Ilion High School

Classes 1873 - 1904

Morgan Street School, Ilion


Reorganized Class Rosters....

Reorganized rosters with, honor students and class officers, as published in class related newspaper articles, listed alphabetically

Class Roster for 1873

Class Roster for 1874

Class Roster for 1876

Class Roster for 1878

Class Roster for 1879

Class Roster for 1880

Class Roster for 1881

Class Roster for 1882

Class Roster for 1883

Class Roster for 1884

Class Roster for 1885

Class Roster for 1886

Class Roster for 1887

Class Roster for 1888

Class Roster for 1889

Class Roster for 1890

Class Roster for 1891

Class Roster for 1892

Class Roster for 1893

Class Roster for 1894

Class Roster for 1895

Class Roster for 1896

Class Roster for 1897

Class Roster for 1898

Class Roster for 1899

Class Roster for 1900

Class Roster for 1901

Class Roster for 1902

Class Roster for 1903

Class Roster for 1904


Class Rosters....

History of the Union Free School

In April 2022, this document, "Memoirs of the Union School", which featured the IHS Classes of 1873 through 1925, was scanned and added to the New York Heritage digital collections - Ilion Public Library. The book contained the names and address of each alumnus, as of 1925. The digitized version is available for download here: New York Heritage digital collections - Ilion Public Library - Memoirs of the Union School. - added April 25, 2022

The class lists appearing below were created using the data in the above mentioned book. There were no graduates in 1875 or 1877.

Class Rosters for 1873 - 1879

Class Rosters for 1880 - 1889

Class Rosters for 1890 - 1899

Class Rosters for 1900 - 1904


Class Historical Newspaper Articles....

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1873 (added March 27, 2021)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1878 (added March 30, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1879 (added March 12, 2021)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1880 (added October 13, 2021)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1881 (added March 30, 2021)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1882 (added October 13, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1883 (added March 24, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1884 (updated October 13, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1885 (updated March 24, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1886 (added October 15, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1887 (added April 4, 2020)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1888 (added March 21, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1889 (added March 18, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1890 (added March 23, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1891 (added April 20, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1892 (added October 18, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1893 (added March 22, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1894 (added March 21, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1895 (added April 20, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1896 (modified March 29, 2020)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1897 (modified March 26, 2020)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1898 (added March 22, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1899 (added March 26, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1900 (added March 30, 2020)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1901 (added April 5, 2020)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1902 (modified March 27, 2022)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1903 (added April 11, 2020)

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1904 (added April 12, 2020)


Class Facts....

1873       1874       1875       1876       1877       1878       1879

1880       1881       1882       1883       1884       1885       1886       1887       1888       1889

1890       1891       1892       1893       1894       1895       1896       1897       1898       1899

1900       1901       1902       1903


Classes Links/Photographs....

Class Photograph - 1887

Class Photograph - Class 1904

Class of 1902 - Obituary of Dr. John Gordon (brother of teacher Miss Ruth Gordon)

Class of 1903 Commencement Program

Class 1904 - Alumni Book Editors


Ilion Class of 1893 - Trophy Discovered

This cup was given to the Ilion Academy by the Class of 1893 as an encouragement to future students to remain in school and graduate. It was uncovered this year at the high school. - March 12, 2018


Prominent Graduates

Dr. Jennie Richardson 1878

Dr. Jennie May Richardson - Ilion NY

Jennie May Richardson was born May 11, 1862, in Frankfort, NY. Jennie was the second child of Thomas and Harriet Richardson. Jennie's father was a very successful and prominent Ilion attorney, Thomas Richardson. Jennie was educated in Ilion schools and graduated, with her sister Carrie, from the Ilion Academy in 1878. Jennie graduated from Smith College in 1884 with a BA degree. Jennie began her medical training, in 1889, at The Woman's Medical College of the New York Infirmary in New York City. The school was founded by Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell and her sister, Dr. Emily Blackwell. Jennie earned her MD degree in the 1892 in a class that consisted of forty women. She served her internship in an outpatient infirmary during what would be one of New York City's worst epidemics of measles. Dr. Jennie Richardson's life story and family background was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Milton R. Joy 1879

Dr. Milton Joy - Ilion NY

Dr. was born in Remsen, Oneida county, N. Y., December 7, 1861. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1879. He was graduated from Syracuse University and earned his medical degree from Long Island College of Medicine in 1884. He set up his medical practice Perryville and later in Cazanovia, NY. He was the older brother of Dr. Louis Joy, IHS 1890. Dr. Milton Joy's obituary and family background was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Albert Dexter Chattaway 1880

Dr. Albert D. Chattaway - Ilion NY

Dr. Albert Dexter Chattaway graduated in 1880 and then attended New York Homeopathic Medical College of New York City. He earned his medical degree in 1885. He returned to Ilion and was head of the medical department of the Remington Typewriter Works. Dr. Chattaway was the first historian of the Ilion Alumni Association. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Charles Comstock Brill 1881

Charles Comstock Brill IHS Valedictorian 1881

Charles Comstock Brill 1881 was the Valedictorian of the Class of 1881. He graduated from Syracuse University in 1885. His daughter, Marion Brill Terpening IHS 1910, endowed the Ilion Central School District Foundation in 1979.


Dr. John A. Schmidt 1883

Dr. John A. Schmidt - Ilion NY

Dr. John Schmidt is not listed in any class roster but based on his birth date and obituary, he would have graduated in 1883. Dr. Schmidt was both a dentist and a physician. He was the son of prominent Ilion businessman, Mr. John V. Schmidt of Armory Street. He was born June 9, 1865 and was one of 10 children of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Schmidt. He graduated as a dental surgeon from the University of Pennsylvania and from the Long Island Medical College in 1898. Dr. Schmidt was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site. March 12, 2001


Dr. Henry J. Hunter 1884

Dr. Henry J. Hunter - Ilion NY

Dr. John Hunter is not listed in any class roster but based on his birth date and the date of his entrance to college, he most likely was a member of the class of 1884. He was graduated from the University of Baltimore Medical School and served his internship in Johns Hopkins hospital in Baltimore. He practiced medicine, in Ilion, from 1899 until his death in 1942. He served as School Board President in 1923. Dr. Hunter was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site. October 14, 2002


Dr. Frank Bert Rasbach 1884

Dr. Frank Bert Rasbach - Ilion NY

Dr. Frank Bert Rasbach graduated with the class of 1884. He was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Rasbach of Ilion. He graduated as M.D. from Bellevue Medical College in 1891 and set up his practice in Buffalo, NY. Dr. Rasbach was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site. October 14, 2002


Frederic Percival Tuthill 1884

Frederic Percival Tuthill - IHS 1884 - Pharmacist

Frederic Percival Tuthill 1884 was the earliest alumnus pharmacist featured in this alumni site November 2021 cover story.


Will Benton 1888

Will W. Benton, Jr. was second in his Class of 1888 when he died from a combination of measles and diphtheria on March 8, 1888. His father was prominent businessman W. W. Benton. They lived in a mansion on Armory Hill that later became the site of the home of Harold Whittemore.

"Will Benton, aged seventeen years, and the only child of W. W. Benton, died suddenly yesterday of malignant diphtheria. He had been sick with the measles, but had recovered sufficiently to go school Thursday, when he caught cold and was taken sick again. He was to graduate in June, and stood Second in the class." - Source - Troy Daily News March 9, 1888

IHS Class of 1888 - Will Benton dies from measles

W.W. Benton - Ilion Businessman and father of Will Benton IHS Class of 1888
W.W. Benton - Ilion Businessman

His father, W. W. Benton, served on the Ilion Board of Education from 1882-1885 and 1887-1889.

Will Benton Home IHS 2nd Class - Dies March 1888
Home of W. W. Benton father of Will Benton
Armory Hill - Ilion NY
"Souvenir of Ilion" - 1904"
Copies of the book were provided by Carolyn Deming Bayer IHS Class of 1947, Jane Russel Nile IHS Class of 1950 and transcribed by Paul T. McLaughlin IHS Class of 1941 for publication on the Ilion History section of

The Benton estate was on the West side of Armory Hill (near the site of the current stairs). You can zoom in to see this copyright protected 1906 map of Armory Hill in Ilion. - - Ilion zoomable Map 1906


Dr. Louis Fowler Joy 1890

Dr. Louis Fowler Joy 1890

Dr. Joy was born August 26, 1871, at Ilion. He was the youngest of a family of eight children. He was the brother of Dr. Milton Joy. Louis graduated from Ilion High School in 1890. He was graduated from Syracuse University and was a member of Phi Upsilon. He earned his medical degree from Long Island College of Medicine and set up his medical practice in Fulton NY in 1897. His obituary and family background was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Sherwood Ackler Haggerty 1890

Dr. Sherwood Ackler Haggerty was the son of Nathaniel and Martha Ackler Haggerty. He was born in Litchfield. He was joined by two brothers, Floyd and Arthur Haggerty. After receiving his secondary school education, at Ilion, he taught for two years. In 1890, he began as a teacher at Spinnerville school and in district number six, Cranes Corners. In September 1892, he began his medical studies at Albany Medical College. His obituary and family background was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Harry H. Bassett 1891

Harry H. Bassett 1891

Harry H. Bassett, was named Buick's chief officer. He was also appointed as a Vice-President of General Motors. His obituary and background were featured on the January 2006 Cover Story.


Dr. Adelbert Chittenden Douglass 1893

Dr. Adelbert C. Douglass IHS Valedictorian 1893

Dr. Adelbert C. Douglass 1893 was the Valedictorian of the Class of 1893. Dr. Adelbert C. Douglass <>died January 3, 1941. He was 66 years old at the time of his death. He died at his home, at 76 John Street, after a week's illness. Obit source

Dr. Douglass was born in Clark Mills on August 22, 1874. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1893. He studied medicine with his father, Dr. Adelbert John Douglass and then entered Long Island College, his father's alma mater. He graduated from Long Island College in 1899 with a special diploma as physical diagnostician and an honor diploma in medicine from the State Board of Regents. He was house surgeon at Faxton Hospital, Utica, in 1899 and 1900, after which he began his practice in Ilion. Several years later he studied chiropractic and added that to his profession.

His father, Dr. Adelbert John Douglass, served on the Ilion Board of Education and was President of the Village of Ilion. His father was also an inventor and created a blackboard crayon rack.

He married Miss Frances Ellisin Rome April 4, 1908. He was a member of the Baptist Church and Ilion Masonic Lodge 591, F. and A. M. He served as a first lieutenant in Company M, National Guard, from 1902 and 1907. Surviving are his wife; a son, Charles Raymond Douglass of Miami, Fl and a daughter, Mrs. H. H, Horstman, of Schenectady. His obituary and family background was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Harry Parker Lewis 1894

Dr. Albert D. Chattaway - Ilion NY

Dr. Harry Parker Lewis graduated from Ilion High School in 1894. He obtained his medical degree New York University in 1898 where he graduated with high honors. He died in Hudson Heights, NJ, when he was only 30 years old.

Dr. Gordon practiced medicine in Hudson Heights, NJ. He was the brother of IHS doctor, Charles E. Lewis, IHS 1896. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Charles E. Lewis 1896

Dr. Albert D. Chattaway - Ilion NY

Dr. Charles E. Lewis graduated from Ilion High School in 1896. He obtained his medical degree New York City. He was the brother of IHS doctor, Harry Parker Lewis, IHS 1894. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Theodore W. Schmidt 1896

Ilion Citizen IHS Graduate Theodore W. Schmidt 1896

Theodore W. Schmidt died January 30, 1935. He died at his home on Columbia Parkway after a long illness.

Mr. Schmidt was born in Ilion, June 1, 1878, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Schmidt. He attended Ilion schools and was a graduate of Rochester Business College.

Mr. Schmidt has always taken a prominent and active part of affairs of the village. Among the various activities that brought him into prominence in the life of the village were those of: Village President, in 1920, a member of the firm of Schmidt Bros. Real Estate and Insurance for over 20 years, organizer of the Ilion Garden Club, and editor of the Ilion Citizen Community Review and Herkimer County News for 12 years.

On April 3, 1902 he was married to Miss Nellie Truman and two children were born of this union. Mary, wife of Andrew J. Sitzer of New York City; Fatanitza, wife of Richard Conley, of Little Falls, N.Y.

He took an active part in the Republican politics of the village and the county but with the exception of being village president was never a candidate for public office. He was an enthusiastic cyclist and prominent in the bicycle meets of that day. Mr. Schmidt was a great lover and grower of bowers and his garden at his home on Columbia Parkway was one of the show places of the vicinity.

He was a Mason, a Knight Templar, an Elk, and a member of the Shakespeare Club.

His friends are legion and his death has caused sharp sorrow to them for Theodore Schmidt was a charming gentleman, a wit and a sincere friend.

Ilion Citizen IHS Graduate Theodore W. Schmidt 1896

Childhood home of Theodore Schmidt Armory St. Ilion, NY. - Image courtesy of Herkimer County GenWeb site. Source: "Souvenir of Ilion," Ilion, N.Y.:Citizen Print. 1904. No Author.

He took an active part in the Republican politics of the village and the county but with the exception of being village president was never a candidate for public office. He was an enthusiastic cyclist and prominent in the bicycle meets of that day. Mr. Schmidt was a great lover and grower of bowers and his garden at his home on Columbia Parkway was one of the show places of the vicinity.

He was a Mason, a Knight Templar, an Elk, and a member of the Shakespeare Club.

His friends are legion and his death has caused sharp sorrow to them for Theodore Schmidt was a charming gentleman, a wit and a sincere friend.


Dr. Charles Joseph Diss 1897

Charles Joseph Diss IHS 1897

Dr. Charles Joseph Diss was born in Ilion on March 14, 1880. He was the son of Louise P. Diss and Elizabeth Grosbean Diss. He graduated from Ilion High school in 1897 along with two other future classmate doctors; Dr. Harry H. Halliwell and Dr. Aron Comstock. He received his doctor of medicine degree from Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn in 1901. He returned to Ilion and set up his medical practice in his hometown. Dr. Diss would serve the community for over 50 years and left a large financial endowment that made possible the Diss Athletic Complex.

He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Aron Comstock 1897

Dr. Arnon Lyon Comstock was graduated from the Ilion high school, class of 1897. After his father died in 1904, Arnon Comstock moved to Ilion and opened the office, on Morgan street, formerly occupied by his father, Dr. Frederick F. Comstock. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. Harry H. Halliwell 1897

Utica Observer Dispatch IHS Graduate Dr. Harry H. Halliwell 1897

Dr. Harry H. Halliwell, 67, prominent physician of Ilion where he was a life-long resident, died May 11, 1947, in Faxton Hospital, Utica, following an operation several weeks ago.

Dr. Halliwell had practiced medicine in Ilion for more than 45 years, and in addition, served four years as physician in the Ilion school system. He was a member of the Herkimer County Medical Society, the American Medical Association, and served on the Board of Directors of the Pine Crest Sanatorium. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.

Born in Ilion on Mar. 9, 1880, a son of Samuel and Elizabeth Harris Halliwell, he was a graduate of Ilion High School and received his doctor of medicine degree from new York University in 1901.

After serving his internship in Bellvue Hospital, New York City, he returned to Ilion where he married Mable Wood Ringwood on Jan 25, 1926. he had been previously married to Nora Dowling in January, 1911. She died in May 1924.

Dr. Halliwell was an honorary member of the Ilion Volunteer Fire Department, having acted for many years as toast master during their annual dinners. He attended St. Augustine's Episopal Church.

Besides his wife, he leaves one daughter, Miss Elizabeth Halliwell, New York City and two step-sons, William Ringwood, Ilion and Thomas Ringwood, Paris, France.

A prayer service will be held 2 p.m. Wednesday in the late home, followed by funeral services at 2:30 in St. Augustine's Church with Rev. Ernest B. Pugh, pastor, officiating. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.


Dr. John G Gordon 1902

Dr. John G. Gordon was born March 15, 1883 and was a son of Charles M. and Sara A. Wood Gordon. He received his early education in the schools of Ilion and was graduated from the School of Medicine at Syracuse University in 1908 after serving an internship in the Hospital of the Good Shepherd of that city.

Dr. Gordon practiced medicine in Ovid for more than 50 years. He was the brother of IHS teacher, Ruth Gordon. He was included on the Alumni Physicians section of this web site.

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

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Modified September 23, 2024