The IHS Class of 1926

Senior Photographs

December 2021

Class of 1926 Senior Composite - Individual Photographs
Ilion High Class of 1926 - LeRoy Boorn


The handsome gent, featured above, is no Hollywood movie star, though he looks like he could be one. It is LeRoy Boorn from the Class of 1926. The Mirror for 1926 contains the names and addresses of members of the Class of 1926, however, it does not have any photographs of the seniors. Mike Disotelle, Ilion Public Library, discovered a poster board at the library that contained 53 images of the class members. He touched up each photograph and provided them for publication here.

One of these graduates, Carleta Sterling Mixer-Cox, bequeathed almost a million dollars to the Ilion Public Library.

If you know of any family members who may have the original class composite photograph, with all 83 students, please notify the library so that the missing photographs might be included in the future. Members of the Class of 1926 with photographs are published on the Class of 1926 Senior Composite - Individual Photographs page.


Missing students are:

Jane H. Ashley
Mary C. Binder
William Bleau
Joseph Bowers
Priscilla Chase
Ceylon B. Cole
Frances Derby
Reginald D. Gaskill
Albert J. Green
Jennie M. Greene
LLewellyn Jenkins
Harry Jochmus
Agnes E. Jones
Raymond Jones
Robert A. Luke
Bernice Mackin
Ruth Moyer
Genevieve Noffer
Josephine O'Neil
Elizabeth Parson
Hilda Peck
Elizabeth Rasbach
Muriel Schwartz
Elizabeth Seibert
George Sweet
Ida Van Alstine
Harry Wilkins
Howard Whipple

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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2021 December 18, 2021

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