Ilion High School Traditions
Winter Carnival
Faculty Sled Team (Mr. Murphy and Mr. Manion in the front) takes off down the Bowl in Russell Park, as part of the annual Winter Carnival weekend
Queen and Court
In February, on the 23rd and 24th of 1968, Student Council sponsored a Winter Carnival. The entire Senior High voted on the Senior girls who previously had been nominated in the Senior homerooms.
Friday night, at the home game between Ilion and Mohawk, the queen and her court were announced.
Pat Lacy was crowned queen with Sharon Losier, Shirley Nichols, Pat Santmire, and Karen Unsinn as her court. And thus began the annual winterfest, know as "Winter Carnival".
Queen Pam Ashley '72, with Senior escort Chris Coriale,
reigned over The 1972 Winter Carnival. Original photograph by Karen Cranney '72
Pam Urtz and Lorrie Pratt (Class of 1972)
Winter Outdoor Fun
Over the years, the event grew to include, toboggan races, snow sculpture contests, and dances in the boys gym. Attendents and escorts were later selected from the underclassmen.
One year for Winter Carnival, the Student Council tried somethingdifferent and introduced a new event. The Seniors competed against the faculty; the girls in volleyball and the boys in basketball.
In 1970, The Winter Carnival was a great weekend, especially for the Sophomores. They won first prize for snow-sculpture by forming a huge foot.
Snow Schulptures
The Class of 1971's Sophomore snow sculpture was a washing machine with the hand of the Action Giant symbolizing the "Class of Action." For some reason the judges didn't appreciate it.
In 1980, Winter Carnival turned out to be a snow-less occasion. Luckily, a poster contest, was initiated for the pep rally. The winning poster read... "Superstar Seniors Shine With Spirit."
The Class of 1974 captured the first place prize, as Freshmen, for the 1971 Snow Sculpture contest.