Ilion High School

Class of 1965

Alumni News

1969 Mirror Cover Ilion


Digitized Class Yearbook....

Mirror 1965 from the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. Link opens in new browser tab. (added March 24, 2021)


Class of 1965 Links....

Classmate News Pre-2010 | Bob Joy's 30th Reunion Report | Memorials


Class History....

Now everything you wanted to know about the IHS Class of 1965 is at your published in the 1965 Mirror Class History.


Class Roster....

Class Roster, Officers and Honor Students, as published in the "The Mirror 1965", are available on the 1965 Class Roster page. (added February 21, 2022).


Class Historical Newspaper Articles....

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1965 (modified May 4, 2020)


1965 - 60th Reunion Celebration

Join us for our 60th class reunion! We have a fun-filled weekend planned, including participation in the Doo Dah Parade on Friday night, dinner and music by John Seymour at the K of C in Ilion on Saturday night, and a going away brunch at the Maneen Pavilion on Sunday for anyone interested. We hope to see many of you this summer! See Facebook event (January 23, 2025)


1965 - Hosting Mini-Mega Class Reunion for Classes 1963 - 1966

IHS Reunion Celebration Classes of 1963 - 1966 Reunion

IHS Mini-Mega Reunion - hosted by the Class of 1965

Place: Ilion K of C, Ilion, NY

When: Saturday July 20, 2024

Time: 6 - 8 Hot and Cold Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar

8 - 11 Dancing with John Seymour

$25 Donation - Please RSVP with check by July 1, 2024 to Jean Maneen
Checks can be made out to Jean or Ilion High Class of 1965

1965 Jean Keddell Maneen, 174 W. State St., Ilion,(315)894-2034 email - (March 9, 2024)


1965 - IHS Class of 1965 Annual picnic

Save the Date Saturday July 16th, 2022!!
We are having our annual IHS Class of '65 picnic at Stan and Linda Fischer Biliniski's this year. It will be a Chicken BBQ prepared by Stan and his son, the best BBQ ever!! Bring a dish to pass and your own drinks, and maybe a lawn chair or two!! Address is: 135 Military Rd., Salisbury, NY 13365. Would love to get a count, so we know how much chicken to order, so please FB Message, email or call Jean home 315-856-2684 or cell 856-261-6824. (May 27, 2022)


1965 - Joseph Daniel Collea Jr. pens another history book about Ilion, NY

The July 2023 cover story features Joe Collea who just published Volume II of the Ilion history book. (added July 1, 2023)


1965 - Joseph Daniel Collea Jr. pens another history book Boots Day

The August 2022 cover story featured Boots Day - A Life in Baseball a new book published by Joseph Collea. (added October 18, 2022)


1965 - Joseph Daniel Collea Jr. - Featured on Mid-York Weekly USA TODAY NETWORK

Joe Collea 1965

Former Herkimer County history teacher finds it natural to write books about the past. Collea is a class of 1965 graduate of Ilion Junior-Senior High School, where he returned to teach history from 1969-1983. Then, he became vice principal from 1983-1992 and principal from 2001-2004. He also served Ilion residents as a village trustee from 1982-1987 and mayor from 1987-1993. (added October 14, 2023)


1965 - Charles 'Boots' Day Retiring from Baseball

Charles 'Boots' Day

Earlier this year, Boots announced his retirement from professional baseball after 56 years. He will be recognized prior to the Otters game in Evansville, IN., on Friday, August 13, 2021, at 6:30 pm. Friends and former classmates from the Ilion area are encouraged to travel to Evansville and congratulate Boots on his very successful career in professional baseball. Those interested in attending may contact the Evansville Otters ticket office at (812)-435-8686. When calling and reserving tickets, let them know that you are with the group from Ilion. Several members of the Ilion High School's class of 1965 and 1966 have already confirmed they are planning to attend. We hope to see you at the ballpark too. Contact 1966 alumnus Tim O'Connor for details.

See the General News page for a link to a YouTube video interview with Boots and TV44.


1965 - Post-Covid Reunion

The Facebook Event IHS Class of 65 hosting an end of summer get-together can be found on the Facebook page.

Okay, a few of our local classmates have been talking about getting together after this long past year of COVID!! Since most of us have gotten the vaccinations we are planning a get together the end of August. It will be Saturday August 28th at Maneen's Pavilion. Our treasury is healthy, so we will provide the food, but everyone should bring whatever they want to drink. John Seymour has agreed to come and provide us with our music. Would appreciate an RSVP to either this site, or you can message me on Facebook or give me a call at 315-894-2034, or shoot me an email at, if you can make it. We will need a rough count so we can order the right amount of food. Hope to see some of you in August....Jean Keddell Maneen (June 17, 2021)


Medical bills support for Joe Maneen IHS 1996 - Go Fund Me Campaign....

Jeffrey Kowalczik is organizing this fund raiser for Jeff's childhood friend, Joe Maneen. Joe is battling sarcoma which has metastasized to both his lungs. "He is considered Stage 4, but the Doctor has some things up her sleeve."

The funds raised here will help the medical costs and travel expenses since the family (wife and 2 girls ages 8 and 10) will be split between the Panhandle and Tampa. Jeffrey Kowalczik kicked of the fund raising with a whopping $10,000 donation!

Joe Maneen is the son of Anthony Maneen, IHS 1964 and Jean Keddell Maneen, IHS 1965. Visit the fund raising page to learn how you can help Joe and his family. Medical bills support for Joe Maneen - Please help Joe Maneen. (January 26, 2021)


Daniel Burling - IHS 1965 - Pharmacists

Daniel Burling - Pharmacist


IHS 1965 alumnus, Daniel Burling, was among the graduates who pursued a career in pharmacy and was featured in the November 2020 Cover Story. Information about Dan's career was published as Daniel James Burling - IHS 1965 - Pharmacist. (December 2, 2020)


1965 Classmate Joseph Collea's New Book....

1965 Alumnus Joseph Collea - New York and the Lincoln Specials: The President's Pre-Inaugural and Funeral Trains Cross New York

Joe Collea, IHS 1965, has just written a new book titled New York and the Lincoln Specials: The President's Pre-Inaugural and Funeral Trains Cross New York.

Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and McFarland Publishing, the volume is based on Lincoln's two five-day excursions across the state one in life and one in death. It is the story of how people, from all walks of life and locations in New York, joyously welcomed their president-elect in 1861 and mournfully marked his passing 1865.

This work is a continued manifestation of Joe's long interest American history, particularly the Civil War years, that was sparked by his parents and nurtured by teachers at West Hill Elementary and the Ilion Junior-Senior High.

Recently retired as principal from Hartford High School in Vermont, Joe now devotes his time to further research and writing. He is currently working on a book of collected stories about the history of Ilion. (October 27, 2018)


1965 - Class 70th Birthday Bash Reunion

1965 70th Birthday Bash

The Facebook Event Class of '65 70th Birthday Party can be found on the Facebook page.

Friday July 21 - Those who would like, we will be gathering on the Elks Lawn around 5 pm, the Doo Dah parade starts at 6 pm. Many other classmates, from other classes, always hang around there, so we should get to see many others. Bring lawn chairs if you like, but they do have some picnic tables set up and have food and drinks to purchase.

Saturday July 22 - We will have a gathering at the Maneen Pavilion around 1 PM. The Ilion Boy Scouts always have a Chicken BBQ that day, and we thought we would order from there and have it brought to the picnic. We will have other munchies and of course a large Birthday Cake!! Will be adding extra information as it gets closer...Jean Keddell Maneen (July 1, 2017)


Donations Now Being Accepted to SOS - Save Our Stairs

Photograph courtesy of The Evening Telegram
IHS Alumni, Bill Richards 1973, and Jean (Keddell) Maneen 1965

"Jean Maneen recently made a donation to Ilion's Save Our Stairs project in memory of her mother. From left are Bill Richards, who will be making repairs to the outdoor stairway; Linda Lyle, financial service representative with Berkshire Bank in Ilion; Maneen and Barbara DeGouff, fund raising committee chairman for the Save Our Stairs Committee." TIMES TELEGRAM PHOTO/DONNA THOMPSON (Jan 20, 2017)

Note July 1, 2017 - The Save our Stairs project disbanded in March 2017 and returned all funds raised.


1965 - Class 50th Reunion Cake

1965 50th Reunion Cake
Photograph courtesy of Cynthia Cramer Hommey and Jean Keddell Maneen

The school seal, which appears on the cake, was on the Cover of the Class of 1965 yearbook. That yearbook cover was voted the favorite yearbook cover in a contest held in the Fall of 1997.

Friday those who would like, we will be gathering on the Elks Lawn around 5 pm, parade starts at 6 pm. Many other class mates from other classes always hang around there, so we should get to see many others. Bring lawn chairs if you like, but they do have some picnic tables set up and have food and drinks to purchase. Saturday we will have a gathering at the Maneen Pavilion around 1 PM. The Ilion Boy Scouts always have a Chicken BBQ that day, and we thought we would order from there and have it brought to the picnic. We will have other munchies and of course a large Birthday Cake!! Will be adding extra information as it gets closer... (July 27, 2015)


Class of 1965 - 50th Class Reunion Plans Update ....

We plan on starting things off by participating in the Ilion Doo Dah parade Friday starting at 6 pm.
We will be working on a float for this earlier in the day on a flat bed that our classmate David Brewer is providing at Jean Maneen's, 174 W. State St. After the parade there will be an informal gathering at the Ilion Elks with snacks and a cash bar.

Saturday Bill Newkirk is coordinating a golf outing, for anyone interested in signing up please contact Bill at or call him at 315-894-2196. We are looking for ideas if anyone else has something they would like to do as a group during the day on Saturday, please let us know.

Saturday evening there will be dinner and dancing at Francesca's Banquet Hall, 144 E. Main St. Ilion.
Cocktail hour from 6 - 7, Buffet dinner from 7 - 8, dancing with the Boss Five band from 8 - ?

Sunday we will have a farewell brunch at the Maneen Pavilion at 10 AM. Retired Pastor George Rolling will do a short Ecumenical Service for us before we all say our goodbyes.

Trying to keep cost of the weekend to a minimum. $30 a person should cover Fri night snacks, dinner on Sat. and brunch on Sunday, thanks to some classmates who have agreed to pitch in with a little extra cash or helping with the snacks.

Please fill out the questionnaire for our updated directory, an order form for those that CAN NOT attend and would like a shirt, sweatshirt, hat or towel mailed to them.

Please email forms to or For letters going out in the US Mail, we are enclosing a self addressed stamped envelope to Jean Maneen, 174 W. State St., Ilion, NY 13357.

If you have an email and we don't have it please send it on to us.

If you are in need of accommodations, you can go online to check what is available. We have reserved a block of 10 rooms at the Herkimer Motel, 100 Marginal Road in Herkimer, NY. Tell them you are with the IHS Class of 65 and you should get a discount. I would do so as soon as possible as there are other reunions the same weekend. There are also other Motels/Hotels at Exit 31 off the Thruway. Please return as soon as possible!!

Your Reunion Committee. Send me an email or give me a call and we will let you know when we meet again. Jean Keddell Maneen, 174 W. State St., Ilion,(315)894-2034 email. (April 28, 2015)


1965 Classmate Elected Ilion Trustee...

1965 Alumnus Fred Hartman - Ilion Village Trustee

Fred Hartman was endorsed by the Ilion Democratic Party

Mohawk Central School District

BA Biology, Boston University 1969
MA Science Education, Syracuse 1972

Mohawk Central School District
     Chemistry Teacher, Football/Basketball/Tennis Coach (1986-2009)
Pine Plains Central School District
     Biology Teacher, Head Football Coach, Basketball/Tennis Coach (1972-1986)

Board of Directors-YMCA - Secretary
Ilion Zoning Board
Ilion Municipal Utilites Board (MUB) Commissioner
Olive Branch Lodge 40, F&AM
Christmas in Ilion - Co-Chairman

Born and raised in Ilion
IHS Graduate 1965

(June 18, 2014)


1965 Class Page on Facebook....

The Class of 1965 Facebook Page is a publicly viewed page where you can also find Class News. The page is public so you do not need to be a facebook member to see it. You do need to be a facebook member to connect with IHS Class of 65 members on the page. Classmates shared news and photos about fellow classmate, Dan Haslauer, who was shot in the tragedy in Mohawk in March 2013. (June 27, 2013)


1965 Foreign Exchange Student....

Mohammed Hashim Makkawi - email member of the Class of 1965 and former Foreign Exchange Student, has been able to contact his host family - Bill Cornell '65, after almost 48 years, through this web site and other members of the Class of 1965. Thanks to Jean Maneen and Bridget.



Jean Maneen - County Legislature Retires from Legislature

Republican Jean (Keddell) Maneen IHS 1965, of Ilion, retired from the District 4 County Legislature seat. She served on the Legislature for more than 10 years. She retired from her seat in November 2013. Jean's husband, Herkimer County Legislature Chairman Anthony Maneen IHS 1964, passed away Wednesday, July 16, 2003, in University Hospital, Syracuse. He had battled diabetes, kidney and heart disease for some time. He represented District Four in Ilion for more than nine years. He was appointed to the Legislature to fill a vacancy on May 5, 1994. He was elected to the same seat, as a Republican candidate, in 1995. Anthony Maneen served on most of its major committees, including Education, Finance and Human Resources; he was also chairman of the Personnel Committee for a number of years. He was elected to a two-year term as chairman in January 2002. In 2003, The Legislature appointed Jean (Keddell) Maneen to fill the seat left open by her husband's passing. She was administered the oath of office by County Judge Patrick Kirk. Her sons, Francis and Joseph, joined her for the ceremony which drew a standing ovation from legislators. (December 22, 2014)


1965 Alumnus - Joseph D. Collea Jr. authors book....

Joe Collea member of the Class of 1965 and former IHS Principal, has authored his first book - "The First Vermont Cavalry in the Civil War, A History". See an interview with Joe Collea (Interview Date: March 29, 2010.) (May 2, 2010)


IHS Combined Reunion Celebration Classes of 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 Reunion

IHS Combined Reunion
Ilion Days Theme "No Place Like Home" Classes of 63 - 64 - 65 - 66
Place: Francesca's Banquet Hall 144 E. Main St., Ilion, NY
When: Saturday July 17, 2010
Time: 6 - 8 Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar
8 - 11 Dancing with the original 'Boss V'

$15 Donation - Please RSVP with check by June 15th, 2010

'63 Fran Polley Retzloff, 7 Crescent St., Ilion, NY (315)895-763 email
Mary Rossi Caruso, 123 Country View, Frankfort, NY 13340(315)894-3264 email

'64 Lesa Decker, Montgomery St., Ilion, NY (315) 894-2358 email
Jennifer Bennett Haggerty, 131 S. Fourth Ave.,Ilion, NY (315-894-20500) email

'65 Jean Keddell Maneen, 174 W. State St., Ilion,(315)894-2034 email
Pat Runge Jones, Belle Iles Place, Booneville, NY 13309(315)942-5237 email

'66 Kathy Carney Donahue ,130 S. 5th Ave.,Ilion,NY13357(315)895-7905 email
Bill Remmers, 14 S. Fifth Ave., Ilion, NY,13357 (315)867-4481 email (Apr 12, 2010)


40th Reunion Pictures.....

Virginia Miller Bajanen has a large collection of Old Ilion Photos on her Facebook page. Cynthia Cramer Hommey has also made a CD with 450 pictures and our 60's music, if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy, you can email her at Keep us posted as to any changes in snail mail or email so we can keep you all informed about any future gatherings our class may plan. It has been suggested we have a yearly picnic (for those that can make it), maybe a big 60th Birthday bash in 2007, then our 45th in 2010. It has also been suggested to maybe include the class of 64 and/or 66 to one of our functions, and possibly going on a Reunion Cruise. Gives us something to think about? Everyone is still talking about what a good time was had by all this year, so stay in touch and help us with ideas for another time. (Sept 10, 2005)


Ilion Days 40th Reunion Plans.....

We are planning our 40th class reunion for the Ilion Days Weekend July 22 - 24. We plan on being in the Doo Dah parade Friday night, informal gathering over at the Elks Club after. Probably tour the school Sat. with Dinner and DJ at the K of C Sat night and maybe end up with a picnic at my place on Sunday. Next meeting is March 13th at my house, 2 PM. Contacts are Jean Keddell Maneen, email, Pat Runge Jones, email, or Linda Disotelle Edick email. Looking for class members: Gary Brewer, Allen Dresner, Elaine Duminy, Gary Harris, Miles Levine, Mike McCarthy, Mohammed Hashim Mekkowi, Ronald Parshall, Betty Seamon Garlock, Patricia Sherman Wainwright, and Eileen Strait. (March 5, 2005)


IHS Principal Moving On

IHS Principal, Joe Collea, IHS '65, accepted a position as Principal of Hartford High School in Vermont. He began his new position on July 1, 2004. Congratulations and Best Wishes to Mr. Collea. (April 21, 2004)


Big Thanks.....

A big thank you goes out to Gale Wells Hatch for serving as Chairperson of the Village Sesquicentennial Committee Chairperson. (Updated January 28, 2002)


Original Class of 1965 Contact Person....

Bob Joy, email was the original developer of the Class of '65 pages.


2003 Ilion Days Reunion Held.....

Class Reunions for the classes of 1953 (50th), 1958 (45th) and 1968 (35th) was held the weekend of the July 25 - 27. These reunions coincided with Ilion Days and the Alumni JamFest 2003. Working in conjunction with The Ilion Days Committee, was the Special Events Committee and members of the Ilion High School Class of 1968, who wanted their 35th reunion to coincide with Ilion Days and a Jam Fest music event. The events committee scheduled the Jam Fest for Friday, July 25, following the annual Doo-Dah Parade, which started at 6:30 p.m. from Remington Arms. The Jam Fest was outside Eckerd's Mall where music was provided from 8 to 9:30 p.m. by Boss V, 2002's Mega Reunion band that also played from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Ilion Elks. The Steve Rigo Band played outside from 9:30 to 11 p.m. Disc jockey Ron Clive was at the Knights of Columbus on Saturday from 2-4 p.m. and Dale Edwards performed in the evening at the Marine Corps League. Classmates met from 8-11 a.m. Sunday for breakfast at the Masonic Home on Otsego Street.

The committee sponsored tours of the high school from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., July 26, and raffled a "travel package" that included a voucher from Liberty Travel, good for any travel, committee chairman Dick Bly said. Only 1,000 tickets at $5 each were sold by local merchants and at the village offices. A winner was drawn prior to the July 27 fireworks.

The raffle and a donation booth set at the mall during Ilion Days helped fund several projects the committee had undertaken, including erecting a memorial to deceased classmates in the school's new courtyard, the Veteran's Memorial Auditorium Project at the municipal building and the committee's efforts to save the Ilion Pool. (July 14, 2003)



Mrs. Betty J. (VanSickle ) Phelps-Sterling, IHS 1965 age 78, of Mohawk, an Ilion native, passed away suddenly on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, Wynn Hospital, Utica with the love and support of her husband, Lee "Peanut" Sterling and family by her side. She was born on May 11, 1946, in Ilion, daughter of the late William and Emily (Ward) VanSickle and educated in Ilion schools. Betty was united in marriage with Charles "Spike" Phelps on February 10, 1966. Mr. Phelps passed away in December of 1996. On June 23, 2001, she was joined in marriage with Lee "Peanut" Sterling, enjoying a loving union of 23 years. She was last employed with Oneida National Bank, Ilion as a teller. Mrs. Phelps-Sterling’s most treasured moments were spent with her family, especially her grandchildren, and attending their games. Betty was one of those women who could be most humbly proud of all her achievements and always proudly supported our local veterans. She devoted herself wholeheartedly to her family. The love Betty had for her husband, children and grandchildren and the watchful eye she kept over her extended family knew no bounds. She was so special to so many people and will be sadly missed by all who will carry on her legacy. She leaves her husband Lee "Peanut" at home; two daughters, Patti Sohns and husband Daniel and Julie Proctor; her grandchildren, David and Cyndi Proctor and Sarah Sohns and Dylan Lamb; great grandchildren, Aliyah Proctor, Gracie Christmann, Adryanna Proctor, Lily Lamb and Paislee Lamb; brother and sister in law, Ed and Barb VanSickle; sister and brother in law, Karen and John Konik; in laws, Ozzy Sterling and wife Mary, Donnie Sterling and wife Patti, Jack Sterling and wife Mary Jane, Dave Pettengill, Penny and Claude Nealon, Debbie Sterling, Sherry Sterling and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; brother and sister-in-law William VanSickle, Jr, and wife Mary Lou, sister, Linda Burton and her husband Clyde, in laws, Jerry Sterling, Ronnie Sterling, Katie Trask, Dorothy and Bill Hotaling, Christine Champion, Geraldine "Cheeko" Pettengill and by her fur babies, Copper, Brutus, Bear and CJ. The family would like to extend a special heartfelt thank you to Mary Sterling for being our rock and never hesitating to explain what was happening or tell us what we needed to hear no matter how many times and how many different people you were asked to speak with. And for making sure we were taken care of. Betty (Mom) loved you and was blessed to have you fight for her and to call you her friend. Mrs. Phelps-Sterling's cremation arrangements are being handled by Daniel J. Enea-Director of Mohawk Valley Funerals and Cremations, 7507 State Route 5, between Little Falls and St. Johnsville, 315-508-5131. There are no calling hours. A celebration of life will take place at a later date with burial to take place in North Columbia Cemetery. Donations in Betty's memory may be sent to the Herkimer County Humane Society, 514 State Route 5s, Mohawk, NY 13407 or to the American Heart Association, 125 Business Park Dr., #110, Utica, NY 13501 to support the Heart Run and Walk event. (January 31, 2025)


Marjorie (Reid) McAnuff, IHS 1965, 76, a resident of Ilion, NY, passed away peacefully on April 24, 2024, at Wynn Hospital in Utica, NY. Born to the late Irving L. and Florence Neil Reid, Marjorie's early life in Ilion shaped a lifetime of service and community engagement. Marjorie's career in the School Lunch Department exemplified her deep commitment to nurturing others. Her warmth and boundless generosity left an impactful mark on countless students and colleagues, enriching the community she so lovingly served. Marjorie is survived by her brother, David and his wife Priscilla Reid; her sisters, Faith Case and Sherry Mahoney. She was preceded in death by her cherished husband, Terence, and siblings Irving, Robert, Donald, Tommy, and Barbara, as well as her brother-in-law, Francis Case. A celebration of Marjorie's life will be held at the Ilion Community Church on May 4, 2024, at 2 PM, with Pastor Dean Mabry officiating. Expressions of sympathy and condolences can be shared with the family at ( Funeral arrangements are under the care of Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St., Ilion, NY 13357. (April 27, 2024)


Mrs. Linda (Drake) Laurin, IHS 1965 age 76, of Herkimer, passed away on March 8, 2024 at Valley Residential Services in Herkimer. Linda was born on November 3, 1947 in Ilion, a daughter of the late Dorothy Ellsworth and Daniel Drake. She attended Ilion schools and went on to obtain her Associate's Degree from Herkimer County Community College and her Bachelor's Degree from Syracuse University. She was employed with the New York State Thruway Authority as a Supervisor of their Toll Division for 42 years. After retirement, she kept busy by working for her local insurance agent, Allstate Northup Agency from 2006-2014. She was involved with the DAR, the Order of the Eastern Star, the New York State Canal Development Committee and the New York State Ombudsman Program. She was also a member of the Mohawk Reformed Church. Her hobbies included playing cards with friends, bingo with her grandchildren, taking casino trips, going out to dinner, camping and swimming at Donna's. Linda is survived by her beloved daughter, Dawn Thomas of Ilion; her grandchildren, Andrew and Amanda Thomas; one brother, Raymond Drake; two sisters, Donna Joynt and Patricia Copeland; her special friends, Sara Northup-Lynch and Laurie Lavine and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, Robert Laurin; her infant son, Robert "Robbie" Laurin; her grandmother, Clara Miller and her sister, Peggy Schiering. A funeral service will be held Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, with Rev. Brian Engel, officiating. Calling hours will take place from 1:00 pm until the time of services in the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home. Interment will be held later in the Spring in Armory Hill Cemetery. To leave condolences for Linda's family, please visit (March 13, 2024)


Patricia Ann (Runge) Jones, IHS 1965 passed away on Wednesday, February 7, at Wilson Memorial Hospital, Johnson City, NY. Pat was born in Ilion, NY on August 27, 1947, the daughter of Dorothy and Robert Phoenix Runge. After graduating from Ilion High School in 1965, Pat headed to Ithaca College for her Bachelor's degree in Education. It was there that she met Robert Jones, whom she wed May 1, 1971, at St Augustine's Church in Ilion. Pat spent her career at South Lewis Central School as a Speech Therapist. In her time there, she proudly worked with many in Lewis County and surrounding areas, helping multiple generations of students and families. While attending Syracuse University for her Master’s in Education, Pat also worked as a mentor for newer teachers and enjoyed showing them the ropes. Pat loved being a Speech Therapist, so much so she had a personalized license plate "Thpeech." Pat enjoyed creating, sewing, cooking, and painting. She found joy with her most recent focus, embroidery for loved ones to commemorate special events. A long-time resident of Belle-Iles Place in Boonville, Pat treasured her home on the dead-end street and enjoyed the closeness of her neighbors. Pat loved all animals and spent little of her life without a cat. She especially had a soft spot for black cats. She built long lasting friendships. From planning Ilion High School reunions and meetups with the "Golden Bomber Girls" to the Lunch Bunch, Pat loved her friends. She was honest, and quick witted; her door was always open for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and a chat. She is survived by her husband Robert Jones, children Lindsay (Andrew) Hausman of Trumansburg, NY, and Sydney Jones of Wells River, VT, as well as her sister Melissa (Judd) Worden of East Berne, NY. She has three grand cats and one grand dog. Pat would often remark, "my grands have fur." Relatives and friends are invited to attend visitation hours on Friday, February 16, 2024, from 2-4 P.M. at Trainor Funeral Home, 143 Schuyler St. Boonville, where a service will be held, during the visitation hours, at 3:00 P.M. Donations in her memory can be made to the Lewis County Humane Society, P.O. Box #682, Lowville, New York 13367. (February 11, 2024)


Barbara Jean Wardle, IHS 1965, of Bonita Springs, Florida, passed away on May 24, 2023 from complications of Alzheimer disease. Barb was born in Ilion, New York, on June 13, 1947, the daughter of Ernest Wardle and Betty Mosher Wardle Murray. She graduated from SUNY Potsdam with a major in Chemistry and a certificate in education in 1969, Barb soon discovered that education was the path she would pursue for 33 years, beginning her career in the Little Falls school district, then teaching five years in the American School in Milan, Italy before returning to Canajoharie in 1977 for 25 years as a science teacher then middle school principal for the last eight years of her career. Barb was a dedicated educator and was so proud of the success of the middle school. More than anything else she loved her students. Barb enjoyed cooking, music (listening to her CDs on her Bose system), golf, the beach and camping. She was a good friend and would do anything to help anyone. Her favorite hobby was her wine making which became a favorite of family and friends as they awaited each year's vintage. Upon retirement she spent her winters in Florida until she moved there permanently in 2017. Barb is survived by her brothers, Ray (Joanne) and Bill (Marie), a half-brother, Jim Murray (Cathy), thirteen nephews and nieces, many great nephews and nieces and a special friend, Mary Ann Paluzzi. She was preceded in death by her parents and her sister Kay Weiss. A burial service will be held at a future date in Ilion, New York. Donations can be made in memory of Barbara to the Alzheimer's Association. Published by The Daily Gazette Co. on May 30, 2023. (July 21, 2023)


Fred E. Hartmann, IHS 1965 age 75, a lifelong Ilion resident, beloved husband of Rose Marie M. (Bumbolo) Hartmann, passed away peacefully on Thursday morning, May 4, 2023 at MVHS, St. Luke's Campus, New Hartford, with the love and support of his family by his side. Fred was born in Ilion, NY on June 5th, 1947, the son of Frederick and Doris (Hartleb) Hartmann. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1965. He then went on to Boston University where he completed his Bachelor's in Biology. Fred continued his education achieving his Masters in Science (Education) from Syracuse University. Fred was well known in his community and involved in many organizations. He was a member of the Mohawk YMCA Board of Directors; he was the co-chairman of Christmas in Ilion where he played a role in keeping the Christmas spirit alive for the valley. He was a member of the zoning boards and a Village of Ilion Trustee. He was also a member of the Mason Society. If there was an opportunity to improve something in his town, Fred was joining forces to try and make a difference. However, Fred's true passion was in his love for his students and athletes. He spent his life teaching science to students until his retirement From Mohawk Central School in 2009. He coached numerous sports and was the head football coach at Mohawk for 12 years. Fred was a unique and one-of-a-kind teacher. If you run into one of his students today, they would have a funny story or one of his famous quotes to share. Fred's legacy will live on through his teachings, his role in the community and the love he had for his family. He was a man with a great pride and Fred would love nothing more than to leave everyone with his best piece of advice, "Aim Low, Avoid Disappointment." In addition to his parents, Fred was predeceased by his grandson, Axel James Hartmann. Surviving family, in addition to his wife, Rose Marie, are his sons, Robert and wife Mary Hartmann (Massachusetts), Daniel Hartmann (Connecticut) and James and wife, Bree Hartmann (Oswego, NY) and daughter, Jennifer and husband Shawn Walrath (Ilion, NY), his grandchildren, Olivia, Avella, Zoey, and Cooper Hartmann, Sascha and wife Ashley Congdon, Seth Colangelo and Adam Walrath, his brother, Kurt and Wife Maureen, his sister, Mary and husband Joseph Baggetta, as well as many nieces and nephews, that he adored. As per the request of Fred's wife, Rose Marie, funeral arrangements are under the direction and care of Mohawk Valley Funerals and Cremations, 7507 State Route 5, between Little Falls and St. Johnsville, 315-508-5131, and there will be no scheduled services. (June 1, 2023)


Suzanne V. (Bracken) Grainger, IHS 1965, of Ilion, NY, passed away peacefully, on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at home, with her husband Paul at her side. She was born on April 30, 1947, in Ilion, NY, the daughter of the late James and Mary (Booth) Bracken. She attended and graduated from Ilion High School with the Class of 1965. On September 14, 1968, Suzanne was married to Paul D. Grainger at the Church of the Annunciation, in Ilion. Together, they shared in a blessed and devoted union of over fifty-four years. Sue's career was spent with the Village of Ilion Board of Light Commissioners where she served as the bookkeeper for almost forty years until her retirement. As a woman very dedicated to her family, nothing made Sue happier than being at home with her husband, children and grandchildren. Her home was her happy place where she could often be found cuddled up with a good book. She was very proud of her Irish heritage and once got to return to Miltown Malbay, County Clare, the ancestral home of the Bracken family. The greatest joys in her life were her grandchildren and she showed her love and adoration by spoiling them every chance she got, especially at Christmas! Her faith in Jesus Christ sustained her throughout her earthly life and ushered her into eternal life in Heaven. Surviving family members include her husband, Paul, of Ilion, NY; her sons, Michael and his wife, Shauna, of Fayetteville, NY, Matthew and his wife, Mari, of Mohawk, NY and John, of Naples, FL; her grandchildren, Michaela, Daniel, Elisabeth, Kathryn, Lauren, Luke, Ainsley, Reagan and Andrew, all of Fayetteville, NY, as well as Tristan and Liam, of Mohawk, NY; her brothers, Bob and his wife, Gail, of Hudson, FL and Bill, of Waterford, NY; her sisters-in-law, Carol, of Bluffton, SC and Carol, of Herkimer, NY; her brother-in-law, Edward Grainger and his wife, Janet, of Stephens City, VA; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by her parents, James and Mary; her brothers, Jim, George and Tom; and her sisters, Mary, Patricia, Nancy, Liz and Barbara. In honoring Suzanne's wishes, her family will gather in a private ceremony to bid their farewells to her. Spring interment will take place in Armory Hill Cemetery, after which a public Celebration of Life service will be held, at a date and time to be announced. The Grainger family has entrusted the care of their beloved wife and mother to the Enea, Ciaccia and Applegate Funeral Directors. Online notes of sympathy may be left at SAVE THE DATE. Celebration of Life for Suzanne V. Grainger. Saturday, June 10, 2023. Marine Corps League, 178 Second Street, Ilion, New York 13357. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. Food catered by world renowned chef John Grainger. Entertainment led by Maestro Matt Grainger. This follows the burial at 10:00 a.m. at Armory Hill Cemetery. (February 28, 2023 - modified March 8, 2023)


Jeffrey Stephenson, IHS 1965, 74, a lifelong resident, passed away unexpectedly at home on August 22, 2021. Jeff was born in Ilion, son of Jack and Ruth Stephenson. He attended Ilion High School and was drafted into the Marine Corps serving in Vietnam, immediately after High School. Jeff worked along side his father at Swan Pools, then with his wife Nancy and son Todd carrying on the family business. Although Jeff's medical issues left him permanently disabled and in a Power Wheelchair, he could be found motoring down the streets of Ilion on a daily basis. His zest for life and hard work were qualities to be admired. Survivors include his Sister Jill (Tom) of Salisbury Center, daughter Tonya (Sue), Granddaughter Jordyn, Grandson Aryn of Albany, son Todd of Ithaca, Dana of Ilion, grandsons Colin & Xavier. Jeff was predeceased by his wife Nancy and infant daughter Lynn who died in 1969 and his brother Jon. He will also be sorely missed by Jeremy, Bill, Ed and the entire Swan Pools Crew. There will be no calling hours. A private service will be held at the convenience of the family. (September 4, 2021)


John W. Ludden IHS 1965, age 74, of Bellevue Ave., Ilion, passed away peacefully, on Thursday, March 4, 2021, at The Grand, in Ilion, with his wife, Virginia "Ginny" by his side. He was born on September 10, 1946, in Ilion, the son of John L. and Bernice (Schroll) Ludden and graduated from Ilion High School, in 1965. John was married to Virginia Parkhurst, on December 19, 1969, in Ilion. Mr. Ludden was employed as a driver and later a warehouse worker at the Association for the Blind, Utica. He also worked as a school bus driver for Bernie Bus Co., Utica. John had attended the Ilion Baptist Church and at one time was Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Surviving family members include his wife, Virginia "Ginny"; his sons and daughters-in-law, James and Lynn Ludden, of Ilion and Robert and Nancy Ludden, of Toledo, Ohio; 5 grandchildren, Antonia, Kimberly, Rosaleigh, John and Catherine Ludden; 2 great-grandsons, Jaiden Ludden-Pendolf and Kayden Coons; his sister, Christine Fort, of Balston Spa, NY; one niece and several cousins. He was predeceased by his parents. Due to COVID restrictions, there will be a private family service at a later date at the convenience of the family. Any family member attending will need to wear a mask. Thank you. Anyone wishing to share a memory of John, or add to his online memorial, may go to John's service arrangements were prearranged and are entrusted to his Family Funeral Director and friend, Don Applegate, at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Homes, of Ilion (315-895-7722). (March 12, 2021)


Sharon L. (Chambers) Kerns IHS 1965, age 74, of Canon City, Colorado, formerly of Kansas and New York, passed away peacefully Sunday, March 7, 2021 while at Parkland Medical Center in Pueblo, CO. Sharon was born February 26, 1947, in Little Falls, New York, daughter of Harold Lewis Chambers and Eva Mae (Hall) Chambers. She graduated from Ilion Jr-Sr High School, Ilion, NY in 1965. After high school she attended Washburn University of Topeka, KS, where she majored in music education. She and Alvin Preble married in 1969 in Salina, KS, and shortly thereafter moved to Casper, Wyoming, where her son Wesley was born in 1970. Sharon returned to Kansas in 1972 with her son, and completed her college degree at Marymount College in Salina, Kansas. While in Salina, Sharon was a dedicated member of the French horn section of the Salina Symphony. Life took Sharon back to New York for several years, and then back to Hillsboro Kansas, where she stayed until moving to Colorado in 2005. While in Kansas she met and married Ron Kerns, who passed away in 1985. Sharon has been a church musician since high school, playing for nearly 55 years in many churches, including St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Ilion, NY, Good News Christian Fellowship Church, Marion, KS, and concluding her career in Canon City at St. John's Lutheran Church until her retirement last year. She also used her musical education to teach music appreciation in community colleges, and was a substitute teacher both in Hillsboro, KS and in Canon City, which were endeavors she thoroughly enjoyed. Sharon was a very caring individual, and spent much of her working life in the medical field, serving as a nurses' aide and CMA in several nursing homes and assisted living centers in Kansas. She also expanded her world view by hosting many foreign exchange students, some with whom she has remained in contact. Sharon was a devout Christian and gave much energy and dedication to her spiritual life, to the churches she played in, and to the churches she called home, such as Good News Christian in Marion, KS, and Vineyard Church in Canon City. Sharon is survived by her son, Wesley, daughter-in-law, Jeri, and their children, Samantha and Tyler Phillips, Sean and Logan Preble, all of Oklahoma City, and grandchildren Kylie and Joshua Preble/Reagan of Sherman, Texas. She is also survived by her sister Caryl Chacey-Guba (Tom Guba) of Lawrence, KS, and brothers Roger (Joyce) Chambers of Utica, NY and Edward (Salvacion) Chambers of Lafayette, IN. Additionally, she leaves nieces Karen Chacey Gipson of Kansas, and Kalynda Chambers of Indiana, as well as nephews Larry and Victor Chambers of New York and Michael Chacey of Kansas. Sharon was predeceased by her parents, and granddaughter Kelli Preble/Reagan Funeral services will be held at The Vineyard Church 245 S. Raynolds Ave., Canon City, on Saturday March 13, 2021 at 10:00 A.M. with internment next to Ron Kerns in Hillsboro, Kansas later this summer. In lieu of flowers, please consider donations either to The Vineyard church, Canon City or to St. John's Lutheran Church also in Canon City. The family wishes to thank Sharon's friends Stacy Swaggart, Rebecca Cooling, and Celeste Wilson for their love and support of Sharon in the physical absence of family due to the pandemic, as well as the doctors and staff of Parkview Medical Center in Pueblo, CO for their skill and care during her illness. (March 12, 2021)


Gary Robert "Biggens" Brewer, IHS 1965, age 73, passed away Wednesday, September 2, 2020 at his residence. Gary was born in Ilion, NY to Robert and Helen Brewer. He was child three of four, having two older sisters: Joyce Adams (Tom) and Carol Crossman (Bob) and younger sister Karen Conterras (William). Gary grew up active and always on the go, you could most likely find him running the town, ice skating, and playing and hunting in the swamp with his neighborhood posse. His prideful first jobs consisted of working at Lovier's Dairy and his daily paper route. He graduated from Ilion Highschool in 1965 where he excelled in bowling, football and drive-in movies. Gary was drafted into the United States Army in early 1966. In 1967 his daughter Wendy was born. Gary served in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968 during the Tet Offensive as a Specialist 5 Sergeant 32 F20 Crypto. Upon return from Vietnam, Gary was stationed at Fort Myer, Va with duty station being at the Pentagon in Washington DC carrying out classified duties for Generals: Westmoreland and Abrams and Ambassador Bunker until honorably discharging in 1969. Gary than began college life while bartending at Crossways Tavern. He earned an Associate of Applied Science at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica, NY in 1972. He earned his Electrical Engineering degree at the University of NewYork at Buffalo, ETA KAPPA NU. Gary Married the love of his life, Sherrie (43 years) in 1975 in Newfane, NY. He began his engineering career in 1975 at Great Lakes Carbon in Niagra Falls, NY. In 1979 Gary accepted an electrical engineering position at Owens Corning Fiberglass bringing him from New York to Anderson, SC where his two sons, Micah and Matthew were born. He later transferred and moved to the Atlanta, GA plant and then his third and final stop at the Aiken, SC plant where he remained until retirement after 26 years of service as the Plant Maintenance Superintendent of AGY. Gary went on to work as a financial advisor for Thrivent Financial for 10 years before retiring for good in 2015. He was a member of St James Lutheran Church in Graniteville, SC since 1986. Gary was an amazing family man and wonderful son, brother, husband, dad, grandfather, friend, worker and man. He was bighearted, charismatic, fun loving, outgoing, adventurous, supportive and wise. Gary was an avid outdoors man, loving and enjoying natures beauties; exploring, hunting, fishing, rafting and camping. He was a jack of many trades, Mr get it done. Gary enjoyed a good poker game, western and war movie, cigar, a little trouble making and anything chocolate. Gary was genuine and authentic, he was very involved, impactful and beloved and will truly be missed, but his memory and legacy lives on. Surviving are his sons, Micah Brewer (MaryAnn) and Matthew Brewer (Rainee); daughter, Wendi Farhi; seven grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Helen and his wife Sherrie. The family will receive friends Friday evening, September 11th from 6 until 8 o'clock at Shellhouse - Rivers Funeral Home. The funeral service will be Saturday morning, September 12th at 11 o'clock at St. James Lutheran Church, 200 Laurel Dr., Graniteville, SC. Social distancing and masks will be required at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be directed to Wounded Warrior Project ( SHELLHOUSE - RIVERS FUNERAL HOME, 715 EAST PINE LOG RD., AIKEN, SC (September 13, 2020)


Robert 'Smally' M. Small IHS 1965, age 71, of Rasbach Rd., Litchfield, passed away unexpectedly, on Monday, September 2, 2019, at home, after a long illness. He was born on December 18, 1947, in Ilion, the son of Robert I. Small and Mary (Yates) Small. Bob attended Annunciation School and graduated from Ilion Central School, in 1965. He was married to Linda Berberick, on August 7, 1982, at their Cook Road home, in Litchfield. Mr. Small was employed as a Tool & Die Setter, at Mele Manufacturing Co., Utica, for about 15 years, retiring in 1999. He had a love of music and liked outdoor life, including hunting, fishing and trapping. Smally liked a good party and being with family and friends. Surviving family members include his wife, Linda; his 2 daughters, Layla Sterling and her husband, Timothy, of Mohawk and Jenika Small and Jay Szczesniak, of Schuyler; His 5 sons, Robert D. Small and his wife, Lee, of Gouldsboro, PA, Daniel Small and his wife, Ingrid, of Lowville, Craig Small and his wife, Jodie, of Piseco, NY, Scot Raymond, of Poland and Joshua Small and Elaine Parker, of Litchfield; his 14 grandchildren, Tyler, Melanie, Megan and her husband, Mathew, Zacharie, Griffin, Nicholas, Nathan, Owen, Anne, Kurtis, Johnny, Madison and Caitryn and best buddy, Brenden; his great-grandchild, Arlo; his 2 sisters, Pamela Pestar, of Ilion and Patricia Upson and her husband, Bradley, of Irondequoit, NY; his brother, Russell Small and his wife, Kathy, of Fairfield, NY; several nieces; nephews; cousins; and his beloved beagle, Daisy. He was predeceased by his parents. Calling hours will be held on Friday, September 6, 2019, from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's original location, at 102 West St., Ilion. A Celebration of Life Memorial Service will be held at the conclusion of calling hours, at 6:00 p.m., Friday, at the funeral home. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Robert "Smally", or add to his online memorial, may go to In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to Edwards Ambulance Service, 3440 Oneida St., Chadwicks, NY 13319. Envelopes are also available at the funeral home. The Small family has entrusted Smally's service arrangements and supervision to their family Funeral Director and long time friend, Don Applegate. (October 5, 2019)


Sheila J. (Fancher) Brown Karges IHS 1965, age 71, passed away on Monday April 16, 2018. She was born on October 22, 1946 in Ilion, a daughter of the late Emmett and Dorothy (Truax) Fancher. She was a resident of the Mohawk Valley most of her life, and was a Graduate of Ilion High School, Class of 1965. She received her Certified Nursing Aide and was employed by Mohawk Valley Nursing Home and most recently for the Masonic Home for 30 plus years. She was a member of the General Herkimer Riding Club and the Valley Voices for Christ. She is survived by her son, Christopher Brown of Ilion, NY, her daughter Tori Ghabour of Marlboro, MA, four grandchildren, Christina Brown, Hailey Manley, Taylor Brown, and Paige Manley, two great-grandchildren, Jackson Klumbach and Deacon Klumbach and is also survived by several cousins. Funeral services and Celebration of the Life of Sheila will be held on Thursday April 19, 2018 at 7:00 PM at The Enea & Ciaccia Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road (Town of Frankfort) Ilion, NYwith Rev. Dr. Steven A. Scarcia officiating. Friends and family may attend calling hours prior to the services from 5 until 7 PM Thursday evening at the funeral home. The family recognizes the staff of the Mohawk Valley Healthcare Center as well as Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare and University Hospital for their support and care. (May 20, 2018)


Owen R. Roberts, Jr., IHS 1965, age 71, of Jordanville, passed away on Thursday, February 8, 2018. He was born on January 10, 1947, in Herkimer to the late Owen R. Roberts Sr. and Marion Kane. He is survived by his wife, Linda (Abeling) Roberts; their son Eric Roberts and his wife Desiree and granddaughter Nyssa of Plano, TX; daughter Violet Wolfe, and her spouse, Ehren, of Edwardsville, IL; and his in-laws, Ralph and Louise Abeling of Essex Jct., VT, and Pam and Dale Abeling of Fletcher, NC, Diane and Russell Bouck of Raleigh, NC, Dave and Sheila Abeling of Fairport, NY Owen graduated from Ilion High School in 1965. He served honorably in the United States Navy upon graduation. He married Linda on December 27, 1969. Owen worked as Maintenance Supervisor for Remington Arms Company, at the Ilion Firearms Plant, before retiring. He continued to work after retirement, most recently as Asset Protection for Walmart at the Distribution Center in Sharon Springs. Owen was a hard-working man, determined to give everything he had to those that he loved or to lend a helping hand to those in need. He enjoyed tinkering around the house on small projects and spending time with his wife and the dogs at camp in the summers. He will be truly missed by all who knew him. Services will be held privately at the convenience of the family in keeping with Owen's last wishes. Arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St., Ilion. In lieu of flowers friends are asked to consider Memorial donations in Owen's name to To leave an online condolence and light a candle, please go to (March 12, 2018)


Allen E. Desmond, IHS 1965, age 70, of Barringer Rd., Ilion, passed away peacefully on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, at Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare, New Hartford, with his family by his side. He was born on May 14, 1947, in Ilion, the son of Cornelius Joseph Desmond and Ruth (Allen) Desmond. Allen graduated from Ilion Central School and Utica College of Syracuse University. Mr. Desmond was a veteran of Vietnam serving in the US Army. On July 22, 1978, he was married to Linda Vokins at the Church of the Annunciation, Ilion. Al worked as an Industrial Engineer at Remington Arms Co., Ilion, for thirty years and also worked for the Dept. of Defense at West Point for ten years. He attended the Church of the Annunciation and was an avid golfer. Allen was a family man and cherished his time at home with his family. Surviving family members include his wife, Linda; his children, Frank Desmond and his wife, Faith, of Middleville, Corey Desmond, of Punta Gorda, FL, Joelle Desmond and her fiancée, Brad Looman, of Ilion and Danielle, of McCall, Idaho; his grandchildren, Michael, Morgan, Gwendolyn and Ophelia; and his sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Sandra and Ted Mosenthin, of Salisbury Center, NY; and several cousins, nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his parents; and his brother, Don Desmond. Calling hours will be held on Friday, December 15, 2017, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m., at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's original location at 102 West St., Ilion. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, December 16, 2017, at 10:30 a.m., at the Church of the Annunciation, West St., Ilion, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Father Paul Catena, Pastor. Interment will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, E. Herkimer. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Allen, or add to his online memorial, may go to In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to the Ilion Ambulance Fund, c/o Ilion Fire Dept., Central Fire Station, Ilion, NY 13357. Envelopes are available at the funeral home. The Desmond family have entrusted Allen's service arrangements and supervision to their family Funeral Director and friend, Don Applegate. (December 15, 2017)


Richard E. "Dick" Greene, IHS 1965, 70 of Mohawk passed away on Thursday November 30, 2017 at Little Falls Hospital. Dick was born June 30 1947 in Ilion, he was the son of the late Ernest and Florence (Ares) Greene. He was a graduate of Ilion and attended Adirondack Community College. Dick was employed at Remington Arms Co. in Ilion as an assembler, retiring several years ago. On April 3, 1976 Dick married the former Mary Lou Giangregorio in Mohawk. He was a member of Blessed Sacrament Church in Mohawk, the Mohawk Community Club and the Mohawk Exempt Fireman. Dick is survived by his wife Mary Lou; a daughter Johanna and her husband Jonah Levi of Mohawk; a sister Carolyn Clark of SC; two grandchildren Jude and James Levi; a sister in law Theresa and her husband Anthony Casale of Cooperstown; he also leaves several nieces and nephews. A funeral mass for Dick will be celebrated on Tuesday December 5, 2017 at 10am at Blessed Sacrament Church in Mohawk. Fr. Mark Cunningham will officiate, assisted by Sr, Mary Jo Tallman. Interment will be in the Mohawk Cemetery Annex, St. Rt. 28 in Mohawk. Friends may call on Monday from 4 to 7 pm at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego St. in Ilion. In lieu of flowers friends are asked to please consider memorial donations to the Amazing Gracie Foundation, envelopes are available at the funeral home. To send an online condolence please go to (December 15, 2017)


Sharyn M. (Hicks) Besig, IHS 1965, age 70, of the Town of German Flatts, passed away peacefully on Wednesday November 29, 2017 with her loving family by her side. She was born November 3, 1947 in Ilion, NY the daughter of the late Stewart and Mary (Burdick) Hicks and was educated in Ilion schools. Her marriage to Paul Besig, Jr. took place on September 7, 1991 at the Annunciation Church in Ilion by Father Turner. For several years, Sharyn was a dispatcher for the Mohawk Police Department. A woman devoted to her family, Sharyn's life was centered around her loved ones, especially cooking for the yearly clambake and parties. In her earlier years, she enjoyed traveling with her husband Paul to Florida and Hilton Head Island with her close family and friends. Sharyn loved the outdoors and found much relaxation camping with her family. In her leisure she enjoyed visiting with her friends and her shopping sprees to the malls. Survivors include, her loving husband of 26 years, Paul; a daughter, Eva Renee Smaldone and Norm Babcock of Utica; two sons, Randy Smaldone of Litchfield, NY and Scott Smaldone and fiancée Vanessa Hoage of Little Falls; three grandchildren, Kasandra Smaldone, Nate Smaldone, and Joseph Smaldone; a sister, Marjorie Bartkowiak of Utica; a brother, Stewart Hicks of Cold Brook; and several nieces, nephews cousins and in-laws. She is also survived by her canine companions Baby and Zoey. She was pre-deceased by a sister, Mary Conroy and a brother, Raymond Hicks. A funeral mass will be held on Tuesday December 5, 2017 at 10:30 am at the Annunciation Church, Ilion, NY with Reverend Paul Catena, officiating. Burial in the spring will take place at Mohawk Cemetery, Annex at a time to be announced. Arrangements are under the caring guidance of the Vincent A. Enea Funeral Service, (next to NBT Bank), 527 East Albany St., Herkimer, NY 315-866-1500. All memorial contributions may be made to the Steven Swan Humane Society, 5664 Horatio St., Utica, NY 13502. Envelopes will be available at the church. (December 15, 2017)


Virginia "Ginny" A. (Miller) Bajanen, IHS 1965, age 70, of Herkimer previously of Greenwood Terrace, Mohawk, passed away on Sunday morning April 30, 2017 in Homelife at Folts. She was born November 1, 1946 in Ilion a daughter to the late Charles J. and Jane B. Alexander Miller. Virginia was raised and educated in Ilion graduating from Ilion High School. For many years she owned and operated the Whistle Stop, later Fish Dance on South Main Street in Herkimer, retiring in 1998. Virginia enjoyed photography especially photographing and video recording wildlife from her window. She loved posting her videos and photographs to YouTube and Facebook. Surviving are her daughters Ginny and Nina Guidi of Herkimer and her grandchildren; Jordan Reinhardt, Salena Reinhardt, and Jessi Pfaff all of Herkimer and Ginny's children Aaron Dorn of Utica, Heather and Vanessa Kubick of Virginia, Sarah Stevens and her husband Joshua of S. Korea, Matthew, Elijah and Joshua Kubick of New York, Elishama, Zephaniah, and Othiniel Johnson of Minnesota; four brothers: Stephen Miller of Ilion, James Miller and his wife Patty of Newport, Richard Kirkum and his wife Ann of Ontario, NY, Mike Terenzetti of Vermont, five sisters; Jeanne Miller of Herkimer, Jane Lombardo and her husband Savey of Ilion, Debra Duteau of Ilion, Carol Kirkum of Las Vegas, NV, Pamela Zuis Bowers and her husband John of St. Johnsville. Besides her parents she was preceded in death by her sister Christine Miller in 2006. Funeral service for Virginia Bajanen will be private and held at the convenience of her family. Funeral arrangements are with Fenner Funeral Home Inc., 115 Court Street, Herkimer. Virginia wanted to be remembered by these words she wrote before her death; "Stricken with polio as a child. So I never really could run wild; Life on Earth wasn't that bad. Because a sense of humor is what I had". (June 19, 2017)


Paul E. Thomas IHS 1965, 70, of 6 North St. passed away Tuesday June 14, 2016 at Faxton-St. Luke's Health Care. He was born January 9, 1946 in Kingston, N.Y. the son of the late Paul and Helen (Wells) Thomas. Paul was raised in Ilion and worked at Remington Arms for 46 years, retiring in 2012. He was a member of the Ilion Elks Lodge 1444 and coached Little League Baseball, where he was never shy about arguing a call by the umpire. Paul enjoyed going to the Casino, playing cards with his buddies on Friday nights, sitting on the porch in the summer, visiting with the neighbors and his high school reunions. He stayed in close touch with family and friends and was famous for his early Sunday morning phone calls. He loved sports, especially the NY Giants, NY Yankees and NY Rangers. Paul is survived by his wife, the former Tanis Mondrick, his son Scott and his wife Christine Thomas, his daughter Rachel and her husband Gary Eychner, a brother and sister in law; Richard and Carol Thomas two granddaughters; Emily and Madilyn Thomas. Paul is also survived by his stepson J. K. Mondrick, a step-granddaughter Korina Holt and four step-great-grandchildren. Paul was predeceased by his sister Beth Ladd. In keeping with Paul's "explicit instructions" there will be no public calling or funeral service. Arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Inc., 100 Otsego St., Ilion. Friends are asked to consider memorials in Paul's memory to the Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Research Fund Inc., 14 Technology Drive, Setauket, N. Y. 11773, in honor of his mother and sister. To leave an online condolence and light a candle please go to (June 27, 2016)


Diana Withington Mobley, age 67, of Medfield, formerly of Cambridge, Oct. 23, 2014, beloved wife of E. David Mobley. Loving mother of Nathaniel D. Mobley of Medfield and Jacob B. Mobley of Boston. Sister of Joan Wing of Boca Raton, FL, Karen Mancuso of No. Bellmore, NY, Mary Withington of Saratoga Springs, NY, John Withington of Sicklerville, NJ, Mark Wright of Gilford, NH and Paul Wright of Derry, NH. Funeral Services Tuesday, Oct. 28 at 11:00 AM at the Church of the Advent, 28 Pleasant St., Medfield. Visitation Monday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Roberts-Mitchell Funeral Home, 15 Miller St., Medfield. Memorial contributions may be made to Camp Becket Scholarship Fund, 748 Hamilton Rd., Becket, MA 01223. (October 26, 2014)


Robert "Bob" S. Crossway, age 67, of W. Main St., Mohawk, formerly of Ilion, passed away peacefully, at home, on Sunday, September 28, 2014, with his loving family by his side. He was born on April 2, 1947, in Ilion, the son of Robert Crossway and Alice (Gregg) Crossway. Bob graduated from Ilion Central High School in 1965 and MVCC, receiving an Associate Degree in Business Administration. At one time, he was married to Angela Terzo. He later married Josephine Alabastro. Throughout his life, Bob had always been strongly involved in music. In his early years, he played with the Troubadours and the Magnificent Yankees. In 1964, he founded "The Mersey Side 5" Band with Bruce Ward, Bill Ortlieb, Gregg VanValkenburg and Gary Rigo, performing on the Hank Brown Show and throughout the Northeast winning the Battle of the Bands at Three Rivers Inn, Syracuse. First touring with the "Dick Clark Caravan Stars" in 1965, Bob went on to perform with such great groups as "The Shadows of Night", "The Manhattans" and several other regional and national acts, performing as bassist, keyboardist or trombonist. He later founded the musical group "Soul Injection" and was actively involved for sixteen years retiring due to medical reasons. At one time, Bob lived in Tonawanda and was employed in management at the John Hancock Insurance Co. He was also actively involved in the family business "Crossway Tavern" in Ilion for many years. Survivors include his children, James Crossway, with whom he resided in Mohawk, Renee Fultz and her husband, Donald, of Laurelton, PA, Jennifer Crossway-Warner and her husband, Jay, of Ilion, Tiffany Brown and her husband, Dan, of Herkimer, Robert Brandon Crossway and his wife, Vicki, of Harrisburg, VA, and Melody Crossway, of Winchester, VA; twenty-four grandchildren, Kimberly, James, Alicia and Joseph, Jamie, Christina, Kara, Jerica, Jordan, Tony and Lauren, Derik, Brianna, Jennifer, Steffen and Amy, Althea, Amelia and Arlo, Jasmine, Jaysen, London, Ezra and Jonah; his sister, Debra "Debi" (Crossway) Teutsch and her husband, Rob, of Ft. Washington, MD; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his parents, Alice Crossway and Robert N. Crossway. Funeral services will be held 6:00 p.m., Thursday, October 2, 2014, at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's newly reopened location at 102 West St., Ilion, with Rev. Robert Wollaber, Pastor of the Ilion Morning Star United Methodist Church, officiating. Interment will be in Mohawk Cemetery on the family lot. Calling hours will be held Thursday, October 2, 2014, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. prior to the funeral home service at 102 West St., Ilion. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Bob, or add to his online memorial, may go to: In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc., 4277 Middle Settlement Rd., New Hartford, NY 13413. Envelopes are available at the funeral home. The Crossway family has entrusted Bob's service arrangements and supervision to their family Funeral Director and long time friend, Don Applegate. (October 15, 2014)


Allan L. Dresner. "I would like to announce the death of my brother, Allan L. Dresner. He passed away February 8, 2008 in Texas due to coronary complications." Submitted by Steven Dresner IHS '69, Desert Hot Springs CA - email. (May 4, 2011)


Mrs. Nancy (Rossi) A. Clark, age 62, of Tulip Drive, Ilion, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, April 21, 2010, in St. Luke's Healthcare, New Hartford. At the time of her passing, she was encircled by her loving husband and family. Nancy lived in the Adirondack Park (the North Country) for eleven years, before moving to Ilion, where she has resided for the past year. Nancy was born on June 15, 1947, in Ilion, a daughter of Frank B. and Martha (Salvaggio) Rossi. She attended Annunciation School and then graduated from Ilion High School with the Class of 1965. She then attended the University at Albany for one year, before enrolling at Herkimer County Community College and attaining an Associates Degree. She was employed for many years with Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. Subsequently, she operated a medical transcription service from her home. On August 12, 1988, Nancy married Richard E. Clark in North Creek, NY. She is survived by her beloved husband, Richard; her parents, Frank B. and Martha Rossi, of Utica; a son, Bernard K. Cushman and his wife, Lorie, of Saranac Lake; a daughter, Laura L. Cushman, of Holualoa, Hawaii; also, a son, Richard E. Clark, II, and a daughter, Pricila Clark; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; a brother, Joseph F. Rossi, of Ilion; two sisters, Mary M. Caruso and her husband, Lee, of Frankfort, and Gloria M. Burdick and her husband, Darrell, of Mohawk; in-laws, Mary Clark, Nancy Clark, Anne Lemery and Jack Clark; along with many nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. She also leaves her loving friend, Joanne Sterling, and her beloved dog, 'Lil Skabooch'. Nancy was gifted with a great intelligence and will be sorely missed by all who knew her. She had many good friends and everyone who knew her loved her dearly. Relatives and friends are invited to pay their respects on Friday, April 23, 2010, from 5-8 p.m. at the Enea Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road, between Ilion and Frankfort (894-8000). Her funeral will commence on Saturday, April 24, 2010, at 9:15 a.m., with prayer at the funeral home. Procession will follow to Annunciation Church, Ilion, where her Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:00 a.m. She will be laid to rest in St. Bernard's Cemetery, Saranac Lake, NY. Nancy's family would like to thank the doctors and nurses, especially Brad and Donna, at St. Luke's Healthcare for the care and compassion shown to Nancy and her family during this most difficult time. In lieu of floral offerings, kindly consider contributions in her memory to the American Diabetes Association. Donations will be accepted at the funeral home; envelopes will be available as well. To add to Nancy's online memorials, please visit our website at on the Internet. The family is being served by Kevin E. Enea, Director. (April 25, 2010)


Jana Jo (Danforth) Doyle, 60, died peacefully in her home on Oct. 15, 2007, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Jana was known for her beautiful smile, her varied interests, her sense of humor, and her love for family and friends. Born March 31, 1947, in Ilion, N.Y., she was named Jana Jo after a horse that was racing in New York that weekend. The horse won the race. She attended Ilion Schools, and excelled in swimming, dancing and cheerleading. Upon graduation, she worked for the Oneida National Bank in Utica. Jana and her husband Mike were married in 1967 at Sheppard Air Force Base in Texas. They lived in Merced, Calif., in Syracuse, and then Rochester, where Mike practiced law, and Jana tended to a young family. They moved to Hammondsport in 1976 to begin a lifelong passion for wine making and the Finger Lakes. In the mid-1990's Jana and Mike revived the historic Pleasant Valley Wine Company. Jana was a fixture in the Visitor Center, greeting people, sharing the history of the company and helping visitors find just the right wine. She loved golf and was a volunteer for many years at the LPGA Corning Classic. She was a member of the Bath Country Club, and on major weekends could be found perched in front of the television watching her idol, Tiger Woods. Jana had a passion for music and loved introducing friends to her newest favorites. She was known to play Neil Diamond, Barbara Streisand, Roy Orbison and Josh Groban, among others, over and over. Survivors include her husband, Michael; son, Patrick (Case) of Binghamton; daughter, Pamela (Adam) Gee of Elmira; son, Matthew (Carre) of Hammondsport; grandchildren, Mary Katherine and Michael, Nathaniel and Samuel and Jacob, Gabrielle and Zachary; sister, Sandy Ebner of Parsippany, N.J.; brother, Robert Danforth of South Africa; brother, Glenn Danforth of Ilion; sister, Shelly Morris of Ilion; and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her father, John, her dear mother, Wilma and her faithful companion, Tanner, a brittany spaniel. Friends and relatives are invited to call at Fagan's Funeral Home in Bath on Friday, Oct. 19, from 4-7 p.m. A funeral service will be held at St. Gabriel's Church in Hammondsport on Saturday, Oct. 20, at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to American Cancer Society, 1316 College Ave., Elmira, N.Y. 14901, Finger Lakes Humane Society, 7315 Route 54, Bath, N.Y. 14810 or the Southern Tier Hospice 11751 E. Corning Road, Corning, N.Y. 14830. (Oct 26, 2007)


Lawrence G. Kasper, 58, died Saturday, Jan. 28, 2006, in Pace, Fla. Mr. Kasper was born July 8, 1947, in Ilion, and attended Ilion High School and Herkimer County Community College. He was also a member of Church of the Annunciation in Ilion. He served two tours in the United States Army from 1969-1972 during Vietnam and received two Purple Hearts. Mr. Kasper also enjoyed his hobbies of reading, sports, wildlife and his beloved dog, Travis. Mr. Kasper was preceded in death by his parents, Lawrence and Pauline Kasper; grandparents, Samuel "Pop" and Hortense 'Nan' Marshland; a sister-in-law, Verna Kasper and one cousin, John Janicki. He is survived by his wife, Becky Kasper and three stepchildren, Robert S. Pierce and wife Kimberly, Scott Pierce and Renee K. Matthews and husband Thomas Jr.; five step-grandchildren, Christopher Pierce, Alexander Matthews, Izzetta Matthews, Scott Pierce and Jack Pierce; three brothers, Eric Kasper and wife Julie, Mark Kasper and Scott Kasper; two brothers-in-law, Barry and Kathy Upson and Bradley and Patricia Upson; also nieces and nephews, Michelle Kasper, Pamela Kasper, Scott Kasper and Erika Root; a special aunt and uncle, Mary and John Janicki and one cousin, Jodi Janicki. Arrangements were by Oak Lawn Funeral Home, 619 New Warrington Road, Pensacola, Fla. 32506. (850)453-2321. (Feb 28, 2006)


Joseph D. Short, age 57, of 248 South Fourth Ave., Ilion, passed away Thursday, February 3, 2005, at St. Luke's Medical Center, New Hartford. He was born March 6, 1947 in Ilion, the son of the late Lester and Ann Dzuban Short. Joe was a 1965 graduate of Ilion High School and attended Albany State College. On April 18, 1970, he married Corrine Madison in Herkimer. She passed away March 9, 2003. Mr. Short was employed as a tool designer with Remington Arms in Ilion for 34 years, retiring in 2002. He was a member of the Church of the Annunciation in Ilion, the Blessed Sacrament Choir, and a member of the Ilion Knights of Columbus. Joe is survived by his children, Joseph and his wife, Briana Short of Frankfort, Adam Short and his friend, Lori Curtin of Oneida, Matthew Short of Ilion, Peter Short of Ilion, John Short and his friend, Kristina Stewart of Herkimer; a granddaughter, Madison Emily Short; a brother and sister-in-law, Lester and Jenny Short Jr. of Nanyuki, Kenya; three sisters, Carol Mentzer and her special friend, Kurt Prische of Shippensburg, PA, Joann and William MacIntryre of Medford, NY, and Marla and Stephen Wood of Sammamish, Washington; a sister-in-law and close friend, Sandy Majka of New York Mills; a special cousin, Ruth Keddell of Ilion; also many nieces and nephews and cousins; his close friends, Eric and Michelle Deutchman of Mohawk; and his best friend, Ace the cat. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, February 5, 2005, at 12:00 noon at the Church of the Annunciation, Ilion, with Fr. Anthony Barratt officiating. Interment will be in the Armory Hill Cemetery in the spring. Friends may call on Friday, February 4, 2005, from 6:00-8:00 p.m., and Saturday, February 5, 2005, from 9:30-11:30 a.m., at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego Street, Ilion. Friends are asked to consider memorials to the American Diabetes Association in Joe's memory. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. (Feb 6, 2005)


Deepest sympathy is extended to Jean Keddell Maneen, Class of '65 on the death of her husband, Anthony Maneen '64. Tony passed away Wednesday, July 16, 2003,in University Hospital after a long and courageous battle with diabetes, kidney and heart disease. His funeral will be held on Saturday, July 19, 2003, at 10:15 a.m. from the V.J. Iocovozzi Funeral Home, Inc., 203 Second Ave., Frankfort, and at 11 a.m. in Our Lady Queen Of Apostles Church where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by the Rev. John Yanas,Pastor. Interment will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Calling hours will be Friday from 3 to 8 p.m. at the V.J. Iocovozzi Funeral Home, Inc. Members of the Knights of Columbus will meet Friday evening at 7 p.m. at the funeral home for services. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the American Kidney, Diabetes, or Heart Association. Envelopes are available at the funeral home.

(Tony and Jean were great supporters and organizers of the MegaReunion. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to Jean and her family on their loss.) (July 17, 2003)


Deepest sympathy is extended to Sandy Jones Simonette, Class of '65 on the death of her husband, Bill "Babe" Simonette. Bill died Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2002, in Gilbert, Ariz. Funeral services will be held at 9:15 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 24, at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion, and 10 a.m. at the Church of the Annunciation, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Father Joseph Benintende, pastor. Interment will be in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Frankfort. (Jan 18, 2002)


Nancy C. Brown Stephenson, age 53, of 54 Benedict Ave., a lifelong Ilion resident, passed away unexpectedly of heart failure Thursday, Oct. 19, 2000, at St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Utica. Nancy was born March 14, 1947, in Ilion, daughter of Joseph and Anna (Getman) Brown. She attended Ilion schools and was a graduate of Ilion High School, class of 1965. She later went on and obtained her Licensed Practical Nurse Certification. On Sept. 28, 1968, she was united in marriage to Jeffrey E. Stephenson at St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, Ilion. Nancy worked with her husband, Jeff and son, Todd, in the family business, "Swan Pools" of Ilion. She also worked as an LPN following her certification. Nancy loved the outdoors. She enjoyed the sun, working around the house, relaxing by the pool and keeping company with her beloved dogs. Survivors include her husband, Jeff, at home; one daughter, Tonya Stephenson of Albany and one son, Todd Stephenson of Ilion; her grandson, Colin Stephenson; one brother-in-law, John Stephenson of St. Petersburg, Fla., one sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Jill and Tom Balderston of Salisbury Center, and many good friends, including Sharon Dodge and Wendy Jackson, both of Ilion. She was predeceased by her parents and also her infant daughter, Lynn, who died on April 22, 1969. Procession to Armory Hill Cemetery for interment will follow the funeral service. Memorial contributions in Nancy's name may be considered to the charity of your choice. (October 29, 2000)


Richard E. Maury Jr., of Rome, passed away November 2, 1999 at St. Luke's Memorial Hospital. He wa born Feb. 27, 1946, in Ilion, the son of Richard and Constance Atchisen Maury. He graduated from Ilion High School and attended Mohawk Valley Community College. He entered the US Navy in 1971, as an aviation technician. He married Mary Lynn MacKinnon in 1972. He was employed with Pepsi Cola In Utica for 20 years. He was predeceased by his wife. He is survived by his children, Scott of Pittsfield, Mass., and Jennifer of Yorkville; his mother, Constance of Zephyfills, Fl.; one sister, Jean Maury of Ilion; and a close friend, Kate Ketchum of Rome. Funeral services will be held November 5, 1999 from the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Ilion. Interment will be in the Crown Hill Memorial Park, town of New Hartford. (November 3, 1999)


Mrs. Helen (Coons) Durrett IHS 1965, age 35, of 18 Beech wood Rd., Norwalk. Conn., and formerly of the Utica area, died Sunday, December 20, 1981 at the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in NewYork City after a brief illness. She was born in Utica, a daughter of Arthur and Lillian Hines Coons. She graduated from Ilion High School and received her bachelor's degree in education from Keuka College in 1969 She was awarded a master's degree in library science from Emory University in Alabama in 1972. She married John D. Durrett in 1975 in Keuka Park, New York. The Durretts lived in the Utica area from 1975 to 1980, first in NewYork Mills and later at 1323 Utica St. in Oriskany. Mrs. Durrett was active in the Utica Welcome Wagon and was a member of the Unitarian Church. Her husband John was associated with the law firm of Felt Hubbard Hopkins Bach & Corrou while in Utica. Besides her husband, she leaves a son, Trevor Michael, at home; her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coons, of Ilion; her mother and father-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Durrett, of West Point, Miss.; one sister. Mrs. Gary (Beth) Borton, of Fairfield. Conn.; two brothers, David Coons, of Syracuse and William Coons, of Logan, Utah; a niece, Leeann Borton. of Fairfield; and two nephews, Danny Borton, of Fairfield and Zachary Purvis, of Syracuse. Friends are invited to attend a memorial service Tuesday at 4 at the Stevens, Friedel & Williams Funeral Home, Inc., Oxford Rd., New Hartford, with the Rev. Richard L. Manzelmann. officiating. In her memory, friends may consider The StevensSwan Humane Society or a charity of your choice. (March 10, 2023)


Deepest sympathy is extended to Dave Wells, Class of '64 on the death of his wife, Sandy Santmire Wells, Class of '65. Sandy died on 30 December, 1998, from breast cancer. (July 27, 1999)


Golden Bombers Buzz WebSite.....

James Watts, postal clerk, email, from Renton, WA, registered. (March 16, 2014)

Joanne Urtz Privitera, retired Teacher, email, from Mount Morris, NY, registered. (Oct 7, 2013)

Carol Pozniak Jones, Realtor, email, from Estero, FL, re-registered. (June 27, 2013)

Daniel Spry, retired, email, Leesburg, FL, re-registered. (Jan 1, 2013)

Jack Jewell, Sergeant Herkimer County Sheriff, email, Ilion, NY, sent news. (May 5, 2012)

"2012 will be the fifth year I am employed by New York State as a Court Officer for the Unified Court System. Assigned to Herkimer County Family Court, County Court, Supreme Court, and Surrogate Courts we are the police force inside the courts."

Greg Patrei, Retired teacher, email, Watervliet, NY, registered. (April 2, 2011)

Cheryl Rowland Wright, Retired, email, Weedsport, NY, re-registered. (Feb 1, 2010)

Sandy Jones Simonette, Retired, email, from Chandler, AZ, re-registered. (July 13, 2008)

Lorraine (Brenda) Sweet DeJohn, email, registered. (Apr 13, 2008)

Pat Bouck Lennox, RN, email, Saegertown, PA, registered in the directory. (May 18, 2006)

Charles Leniek, Retired Civil Engineer - NYSDOT, email, from Endwell, NY, re-registered. (August 3, 2005)

Letitia Grindlay Michelson, Semi-retired, email, from Clyton, NY, registered. (August 3, 2005)

Robert Small, Retired, email, from Frankfort, NY, registered. (May 28, 2005)

Robert Bluett, Retired Elementary Principal, email, from Athens, GA, registered. (May 28, 2005)

Gary Brewer, email, from Aiken, SC, registered. (April 3, 2005)

Charles Stephens, Test Engineer, email, from Forestport, NY, re-registered. (Jan 17, 2005)

Nancy Parker Geer, Executive Director, email, from Schenectady, NY, re-registered. (Jan 8, 2005)

Jean Keddell Maneen, email, Ilion, NY, sent news. (October 5, 2004)

"Have been browsing this site for many years, and have just decided to submit an entry. Have been going through many changes since the passing of my husband of 37 years, and one of the keys to sanity is to keep busy and that I am! I am following in Tony's shoes as a Herkimer County Legislator, and am a Pharmacy Advisor for 48 stores across the country working from my home. Plus I am on the Board of Directors for Catholic Charities and involved with several fund raising teams. It is also time for our 40th class reunion next year. I am willing to try and get something started if I get some help out there for address changes, date and location ideas. Hope to get a general meeting with anyone interested sometime in November. Please feel free to call or email me if you would like to help."

Cheryl Rowland Wright, retired, Weedsport, NY, re-registered. (July 18, 2004)

"Hi: I didn't graduate with my class as I moved to Canada after my freshman year at Ilion High. I went to Annunciation prior to Ilion High. I have very fond memories of Ilion. I am retired from NYS. I worked in Family Court in various counties. I work part-time now (2 days a week in Syracuse.) I am interested in corresponding with anyone who remembers me."

David Enjem, Retired, email, Clayville, NY, registered. (July 11, 2004)

Suzanne Backman Johnson, Counselor/Instructor, email, Ft. Walton Beach, FL, registered. (May 22, 2004)

Sandra Paschke Cooper, email, sent a request. (Feb 1, 2004)

"I did not graduate from Ilion High because my family moved away before I entered high school. I attended North Street School and would have been a 1965 graduate of IHS had we not moved. I am interested in news and e-mail addresses of kids I knew back when....Patty Bouck, Gary Brewer, Bronwen Hamilton and Robert Moody"

Patricia Runge Jones, email, Boonville, NY, re-registered. (May 18, 2004)

Judy Gray Wickersham, Elementary Counselor, email, from Mendham, NJ, re-registered. (July 13, 2003)

Lorraine Miller O'Connor, Math Teacher, email, from Chestertown, NY, re-registered. (July 13, 2003)

Joan Whitcomb Thompson, Office Assistant, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (May 29, 2003)

Harold Stone, Supervisor, USPS, email, from Huntsville, AL, re-registered. (March 3, 2003)

David Brewer, Manufacturing Engineer, email, from Ilion, NY, re-registered. (February 8, 2003)

David Crocker, email, from Fairport, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 25, 2002)

Richard Greene, email, Mohawk, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 5, 2002)

Cindy Edwards Matthews-Malhiwsky, Registered Nurse, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (September 4, 2002)

Jack Jewell, Sergeant Herkimer County Sheriff, email email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (September 1, 2002)

Sharon Bradle Firley, teacher, email, Stittville, NY, re-registered. (August 27, 2002)

Clifford Mead, University Administrator, email, East Corvallis, OR, registered. (August 19, 2002)

Kathleen Hoffman Ford, email, East Brunswick, NJ, registered. (August 15, 2002)

Melody Cagwin Richardson, Paralegal, email, from Falmouth, ME, registered. (July 23, 2002)

Dale-Lee Casey Van Fleet, email, Waterford, MI, is attending the mega-reunion.(July 13, 2002)

Diane Bottini Crimmins, Office Manager, email, Ilion, NY, registered. (April 11, 2002)

Timothy Stalloch, Product Designer, email, from Cicero, NY, registered. (Feb 27, 2002)

Robert Klippel, email, from Ilion, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (Feb 27, 2002)

Suzanne Bracken Grainger, Sr.Account Clerk, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (February 23, 2002)

Mary Jean McGrath Hendrix, email, Hamburg, NY, was sent to this web site by St. Gerard. (February 19, 2002)

Bridget Carney Goddard, Asst. to Commissioner Dutchess County Department of Social Services, email, Rhinebeck, Ny, registered. (modified April 3, 2005)

Linda Disotelle Edick, Clerical/Computer Operator, email, Ilion, NY, registered. (January 28, 2002)

Arthur Stubbs, email, Myrtle Beach, SC, registered. (January 24, 2002)

Linda Brown Killen, Consultant, email, Mount Laurel, NJ, registered. (September 9, 2001)

Robert Barham - email

Sharon Bachorik Ruszala - email

Cynthia Cramer Hommey - email

Linda Fischer Bilinski - email

Elaine Hall Monroe - email

Jack Jewell - email

Robert Joy - email

Jean Keddell Maneen - email

John Ludden - email

Penny Seeley Homer - email

Harold Stone email

Lorraine Sweet DeJohn - email

Jerry Waldo - email

Gale Wells Hatch - email

Diana Withington Mobley from Medfield, MA, registered. (June 6, 2000)

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

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Modified January 31, 2025