Ilion Class of 1942 Yearbook Dedication


To the men and women who once attended the Ilion High School and are now serving in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Corps, and other services of the United States of America and her Allies, we the Class of 1942, respectfully dedicate this annual.

We are proud to list your names on the Honor Roll of Service. If any name, which rightfully belongs thereon, is missing from this roll, be assured that the omission is unintentional and caused only by lack of knowledge of your service.


Adams, Charles
Alexander, Donald
Allen, Edmund
Allen, Edward
Allen, Robert
Antonaros, A. Peter
Armstrong, Alexander
Ashton, Jack
Ashton, Lee
Bates, Arthur
Baum, Ralph
Beckwith, Warren
Bennett, Harold T.
Bennett, Thomas A.
Benson, Alexander
Berckemeyer, Ashton
Berckemeyer, Jack
Bleau, Kenneth
Bogardus, Robert
Brace, Earl
Bremer, Perry
Brewer, Robert
Burdick, Eldon
Burton, Carl
Butterworth, James
Button, Bernard
Carter, Glenn
Caswell, John

Paddock, William
Panarites, William
Panarites, Konstantine
Parkinson, John
Parkinson, Richard
Patterson, Oscar
Phillips, Charles
Pickett, Joseph
Polley, Francis
Quaife, T. Wilbur
Radley, Grover
Rasback, Joris
Raymond, Edward
Reid, Ralph
Remmers, Jack
Rice, Victor
Ringwood, Thomas
Ringwood, William
Roberts, John
Roe, Robert
Rowland, Edward
Samson, Robert
Schremp, James
Schremp, John
Scofield, Robert
Scouten, Carl
Seymour, Joseph
Chesebrough, John
Colburn, Everett
Cole, Andrew
Cole, Herbert
Conover, Russell
Coons, Arthur
Cooper, Edward
Cormia, Keith
Couchman, Lee
Crandall, Francis
Crisman, Douglas
Crocker, John
Crocker, Richard
Crosby, Francis
Daily, Richard
Damon, Arthur
Danforth, Glenn
Dare, James
Davis, Dorothy
Davis, John
Day, Lloyd
Day, Roy E.
Dekin, Donald
Deming, Richard
Derby, Earl
Donohue, Clyde
Donovan, Robert
Edwards, Lester
Edwards, Morton
Egan, John
Everhart, Harold
Fake, LeRoy
Fenwick, Thomas
Fetterly, Roy
Fike, Harold
Finnegan, George
Fischer, John
Fischer, William
Fletcher, Francis
Flemming, Robert
Flynn, Bernard
Flynn, John
Foppes, Guy
Foreman, James
Foreman, Paul
Fort, Leland
Getman, Frank
Goodale, Kenneth
Greenleaf, Raymond
Greer, George
Gross, Charles
Gurney, Roy
Hall, Eugene
Hamilton, Edward
Hamlin, Edgar
Hammond, Frederick
Hannahs, Carroll
Hanson, Harold
Hanson, Kenneth
Hardy, Ralph
Harris, Donald
Harris, William
Harris, George
Harter, Frederick
Hartmann, Frederick
Heath, Nellis
Hemingway, George
Hess, Howard
Hildebrandt, Ernest
Hillegas, Donald
Hobbs, William
Hoerner, Helmie
Hoffman, Donald
Hoffman, Robert
Hofstra, William
Hopkins, George
Hummell, E. Erford
Humphrey, Edward
Hunt, Edgar
Jackson, George A.
Jackson, George S.
Jarvis, Samuel
Jensen, William
Johnson, Alfred
Jones, Lewis P., Jr.
Jones, William
Jordon, Donald
Kaune, Fred
Kegel, Harry
Kenefick, Joseph
Kennedy, Robert
Kilbourne, Verner
Knewasser, Clifton
Krummen, Harry
Lauer, Arthur
Leonard, Richard V.
Leonard, Theodore
Loats, Thurston
Loefler, Donald
Long, Robert
McAllister, John
McCarthy, James
McDonough, Leslie
McGuinnes, James
McMahon, Harry
Mackin, James
March, Albert
Millson, Doris
Minosh, Dominick
Mitchell, Donald
Momberger, William
Moore, Charles I.
Moore, Frank
Moreau, Alfred
Moreau, Edward
Morris, Vernon
Morse, Robert
Munson, Clinton
Murphy, Charles
Murphy, Robert
Murphy, T. Leonard
Nason, John
O'Connell, Gerald
Ostrander, R. Eugene
Shepard, Alfred
Smallwood, Robert
Smith, Geo. Bernard
Smith, Keith
Smithson, George
Soule, Bernard
Squires, Frank
Stairs, Emerson
Sterling, Hale
Stitt, Carl
Sturtevant, Donald
Tanner, Ronald
Thom, Warren
Thompson, Herbert
Thomson, Norman
Tjeerdsma, Andrew
Travis, Charles
Trimble, Garrison
Urtz, Vincent
Vandawalker, Sylvester
Venema, Benard
Walker, Herbert
Ward, Ronald
Warner, John
Warner, Tracy
Watson, Robert
Waufle, Maynard
Weeks, Gerald
Wells, Leland
White, Neil
Whiter, Gerald
Whitemore, Harry
Whittemore, Harold
Williams, E. J.
Williams, Matt
Woertendyke, Clyde
Yardley, Richard
Young, Dwight
Younglove, James
Zeh, Howard
Zimmerman, Ross


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First published April 13, 2014 - Modified February 16, 2023