Ilion High School Traditions
Pep Rally
Former Coach Bemis addressed the 1972 Homecoming Pep Rally
Homecoming '71, Coach Nick Pannes shared a few stories...
School Spirit
Homecoming Pep Rally Photos 1 Homecoming Pep Rally Photos 2
Ilion's great school spirit was demonstrated by the tradition of holding pep rallies. The tops in pep rallies was the Homecoming Pep Rally with its crazy skit. The 1973 Mirror contained a description of the typical Homecoming Pep Rally.
"A period of silence was observed during eighth period for a victory over Johnstown. At 2:30, a simple drum beat called the Seniors to the gym and the other students followed shortly. Mr. Fahey
was M.C. for the pep-rally. "Yard by Yard" brought the Bombers out through an arch, especially acquired for Homecoming '72. The boy cheerleaders added much to the afternoon by performing a skit. The highlight of the pep rally was the crowning of the king and queen."
Each pep rally ended with that Grrrreat cheer, We're From Ilion.