Ilion High SchoolClass of 1973Alumni News
Digitized Class Yearbook....1973 from the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. Link opens in new browser tab. (added March 25, 2021)
Class Roster....Class Roster, Officers and Honor Students, as published in the "The Mirror 1973", are available on the 1973 Class Roster page. (added February 23, 2022).
Class Historical Newspaper Articles....
Class of 1973 - 50th Class Reunion DetailsFriday, October 6, 2023: 6:00 p.m. Ilion Elks Club at 8 West Street. This will be an informal gathering with "Hometown Menu" and time to play "guess who I am?" as we try to recognize each other! Bring your name tags! Cash bar. Music from our era ... and of course, Tie Dye theme. The wilder the better!
Class of 1973 - 50th Class Reunion Reminder"Hello everyone! A bit of an update on our 50th Class reunion! Please share this information to anyone on or off Facebook, as many are not sure of the plans. October 6 and 7... Friday 6-10 at the Elks in Ilion is a casual get reacquainted gathering. Saturday afternoon is a tour of the Ilion High School. Details to follow. Saturday 6-10 at the Ilion-Frankfort VFW with dinner, a DJ, fun and door prizes... details to follow. We need contact information on many of our classmates, so spread the word! I will post this on another Facebook page, and Jan is working on email contacts. Looking forward to seeing everyone!" - Terry Abeline Carden (July 22, 2023)
1973 Facebook Group....IHS Class of 1973 Facebook Group. 1973 alumni and friends have an active group on Facebook called "Ilion High School Class of 1973". Administrators of the group are Janet Martin King. (June 23, 2015) Note - This is a Closed Facebook group which means only someone with a Facebook account AND membership in the group can see the group, its members and their posts. You must have a Facebook account to join the group. Alumni without a Facebook account will not be able to see any of the posts. (June 23, 2015)
Holly Griffith and Edward Rooke - IHS 1973 PharmacistsClassmates, Holly Griffith and Edward Rooke, were among the graduates who graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy and pursued a career in pharmacy. They were featured in the November 2020 Cover Story. Their stories were published as Holly Griffith - IHS 1973 and Edward Rooke - IHS 1973. (February 1, 2021)
![]() Roland J. Yardley IHS 1973 Inducted into CVA Hall of Fame in 2018Distinguished Alumnus - Professional/Career Achievement
1973 Mini Class Reunion....The class will be holding a 42nd year reunion the weekend of August 1, 2015. Check the class Facebook Group for contact information. You will need a Facebook account to joint the group. Who: Ilion High School Class of 73 Events We need help providing these items:
Please bring with you (if you can)
Joseph Day - Son of Classmate John Day - Go Fund Me Campaign....
In late November 2020, a Go Fund Me campaign was initiated by Friends of Joe Day. Joe, the son of 1973 IHS Alumnus, John Day, is a full-time professional firefighter in the city of Utica. In December 2019, Joe began to suffer from Lyme Disease. Visit the fund raising page to learn about the struggle this has been for Joe and his family. Ticked off at Lyme Disease - Please help Joe Day. (December 3, 2020)
Edward Rooke - IHS 1973 - Pharmacist
IHS 1973 alumnus, Edward Rooke, was among the graduates who pursued a career in pharmacy and was featured in the November 2020 Cover Story. Information about Edward's career was published as Edward Rooke - IHS 1973 - Pharmacist. (December 2, 2020)
Donations Accepted to SOS - Save Our StairsBill Richards and Charles Walz of Walz Engineering, volunteered their time to repair the Otsego Street to Armory Hill stairs. Others in the community have joined in the effort. Jody Janicki pointed out they are volunteering their time to repair the stairs, and added, "The least we can do is get the materials together." (December 20, 2016 - Update October 2020 - The effort was disbanded and moneys returned after the village decided to pursue a grant.)
Bill Richards IHS 1973 - Steps up to Repair StairsIHS 1973, Bill Richards, received the go-ahead from the Ilion village board to work on the project to repair the Armory Hill Stairs. Bill was joined by volunteers for work sessions at the stairs. Richards said there has been some discussion among residents interested in setting up a fund to raise money for the restoration project. The Herkimer Times Telegram featured Ilion Alumnus, Bill Richard's plan to save the stairs. Bill recently volunteered his time and efforts to repair the two stone pillars at the entrance of Otsego and Richfield Streets. Bill Richards and Charles Walz, of Walz Engineering, offered to donate their time to repair the stairs. The plans call for repairing one side of the stairway so it can be safely used again. The plan would also call for fencing off the other side because the stairs are completely dilapidated on one side. Walz estimated the cost of the concrete could range from $6,000 to $10,000. The board voted early in December 2015 to close the stairs for safety reasons. Village crews then installed barricades and fencing to discourage use of the stairs. A public hearing was held in February of 2016. The general consensus of those who attended the public session was that the village should repair or replace the stairway. Village officials received one initial quote, between $170,000 and $200,000, to replace the stairs. (November 12, 2016)
1973 Class Ring Found and RETURNED....The Ilion 1973 Class Ring that was found at Deer River, Lewis County, in September 2012, has been returned to the classmate who lost the ring 43 years ago. On behalf of all Ilion Alumni, a huge thank you goes out to the "finder" who went out of her way to find the rightful owner and returned the ring through US Postal mail. The ring was received on June 29, 2015 and per Terry (Nichols) Bautch, it looks brand new. As Lawrence Welk would say, "That's wonderful, wonderful!" (June 30, 2015) Featured in The Observer Dispatch and The Evening Telegram newspaper article, by reporter Lydia Goerner, on July 21, 2015. The photograph is of the actual ring and was sent in by Terry (Nichols) Bautch. The ring still fits! A nice story about the kindness of strangers (and the power of technology) ...Posted by Observer-Dispatch on facebook - Monday, July 20, 2015
Congratulations to Bassett Nurse Practitioner Sheila (Wiernicki) Gahan....Posted by Bassett Healthcare Network on Friday, June 12, 2015 Sheila (Wiernicki) Gahan was selected for this honor out of the thousands of nurse practitioners in New York state. Sheila has been a nurse practitioner for 28 years and was the first nurse practitioner in the Mohawk Valley. She works in the Department of Pulmonary Medicine at Bassett Medical Center in Cooperstown and also sees patients in Cooperstown, Cobleskill, Oneonta and Herkimer. She is an adjunct faculty member, for the nurse practitioner program, at the SUNY Institute of Technology (SUNY IT now SUNY Poly) and is an EKG technician instructor.
1973 Class Ring Found....An Ilion 1973 Class Ring was found at Deer River, Lewis County. If you think it is yours, contact, Aileen Carney Sweeney, with the details and to be put in touch with the person who found the ring. The "finder" would like to return the ring to the person who lost it. (October 5, 2012)
Hello From Brigitte Obrecht ....The Ilion 1973 Foreign Exchange Student, Brigitte Obrecht Parisi, email,(email modified March 4, 2002) sends an update for classmates.... "Hello, class of 73. 27 years ago I returned home after my year as an AFS-student at the Ilion High School. From September 21st to October 20th I'll be back to the US for the first time since. With my husband Alberto and our two daughters Seraina and Noemi I will visit my second host parents Rev. and Mrs. Mitchell at Los Gatos and Bill Mitchell at Bakersfield, CA. The last two weeks we will stay in the region of Sonora,CA.Is anyone of you living around there? I'd love to hear from my friends of the AFS-Club, too.(Katie Hoy and Co.) How are you doing? Just a few words about me: I began to study French and Spanish and changed to become a nurse after spending a year with social work in Belgium, Holland and France. After having worked for several years in this profession in Berne, I moved to the lake of Zurich where I studied to be a breath work therapist. (This method named after Ilse Middendorf, Berlin, has a school also in San Francisco: This work I'm doing with a lot of enthusiasm since 1988 with groups and individuals. 1992 Alberto and I married and Seraina and Noemi were born in'93 and '95. After the death of my father we moved to my home town/village in '96." - Brigitte (June 25, 2000)
1973 Grad Appears in Time Magazine ....Marla Short Wood, appears in the May 1, 2000 edition of Time Magazine in a photograph featuring the original staff members of Microsoft. Also appearing in the photo with Marla, is Bill Gates - estimated worth $62 billion. The photograph was taken in 1973 and the article provides the estimated worth of each of the founding staff members. Marla was a bookkeeper at Microsoft and her husband, Steve Wood, was a programmer. According to the article, Marla's estimated worth is $15 million. Her husband now operates a telecommunications company and Marla volunteers. They reside in Issaquah, WA. (April 27, 2000)
News from Janet Martin King....Jan (Martin) King, class of '73, earned her second Mary Kay career car, and became a Sales Director on July 1st. Next stop -- the Millenium Cadillac! Her son, Marc Soules II attended Woodstock in Rome, and got to visit his family in the Valley. His big thrill was surprising his Dad, Marc Soules, class of '73. Both Marcs had a great time! Now Marc II is ready to get back to school and basketball. (August 2, 1999)
Yardley promoted to Commander....Congratulations to Roland Yardley - Class of 1973 on his promotion to the rank of commander with the Navy, July 1. Rolly enlisted in the Navy in 1977. He attended the University of New Mexico and was commissioned through officer candidate school. He is a surface warfare officer, serving at sea aboard ships and fleet units. He is currently stationed at the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Pentagon. He lives with his wife, Chris, and three children in Fairfax Station, Va. (July 5, 1999)
Day seeking Republican Nomination for CoronerJohn Day is seeking the Republican nomination for the office of county coroner, in District 4, which covers the towns of German Flatts, Frankfort, Litchfield, Columbia and Winfield. The incumbent coroner, Don Applegate - IHS '62 is not seeking another term. John Day recently retired as deputy fire chief of the Ilion Fire Department. He is currently a licensed funeral director-home manager with Applegate and Day Funeral Home in Ilion, Graves-Applegate-Day Funeral Home and Murphy Funeral Service, both of Mohawk, and is manager of Day and Applegate Monument Service in Ilion and Mohawk. Mr. Day is the son of Charlotte and the late John (Jack) Day - IHS '48. (June 12, 1999)
Class of '73 Graduate Earns Degree with Honors ....Alice March graduated from Binghamton University, Decker School of Nursing, on May 15th, 1999. Alice had taken an alternate route to become a nurse practitioner and now is a BS nurse. She graduated with honors, even though she worked full time while attending school full time. She will continue on in the masters program in the Fall.(May 18, 1999)
Top Scholars of the IHS Class of 1999 ....Theresa Murray is the salutatorian for the class of 1999. Theresa is the daughter of Brian Murray '72 and Deb Trombley Murray '73. Theresa has applied to SUNY Geneseo, Hamilton College, Hobart and William Smith College, Colgate University, Union College and Hartwick College. (March 17, 1999)
Retirement Party Hosted for Deputy Fire Chief.....IHS 1973 Graduate, John Day, was honored with a retirement party, hosted by the Ilion Fire Department Local 1885. The Party was open to all to come and wish John good luck in his new career as Funeral Director with Applegate & Day Funeral home. The party was Saturday, January 9, 1999, at 2 pm, at the Ilion K of C, on West Street. (March 17, 1999)
Texas Chapter of the Ilion Alumni Association.....
The second meeting of the Texas Chapter of the Ilion Alumni Association was held on November 28, 1998 at Jeffery ('73) and Diane Polley ('72) McTiernan's home, in San Antonio. Fun was had by all finding out who was who and who was related to whom. Sorry to say that the chapter will be losing the McTiernans because they have felt the tug of home and are moving back to New York this Christmas. Looking forward to the next meeting. See the PICTURES. Attendees were: Cindy Sobolewski '75, Paul McLaughlin '41, Carol (Baxter) McLaughlin, Michael Tillinghast '78, Diane (Polley) McTiernan '72, Jeffery McTiernan '73, Janet (Martin) King '73, David Sullivan '73. Oldest and Youngest Attendees: Paul McLaughlin '41 and Michael Tillinghast '78. On October 24, 1998 the Texas Chapter of the Ilion Alumni Association had it's first meeting at the Saltgrass Restaurant in San Antonio. In attendance were David Sullivan (class 73)and his wife Mi Cha, Jeffery McTiernan (class 73), and Diane (Polley '72) McTiernan. Had a great time catching up on news from the last 20 plus years. This meeting could not have happened without the Ilion Alumni Website. Thanks Aileen for a great job. We may be scattered to the wind but our hearts are in Ilion! (Reported by Dave Sullivan, email email, Updated November 26, 1999)
New Kids on the Block...Extra! Extra! from Jeff Coffin ... And we DO mean Extra! "The results are in! My wife Carol blessed us with twins born on her birthday 9/30/98. Baby boy, Jonathon Sawyer, 6 lbs - 10 oz. was born first at 8:49 am, sister Laura Jeanette, 5 lbs. - 6 1/2 oz. was born at 8:50 am. (sizable and still 3 weeks early!) Older sister 2-1/2 yrs. old 'Jenny' is bouncing off the walls with joy. Mother and babies are fantastic....father is still recovering!!!!! We'll be in Ilion for Christmas. Bottini's barber shop will be targeted for the first hair cut in 1999. Our best to all in Ilion." Congratulations Jeff!
1973 Graduate receives the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross Medal.....IHS 1973 Graduate, Roland "Rolly" Yardley, was presented the highest honor bestowed upon a veteran by the State of New York, the "New York State Conspicuous Service Cross Medal", January 28, 1998. Lt. Commander Yardley received the medal for his meritorious service while serving aboard the USS Reid (FFG-30) in the Persian Gulf. Rolly now resides, with his family, in Fairfax Station, Virgina. (March 3, 1998)
Top Scholars of the IHS Class of 2002 ....Janice Murray is the Valedictorian for the class of 2002. Janice is the daughter of Brian Murray '72 and Deb Trombley Murray '73 (April 13, 2002)
Albert DeForrest Memorial Golf TournamentPaul Greenfield '74, organized the Albert DeForrest Memorial Golf Tournament at Holland Heights Golf Course, 4582 Steuben Hill Road, Herkimer. Saturday, August 17, marks the second anniversary of the tournament. All proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, an organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses. Albert DeForrest, an avid golfer and member of the Class of 1973, died from cancer on December 14, 2000 at the age of 47. All the details regarding the tournament, location, organization to benefit from it, etc., were part the last wishes Albert told Paul prior to his death. The first year the Tournament raised about $600 for the Foundation. Area businesses and clubs are asked to donate to Albert's cause. The tournament is a four-person scramble adn tee off is at 8 am. The cost is $60 per person, which includes a golf cart, steak dinner and beer. Interested participants can register as late as the morning of the tournament. For more information, call Paul Greenfield at 315-894-8272. (August 15, 2002)
MemoriumThe Christine Gaffey Neisinger - Memorial Scholarship was presented in 2001 to Sarah J. Mutchler. (July 21, 2001)
CondolencesRobert "Tiny" Lane, IHS 1973 Known by everyone as a kind man with a huge heart, Robert E. Lane joined his heavenly father on February 16, 2024. He cared about everyone and would love that persona and sentiment to live on through all of us. He was born on July 30, 1955, in Herkimer, the son of Clifford J. and Mildred (Forlano) Lane. Bob graduated from Ilion High School in 1973. He served in the U.S. Army from 1973 to 1979, and was a proud Veteran. He rounded out his education with a Bachelors and Masters Degree from SUNY Tech Utica-Rome. He spent his career in public service with Herkimer Community College and SUNY Morrisville, as well as both Ilion and Frankfort Police Depts and various other jobs outside of his public service including Remington Arms Co., Heidelburg Bakery and Human Technology. He shared his love and knowledge of sports by coaching Pop Warner and track for many years. Surviving family members include his two sons, whom he shared with his previous wife of 20 years, Christine (Rowland) Lane, Robert E. Lane, II, of Glenmont NY, and Ryan Lane and his wife, Laura, of Dansville, NY; his brothers and sisters, Jackie Lane Foster and her husband, Sam, Carl Lane, Clifford Lane, Jr. and his wife, Donna, Theresa Lane Perry and her husband, Bob, Elaine Lane, Dorothy Lane Knapik and her husband, Paul, Marilyn Lane Kane and her husband, Ron, Anna Lane and Fred Beach, Tina Lane Dumaplin and her husband, Fred; his grandchildren, Nolan, Molly and Mason Lane; and many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews and cousins. Like a second family, he also leaves behind his friends and community from Stewarts and The Valley. A Celebration of Bob's "Tiny's" Life, will be held on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024, from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m., at the Ilion Knights of Columbus, West St., Ilion. There will be a register book to sign at the entrance, keepsake prayer cards available for family members and friends, along with a box for cards and envelopes. Burial will be held later this spring, at Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Bob "Tiny", or add to his online memorial, may go to Bob's service arrangements and supervision are entrusted to his long-time friend and Family Funeral Director, Don Applegate, at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's original location, at 102 West St., Ilion, NY 13357 (315-895-7722).(February 24, 2024)
Carol Eggleston, IHS 1973, Jacksonville, Florida, passed away on August 5, 2023 per Jacqueline Eggleston Monohan. (August 17, 2023)
Charlotte Mary Losito (Jones) Murphy, IHS 1973, born on October 6, 1955, in Ilion, New York, passed away peacefully holding hands with her son in her home in Norman, Oklahoma at the age of 67. She was surrounded by many family members. Charlotte was the daughter of Thomas and Helen (Irving) Jones of Ilion New York. Charlotte, known to all as Peachie throughout her entire life, was the consummate Energizer Bunny at home and at work. Her career included real estate, property management, office management and major event planning. Peachie left no stone unturned when it came to details of anything she undertook. Her career of various jobs took her from the Mohawk valley in upstate New York, to Little Rock Arkansas in the deep south, then back to Saratoga Springs in upstate New York and finally to Norman Oklahoma where she was a key employee in the Cooperative Council for Oklahoma School Administrators (CCOSA). Several of her choices of work locations were driven by her desire to be closer to family members when circumstances dictated. She was not only a diligent, hard worker, but also the most passionate and compassionate of person. Peachie's presence and persona will be grievously missed, but always remembered. Rest In Peace to a most wonderful wife, mother, sister, coworker and friend to us all. Charlotte was preceded in death by her parents, Thomas and Helen Jones. She is survived by her husband, John; her son Rocco J Losito III (Catherine); her brother Bob (Linda) Jones; her sister Barbara (Ed) VanSickle; her nieces Carissa (Chris) Egan, Denise (Shawn) McNeal, Charmaine Hochman and nephew Dylan (Kristi) Jones as well as several cousins and great nephews. With heartfelt thanks, the family greatly appreciates the prayers and support you have shown them during this trying time. In lieu of flowers, please donate to a cancer charity of your choice. Peachie's family is planning a Celebration of Life on June 24th at 11am at the Hilton Garden Inn, 700 Copperfield Dr, in Norman, Oklahoma for her and her friends and coworkers. (June 3, 2023)
Marla (Short) Wood IHS 1973, passed peacefully July 28, at home after complications from cancer, which progressed very quickly. Her husband, Steve, and children, Eric and Katie were by her side. The family lived in Sammamish, Washington. Marla worked as an administrative assistant and bookkeeper for Microsoft, and was one of the company's first 12 employees. In 1980, she and her husband, Steve Wood, became the first of the original 12 to leave Microsoft. (August 8, 2022)
Commander Roland James "Rolly" Yardley IHS 1973 and Alumni Hall of Fame Inductee 2018, age 66, a native of Ilion, passed away peacefully with his family by his side on August 16, 2021 in his home in Fairfax, Virginia. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to a service to celebrate Roland's life on Saturday, September 25, 2021, commencing at 11 am, at Herkimer Reformed Church, Main Street, Herkimer with Elder Robert Nasypany, officiating. Burial will be private and at the convenience of his family. There are no calling hours. Local arrangements are under the care and guidance of Mohawk Valley Funerals and Cremations, 7507 State Route 5 (between Little Falls and St. Johnsville), 315-508-5131.(September 4, 2021)
Ronald J. Hodom, IHS 1973 - "Hodie", age 66, lifelong resident of Ilion and most recently of East Clark Street, passed away, on Saturday, October 10, 2020, with his family at his side in St. Luke's Campus of the MVHS, New Hartford, following an illness. Ron was born on March 5, 1954, in Ilion, the son of the late John C. and Anne Dedla Hodom and was a graduate of Ilion High School. He was employed with Empire Recycling, Utica, as a truck driver and at one time co-owned the Pizza Plus, Little Falls. Earlier in his career, Ron drove for Richard Obreza Trucking, Mohawk. He enjoyed the great outdoors and enjoyed hunting. Ronald loved riding his motorcycle, playing pool, partying and had a great appreciation for music. He is survived by his daughter, Shannon Deforrest, his son, Vaughn Hodom; daughter, Emilie Hodom with her companion, Zachary Sweet and his grandson, William Sweet. Ronald is also survived by his brothers and sister-in-law, Mike and Barb Hodom and Mel Hodom; nieces, Kimberly Hodom Koscinski and her husband John, Jr., and Marianne Hodom Boyce and her husband, Ray; his great nieces and nephews, Skylar Koscinski, John Koscinski III and Samantha and A.J. Charan, Raymond Boyce, and Robert Boyce. He was predeceased by his brother, John Hodom and his sister-in-law, Joan Hodom. In keeping Ron's wishes, cremation will occur with a future memorial service at the convenience of the family. Donations, In Ron's memory, may be offered to the American Liver Foundation by visiting Ronald and his family's care have be placed in the trust of Mohawk Valley Funerals And Cremation, 7507 State Route 5, corner of Bidleman Road, town of Manheim, between Little Falls and St. Johnsville, 315-508-5131. (October 24, 2020)
Deborah Ann (Trombley) Murray, IHS 1973, 65, of Ilion, NY passed away peacefully, on September 30, 2020, at the Siegenthaler Center, in New Hartford, NY with her family by her side. Deborah was born on January 14, 1955, to Theodore Trombley and Ruth (Rivers) French. A lifelong resident of Ilion, NY, Deb married Brian Murray, also of Ilion, on May 19,1979, at Annunciation Church. Deb was a graduate of Annunciation Catholic School, Ilion High School, and Utica College. She worked as a medical technologist for Centrex Labs for many years. Deb was an avid reader and lover of science fiction who also enjoyed gardening, doing crossword puzzles, playing cards with friends, traveling, watching cooking shows and making food for friends and family. Her witty sense of humor will be missed by all. She is survived by her husband, Brian; daughters, Theresa, Janice, and Gail; two grandchildren, Gerrit and Ian; her sister, Kathleen Robertson and her husband, Stewart and family; her mother-in-law, Eloise Murray; her sister-in-law, Linda Trombley and family; and in-laws, Pam Murray, Fran Murray and Art & Mary Collis. She is predeceased by her parents; her stepfather, Harold French; her brother, Theodore Trombley; her father-in-law, Bernard Murray; and her beloved pets, Brooks and Reggie. Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday, October 7th, 2020, at 6:00 PM, at the Enea & Ciaccia Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road, Ilion, NY (Town of Frankfort) with Deacon James Bower, officiating. Family and friends are invited to call prior to the prayer service on Wednesday at the funeral home from 4:30 until 6:00 PM. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, attendees must wear masks and observe social distancing guidelines. A committal service will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, at Calvary Cemetery, Herkimer, New York, at a time convenient to her family. The family of Deborah Murray is thankful to the Nurses at the Siegenthaler Center for all the love and attention Deb received. As a tribute to this wonderful care, please consider contributions to Hospice & Palliative Care, 4277 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford, NY 13413. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home for this purpose. Deb's arrangements were planned with Funeral Directors Harry J. Enea, Jr., Kevin E. Enea and Martin L. Ciaccia (315) 894-8000. An online memorial page in her honor has been established at on the Internet. (October 3, 2020)
Deborah A. (Moschetto) Schoonmaker, IHS 1973, age 63, currently of Ilion and a longtime resident of Nantucket, MA, passed away on Friday afternoon, October 26, 2018, at the St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Utica, after a brief illness. Born on May 28, 1955, Deborah was the daughter of the late Dominick A. and Shirley A. (Lawrence) Moschetto. She was raised and educated in Ilion, graduating from Ilion High School with the Class of 1973. At one time, Deborah shared in a marriage with Ronald Schoonmaker, a relationship from which came their two beloved children. Deb and Ron have maintained an amicable and close-knit friendship for over forty years. After raising her children, Deb relocated to Nantucket, Massachusetts, where she spent her career as a store manager with the historical Nobby Clothes Shop for over twenty years. She was a favorite amongst her co-workers and clientele alike, affectionately known as the 'Shoe Queen.' Her presence has been missed there, as failing health in recent years, forced her to return home to Ilion to be closer to her family. Deb was a simple woman who enjoyed the quiet reflections and comforts of her own home. In her spare time, she was an avid reader, as well as an explorer of holistic medicine. As a geode enthusiast, she had an extensive collection of crystals and stones. She enjoyed her outings and dinner dates with friends and family, and loved to spend time with her feline companion, Lucy. Deborah's presence will be greatly missed by those that she leaves behind. She is survived by her son, Jason Schoonmaker and companion, Kim Sutton of Little Falls; her daughter, Krista Schoonmaker and companion, Charles Eldred of Ilion; her husband, Ron, of Ilion; her grandchildren, Trevor, Infinity and Cassidy, as well as Jake and Seth, who she loved as her own. She also leaves her brother and sister-in-law, Richard and Ann Moschetto of Ilion; her nephew, Richard Moschetto and his wife, Melissa; her special cousin, Ann; and her aunts, Carol Jones, Mary Moschetto, Bea Lawrence and Esther Lawrence. A special thank you is extended to Deb's friend and caregiver, Jessica Schlaepfer, for the kindness and compassion shown to Deb throughout the last years of her journey. Friends and relatives are invited to attend Deb's visitation on Thursday evening, November 1, 2018 from 6:00PM - 8:00PM at the Enea & Ciaccia Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road, Town of Frankfort, Ilion, NY (315) 894-8000. Deb's funeral service and Celebration of Life will commence on Friday morning, November 2, 2018 at 10:00AM at the funeral home with Sister Mary Jo Tallman, CSJ, officiating. Procession will follow to Rural Park Cemetery, Ingham Mills, where Deb will be laid to rest beside her parents. For those wishing to do so, please consider memorial contributions to the Epilepsy Foundation, 8301 Professional Place, Suite 200, Landover, MD 20785 OR to the American Macular Degeneration Foundation, PO Box 515, Northampton, MA 01061-0515. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Deborah's final wishes have been entrusted to Martin L. Ciaccia and Harry and Kevin Enea, Funeral Directors of the Enea & Ciaccia Family Funeral Home. Online notes of sympathy may be left at (January 1, 2019)
Kathy Lyn (McGowen) Crewell, IHS 1973, age 62, passed away on Friday, December 30, 2016 at Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare, New Hartford. Kathy was born on October 22, 1954, the daughter of Marie (Hopper) McGowen the late Archibald McGowan. Raised and educated locally, she was a graduate of Ilion High School and continued her education by entering into the LPN Program at Herkimer County BOCES. On June 19, 1993, she was united in marriage to Ronald L. Crewell. Kathy was employed as an LPN for St. Luke's/Adirondack Community Physicians Group, retiring earlier this year. She was a past member of the Mohawk Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary and was very instrumental in the planning stages of MOVAC Ambulance. She is survived by her husband, Ron; her mother, Marie McGowan of Ilion; her children, Shannon Bernier of Chadwicks , Shelli Yager of Herkimer and David and Melinda Culver of Mohawk; her step children, Christine and Carl Somers of Ballston Spa, Scott and Heather Crewell of Fort Plain, and Dustin and Kelly Crewell of Troy. She also leaves behind her cherished grandchildren, Sara, Kiley, Jordyn, Cameron, Colin, Brynne, Tyler, Syri, Brayden and Logan; her great grandson, Hunter; a special aunt and uncle, Robert and Mary Sterling and her canine companions that she loved so much, Lilly and Smiley. Family and friends are invited to attend visitation for Kathy on Tuesday, January 3, 2017 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Enea and Ciaccia Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road, Ilion, NY (Town of Frankfort) 315-894-8000. Kathy's funeral service will commence at the conclusion of calling hours, beginning at 5:00 PM with Elder Ken Palmer, officiating. Interment will take place in Mohawk Cemetery later in the spring. Those wishing to make a memorial contribution in Kathy's memory may consider the Herkimer County Humane Society or 4PetSake Food Pantry; envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Harry J. and Kevin E. Enea and Martin L. Ciaccia. (January 14, 2017)
Mr. William R. Elthorp IHS 1973, age 60, a longtime resident of Mohawk, NY and a very well respected and important first responder to our area, passed away with his loving family with him at Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester, NY on Thursday September 24, 2015. Upon arrival back to the Valley, he was met by his loving Fire Department and MOVAC friends, who led him back to the funeral parlor. Carolyn was very thankful for this. His passing occurred following a four year courageous bout with liver disease. He was born on September 7, 1955 in Herkimer, NY, a son of the late Robert and Gertrude (Mosher) Elthorp. He was educated in Ilion schools. Bill was a Charter Member 36 years with the Mohawk Valley Ambulance Corps. He was a 33 year member of the Mohawk Fire Department, EMS1, and also a past volunteer of the Ilion Fire Department. He was a member of the Mohawk Fire Department Fire Corps and Past Chief of MOVAC. He was a member of the Friends of the Town Park of German Flatts. He was of the Methodist faith. Bill and the former Carolyn Jaworoski were united in marriage on June 13, 1980 in Mohawk, NY with Rev. William Preuss officiating. Their union was over 35 years of love and togetherness. Bill worked for 20 years with St. Luke's Hospital (town of New Hartford) as a respiratory therapist, where he especially loved the Pediatric and Nursery Departments. First and foremost, Mr. Elthorp dedicated his life to the needs of the community, namely the fire department and ambulance corps. He was the head of the EMS and worked the ambulance for over 25 years. He spent many pleasurable moments hunting, fishing, and going for rides and vacations. He missed his dog companion "Beauty" as well. Survivors include his wife Carolyn Elthorp, his brothers Don and his wife Carol Elthorp of Mohawk and Richard Elthorp and his wife Gerry of Frankfort, his sisters, Mary Edwards of Herkimer and Roberta Holmes and her husband Hollis of Florida, and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. Also surviving are sisters-in-law, Joanne Valentine and her husband Dick of Mohawk and Mary Fusillo and her husband David of Schuyler. He was predeceased by three brothers, George, Charles and Alfred Elthorp, and two sisters, Betty Jean (Elthorp) White and Herriete (Elthorp) Feldbrugge and parents Robert and Gertrude. His beloved wife Carolyn has planned all funeral and burial arrangements with her family funeral directors at The Enea Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road, Ilion, NY (Town of Frankfort). Funeral Directors, Harry J. & Kevin E. Enea and Donald J. Applegate (315) 894-8000. Services will be held at the funeral home on ACME ROAD on Saturday, October 3, 2015. There will be calling hours from 11:00 AM until 1:00 PM. At 1:00 PM a memorial service shall begin and will be lead by Chaplain Kenneth Palmer. All emergency responders, EMS, MOVAC, and Fire Departments are welcome to attend the service and stand honor to their fallen comrade. Their tribute to Bill will be a combined effort and will be incorporated into the 1PM service and carefully assisted by the funeral home staff. A private family committal service with honor guard representation will take place at Exeter Center Cemetery at a time convenient to the family. To remember William Elthorp in a special way, please consider the Strong Memorial Hospital @ the University of Rochester, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester, NY Organ Donation Program. Envelopes are available at the funeral home. A very special thanks is offered to the doctors and staff of St. Luke's Hospital and Strong Memorial Hospital. To leave an online note of sympathy, please visit (October 11, 2015)
William Alan Fikes (Billy) IHS 1973, passed away on May 31, 2015. Billy was born in 1953 the son of the late Gordon and Ann Boland Fikes. He attended Ilion Schools, graduating in 1973. From there he went to his first employment at H.M. Quackenbush Co. in Herkimer, after several years, he moved on to work for Montgomery Wards for 16 years in the shipping and receiving dept. For many years Billy enjoyed hunting, fishing and the companionship of his dog "Skippy". Survivors include his two brothers and a sister in law Ronald Fikes of Ilion, and Rodney and Dolly Fikes of Mohawk, two sisters and a brother in law Karen and Jack Jewell of Ilion, and Kay Juteau of Herkimer, a daughter and son in law Annmarie and Bill Wormuth of Mohawk, two granddaughters Brianna and Hailey Wormuth of Mohawk, a son Michael Fikes of Mohawk, his former wife Sandra Fikes of Mohawk, a sister in law Kathleen Fikes of Schenectady and several nieces and nephews. Billy was predeceased by his oldest brother Richard Fikes of Schenectady. In keeping with Billy's wishes there are no calling hours and the funeral service will be at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are with the WhiterÂHendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego Street Ilion. Friends are asked to consider memorials to the Herkimer County Humane Society PO Box 73 Herkimer, NY 13350 in Billy's memory. To light a candle please go to (June 13, 2015)
Kim David Holden IHS 1973, age 59, formerly of Ilion and Minnesota, passed away on Friday, August 29, 2014, at Focus Rehabilitation Center, Utica. He was born on April 9, 1955, in Ilion, the son of LaVal and Leona (Trevor) Holden. Kim graduated from Ilion High School in 1973 and SUNY Canton. At one time, he was married to Deborah Gay. Mr. Holden was employed as a draft engineer at Library Bureau, Herkimer, for 25 years, and later for Jones Library Sales in Carlisle, Iowa, for 10 years. Kim was a member of the Ilion Elks Lodge #1444 and a former member of the Ilion Moose Lodge. Survivors include his mother, Leona Holden, of Herkimer; his daughter, Candace Gage and her husband, Charlie, of Newport; his son, Justin Holden and Summer Holden, of Ilion; nine grandchildren, Kyleigh, Kadence and Kendra Gage, and Andrew, Mason, Lium, Briar, Autumn and Aubrey Holden; his two brothers, Butch Holden and his wife, Sue, of Florida, and Scott Holden and his wife, Lois, of Preble, NY; several nieces, nephews and cousins; and a close friend, Carrie Vukelich, of Minnesota. He was predeceased by his father, LaVal, and several aunts, uncles and cousins. Funeral services will be held 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 5, 2014, at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's newly reopened location at 102 West St., Ilion, NY, with Rev. Victor McKusick officiating. Calling hours are Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the funeral home at 102 West St., Ilion. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Kim, or add to his online memorial, may go to: In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to American Diabetes Association , Utica NY Office, Lomond Office Park, 110 Lomond Court, Utica, NY 13502. Envelopes are available at the funeral home. The Holden family has entrusted Kim's service arrangements and supervision to their family Funeral Director, Don Applegate. (October 15, 2014 modified March 20, 2016)
Gary Ladd IHS 1973, age 59, of Barneveld, passed away peacefully on April 18, 2014, at his home, with his family by his side, after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Gary was born in Ilion on November 20, 1954, the son of the late Robert and Evelyn (Neale) Ladd. Gary was raised in Ilion and was a graduate of Ilion High School. He recently retired from Envipco, where he enjoyed being able to travel all over New York State. Gary is survived by his wife, Bonnie; two sons, David Small, of Barneveld, and Jonathan and his wife, Amanda Roy-Small, of Eugene, OR, and Gary's grandson, Zander; two daughters, Kelly and Megan Ladd; two brothers, Paul Ladd and Robert and his wife, Fran Ladd; a sister, Mary and her husband, Mark Paul; his mother-in-law, Betty Biamonte, of Marcy; a sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Chris and Tom Burlin; and special friends, Diane and Ron Carvin, of Bridgewater. Besides his parents, Gary was predeceased by his first wife, Kathleen Turner Ladd; a brother, Mike; two sisters, Judy and Linda; and his father-in-law, Ronald Biamonte. Gary enjoyed time spent hunting and fishing, but mostly loved taking rides on his motorcycle with his wife and friends. The family would like to thank Hospice for their wonderful care, with a special thanks to his nurse, Lori. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Hospice and Palliative Care, Middle Settlement Rd., New Hartford, NY, in Gary's memory. In keeping with Gary's wishes, his service is private at the convenience of his family. There are no calling hours. Arrangements are entrusted to the Heintz Funeral Service, Inc., North Utica. (May 22, 2014)
Teresa Ann (Johnson) Keogh IHS 1973, age 58, of Arizona, formerly of Ilion, passed away on Nov. 22, 2013, in Phoenix, Ariz. She was born on Aug. 5, 1955, in Rome, the daughter of Norman and Kathryn Johnson. Teresa graduated from Ilion High School, class of 1973, and Herkimer County Community College, class of 1975. She met her husband, Michael, at work in Ilion, in 1973. They were married two years later on Sept. 6, 1975. They extended their family with three beautiful girls, Michelle, Tracy and Christina. After living in New York and Pennsylvania, the Keogh family moved to Arizona in 2002. Terry worked in the health care industry for over 20 years, most recently at Southwestern Eye Center in Mesa, Ariz., where she spent a lot of time caring for others, but her biggest passion was caring for and spending time with her family. She loved reading, adventure and traveling with her family, especially to Walt Disney World. She was a loving mother, committed wife and delighted grandmother. Terry is survived by her husband, Michael; her daughters, Michelle and Christina; her granddaughter, Marissa; her sister, Jean Johnson; three brothers, Norman Johnson, Mark Johnson and Darryl Johnson; and her mother, Kathryn Johnson. She was preceded in death by her daughter, Tracy, and her father, Norman Johnson. Friends and relatives are invited to attend graveside services to be held 10 a.m. Monday, May 19, 2014, at St. Mary's Cemetery, state Route 5, East Herkimer, with Father Terence Healy officiating. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Teresa, or add to her online memorial, may go to Local arrangements are entrusted to Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, Ilion, Don Applegate, funeral director. (May 22, 2014 modified March 20, 2016)
Kevin Donald Ferguson IHS 1973, - Kevin Donald Ferguson was born Dec. 22, 1954 to Gladys Butler Ferguson and Donald Ferguson in Illion, New York. Kevin served his country in the United States Air Force from January 1974 to March 1994 when he was honorably discharged. Kevin suffered many years with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. He passed away at Fort Meade long-term care E- Ward on Monday, Dec. 27, 2010 at the age of 56. Kevin and his family are very pleased and grateful for the care he received at Fort Meade by the many staff members. Thank you, Fort Meade E-Ward. Kevin is survived by his wife, Connie Ferguson and their daughter, Lyla. He also has daughters Amber Malloy and Amanda Sutton; brothers Jerry, Chad and Shane; sisters Diana and Laurie; and his mother, Gladys. Kevin was preceded in death by his father, Donald and his sister, Elaine. Services are set for 2:00 pm Fri., Dec. 31, 2010 at Kirk Funeral Home in Rapid City with V.A. Chaplain Ralph Vencill officiating. Visitation will be at the funeral home for one hour before services. Interment will follow at the Rockerville Cemetery. A memorial has been established to Rainbow Bible Ranch and the Daisy House. Friends may sign Kevin's online guestbook at (Jan 1, 2011 - updated October 3, 2020)
Christopher J. Chris Overacker IHS 1973, age 54, of Ilion, passed away on Tuesday, December 15, 2009, at Mass. General Hospital, Boston, Mass. He was born on August 10, 1955, in Ilion, the son of Harold and Pearl (Kahrs) Overacker. Chris graduated from Ilion High School and attended MVCC, where he was listed on the Vice Presidents List. On May 17, 2003, he was married to Susan (Kerber) Gutheinz. Mr. Overacker was the owner and operator of Rooftop Chimney Sweeps, Inc., for 21 years, retiring in 2003. Chris was active in scouting, having been a scout leader and receiving the Eagle Scout Award. He was an excellent craftsman and built his own log home. Survivors include his wife, Sue; two sons, Erik of Ilion and Dustin of Louisville, KY; his sister and brother-in-law, Julie and Frank Pomodoro of West Peabody, MA; three brothers and one sister-in-law, Dana and Becky of Sandy, UT, Mark of Albany and Gregg of Mohawk; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins; and Sues children, Alyssa and Roxanne. He was predeceased by his father, Harold, in 2007. Friends and relatives are invited to attend a Celebration of Life service on Sunday, December 20, 2009, at 2 p.m. at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Rd., Ilion. There are no calling hours. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Chris or add to his online memorial may go to on the Internet. In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 100 Lomond Court, Utica, NY 13502-5949. Envelopes are also available at the funeral home. The Overacker family has entrusted all arrangements to Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, Ilion, Don Applegate, Funeral Director. (Dec 22, 2009)
Ginger L. (Wellington) DeForrest IHS 1973, 55, of 293 East Clark Street, Ilion, passed away on Monday, Aug. 10, 2009 at Faxton-St. Lukes Healthcare, New Hartford, N.Y. She was born on Dec. 27, 1953, in Herkimer, the daughterof John and Virginia (Piper) Wellington and graduated from Ilion Central School. On Dec. 17, 1977, she was married to Albert D. DeForrest in Ilion. He died on Dec. 14, 2000. Ginger worked as a sales clerk at Lowe's of Herkimer. She enjoyed her family, friends and canine companion, Max. She always looked forward to attending the annual Albert DeForrest Benefit Golf Tournament. Survivors include her children: Shannon DeForrest and her friend Dennis Breshears of Amsterdam; Rory DeForrest and his friend Jennifer Patten; Virginia DeForrest of Little Falls; her grandson Joseph Lawrence of Ilion; her step-father Gerald Wellington of Mohawk; her sister Sharon Penman and her husband Norm of Mass.; her brother Fran Wellington and his wife Donna of Mohawk; her sister-in-law Donna Wellington of Mohawk; her step-brothers, David Ball of Little Falls, Jeffrey Ball of New Hartford, Adam Grimshaw of Syracuse, Ken Ball of Cleveland, Ohio; her sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law Theresa Hermes of Florida, Edna and Frank Campione of Little Falls; Patrick and Ruthann DeForrest, Danny and Sandy DeForrest, all of Florida; several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. She was predeceased by her husband, parents, brother Tom Wellington and sister Donna Wellington. Friends and relatives are invited to attend a memorial service and celebration of life on Friday, Aug. 14, 2009 at 5:30 p.m. at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, 4309 ACME RD., Ilion with Pastor Jack Cogar officiating. Interment will be in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion. Calling hours are Friday, Aug. 14, 2009, from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. prior to the service. August 19, 2009)
Joseph 'Skip' F. Holovitz, Jr. IHS 1973, age 53, of 13 Frederick St., Ilion, died on Monday, January 26, 2009, at Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare, New Hartford. He was born on February 15, 1955, in Ilion, the son of Joseph and Joy (Colman) Holovitz, and was a graduate of Ilion High School and Alfred State University. On January 31, 1981, he was married to Penny Ploof in Elco, NV. Mr. Holovitz was a Computer Consultant for N.Y.S. Office Audra Schultz, Sarah Holovitz, and Erica Holovitz, all of Ilion; one granddaughter, Maya Joy Holovitz; his sister, DanaLou Holovitz,of Endwell, NY; and several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. He was predeceased by his parents and nephew, Philip Holovitz. Funeral services will be held 7 p.m., Thursday, January 29, 2009, at Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion, with Rev. Robert Wollaber, Pastor of the Ilion United Methodist Church, officiating. Calling hours are on Thursday, January 29, 2009, from 4 to 7 p.m., prior to the service, at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to Ilion Ambulance Fund. Envelopes are available at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, Ilion.(Feb 22, 2009)
Scott A. Smith IHS 1973, 53, passed away on Friday, October 24, 2008 at Albany Memorial Hospital; following a 2 month stay with Leukemia. The Smith family thanks the Albany Memorial Hospital staff for being so hospitable and kind to not only Scott but the family as well. Allowing his wife to stay at his side 24/7, we would also like to thank Capital District Physician's Health Plan where his wife works for allowing his wife to take this time and be with him. Scott was born on February 6, 1955 in Ilion, NY and was the son of the late James and Barbara (Pelrah) Smith. He has worked as a plastic laminate specialist for Myers Kitchens Specialties in Colonie for the past 28 years. Prior to that for 10 years he managed several retail drug stores, when a store was not doing well they sent him in to make it profitable and then sent him to the next store. He enjoyed life and lived it to the fullest, he leaving home after graduation and went to Florida for a year. He loved to be with his family and friends and to be outdoors with them. He was a Green Bay Packers fan and loved to watch football games in the back yard. He was a pistol instructor and a hunter and he always wanted to fire a machine gun and did so this year in Las Vegas. He enjoyed going to the YMCA to work out and was a man's man as well as a family man. He always took care of anyone that needed help and came to know Jesus as his personal savior recently and now resides in Heaven. He was the greatest Husband and Father that anyone could ever ask for. He kept his word to anyone and everyone a character trait not seen much today. He went to work even if he was sick and he was a very skilled worker and always did his best which was phenomenal. Scott is survived by his loving wife of 16 years, Heather (Breault) Smith; his daughter, Amanda Smith; his brother, Robbin Smith; his nephew, Brandan Smith; his mother-in-law, Daun Breault; his father-in-law, Ernest Breault; his brother-in-law, Ernie Breault; his sister-in-law, Shannan Breault; his dear friends, Missy and Judd Worden; and his special niece, Sarah Worden. A memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at New Comer-Cannon Funeral Home, 343 New Karner Road, Colonie (Rt. 155-south of Central Ave.). Calling hours will be held prior to the service from 5 to 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made payable to the 'Guilderland YMCA Circle of Champs' with Scott Smith in the memo section of the check, 250 Winding Brook Drive, Guilderland, NY 12084 (518) 456-3634 in memory of Scott A. Smith. He would love this as the YMCA is all about family and health. (added Oct 11, 2010)
Michael F. 'Mike/Mel' O'Connor IHS 1973, age 52, of Mabank, Texas formerly of Ilion, passed away unexpectedly Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006 in Athens, Texas. Mike was born April 30, 1954 in Ilion, son of Francis T. "Chant" and Hanna C. Henretty O'Connor. He attended Annunciation School and was a graduate of Ilion High School "Class of 73." At one time he was married to Regina Davis, the mother of his daughter Lis. Mike was a lifelong electrician, living and working in Texas for many years. Survivors include his children Lisa M. (O'Connor) Boss and her husband Troy of Rome, Desiree E. O'Connor, Kaity L. O'Connor, Tiffany M. O'Connor, Dustin E. O'Connor, and Michael F. O'Connor, all of Texas. His grandchildren were Brandon C. and Brooke A. Boss of Rome, Mike's parents Frances T. "Chant" and Anne O'Connor of Ilion, his sister Christine Wellenstein of Schuyler, and brothers Kevin M. O'Connor of Liverpool, Thomas F. O'Connor of Ilion, and Patrick J. O'Connor of Ilion. Also his aunts and uncles, many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. He was predeceased by his brother Brian P. O'Connor in 2004. Mike's funeral service will be held today at the Eubank Cedar Creek Memorial Chapel in Mabank, Texas. Interment will take place in Payne Springs Cemetery, Texas. A local memorial service will be held at a date and time to be announced. All local arrangements are by the Applegate and Day Funeral Home, 102 West St. Ilion. To send a letter of condolence, share a memory or add to the online register, please go to on the Internet. (Dec 14, 2006)
Wayne A. Tayler IHS 1973, age 46, Applewood Drive, Ilion, beloved father, son, brother and friend, passed away unexpectedly on Saturday morning, June 16, 2001, at Little Falls Hospital. Wayne was born on November 6, 1954, in Johnson City, NY, to Bernie and Doris (Todd) Tayler, and he was educated in Ilion schools. He was a very gifted athlete throughout high school and graduated with the "class of 1973" and furthered his education by attending Mohawk Valley Community College, graduating with the "class of 1975". He lived his entire life in Ilion. Wayne was last employed in the lost prevention department at Victory Markets, Inc., in Norwich, serving the company with several years of dedicated workmanship. In addition, he also worked for the Herkimer County Sheriff's Department at one time. He was a member of the Ilion Elks Lodge #1444. Wayne leaves a beloved daughter, Samantha Tayler, of Ilion; his parents, Bernie and Doris Tayler, of Ilion; two brothers, Alan Tayler and wife, Susan, of Cedarville, and Scott Tayler and wife, Marlene, of Ilion; two sisters, Robin Tayler, of Utica, and Tammy Devins and husband, Donald, of Middleville; a special aunt and uncle, June Todd and husband, Leon, of Florida; and several nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles and cousins. He also leaves many special friends, including Tom and Mariann DeLong and family, of North Carolina, and also numerous "golfing buddies". Visitation at the Enea Family Funeral Home, Main St. between Ilion and Frankfort (894-8000), will be held on Tuesday, June 19, 2001, from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Wayne's funeral service will begin at the Enea Family Funeral Home Chapel on Wednesday morning, June 20, 2001, at 11 am. Funeral procession will follow from the funeral home to Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion. Remembrances may be made to a charity of one's choice and envelopes are available at the Enea Family Funeral Home. (June 17, 2001)
Bombers Buzz Website.....Paul Losier '73, retired, email, Delmar, NY, re-registered. (November 20, 2022) Robert (Bob) Lane, Government Materials Inspector, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (May 5, 2012) David Doty, Business Development Manager Digital Products, email, Clay, NY, re-registered. (Dec 15, 2010) Linda Burnside Doty, Director of Grants and Partnerships, email, Oswego, NY, re-registered. (May 5, 2009) Phil Devins, Plumber, email, from Grand Chute, WI, re-registered. (Feb 22, 2009) Virginia Seath Grover, housewife, email, Binghamton, NY, registered. (Dec 14, 2008) John (JJ) La Flair, Golf course superintendant, email from Port Saint Lucie, FL, re-registered. (Sept 4, 2008) Peter Bullis, Fedex Courier, email, Utica, NY, re-registered. (July 13, 2008) Charlotte Jones Murphy, email, from Schenectady, NY, re-registered. (Mar 6, 2008) "Hi Friends. I'm back in the great state of New York after living in Arkansas for 21 years. My son graduted from NYU in May 2007 and is working for EMI Music Publishing in Manhattan. With his degree in Music Business and other pursuits there would be no career move for him back to AR, so my husband and I picked up stakes and moved to NY. My immediate family still lives in the Central NY area so now we're located b/w my family and the City. We love it. It's been a long time since I've seen a real winter! I've had fun catching up with some old friends and relearning the area. Good to be back! Terry Abeline Carden, RN, email, from Stittville, NY, re-registered. (Oct 30, 2007) Carol Eggleston, Sr. Clerk, email, from Jacksonville, FL, re-registered. (Jan 2, 2007) "Hello again. I haven't written to this web-site in quite awhile. I am still in Jacksonville, Florida, and working for the State of Florida Dept of Health, Children's I have been doing a lot of volunteer work with the Hurricanes that always hit this area. I've been to 3 so far, Dennis, Jeanne and Katrina in Mississippi. It is quite an experience. I go and set up shelters for special needs children. When I went to Mississippi for 3 weeks for Katrina last year it was such a devastating sight you would not believe it unless you were there to see if with your own eyes. I love my job and the satisfaction it brings me helping other people less fortunate than myself. My oldest son Brian got married 3 years ago and is a Pharmacy Tech in North Carolina. I was in Ilion in 2004 for my mom & dads 50th anniversary. Seems like nothing has changed. The only person I ran into was Colleen Moran." Dan Kane, Flexiable Machine Specialist, email, from Fort Plain, NY, sent news. (Sept 14, 2006) "hi class of 73, have moved back to Ilion and am residing at my mom's house for awhile. my two oldest sons are working for the wal-mart corporation. one works in Marcy, n.y.and the other works in Johnstown, n.y. my oldest son got out of the army this past april after serving two tours of iraq. talk about being worried!!!!! i'm single and enjoying every minute of it. if anyone has got in touch with Valerie Bottini Rose tell her i was in Chicago this past may at a convention for the loyal order of moose. didn't realize how huge O'HAIRE AIRPORT is but i found out.have been working for good ole mother Remington for 32 years and will retire from there in a few more years. well, that's all for now take care classmates." dan David Sullivan, Instructor/Business owner, email, from Alice, TX, re-registered in the directory. (modified May 18, 2006) Alice March email, Vestal, NY, sent news. (May 18, 2006) Alice March has finished her disertation and has earned her PhD in nursing from Binghamton University. Joe Curtis, Regulatory Affairs Consultant, email, from Acton, MA, re-registered. (Jan 7, 2006) Susan McIntyre Chase, Medical Technologist, email, from Turin, NY, registered. (April 25, 2005) Debra Decker Wood, email, Fox Island, WA, re-registered. (May 18, 2004) Richard (Dick) Jeffreys, CFP, email, Saugerties, NY, registered. (Jan 24, 2004) Patti Ramsey Sterling, domestic godess, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (May 29, 2003) Russell Outtrim, email, President - Leatherstocking Typewriter and Office Equipment, from Ilion, NY, re-registered in the directory. (March 10, 2003) Debbie Smithson Wright, from Herkimer, NY, email, re-registered. (March 3, 2003) Lenore Bernier, South FL Nurse Recruiter, email, Palm Harbor, FL, re-registered. (January 11, 2003) Kim Evans Henderson from Great Falls, Va., email, sent news..... "Sorry I missed the reunion. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all. Still residing in northern Virginia -- lots of time spent on the soccer fields with three boys -- Thomas 13, Christopher 11 and Andrew 8-- Julia is in her second year at Radford University (VA) send me a email!!!-- Kim (November 5, 2002) Susan Baker Werthman, Boston, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (October 7, 2002) Sheila Wiernicki Gahan, from Ilion, NY, will be attending the mega-reunion. (October 4, 2002) David Lawrence, Ilion, NY, is attending the mega reunion. (September 30, 2002) Linda Prentice, email, from Orange Park, Fl, is attending the mega-reunion and asks about Sue Baker. (August 24, 2002) "I was looking forward to our class Queen, Sue Baker Werthman. Does anyone know where she is? Thank You." Linda Prentice Jeffrey Coffin, Director of Quality, email, Islip Terrace, Long Island, re-registered. (August 21, 2002) Kathleen Hoy Johnson, homemaker/mom, email, from Everett, WA, registered. (August 10, 2002) Paul Losier sent news. (modified July 20, 2002) "News from Paul...."Even though I will not be attending the reunion, please stop by or give me a call when your in town, my number is in the book, it would be great to hear from you. On Monday July 22 I start my new position at Remington as a Senior Engineering Technician in the Research and Development section. I'm really looking forward to doing something different at Remington besides running machines. Some travel may be required also. Linda is still working at the Elementary School in Special Ed. Ryan and Meagan are attending Herkimer County Community College. Ryan plans on going to Niagara U. for law and Meagan is planning on attending Mount Saint Mary for education. Other than that, things are going well. If anyone has a few minutes, please e-mail me and let me know what's going on with you and your family. Take care and God Bless everyone! Paul and Family." Dennis Dolan, email, from Nazareth, PA, is attending the mega-reunion. (June 11, 2002) Mary Daily Trueblood, a CPA, email, from Wayland, MA, re-registered. (June 7, 2002) Cheryl Casey O'Neill is attending the mega-reunion. (May 30, 2002) Mark Dodge, email, Gilbertsville, PA, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002) Kevin Earl, Teacher/Coach, email, Troy, NY, re-registered. (May 15, 2002) Lynn Petavs Hutchison, email, Herndon, VA, signed the GuestBook. (May 12, 2002) Lewis (Bud) Davisson, disabled, email, Elkins, WV, registered. (May 5, 2002) Jeffrey McTiernan, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (May 2, 2002) Terry Kelly Costello, email, Herkimer, NY, re-registered. (May 2, 2002) Susan Dutton Napier, email, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, re-registered. (April 19, 2002) Rebecca (Bec) DeVere, email, from Herkimer, NY, signed the GuestBook. (March 28, 2002) "Does anyone have any idea where Hal Thomas might be?" Laura Prentice Coffin, email, from Jacksonville, Fl, is attending the mega reunion. (August 19, 2002) Linda Prentice, email, from Jacksonville, Fl, submitted the reunion survey. (March 16, 2002) "My sisters and I will probably come to the mega-reunion. I will confirm later. It sounds like a great time. Linda Prentice-73 LauraPrentice-73 Peggy Prentice-71 Florida." (March 3, 2002) Susan Edwards Kerber, Pharmacy Technician, email, from Ilion, NY, registered and submitted the reunion survey. (March 3, 2002) Karen Monahan, Social worker, email, from Herkimer, NY, registered. (March 3, 2002) Kevin Trevor, email, Ilion, NY, was wondering about a Class of '73 reunion. (Feb 28, 2002) John Day, email, Ilion, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (February 16, 2002) Susan Monohan Crua, Music Teacher, email, Schoharie, NY, registered. (January 28, 2002) Paul Losier sent news. (modified December 10, 2001) News from Paul...."Happy Holidays to all! As we approach the new year, I wanted to take this time to remember all of my classmates and wish them peace, happiness, and blessings in abundance. I hope that everyone is well and will be together with their families to celebrate the holiday season. In light of what happened on September 11th, we need to take the time to reach out to each other and make a connection. I hope that I hear from a few of you so that we can catch up on the latest news. Ed Rooke, where the heck are you?! God Bless....Paul, Linda and family." - Paul Joseph Curtis, Senior Management, from Acton, NY, registered. (Jan 14, 2001) "Congrats to a site well done! Only heard about this while in Herkimer this past weekend. Paul Losier told me about it along with a real surprise of bumping into Cindy McD! And then as if 27 years wasn't enough time, ran into Mike Champagne. Noticed Ma" - Joe Gary Nichols, email, from Kuwait, sent news. (modified January 2, 2001) "Ginger, I am very sorry about Albert. When I came back home, Albert and I had some good times rehashing the past." "Hi everyone. Happy New Year! Well, I changed careers again.... from babysitting inmates to going back to Kuwait to teach the Kuwaitis about military aircraft, as the FA-18. Hey Jeff, just want to say Hi, ... and David Rocky Rothwell, you know that I have been and done things that people only dream about. I have been around the world twice and you know what?.... there is no place like home. The best of luck to all the cake eaters. Love Gary 'Cement Head' Nichols." Linda Burnside Doty, from Oswego, NY, registered in the directory. (modified Dec 16, 2000) "Hello to all. There have been many changes in the Doty home over the past year. David and I have new positions with exciting times to look forward to. I have left the teaching profession after completing my administrative degree. I now work as an administrator for the City of Syracuse, with an office in the central office building my title is Coordinator for Science. I am looking forward to the challenge and changes as we prepare students for the future! David now works for Videolabs of Minneapolis, MN as the educational specialist. His official office is in our home, but has had MANY exciting trips as part of the position. He enjoys working with science and technology, and has become quite an expert. Our daughter Kristen was married this past Aug. to a wonderful young man. She and Brian have made their home in Plattsburgh, NY. Our two boys are living in Lake Placid, NY and have opened: the Penalty Box food and suds. If you are ever up that way please stop by to see them. Have a safe and happy holiday, and a wonderful year!!!" Linda Marla Short Wood, a Housewife, from Issaquah, WA, email, sent news. (October 13, 2000) "I'll tell you right now, don't believe everything you read in print, even in Time Magazine. Reports of our net worth have been greatly exaggerated! We've been living out here in the Puget Sound region for the past 15 years. Prior to that, we spent 5 yrs in Texas, where both my kids were born. Eric just started his sophomore year at the University of Washington (Go Dawgs!), where he plays sax in Husky Band. He plans to major in comp sci and jazz studies. Daughter Katie is a junior at the Lakeside School in Seattle and is thrilled to be driving her own car (even if it is used) to school this year (I'm glad too it is a 60 mile round trip!). She just participated in her first cross country meet, and also plays lacrosse in the spring. My husband Steve runs Wireless Services, a small company focusing on wireless business services. Haven't been back to Ilion since my mom passed away in '85. We do get down to LA fairly frequently (my in-laws are there), and will be spending Xmas in, of all places, Death Valley. Anyone living out this way? Would love to hear from old friends." - Marla Alan Dolch, email, from Long Beach, CA, registered. (June 29, 2000) "I'M MARRIED TO A GREAT WIFE JERI. WE HAVE TWO BOYS - CASEY(26) A PHYSICAL THERAPIST AND BRETT(19). BRETT AT CSU SAN MARCOS ON A GOLF SCHOLARSHIP. I WORK FOR AN AFTERMARKET WHEEL MANUFACTURER. WAS A REAL ESTATE BROKER BUT AFTER THE CRASH IN THE EARLY 90'S I JUST ENDED UP BROKER. NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS - MY BROTHER IN LAW IS BOB BERNARD (73) MARRIED JERI'S SISTER. HE'S DOING GREAT. IT HAS BEEN INTERESTING WATCHING THE DOMESTICATION OF BOB. GOT TO SEE JEFF & DIANE MCTIERNAN, KEVIN & TERRY VIVIAN, LANCE & LESLIE BERGER, JIM & DANELL BERNARD AND TOM HART. IT WAS A GREAT SHORT VISIT - SORRY I DIDN'T FIND THIS PAGE SOONER. I'LL KEEP THESE E-MAIL ADDRESSES AND TRY TO STAY IN TOUCH MORE THAN EVERY 27 YEARS OR SO. STAY HAPPY AND HEALTHY." - AL David Skramko, Factory Worker, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (April 23, 2000) Deb Trombley Murray, Medical Technologist, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (April 4, 2000) Terry Abeline Carden, Registered Nurse, Deerfield, NY, registered. (April 2, 2000) "Hello and Happy April Fool's Day to all. This is my first visit to the IHS website. Very nice work, Aileen. I would love to hear from former classmates, and if anyone has Sue Baker's email address, tell her to email me. Hello to Valerie, Debbie, Carol, Linda, David, Alice and everyone else who took the time to log in their email address. Nice to keep in touch. Golden Friends!!" - Terry Lori Wilson Dolan, Occupational Therapist Assistant, email, from Nazareth, PA, registered. (December 9, 1999) Jeffrey Coffin, Director of Quality, email, Islip Terrace, Long Island, registered in the directory. (email updated July 1, 2001) "Happy Holidays to all! I was saddened at hearing of the passing of Sam Bottini and wish all his family well. However, my wish to have my son's first haircut in Bottini's barbershop was not denied. "Young" Sam did an admiral job with the all the crying and squirming going on...... er' that was me, Jon was fine. As Sam mentioned...... there were two extra sets of eyes watching that special trim (from both our dad's). The twins were baptized in August and we were fortunate to have family from both sides to share the event with. By the way, if your ever on the island look us up. We're looking forward to seeing everyone in Ilion over the holidays. From my family to yours a very Merry Christmas!" - Jeff Robin Miller Eby, CNA, email, from Lancaster, PA, registered. (October 26, 1999) Susan Kinville Krenichyn, from Herkimer, NY, email, sent news. (updated April 18, 1999) "I was just reading the latest news on Deb Trombley's daughter graduating as salutatorian at Ilion High. Congratulations! I was wondering how many others have kids graduating this year? My daughter, Ariane, is graduating 8th in her class at Herkimer High, and I know that John Day's son, John, is graduating 3rd from Ilion High. Anyone else having graduations?" - Sue Carol Eggleston, from Jacksonville, FL, registered. (April 7, 1999) "Just like the Class of 73' to know that I have run into John Hotaling, Linda Prentice, Laura Prentice Coffin, Pam Woods George and a few more people from our class, down here in Jacksonville, FL. Nancy Winslow lives about an hour away from us in Deltona, FL. If you know of anyone else living in Jax or near us let me know. Nice talking to you. This is really a great website." "Hey everyone in Ilion. I just found this website at work while on break. I've been away from Ilion for 26 years. I did 10 years in the Navy, went to Guam and lived there for 2 years. I have 3 children, Brian who is 21 and has been married for 2 years and James Dean who is 14 and Ashley Nicole who is 12. I keep in touch with alot of people I graduated with that live here in Jacksonville. Pam (Woods) George, John Hotaling, Linda Hotaling, Laura Coffin and who else knows who may be in this town. I work for the State of Florida at Children's Medical Services as an Interview Clerk. Love the job. I'm single and raising my two kids who are my life. I'd like to hear from someone there. Please write. It's sunny and 87 degrees here today. Don't you wish you were here? Maybe I'll see you soon someday. My mom and dad still live in Ilion on the same street and same house. Take Care! Write me." - Carol Barbara Urtz, Bell Atlantic CSR Srv. Admin., email, from North Syracuse, NY, registered. (April 6, 1999) Alice March, Nurse Practioner, email, from Endicott, NY, sent an update. (modified March 18, 1999) "Love coming back to this site and seeing who has visited. I was so disappointed about no 25th reunion! Hope we can find time to plan one for 30yrs. (Of course it's possible we are all in denial about this.) Drop me a line about what you have been doing. Does anyone ever see Lauren Quail?" - Alice Laura Prentice Coffin, Food Broker Sales Rep, email, from Jacksonville, Fl, registered in the directory. (modified December 29, 1999) Linda Prentice, Chemical Sales Rep, email, from Jacksonville, Fl, registered in the directory. (March 1, 1999) Rolly Yardley, email, from Fairfax Station, VA, registered in the directory. (February 7, 1999) Janet 'Jan' Martin King, Ind Sales Director, Mary Kay Cosmetics, email, from Universal City, TX, registered in the directory. (December 29, 1998) "Our recent Texas Alumni party was great! We'll miss Jeff and Diane (even though we hadn't seen each other for 25 years!), but look forward to keeping in touch more. Since June 1995, when I retired from the Air Force, I completed the course work for an MBA at St Mary's University, explored the music business for a few months, and became a Mary Kay consultant. My son, Marc Soules II, is 23, and attends Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. In 1991, I married Joe King (also retired Air Force, and now works as a computer expert for one of the departments of the City of San Antonio), and gained two sons, Jeff (27), and Steve (23), and a daughter-in-law, Gina (goes with Jeff). No grandchildren yet, but we're getting ready. San Antonio is where we decided to settle after years of moving around. It's warm most of the year, the people are really nice, and it's a big "small" town. We have everything here, and the kids are really happy calling it home. Thanks, Aileen, for creating an opportunity for those of us who have decided to nest elsewhere to go "home" again whenever we feel the need to reconnect." - Jan Marc Soules, Consultant, email, from Camden, NY, registered in the directory. (modified January 3, 1999) Lenore Bernier, registered in the directory. (modified March 5, 1999) "I will, after all these years, be graduating from HCCC in computer software this Spring. I'm presently working in Remington Arms. I have a nine year old son who attends Barringer road school." - Lenore Dave Rasbach, Shop Foreman, email, from China Grove, NC, registered in the directory. (modified Jan 9, 2000) Rachel Goldberg Kyler, can be contacted through her brother Ivan, at email. Rachel and her husband Ken, live in Naples, FL. (modified April 4, 2006) Sue Dutton, was located, thanks to the Dotys and Ivan Goldberg. Sue Dutton, (aka Mrs. Norman Napier) is living in The Woodlands, Texas. (October 6, 1998) Dale Janes, Postal Letter Carrier, email, from Herkimer, NY, registered in the directory. (September 25, 1998) Valerie Bottini Rose, email, from Schaumburg, IL, sent news for the Class of '73. (June 9, 1998) "Hi everyone...what a great tool to keep in touch with everyone. For those of you at our 20th reunion, I had a boy on Sept. 23 1993 (Frank John Rose III) and I also have a 2 1/2 year old daughter(Victoria Theresa Rose)...who is giving me a run for my money. My son is all his father and my daughter is all Bottini." "I have been with Associated Spring/Barnes Group for 17 years. On June 1, I was promoted to Account Executive in the Midwest Sales Office(Chicago area). I handle Associated Spring's #5 customer which is Caterpillar Inc. I sell them all their engine valve springs & fuel system springs. I travel a lot between my customer visits and divisional visits to Dallas TX, Burlington, Ont. Canada & Mexico City." "I was home last weekend visiting all my family in Ilion. My dad is still cutting hair and my mom is in the Folts Home in Herkimer." "Any local people who want to get together for a class reunion call Debi Wright 315-866-1077. She is willing to help or get one going if not already started." - Valerie Debra Lamica Greig, an Account Clerk, from Ilion, NY, signed the Guestbook. (modified August 23, 1998) "Looking to hear from members of class of '73. Awaiting the birth of our first grandchild. Our daughter Amy is married to Mark Nunneker of the class of 1986. Our Erich is a sophomore at IHS and just qualified for the sectional meet in track. I'm still working for the Village of Ilion and trying to learn about computers. My husband Don was an Ilion graduate in 1967. Don is currently employed at Remington Arms." (modified August 23, 1998) "Just to let my classmates know, I am now a grandmother. Rachel Elizabeth Nunneker, was born on May 5,1998. Its strange to read about Jeff and Valarie just starting their families, because my own children are 21 and 17. Since August, I have been working at the Ilion Municipal Building, in the clerks office. Stop and see me if you are in town!" (December 24, 1998) Debi Decker Wood, registered in the directory. (modified April 10, 2001) "I just found this web site and I am very impressed - great job! I have lived in California for the past 14 years and continue to love it here. I have not been back to Ilion for close to 10 years and am planning to visit this fall. My entire family still lives in the area, so I will have a lot of visiting to do. I am divorced, no children ,and work in the Marketing Department for a large Credit Company. I would love to hear from anyone, just e-mail me." - Debi John Day, email, from Ilion, NY, signed the Guestbook. (April 8, 1998) John Cavanaugh, Heat Treat Specialist, email, Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (February 21, 1998) Mary Daily Trueblood, a CPA, from Wayland, MA, registered in the directory. (January 8, 1998) "My sister, Andrea told me about this site when we were home over the holidays. It took me until January to register and now February to write. It's a fabulous site, Aileen, thank you. I'm the single parent of two great sons, Richard, 12 and Michael, 5. I'm a CPA and until Richard was born, I worked for a big firm in Boston. Then for several years I worked on my own. Now, I'm a financial officer in a small company and continue to service a few consulting clients. My children, home, and work keep me pretty busy. My parents still live on John Street, so I get home a couple of times a year. My sisters and I usually make it to the Elks Club during one of our trips. I always have a blast. I really enjoyed my years at Ilion High School and would love to hear from old friends." Cynthia McDowell Blanchard, a Student, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (modified email January 27, 2001) "Hello everyone from the class of 1973. I am presently a student at Morrisville College and will be graduating in May of 1998 with a degree in Nutrition. My son Casey graduated from Wentworth College in Boston in May 1997 with a degree in Electrical Engineering, he had obtained his education with an ROTC scholarship from the Air Force. He is presently a 2Lt. in the Air Force and is at Shepherd Air Force Base in Texas, he will be leaving Texas for Kadena AFB Japan in early Feb. I hope to visit in May as he gave plane me tickets for Christmas. I can be reached at my E-Mail Address, like to hear from you and what you have been up all these years. GREAT WEB PAGE I will visit often. Hope someone will develop our class web page." Nancy Robinson McCarthey, a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, email, from Woodbridge, VA, sent news for the class of 1973. (December 28, 1997) "My Dad came to visit us for Christmas and brought the newspaper article with him. I'm very impressed at what a great product you've come up with Aileen! Thank you very much!! Frank and I have lived many places while he was in the Coast Guard but he now works for the Navy as a civilian Naval Architect. We will be married 20 years this year and we have 3 children, Jason, 16 Jenny, 13 and Katy, 9. I have returned to school several times after getting off active duty in the Navy Nurse Corps in 1979. I just completed 21 years of service between Reserves and Active duty and continue to drill at Bethesda Naval Hospital one weekend a month. I obtained my Masters Degree in Nursing 2 years ago and am now a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner working in a group with 7 Pediatricians doing school physicals, well baby exams, and everyday illnesses kids come up with. I will share this website with my sisters Janet (74),Patti (77), Bonnie (83), and brothers Tom & Joe (84)." Charlotte Jones Murphy, from Bryant, AR, registered in the alumni directory. (December 26, 1997) "Thank you for taking the time to do this. It's going to be great fun. I've lived in Arkansas since 1986 (after being transferred here with my first husband with Remington). My son, R.J., is 14 and we've lived in Bryant (just outside of Little Rock) since 1991. I was remarried in October 1995 to John Murphy, a Market Researcher and long time resident of this area. I work for an Apartment Management Company, as Manager of the Home Office, and have been working there since 1986. E-mail from old friends welcome - I'd love to hear from you. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!" Susan Kinville Krenichyn, from Herkimer, NY, email, signed the Guestbook. (updated April 18, 1999) "Nice job on the website! I have lived in Herkimer for the past 19 years with my husband, Scott. We have two children, Ariane-16 and Alek-13. I work as a bookkeeper/clerk in my husband's plumbing and heating store. Will be passing this website on to others! " Margaret 'Peggy' Comins DePietro, Sales Manager - Adirondack Furniture, from Elbridge, NY, email, registered in the alumni directory. (modified Jan 18, 2000) Kevin Vivyan, from Ilion, NY, email, registered in the directory. (modified September 24, 2001) David Blackwell, a Construction Manager, from Herkimer, email, registered in the alumni directory. (December 1, 1997) Dawn Schaeffer DeVere email, tried this site's "Guess the Graduate" Feature. (modified November 29, 1997) Kim Evans Henderson from Great Falls, Va., stopped by the website with this news..... "It's great to be back in touch with IHS. I don't get back to Ilion as much as I would like to. My sister, Jane Evans (Class of '74) gets down to visit me and my family in Virginia quite frequently and my brother, Mark Evans (Class of '78) visited with his wife, Terry and two daughters,... last summer. My husband, Ray, and I have four beautiful children.... I served as an Intelligence Officer in the U.S. Navy for over 16 years and took an early retirement 2 year ago. I now work for TASC Inc. in Reston VA.
![]() Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974
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