Photo caption - Major award winners at Ilion High graduation Sunday included (from left) John Menard, Marcia Radley, Pasek, Christine Monohan and William Getman. Miss Monohan was valedictorian, Getman the salutatorian.
Diplomas To 177 At Ilion Commencement
ILION - Diplomas were awarded to 177 Ilion high school graduates Sunday afternoon in ceremonies in Burton T. Seymour auditorium. Presentation was made by Alan Van Winkle, president of the school board, and William R. Haase, superintendent of schools.
The address was given by Dr. Kenneth Bartlett, vice president of Syracuse University, on the subject, "--more beautiful than was transmitted to us."
Honor addresses on "Each Individual Challenge" were given by the two top ranking seniors, salutatorian William Howard Getman and valedictorian Christine Mary Monohan.
Orpheus Choir, directed by Mrs. Jasmine Poplaski, presented Battle Hymn of the Republic" with soloists William Getman, Daniel Hegeman, Michael Jay, Eduardo Rocha and George Shephard: and "Hallelujah" from "Mount of Olives" by Beethoven
Invocation and benediction were by the Rev. Gregory J. Mulhall, Annunciation church, and the Rev. George B Greene, St. Augustine's Church. The high school orchestra, directed by Judith McMillan, played the processional and recessional music.
Prizes and scholarship awards were made by Leo J. Sammon. Jr. principal of the high school. Prize recipients were:
Christine Monohan,
Earl Parry Watkin Memorial Prize, $25;
Special Service Award, Mid York Racom Club, $25.
William Getman,
American History, 12th year, Mohawk Valley Chapter, DAR., $5;
School Salutatorian Prize, $20;
World History tenth year, by Miss Barbara Schwarz in memory of her mother, Mrs. Anna Schwarz, $5;
History Four Years, Cornelia Nagel Prize given by Mrs. Abram Zoller, $5;
John Guy Prindle Memorial Prize in Science, second place, $5
To Marsha Radley
Marsha Radley,
Outstanding Attitude in Instrumental Music, Ilion 383, A F. of M $5;
Speech Arts, $10;
English Literature Term Paper Prize, Historical Club of Ilion, $25;
William and Nettie Parker Prize in Science or Music, $40;
Publications Award, by Mirror Staff in memory of Linda Braybrook,'63, $20;
Loretta 0. Douglas Memorial Award in English, Ilion Alumni Assn.;
Latin Four Years, $10.
Douglas Kornbrust,
John Guy Prindle Award in Science, first prize;
Mathematics and Science 8 units, second prize, $10;
highest average in physics, $10.
Ruth Paul,
English Award for Scholarship and Citizenship by Mr. and Mrs. John Gird in honor of Mrs. Elizabeth Martson, $10;
Mrs. Kathleen Withington Award for high moral character by St. Ann's Guild, St. Augustine's Church, $25.
Joseph Pelletier,
Mathematics Five Years savings bond, Marine Midland Bank.
Robert Pasek,
Mathematics and Science, 8 units, first prize $10
Marianne Leach,
Award for effort and perseverance, by the Police Benefit Association, $10.
George Amendolare,
Award for effort and perseverance, by the Police Benevolent Assn. $10.
Veronica Lonergan, Leo Kinville, Deanna Wilkins, Susan Braren, Gerald Harris and Brian Eller,
Prizes for Progress, V.F.W. Post No. 502, $10.
Carol Bartron,
Bookkeeping Two Years, $10.
Pamela Lyman,
Women of the Moose Prize for Nurse's Training, $10.
Leon Helmer,
Industrial Arts and Vocational Shop Three Years, $10.
Thomas Reid,
Mechanical Drawing Prize, $10.
Susan Johnson,
American History Award, by Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Applegate in memory of Mrs. Kathleen Withington, $10.
John Menard,
Citizenship Prize, by Mohawk Valley Lodge, B'nai B'rith, $10.
Pamela White,
Zonta Club of Herkimer Citizenship Prize, $10.
John Lonis,
Art Three Years, $10. Paula Kinney, Homemaking Three Years, $10.
Edna DeForest,
Office Practice Two Years and Typing, by Business and Professional Women's Club, $10.
Mary Vandawalker,
Proficiency in Secretarial Practice, $10.
Jeanne Williams,
Priscilla Burnham Memorial Prize for Piano, $10.
List of Scholarships
These scholarships were awarded:
Madeline Ciociola, Senior Honor Society, $75;
Mark Vivyan and Joan Palmer, Earl Parry Watkins Scholarship, by the Ilion Teachers Association, $200 for four years;
Robert Pasek, Clayton Memorial Scholarship in Mathematics and Science.
Diana Stuart, Beta Chi Rho Nursing Scholarship, and the American Legion Auxiliary Nursing Scholarship, Ilion Memorial Post 920.
Terry Brewer, Varsity Club Scholarship in memory of Richard N. Adams, $100.
Garry Cook, Leo B. Ahern Memorial Scholarship.
Jacqueline Bechard, Ilion Jaycee - Jayncee Scholarship, in memory of Mrs. Sarah Dacquino Simmonette and children.
Patricia Sheffield, Ilion Savings and Loan Scholarship, $100.
Terry Brewer, Daniel M. Stone Memorial Scholarship, $50;
Sandra Sickler, Community College Scholarship, by Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, $50.
Donna Kennedy, Community Club Scholarship, $150.
PTO Teaching Scholarship, Beth Dunn.
Study Grants, Hoard Memorial Award Trust Fund,
Priscilla Byrnes, Gerald Harris, Michael Jay, Diana Stuart, Ellen Jane Smith, George Amendolare and Terry Brewer.
List of Graduates
The 177 graduates are:
Charles Allen,
Pamela Allen,
George Amendolare,
Gale Andrews,
Sharon Armstrong,
Gary Backman,
Earl Baker.
Kathy Baker,
John Barrett,
Carol Bartron,
Corliss Bassler,
Cynthia Bechard,
Jacqueline Bechard.
Sharon Becker,
Barbara Bereza,
Michael Bouck,
Steven Bradle,
Susan Braren,
Terrance Brewer,
Linda Brigham,
William Burger.
Susan Burke,
William Burton,
Priscilla Byrnes,
Janet Cagwin,
Beverly Capes,
Richard Cashman,
Robert Catinella,
Gary Cioch,
Madeline Ciociola,
Thomas Clayton,
Susan Coffin,
Gary Cook,
Kevin Cooke,
Pamela Coriale,
Carol Crossett,
Edna DeForrest,
Richard DeJohn,
Mary DeLong.
Barbara Deyle,
Linda Doolen,
Donna Dow,
Steven Dresner,
Martin Dunckel,
Elizabeth Dunn,
Keith Dye,
Edward Dygert,
Brian Eller,
Carol Enjem,
Stephen Fake,
Dominick Falzarano,
Sandra Fauvelle,
Rodney Fikes,
Elaine Fischer,
Richard Frank,
Patricia Geiger,
Pamela Geloso,
William Getman,
James Gollegly.
Gary Hailston,
Marriette Hall,
Steve Hall,
Gerald Harris,
Daniel Hegeman,
David Heiland,
Leon Helmer,
Gretchen Hoffman,
Stephen Hoffman,
Thomas Hotaling,
G. Michael Jay,
Susan Johnson,
Ann Karabelas,
Eric Kasper,
Paul Keddell,
Leo Kelley,
Donna Kennedy,
Paula Kinney,
Leo Kinville.
Douglas Kornbrust,
Patricia Krawozyk,
David LaMondie,
Clifford Lane, Jr.,
Marianne Leach,
Richard Leniek,
Richard Lewis,
Veronica Lonergan,
John Lonis,
Pamela Lyman,
Linda Lytwynec,
Mary Manion,
Debra Matteson,
Kenneth Maurice,
Kevin McGrellis,
Gary McPherson,
Marilyn Mead,
Ronald Mead,
John Menard,
William Merrick.
Other Graduates
Gary Miers,
Michael Miller,
Christine Monohan,
Terry Moran,
Stephen Morris,
Colleen Murphy,
Mary Murray,
Elizabeth Net,
Susan Newman,
Joanne Nicholette,
Dennis O'Connor,
Mary O'Connor,
Joan Palmer,
Marilyn Paragi,
Patricia Paragi,
Susan Parkinson,
Robert Pasek,
Ruth Paul,
Jon Pederson.
Joseph Pelletier,
Louis Perrone,
Dorothy Perry,
Timothy Peters,
Harold Pieros,
Michael Porter,
Dennis Prior,
Marcia Radley,
Dale Reed,
Thomas Reid,
Michael Remis,
Roger Reynolds,
Nancy Richards,
Donna Robbins,
Eduardo DeCarvalho Rocha,
Christine Row,
Christine Rowlands,
Steven Sadlon,
Elaine Schoonmaker,
Mary Scott.
Bernice Seaman,
Robert Service, Jr.,
Thomas Seymour,
Patricia Sheffield,
George Shephard.
Sandra Sickler,
Robert Smaldone,
Ellen Smith,
Lynn Smith,
Mael Smith,
Roseann Snedeker,
Robert Sorenson,
Arthur Sterling,
Janet Sullivan,
Diana Stuart,
Deborah Sweeney,
Theresa Sweeney,
Mary Tennant,
William Trevor,
Michael Tripple.
Patricia Turley,
John Urtz,
Thomas Urtz,
Mary Vandawalker,
Karen Van Sickle,
James Venditte,
Mark Vivyan,
Charyl Waldo,
Sandra Weiss,
John Whalen,
Kirk White,
Pamela White,
Stewart White,
Stephen Whiteford,
Sharon Wilbert,
Theron Wildey,
Deanna Wilkins,
Richard Willey,
Victor Wood,
James Wright.