Ilion High School - Class of 1926 Senior Composite - Individual Photographs Enlarged
Click on each student's name below to see a page with their photograph from the composite image enlarged. There are 53 images provided by Mike Disotelle from the Ilion Public Library. The original high-definition Tiff files are available upon request from the library. They are suitable for printing. Students are listed in last name, first name alphabetical order. The list does not include the names of 1926 classmates whose images were not available from the composite poster board.
Enlarged images for these 53 students are available:
Becker, Raymond
Bennett, Ralph
Benson, Raeburn
Berry, Clark
Boorn, Leroy
Byrnes, Fred
Capes, Earl
Donovan, Herbert
Doty, Jean
Farrelly, Owen
Fetterly, Clara
Gerber, Marguerite
Getman, Lynn
Griggs, Dorothy
Hannahs, John
Harrison, Gwen
Hartleb, Pauline
Hartman, Dorthea
Jones, Ervin
Jones, Richard
Kennel, Francis
Kerr, Joseph
Lowe, Kennetth
Mac Arthur, Doris
McGowan, Gordon
Ostrander, Frank
Peck, Hilda
Pelton, Amorett
Pierce, Ethel
Porter, Dorothy
Rasmussen, Soren
Raux, Grace
Raux, Luetta
Ross, Anna
Ross, Harold
Schell, Helen
Schnelle, Emmett
Shepard, Ethel
Sloan, Doris
Smith, Charles
Staples, Helen
Stapleton, Alice
Sterling, Carleta
Strong, Ralph
Thomas, Anna
Thompson, Ruth
Tillinghast, Kenneth
Tjeerdsma, Dorothy
Watson, John
Wilson, Frances
Wood, Edson
Wood, Ronald
Yager, Helen
If you know of any family members who may have the original class composite photograph with all 83 students, please notify the library so that the missing photographs might be included in the future.
Missing students are:
Jane H. Ashley
Mary C. Binder
William Bleau
Joseph Bowers
Priscilla Chase
Ceylon B. Cole
Frances Derby
Reginald D. Gaskill
Albert J. Green
Jennie M. Greene
LLewellyn Jenkins
Harry Jochmus
Agnes E. Jones
Raymond Jones
Robert A. Luke
Bernice Mackin
Ruth Moyer
Genevieve Noffer
Josephine O'Neil
Elizabeth Parson
Hilda Peck
Elizabeth Rasbach
Muriel Schwartz
Elizabeth Seibert
George Sweet
Ida Van Alstine
Harry Wilkins
Howard Whipple
Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974
Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2021
December 17, 2021