Ilion Class of 1946 Yearbook Dedication

To the loving memory of all the Students of Ilion High School who paid the supreme sacrifice at their country's call to the sacred duty of defending The Principle of Democracy and individual freedom - we, the CLASS OF 1946, dedicate this yearbook.

And with deep sincerity we, the CLASS OF 1946, dedicate ourselves to the preservation and continuance of those very same ideals for which they died.

Jack Remmers

Gordon Davies

Arthur Hosell

Joe Seymour

Clinton Goller

Vincent Dugan

Forrest Deyle

Nellis Heath

William Rice

Hale Sterling

Jack Franz

Robert Long

Ralph Baum

John Nichols

Philip Davis

Kenneth Bleau

Harry Durkin

William Momberger

Ralph Hardy

Richard Elmer

Clyde Woertendyke

Joseph Hamlin

Ross Cushman

William Snyder

Walter Snyder

Glenn Clark

Raymond Lubey

Robert Staley

John Cole

Eugene Brest

Douglas Rice

Clinton Geer


Class of 1946 Page

Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2014 First Published September 23, 1997 - Updated November 17, 2014