Beauty and The Beast Display Case
2007 production - Beauty and the Beast Photograph courtesy of Leigh (Daly) Lytwynec IHS 1976

Ilion List of Musical Productions

The list of Musicals contains links to individual pages for each musical.

Since May 1997, individuals and organizations have kindly granted me permission to reproduce their photographs and stories. Their contributions and generosity have helped to build this site into a large collection of non-commercial, advertisement free, content about the history of the Ilion Central School District. As time permits, this section is being revamped.

I would like to thank these individuals for their hard work and and to thank them for originally granting me permission to republish their photographs of musicals on the alumni site. Below are the individuals who provided photographs for the History of School Musical Productions.

Photographs of School Musicals - individuals who provided photographs and granted me permission, through emails, telephone conversations and face-to-face meetings, to publish their copyrighted photographs.

Steve Morse

Leigh Daly Lytwynec '76

Linda Casey Trevor

Gary VanEvera

Matt Stubley

Music Theatre International and Cameron Mackintosh

Refer to Ilion Alumni Site - Copyright Compilation and Fair Use

Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2013
First Published February 1998
Modified March 16, 2023

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