Ilion High School Traditions
Class Rings
1966 Ilion class Ring Photo courtesy of Leigh Potter
The ordering of the 'Class Ring' was a tradition that went back many, many years. Up until 1965, the class ring featured a stone with the figure 'Minerva' - the Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, defense and who was born from the godhead of Jupiter with weapons.
In 1966, the new IHS Seal was adopted for the IHS Class ring and that tradition carried forth until the 1970s. From the 70's on, a student was able to personalize his or her ring with a various selection of oval stones and colors.
"The class of 1966 voted on the style of their class rings. The Class of 1966 decided to change the normal round style rings and go with a more rectangular style. We wanted our class rings to be unique and modern. The class decided to incorporate the Ilion High School coat of arms; the school seal as the centerpiece. Josten jewelers was contacted and created the ring. If I remember correctly the graduate could select red, blue, or black stone backgrounds and the school seal was centered in the stone. The above photo is the ring that I purchased and still have." - Leign Potter IHS 1966
An Ilion 1973 Class Ring was found at Deer River, Lewis County in 2012. The couple who found the ring contacted Aileen Carney Sweeney by using the contact form on this web site. The ring was returned, after 43 years of being lost, to the original owner. See the August 2015 Cover Story for the details about how the ring was returned to the person who lost it. (August 2, 2015)