principals. Biographies for John Guy Prindle, Joseph A. Baker, and Charles Lang are complete. (May 4, 2014)
Class Histories.....Site Renovation for the Class for Class Histories is complete. The Class History for 1977 has finally been added. Links to a Class History, appearing on the individual Current Class News pages, may still be broken while the site undergoes renovation. However, all of the histories, which are available, are presented on the main Class Histories page. (March 15, 2014)
Faculty Memorials.....Faculty and Staff Memorials have been consolidated on one page. (March 9, 2014)
Classes 1873 - 1929 Restored.....Site Renovation for the Classes 1873 through 1929 is complete. Links and images have been corrected/modified. (March 2, 2014)
Image Searching.....Beware of image search engine sites, particularly Google and Bing, displaying images from the ilionalumni.com site. The images that are returned may be 'poisoned images'. Refer to articles below: The Hidden Dangers of Bing & Google Image Searches 10 Bogus Excuses People Use When They Steal Photos from the Web� Going forward, all new alumni site images will be created by also including an ilionalumni.com logo on the image. Until this task is completed, you may find many broken images and pages on this site. (February 17, 2014)
Acknowledgements, Permissions and Copyright Section.....Site Acknowledgements and Permissions Section have been added. (February 17, 2014)
WKTV News Video - Last Ilion Graduation.....WKTV - Last of the Golden Bombers - Graduation Ceremony Story. (June 30, 2013)
1949 Senior Yearbook Pictures.....The 1949 Senior Yearbook Pictures were added to the class page. (May 11, 2013)
History of Class Rings.....The History of Class Rings page was added to the Traditions Section. Thanks goes to Leigh Potter IHS 1966 for providing a picture and information about the Class of 1966 Class Ring design. (March 3, 2013)
Class Facebook Pages/Groups.....The Class Reunion Page was updated to include links to Facebook Class pages and groups that are hosted on Facebook. Only pages or gropus that include the name of the administrators who manage the page or the group will be considered for inclusion on this ilionalumni.com site. (Sept 12, 2014)
Class of 1936.....Senior portraits for the Class of 1936 have been added to this site. You can now see these historical pictures of your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other relatives. (Jan 28, 2012)
Class of 1962.....Mike McCormack is now the Official Home Page Class Contact for the Class of 1962. Welcome aboard Mike. (Jan 28, 2012)
Class of 1945.....Patricia (Dunham) Prestin is now the Official Home Page Class Contact for the Class of 1945. Welcome aboard Patricia. (Dec 4, 2011)
Ilion Actress Blacklisted by Hollywood in 1950s.....The Ilion Notable Alumni page has been updated with a news item and New York Times obituary links regarding a famous Ilion native actress. Phoebe Brand was a former member of the Group Theater. She and her husband, Shakespearean actor Morris Carnovsky, were named Communists in the McCarthy hearings before the House Un-American Activities committee in the 1950s. As a result, they were blacklisted by Hollywood. (Sept 12, 2014)
GeoCites Free Web Hosting discontinued.....Geocities will be closing on October 26, 2009 and no longer hosting free web sites. The Ilion alumni site is not a FREE site so the alumni content will still be available. However, on or around October 26, 2009, this site will be moved to Yahoo Web Hosting. At that time, I will choose a personal domain name for the alumni site and the URL for the alumni site will change. You will automatically be redirected to the new URL. You can change your bookmarks at that time. (Sept 27, 2009)
Class of 1984.....Class of 1984 page, maintained on Geocities, by Kristin Lennox Fahey, is being archived on the main alumni site. If you have bookmarked Kris's Class of 1984 page as www.geocities.com/heartland/lake/5295/, please change your bookmark to the main alumni site page 1984. Kristin Lennox Fahey is the Official Home Page Class Contact for the Class of 1984. The free geocities home page for the class of 1984 has been archived here. Updates to the Class of 1984 can still be made but the new information will be posted on the main alumni site account. (Sept 29, 2009)
Class of 1981.....Class of 1981 page of http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/3362/index.html has been discontinued. Change your bookmark to the new page 1981. Ted Carney is the Official Home Page Class Contact for the Class of 1981. Ted is no longer maintaining an additional web site for the Class of 1981 but his work has been archived here. Updates to the Class of 1981 can still be made but the new information will be posted on the main alumni site account. (Sept 27, 2009)
Class of 1971.....Class of 1971 page is being moved to the main alumni site account. If you have bookmarked the old Class of 1971 page as http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/5381/index.html, please change your bookmark to the new page http://www.ilionalumni.com/1971.index.html. (modified Dec 4, 2011)
Class of 1991.....Susie Pannes is the Official Home Page Class Contact for the Class of 1991. Susie is no longer maintaining an additional web site for the Class of 1991 but her work has been archived here. (Sept 5, 2008)
Herkimer County GenWeb Site has moved.....Links from this site to the Herkimer County Genweb site may no longer work. The Ilion related links, on the Herkimer County GenWeb site, are now at the new location www.herkimer.nygenweb.net/ilion.html (April 11, 2008)
40th Year Reunion Picture....The Class of 1964 had a 40th reunion. Joe Smith provided the link to the Joe Smith Pictures as well as many other great nostalgic Ilion pictures (many pre-Urban Renewal). (Sept 9, 2014)
2007 Musical Pictures.....The program and photographs of the 2007 Ilion High School production of 'Beauty and the Beast' have been added. (Feb 3, 2008)
2006 Musical Pictures.....The program and photographs of the 2006 Ilion High School production of 'Good News!' have been added. (Mar 25, 2007)
2005 Musical Pictures.....The program and photographs of the 2005 Ilion High School production of 'The King and I' have been added. (Feb 2, 2007)
New Search Engine.....Thanks to the suggestion of Ilion Alumnus, Tim O'Conner 1966, I investigated replacing the ineffective geocities/yahoo search engine with a new search engine. I followed the lead of the Ilion Alumnus Paul McLaughlin '41 and our friends at the Herkimer County's GenWeb Site. I also utilized a free search engine for the Alumni Site. Now you can find all those obscure pages on this site. Try our new and improved Ilion Alumni Site Search Engine - updated weekly on Saturdays. (December 1, 2006)
1972 Alumnus - Inspirational Teacher featured on CBS The Early Show.....Ilion Alumnus, Karen Cranney '72, was cited as an inspirational teacher, on the CBS Early Show, Thursday November 30. Locally on Channel 5 - (7am - 9am) (November 30, 2006)
The Facebook web site is now open to anyone with an email address. You can register using Utica as a region and find Ilionites by searching all of Facebook using the keyword 'Ilion'. Facebook has been all the rage with college students since 2004 and is now open to the public. Two hundred and seventy-file Ilion graduates are registered as being affiliated with Ilion Junior Senior High School. (Nov 21, 2006)
Reunion YouTube VideoThe Class of 1986 Reunion Video is now on Youtube.com. Video posted by Angie Bottini Sayles. (Nov 21, 2006)
1971 Alumnus Sets Bail for University of Vermont Coed Murder Suspect.....Class of 1971 Alumnus, Honorable M. Kathleen Manley, Caledonia Superior Court Presiding Judge, set bail at $150,000 in the arraignment of suspect, Brian L. Rooney, age 36, on sex charges. In the course of investigating the disappearance and murder of University of Vermont senior Michelle Gardner-Quinn, law enforcement authorities uncovered evidence implicating Rooney in several acts of sexual misconduct in Caledonia and Essex counties. Kathy graduated from Western New England College of Law in Springfield, Mass. Kathy was a member of the law firm of Carter and Manley, in Ilion, prior to moving to Vermont. She also served as Chief Assistant District Attorney in Herkimer County and Ilion village attorney. (Oct 20, 2006)
Welcome to the Class of 2006 and Congratulations.....The class roster of graduates 2006 is now available. Congratulations to all the Bomber Graduates and Best Wishes! (Updated July 11, 2006)
Welcome to The Class of 2005 and Congratulations .....The class roster of graduates 2005 is now available. Congratulations to all the Bomber Graduates and Best Wishes! (Updated July 31, 2005)
1939 Pictures.....Paul McLaughlin, Class of 1941, provided all the senior images from the 1939 Mirror. (June 20, 2005)
1938 Pictures.....Paul McLaughlin, Class of 1941, provided all the senior images from the 1938 Mirror. (Apr 3, 2005)
Revamped School District Site.....Be sure to bookmark the Ilion School District's NEW web site. (March 8, 2005)
2002 and 2004 Musical Pictures.....Photographs of the 2004 Ilion High School production of 'Annie Get Your Gun 1999 Revival Edition' and photographs of the 2002 production of 'My Fair Lady' have been added. (March 8, 2005)
1940, 1941 and 1942 Many Pictures.....Paul McLaughlin, Class of 1941, provided all the senior images from the 1940, 1941 and 1942Mirrors. Paul also provided many photographs that have been added to the 1941 Album. Check back soon for the 1938 and 1939 senior Pictures. These are great additions to the site and will be appreciated by many visitors and historians. (Feb 20, 2005)
2005 Musical.....Click on the Musical Patrons Form if you are interested in
Older Yearbooks Were Available FREE.....The yearbook office was losing storage space. The yearbook staff needed to clear out leftover yearbooks from various years. Click here for details on how some people were able to get a replacement yearbook for FREE. All books have been given away. (Jan 17, 2005 - modified Sept 12, 2014)
Welcome to the Class of 2004 and Congratulations .....The class roster of graduates 2004 is now available. Congratulations to all the Bomber Graduates and Best Wishes! (Updated October 6, 2004)
Local Web Sites.....The Local Web sites page has been updated with new/revised links, including a special 2004 July event - The Great American Irish Music Festival - Frankfort NY - Fairgrounds July 31, 2004. (July 15, 2004)
Local Ilion News Sources Online.....The Local News page has been updated with some new Ilion, NY news related links. You can even watch on-line videos for Ilion related stories on News 10 Now link. (July 15, 2004)
Pine Knot Tavern.....Take a trip down memory lane. Back in the early '40s there was a nightclub named the Pine Knot Tavern. It was located on Route 5, just west of the Herkimer city limits. A dirt road, from Route 5, led to its large parking lot and a big dance hall. The hall featured bands and dances quite often. Check out the Bomber gang that frequented the Tavern. (July 11, 2004)
Top Scholars 2004 .....The list for the Top Scholars of the IHS Class of 2004 is now available. Congratulations to all. (May 22, 2004)
Bomber Beavers.....The Class of 1939 gave birth to The Beavers, a group of 8 IHS fellows [from the classes of 1939, 1940 and 1941] who had much fun together during and after high school days. The lore of The Beavers now warrants its own page including a newspaper article from World War II with photos. Visit Ilion High School Classes of 1939, 1940, 1941 - Eight Ilion Beavers. (January 9, 2004)
2003 School Musical Photographs....Twenty color photos from the 2003 spectacular production of 'Les Miserables' have been added to site. Photos courtesy of Leigh Daly Lytwynec IHS 1976. (January 4, 2004)
Welcome to the Class of 2003 and Congratulations .....The members of the class of 2003 are now alumni. Congratulations to all the Bomber Graduates and Best Wishes! (Updated June 28, 2003)
Alumni Directory Modifications .....Changes regarding the maintenance and publication of the Alumni Directory are now in effect. Alumni registrations are used for class reunions. Registrations allow alumni to post new and changed email addresses on specific class pages. The information published on this site, as of June 2003, will include the individual's name, class year, city, state, occupation, Alumni Web Site/Page address (if provided) and email address. Only the information of those who register or change their registration is included. This information will be available on the individual's class page. This data will also be forwarded, upon request, to the individuals who are coordinating class reunions. One general directory, for all classes, will no longer be published. The directory links on the site are for historical purposes only and may not reflect an individual's current status. (Updated June 28, 2003)
Sesquicentennial Books Available....The Ilion Days Committee has a number of the 1852-2002 booklets available. The cost is $2.50 and $2.50 for shipping within the United States If you would like one it may be ordered from:
Ms. Joan Stollach Please make checks payable to the Ilion Days Committee. (June 1, 2003)
Alumni JamFest 2003....Please inform your classmates, friends and relatives of the details of JAMFEST 2003. Here is your chance to reunite with friends, family and classmates to share a great time while helping to raise funds for worthy local projects. Mark your calendars to be in Ilion July 25 - 27, 2003 to enjoy Ilion Days and the 2003 Alumni JamFest. (April 10, 2003)
2003 Musical....The 2003 program for the school's production of the musical Les Miserables has been added to the Traditions area of the site. Check back soon for photographs of this year's production. (March 8, 2003)
More School Musicals....The 2002 program for the school's production of the musical My Fair Lady has been added to the Traditions area of the site. The 2000 program for the school's production of the musical Fiddler on the Roof and 1999 program State Fair have also been added along with photographs. In addition, you can find information regarding this year's production of 'Les Miserables' - March 6 - 8, 2003. (January 19, 2003)
School Musicals....The 2001 program for the school's production of the musical The Music Man has been added to the Traditions area of the site along with photographs provided by Steve Morse. (January 1, 2003)
Post Mega Reunion....Reunion - Photographs Reunion - Thanks/Reactions
Hello Class of 2002 and Congratulations .....The class of 2002 will soon be alumni. Congratulations to all the Bomber Graduates and Best Wishes! (Updated June 15, 2002)
Top Scholars 2002 .....The list for the Top Scholars of the IHS Class of 2002 is now available. Congratulations to all. (Updated April 20, 2002)
1903 Commencement Program .....Historical Page added to site - 1903 Commencement Program, was provided by Paul T. McLaughlin IHS 1941. (Updated April 20, 2002)
How To Register for the Mega Reunion .....We need to know how many plan on attending the reunion. You need to print and send in your Official Mega-Reunion Registration Form, as soon as possible, so we can finalize arrangements for The Ilion Alumni All-Classes/Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion Columbus Day Weekend - 2002!!! For alumni who do not have internet access, we will be doing a bulk mailing of the registration form in the very near future. (Updated March 23, 2002)
Class Size Counts Compiled for Mega Reunion .....With assistance from Mr. Joe Collea, we have created a bar chart from 'rough' numbers compiled of Class Sizes 1940-2001. (Updated March 25, 2002)
All-Classes/Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion Classmate Addresses.....The Reunion Committee will need to contact all of the graduates of IHS for the October 11, 12, 13 2002 - Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion. Robb Stubbs '75 is coordinating the classes into one database for printing labels for our first mailing. These will be sorted by zip code, so please make sure your zip code is correct. If the information is incorrect, please use the Registration Changes form. If you are not registered, you can add yourself by using the Online Registration Form. If you organized your last reunion and have a current list, please contact Robb for the best method of getting that information to him, by the end of February. Contact Robb by using this link: robbie_st@hotmail.com If you would like to be notified of Reunion Related information, but would not want your personal information published on the Alumni site, please contact Rob Stubbs via email and indicate in your message that you do not want the information published. All Class Reunion - Registration Contact - Rob Stubbs. (Updated January 29, 2002)
Class of 1989 Rejoins this Account.....In preparation for the Ilion Alumni All-Classes/Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion - Columbus Day Weekend, the class of 1989 has been moved back to this site. If you have the old site bookmarked, please update your bookmarks. (Updated February 10, 2002)
Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2023 ilionalumni.com