2003 Jamfest


The following schedule has been established for all Ilion Alumni and their guests to attend the Friday, July 25, 2003 JAMFEST (free) at Eckerd's Mall in Ilion:

8 pm to 9:30 pm The Boss Five
(same members who played for last year's Mega Reunion)

John Seymour '66..Vocals
Dorr Looman..Guitar
Steve Castle '66..Guitar
Doug Kornbrust '69..Drums
Rick DeJohn '69.. Bass

9:30 pm to 11 pm The Steve Rigo Band

Steve Rigo '70..Guitar/Vocals
Mike Marro '85..Keyboard/Vocals
Steve Ebersol..Drums
Dale Edwards '70..Vocals
Rick DeJohn '69..Bass

Also, on Friday, July 25 from 10 pm to 2 am @ the Ilion Elks -- The Boss Five

(Parking will be available in a designated Remington Arms lot)

The Jam Fest is in conjunction with Ilion Days and a booth will be available on Friday and Saturday to make donations to the Ilion municipal pool and municipal building auditorium improvement committees. Raffle tickets will also be available at the booth.

On Saturday, July 26 from 10 am to 2 pm there will be tours of Ilion High School which has newly renovated classrooms, new athletic facilities and fitness center.

On Saturday evening the Steve Rigo Band will be playing at Crossway's Tavern and the Ilion Marine Corp will host Dale Edwards. The Ilion Moose Club is not open to the public due to a prior commitment.

Class Reunions for the classes of 1953 (50th), 1958 (45th) and 1968 (35th) will be this weekend. The Class of 1968 will be attending JamFest 2003.

On Sunday, July 27 the Ilion Elks will host a donation BREAKFAST from 8-11 am that is open to the public.

CURRENTLY AND UNTIL THE JULY 27th ELK'S BREAKFAST, RAFFLE TICKETS FOR A $2500 VACATION TRAVEL VOUCHER WILL BE AVAILABLE @ $5.00 PER TICKET. You may purchase ticket(s) through the mail by sending a $5.00+ check or money order payable to: Ilion Special Events Committee and mailing it to: Nancye Seymour, 504 Prescott St., Herkimer, NY 13350. Nancye will mail your requested ticket(s).

Raffle tickets can also be purchased at the following locations: Ilion Water Dept., Ilion Light Dept., Ilion Village Clerk's Office, Chip's, Ilion Elks, Bottini's Barber Shop, Ilion K of C, Ilion Marine Corp, Ilion Moose, John Seymour's Barber Shop (Mohawk), and Crossway's Tavern.

The proceeds from this raffle ticket sale will be used to purchase three flags for Ilion High School (American, Village and High School). A plaque in memory of all deceased Ilion Alumni will be mounted at the designated site to accompany the flags.


(Please inform your classmates, friends and relatives of the details of JAMFEST 2003)
Thank you, Ilion Alumni Committee

Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2014 ilionalumni.com
First Published April 15, 2003
Modified Sept 5, 2014