Local - Ilion HospitalThe Herkimer Evening Telegram - July 25, 1965Ilion Hospital Dedication SetSource pdf file is here Herkimer NY Evening Telegram 1965 02114.pdf on fultonhistory.com
Photo caption - NEW ENTRANCE of the $1.4 million Mohawk Valley General Hospital to be dedicated at 1:00 P.M. Saturday is shown above. The cornerstone will be laid during the ceremonies at which Congressman Alexander Pirnie will be the main speaker. Ilion Hospital Dedication Set ILION - Congressman Alexander Pirnie, New Hartford, will be main speaker at dedication ceremonies for the new $1.4 million Mohawk Valley General Hospital at 1 p.m. Saturday, it was announced today. Dist. Atty. Albert Schneider, former president of the Ilion Hospital Assn, before the institution was under-written by the German Flatts and Frankfort townships, will be master of ceremonies. Johnson Morgan Sr., president of the Memorial Fund Committee, and Charlie I. Thiele, representing the architects, will preside at unveiling of plaques at the hospital entrance. One plaque contains names of the hospital's board of managers. The other, a larger one, lists donors who contributed $100 or more to the building fund. Supervisor Herman T. Stubley, German Flatts, and Supervisor Fred Grates, Town of Frankfort, will officiate at laying of the cornerstone. Richard A. Hisert, vice president, board of managers, will describe contents of the memorial box to be placed in the stone. August Oliver, president of the board of managers, will dedicate the hospital. Rev. Robert Withington, rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, will give the benediction. Officials and committees for the new institution are: Board of Managers, President, Oliver; vice president, Hisert; treasurer, Stanley Stolark; secretary, James Allston; Adelbert Hemstrect, Charles Mallery, Harry Staley, Floyd C. Lewis. Administrator, Adelbert D. Theobald; chief of medical staff, Dr. G. Roger Weeden; director of nurses, Mrs. Julia Seymour, R. N. Five town supervisors, past and present, worked on plans for the building fund, including Stubley and Grates, also Albert J. Schultz, Fred E. Phillips, both of German Flatts, and the late Edward C. Freedman, Town of Frankfort. Special recognition will be given the Memorial Fund Committee for its efforts in procur ing funds for furnishing and equipping the building. Besides Morgan, it comprises, vice president, Hal J. Syren; treasurer, Carl K. Betzinger; secretary, James O. Davis. Other members are: George Corrado, J. Brady Thomas, David A. Bamford, V. James Falcone, Dr. Donald Davidson, Mrs. R. J. Westerling, George W. Entwistle, Miss Eleanor Brennan, Mrs. Howard Teale, Dominick J. Yots, James B. Graves, George H. Getman, Richard K. Powers, Calvin Soutwick, II, and Rev. Robert Withington. Aiding in the fund raising campaign were members of the Hospital Guild, Mrs. Irene Staley, president, and the Associate Board, with Mrs. Walter Davis as its president. Miss Ruth Yale, superintendent of the old hospital for over 35 years, retiring in 1943, has accepted an invitation from the Board to attend Saturday's affair. Miss Yale was one of two superintendents to serve since it was organized. She was succeeded by Mrs. Helen Anthony. There have been three administrators under the town management plan. Edwin Saunders succeeded Mrs. Anthony. In 1952, Frank Bosquet was appointed, resigning the post last year. The present administrator is Adelbert Theobold, formerly of Camden. The hospital was erected in 1909, largely through the benevolence of the late Henry Harper Benedict. The building committee at the time consisted of Dr. Jennie Richardson, John Henderson, Albert B. Russell and Orange B. Rudd. The original building, demolished to make room for the new structure, was laid out on practically a one - floor plan, with only the maternity ward on the second floor. There were two general wards of six beds each; five private rooms, an operating room and X-ray laboratory. The maternity ward was equipped with six beds and six bassinets. The cornerstone, donated by Alexander Jarvis, was laid in June 13, 1908. In it were copies of the articles of incorporation a photograph of the donor, Mr. Benedict, a list of all national, state and county and village officials, a list of those who offered to aid in the equipment of the institution, bound volumes of the records of Herkimer County Historical Society and copies of the local newspapers. The hospital, first known as the "Ilion Emergency Hospital," was changed to the "Henry Harper Benedict Hospital." Later, at the donor's request, it was given the name of the "Ilion Hospital." On Aug. 1, 1964, the name was officially changed to the present Mohawk Valley General Hospital. On Jan. 18, 1944, a new wing, was added, to the structure, which cost $134,324. Approximately $30,000 worth of new equipment was added to the building, which at the time housed 56 beds. A new and modern nursery was built in 1952, with a children's room set apart for exclusive use of youngsters. Many other improvements were also made at this time. In April of 1963, groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the erection of the new four story institution. The first new wing was completed in July of 1964, and was open to hospital patients, increasing the bed capacity from 53 to 80 rooms. This section also contained two major operating rooms, a minor surgery room, a laboratory, an X-Ray laboratory, kitchen and laundry. The second wing to be added housed the main lobby, entrance, offices, delivery and maternity section, with storage rooms in the basement section. The project, which has taken a little over two years to complete, will be open for public inspection, Oliver said.
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