Ilion High School1969 Senior Class HistoryAs reported in "The Mirror of 1969"
To 189 entering Freshmen, the year "1969" and the day when we no longer would be recognized as "little kids" seemed awfully far away. However, our class was beginning to take on a little importance when Terry Brewer was elected President of the Junior High Senate. Other Freshmen selected to represent us in Senate as Homeroom Presidents were: Mary Ann Manion, Dolores Fortuna, Joan Palmer, Steve Hoffman, Rick Cashman, and Doug Kornbrust. With the Spring of 1966 came our first attempt at Class Games. Our "men": Cliff Lane, Bill Trevor, Tom Seymour, Mark Vivyan, Tom Clayton, Steve Morris, Terry Brewer, Roger Reynolds, Dan Hegeman, Dick Willey, Steve Hoffman, Doug Kornbrust, Terry Moran, and Mike Bouck, encouraged by our sweatshirted cheerleaders: Marilyn Clark, Chris Monohan, Kathy Baker, Deb Sweeney, Dolores Fortuna, Colleen Murphy, Joan Palmer, Gale Andrews, and Barb Bereza, demonstrated typical Freshmen determination in facing our sophomore foes in a somewhat hopeless battle. The loss was ours, but we still had three more years. Undaunted by the idea of defeat, our Frosh girls went into cheerleading tryouts. Sue Braren, Kathy Baker, and Gale Andrews won places on the J. V. squad. Finally, as our Freshmen year came to a close, we elected Joan Palmer to lead us through our Sophomore year. Other class officers were: Vice-President, Sue Newman; Secretary, Bill Getman; and Treasurer, Beth Dunn. Chris Monohan represented us as Secretary of Student Council. In September, 1966, our advisors, Mrs. Biviano and Mr. O'Connor attempted to organize our class for the long year ahead. The first order of business came when we elected Homeroom representatives to Student Council. The responsibility fell to: John Menard, Marilyn Clark, Marcia Radley, Cliff Lane, and Marilois Scott. Football season came, and boys selected to represent our class on the Varsity team of Coach Kleeman's "Comeback Club" were: Mike Bouck, Steve Morris, Terry Brewer, Steve Hoffman, and Gary Cook. Wow, what a season! Before long basketball season was upon us, and Carol Crossett was selected to head our major moneymaking project, the Sophomore Coat Check. How could we ever forget the embarrassment of not being able to find the coats in the rush that followed basketball games? Still we profited and returned to the full-time job of toting books and passing exams. The "Soph - Hop", headed by Marilois Scott and Marilyn Clark, proved exciting as well as successful. It seemed only a short time ago that we had faced defeat during class games. However, when Spring came, we entered the games with new energy and a little more determination. With chants of: "69ers are much finer than the Freshmen who are miners", Beth Dunn, Joan Palmer, Kathy Baker, Gale Andrews, Marilyn Clark, Sue Newman, Marilois Scott, Colleen Murphy, and Bunny Seaman rooted on our VICTORIOUS fellas. Our basketball players were: Cliff Lane, Mark Vivyan, Tom Seymour, Rick Cashman, Mike Bouck, Bob Service BillTrevorRoger Reynolds, Steve Hoffman, Steve Morris, Dan Hegeman, Terry Moran and Gary Cook. May proved to be an active month for some members of our class. Jackie Bechard and Kathy Baker were selected as cheerleaders for the 1967-1968 football season, while Chris Monohan seized the office of Vice-President in an exciting Student Council election. A few inches taller and a little more confident, we started school in the fall as Juniors! Led by Colleen Murphy, other officers selected to head our class were: Bill Trevor, Vice-President; Beth Dunn, Secretary; and Steve Morris, Treasurer. Right away we romped into the Magazine Sale, which proved to be quite successful. Headed by Cindy Bechard and Bill Getman, an all-out effort was made to sell as many magazines as possible. Prizes were awarded to: Sandy Sickler, Carol Enjem, Diana Stuart, Beth Dunn, Barb Jones, Dan Hegeman, Cindy Bechard, Corliss Bassler, and Donna Kennedy for their successful efforts as top salesmen. The ordering of class rings was the next important event in our Junior year. Breaking tradition, we voted to change the style of our rings from square to rounded with an entirely different design. After a very successful football season, we went into the winter months and basketball season with Mark Vivyan, Cliff Lane, Bob Service, Tom Seymour, and Dick Lewis getting their licks on the team. Meanwhile, outside the gym, Mary Ann Manion and Keith Dye acted as top soda jerks at our Junior Concession Stand. While we fattened upon candy bars and sticky soda, our treasury also became bulky as we prepared for our Prom venture in the Spring. "Candyland", through the efforts of Donna Kennedy, Priss Byrnes, Keith Dye and Gerald Harris was transformed from visions to reality in a matter of four short months! Most of us will never forget the Saturday we spent at school making an ice cream sundae out of kleenix flowers and nylon net. Worse yet, what about the night we spent at Monohans making 200 centerpieces (even the fellas helped, eh Mark??) Finally after many long hours and with the help of our trusty advisors, Mrs. Brewer and Mr. McTiernan, we somehow managed to transform the boys gym into a candy village highlighted by a 40' replica of the "Good Ship Lollipop." Our Prom took Place on May 25, 1969. After a vigorous week of campaigning, candidates awaited the results of the Student Council elections. The gavel of authority was placed in the hands of Chris Monoban, while Terry Moran was provided with the cash box. About the same time, Honor Society inducted: Chris Monohan, Marcia Radley, Joan Palmer, Bill Getman, Bob Pasek, Roger Reynolds and John Menard, who was elected President for the coming year. "If at first you don't succeed ... " well, we tried anyway. Although we were downed by the seniors, Cliff Lane, Bill Trevor, Steve Hoffman, Tom Seymour, Roger Reynolds, Bob Service, Rick Cashman, Mark Vivyan, Steve Morris, Rich Frank, Leo Kinville, Terry Moran, Steve Whiteford, Dick Willey and Gary Cook put up a good fight in the traditional Junior-Senior clash. Rooting them on were Sue Newman, Colleen Murphy, Marilois Scott, Bunny Seaman, Gale Andrews, Kathy Baker, Linda Lytwynec, Marilyn Clark, Joan Palmer, Chris Monohan, Mary Ann Manion, Barb Bereza, and Dee Dee Wilkins. As if gym classes weren't enough, the gals went through the agonizing pain of cheerleading try outs. Some of our girls were fortunate enough to take a spot on our cheerleading squad. They were: Donna Robbins, Kathy Baker, and Marcia Radley. As a senior, Dan Hegeman accepted the task of preparing us for our final dream as a class...GRADUATION. We also elected Donna Kennedy, Leo Kinville, and Cliff Lane to act as Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, respectively. With the advent of the new school year, we seniors enjoyed organizing the Senior Lounge. Having managed to obtain a refrigerator (and food!), and comfortable furniture, we transformed the old QUILL Room into a haven for relaxing and getting away from the daily routine of school life. Pat Geiger reigned as chief cook and bottle washer at the Senior Concession stand during an exciting football season. Cooking millions of hot dogs, pouring billions of glasses of soda seemed an easy enough way to raise money, but what a mess !! On the field, Rick Cashman and Steve Hoffman headed a rugged football team that brought us a proud second place spot in the league standings. We voted down the Senior Ball, but replaced it with a Sadie Hawkins Dance, headed by Marilois Scott and Madeline Ciociola. Although tough on the purse, it was fun for the girls to ask the boys to the dance. There is a growing list of college acceptances, and many members of our class are awaiting proud honors as Top Ten and Regents Scholarship winners. In the past, as eager kids, we could barely wait for the time to come when we would be seniors. Now as we take our final glances at different phases of high school life, we recognize the importance of each person and each activity we have ever been a part of. A little bit older, and, we hope, a little bit wiser, we are somewhat hesitant as we await the day when we will meet again for the last time as a class ... to graduate.
Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974
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