Ilion High School - Class of 1985

Class Roster - The Mirror for 1985

1985 Ilion Yearbook


1985 Mirror Editor in Chief - page 2

Sheila Curtain


In Memoriam - page 4

Danny Joseph Tyo

We the class of 1985 present the 1985 edition of the Mirror in memory of Danny Joseph Tyo. On October 18, 1983 we all lost a friend with his passing. Danny was a great friend to all that knew him. He was the kind of person who tried his best to help others when they needed it. We all lost a good friend when we lost Danny. Each and every one of us has a place in our hearts and minds for Danny that will be there forever.

Dan - We all love and miss you and you're in all of our prayers.

With fond memories,
The Class of '85


Class Officers - page 3 and 10

Debbie Squire - President
Lori Pickett - Vice President
Marda Gaines - Secretary
Todd Hagan - Treasurer
Mr. Stephen Canipe and Mr. Daryl Krenichyn - Class Advisors


1985 Honors Students page 97

Bethany Davis - Valedictorian
Eileen Kilty - Salutatorian
Christine Lynch
Padma Nanduri
John Peter Thayer
David Yutzler
Lori Pickett
Debora Squire
Lakshmi Vadlamudi
Kimberly Ames
Donald Perna
Jodi Denison
Suzanne Raux
Matthew Sheffield


Below are all the members of the IHS Class of 1985 as published, in the 1985 Yearbook, beginning on Page 11.

Robert Dennis Alexander
James Glenn Allen
Susan L. Amadon
Kimberly Mae Ames
Lisa M. Ames
Paul Appley
Cynthia Ann Arno
Allen J. Bouck
Cathy Lynn Brewer
Michael Brinkerhoff
Joseph Paul Cacciatore
Renee Michele Candella
Dana Carney
Sheila Marie Carney
Thomas Joseph Cioch
Don Crim
Cynthia Marie Cross
Sheila Ann Curtin
Erin Colleen Daly
Timothy Darling
Bethany Susan Davis
Kimberly Ann Day
Joanne DeLaurier
Jodi Ann Denison
Christopher A. Devereese
Dawn A. Dixon
Joanne Dougherty
Jessica Dunnavant
Scott Durant
James Dzimitrowicz
Connie Louise Eddy
Jennifer Lee Eldredge
Lisa Ann Enea
Heather Ann Favreau
Bill Favreau
Rose Gage
Marda Denise Gaines
Mark T. Greene
Matthew Greene
Bryan Thomas Greig
Ann Marie Grimshaw
Gregory Hacker
Todd Thomas Hagan
Dayton Eric Hall
Craig Alan Hartmann
Denise Lynn Hazlett
Patricia Ann Healey
Diane L. Hendrix
Lynne Ann Hendrix
Harold Higdon
Richard Allen Houck
Carmen Joseph Iagulli
Alicia Izquierdo
Rosemary Jaquish
Brian Joseph Kane
Dean Patrick Kellogg
Eileen Frances Kilty
Daniel Scott Kinville
Robert Allen Knoblauch
Catherine E. S. LaFountain
Mary L. LaPoint
Kenneth E. Larson
Brian David Letts
James Wiliston Ludden
Renee Lyman
Christine Kay Lynch
Lori Ann Madison
Michael Anthony Marro
Edward Francis McCormack
Cynthia Marie Messina
Dale Robert Miller
Kimberly Jayne Moreau
Tammi Morehouse
Padma Nanduri
Cheryl A. Nelson
William R. Newkirk
Timothy J. Noffer
Gregory Overacker
Donald Joseph Perna, Jr.
Carolyn S. Pickett
Lori Michele Pickett
Daniel Ploutz
Robert William Powers
Kelly Jean Prosser
Suzanne Lee Raux
Theodore A. Raux
Deborah Ann Remis
Todd C. Remonda
Sean R. Retzloff
Keith James Roach
Leslie Ann Rogers
Laurie Lee Rose
Kathy Ann Sadlek
Matthew James Sheffield
Erik Jay Smith
Debora Anne Squire
Don Stallman
David A. Strafel
Erik Michael Strail
Michael L. Stephens
Arthur John Stephenson
Robin Sullivan
Richard J. Szatko
John Peter Thayer
Lakshmi Vadlamudi
Michael A. Wadsworth
Christina Jo Iagulli Warner
Michele Warner
Tracy Mae Wedemeyer
Richard Allen Wentworth
Lisa Ann Wieliczka
Dean Norman Wilson
Melissa Kathryn Young
David Arthur Yutzler
Bonnie Zobrist

(Photographs not available - listed on page 30)
Patrick Joaquin
Doug Joy
Daniel Shepherd
Randy Smaldone

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1983

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March 6, 2022