Ilion High School Traditions
Homecoming Weekend
 Homecoming Queen 1958 - Sheila Kerr
Pep Rallies - 1969, 1973, 1985
Skits - 1975
Parades - 1997
Parade Floats - 1998
Kings and Queens dating back to Class of 1958
From the 1958 Mirror....
"A homecoming, during which old grads were welcomed back, was initiated this year [1957]. "Murph" (Wayne Murphy) and Sheila Kerr were the King and Queen, and they were crowned at the Pep Rally preceeding the Herkimer-Ilion game. Remember the bonfire, the snake dance and the burning in effigy of the Herkimer team? The traditional Herkimer-Ilion game was played with the usual fervor; we won again, placing Ilion's team, co-captained by Wick Hammond, Jack Noll and Wayne Murphy, in first place in the Iroquois League."
Boy cheerleaders reappeared during the Ilion-Herkimer game, with the Class of 1953. Dick Hall, Ray Morton, and Dick Merchant helped lead cheers at the game. In the 1960's, senior men were selected to be cheerleaders, for the Homecoming game. One of their duties was to perform an entertaining and crazy skit during the Homecoming Pep Rally.
As the years have passed, Homecoming was a favorite tradition maintained by the Ilion Classes. For many years, merchants allowed their storefront windows to be painted with words and pictures encouraging a Bomber WIN! In the Fall of 1969, floats were added to the Homecoming Parade. The senior float, "Happiness is a Golden Bomber Victory", won first prize.
 Homecoming Bonfire
The weekend was capped with The Homecoming Victory Dance, featuring the Homecoming King's dance with the Homcoming Queen.