Ilion High School

Class of 1967

Alumni News

1967 Ilion Yearbook


Digitized Class Yearbook....

Mirror 67 from the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. Link opens in new browser tab. (added March 24, 2021)


Class History....

Now everything you wanted to know about the IHS Class of 1967 is at your published in the 1967 Mirror Class History.


Class Roster....

Class Roster, Officers and Honor Students, as published in the "The Mirror 1967", are available on the 1967 Class Roster page. (added February 20, 2022).


Class Historical Newspaper Articles....

     Newspaper articles about the IHS Class of 1967 (added January 26, 2020)


1967 - Bob Turley Football Historian

The October 2022 cover story featured Ilion Golden Bombers - Ilion Football Team Records - 1908-1912 Bob Turley compiled this Football history and provided a pdf file that can be downloaded too. (added October 18, 2022)


Tom Moreau - HCCC Assistant Coach....

Tom Moreau has been an assistant coach for the Herkimer Generals Baseball team since 2008, adding to his success as a coach in the Mohawk Valley, which has spanned over 30 years. Tom's profile is on the HCCC Coaching Staff web page.(August 9, 2017)


Man, 67, bikes across America to make Ilion High School reunion

Instead of taking a plane, Jim Colburn, of Murrieta, California, biked cross-country for Ilion High School's Class of 1967 reunion. The journey to his sister's home in Ilion took Jim through 11 states, connecting with friends old and new along the way. The reunion is scheduled for July 21 and 22, 2017. (December 20, 2016)


1967 Facebook Public Page and Facebook Public Group Created to share 50th Reunion Plans....

A public facing Facebook Page was created for the Class of 1967 to share Reunion news. see Ilion High Class of 1967, to share Reunion plans. Admins are Melinda Marley, John Michael Mackin, Aileen (Carney) Sweeney.(Feb 11, 2017)

A public facing Facebook Group was created for the Class of 1967 to share Reunion news. Ilion High School Class Reunion for Class of 1967, to share Reunion plans. Admin was John Michael Mackin.(Feb 11, 2017 - modified August 7, 2023)


50 Year Class Reunion for 1967.....

Event Dates July 21 and 22, 2017

On Friday, there is a plan for us to get together downstairs at the Elks Club at 7:30 or after the Doo-Dah parade for some refreshments and laughs.

On Saturday morning at 11 AM a tour of the merged Central Valley Academy can be arranged if there is an interest. We will be able to see the growth and renovations that have taken place in the last 50 years.

For Saturday Night, we have planned a "casual" dinner dance at the Waterfront Grille Terminal Building and Gazebo in Herkimer. This will feature a cocktail hour from 6 to 7 PM followed by a buffet dinner. There will be a cash bar. We will later be able to enjoy and reminisce to the music played by none other than the "Boss V".

Tickets for this event will be:
Friday at the Elks is free (cash bar)
Saturday at the Waterfront Grille Terminal Building is $30 per person.

Checks can be made payable to: IHS Class of '67 and sent to:
Nancy Curley (Collea)
88 S. Third Ave.
Ilion, NY 13357

We ask that reservations be made ahead of time and would like to have responses by July 1st. We may not be able to locate everyone. Please notify your friends from our class.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call Nancy Curley at (315) 868-2426 or email Bob Turley at or check the Ilion Alumni website.

Download the Class Reunion Notification letter, in PDF format, to print out and mail back the reunion reservation. The document also contains a list, with phone numbers, of near-by hotels/motels. (Feb 11, 2017)


50 Year Class Reunion - Help Find Classmates.....

Class of 1967 List - Members Missing Postal Contact Information

Baker, Elaine Billings
Bedworth, Sharon
Bremer, Sharon
Sweeney, Christine
Cheesebrough, David
Coleman, Donna
Deller, Linda
Eller, Christopher
Hammond, David
Hanson, Joyce
Kencharek, Wayne
LaRose, Thomas
Lawrence, Carol
Maurice, Kathleen
Miller,John (Jack)
Neuman, Mary
Ortleib, William
Paragi, Sandy Lind
Patrei, Arthur
Purple, Leslie
Spencer, Florence
Squires, Michael
Streeter, Sherry Ann Mahoney
VanSickle, Edward
Whittaker, John
Geutskens, Maryke - Foreign ExchangeStudent

(Feb 11, 2017)


Ron Sterling, founder of the Holly Days ....

"Ron Sterling, founder of the Holly Days toy giveaway passed away Feb. 26, leaving a hole in the community." The web site The Valley Side article titled Valley mourns loss reported the history of Ron's 27 years as head of the Holly Days Christmas for Children, Inc. The toy giveaway program collected $50,000 in toys that were given away to 1,500 children. (March 13, 2016)


'The Mersey Side V' - 50th Anniversary Tour....

Join classmate Gary Rigo with Rick DeJohn IHS 1969, Bruce Ward, Bill Mirgo and Rick Short as they kick of the 50th Anniversary Tour of band, The Mersey Side 5. (May 31, 2015)

When: Saturday June 6
Where: Silverado Inn, Herkimer
Cost: $5 cover


Class of '67 Update for 60th Birthday Party 2009....!

"Our "60th Birthday Bash" will be Saturday, July 18th @ 8 p.m. downstairs in the K of C, in Ilion. There will be a cash bar. Come join us for a night of fun and visit with old friends. Non-alcoholic punch and snacks will be provided, and if you feel like dancing, then the Boss Five will be playing upstairs for a fee. Come for a couple of hours, or stay for the evening! If you have any questions, then please contact me @ or classmates can call 315 894-4818. Tell your friends casual attire! Hope to see several of you!" - Nancy Collea Curley (July 11, 2009)


Class of '67 Update for 40th Class Reunion!

"Thanks to those who both attended and helped put together 'the best' class reunion yet! We had approximately 60 classmates that attended the weekend events. If you missed the reunion, plans are underway for our "60th birthday party" in July '09. More news will follow as we make the plans... " - Nancy Collea Curley (modified Aug 10, 2007)


Class of 1967 - 40 Year Reunion Plans

Attention Class of 1967... plans are underway for our 40th class reunion. Please set aside the following dates to come back to Ilion: July 20, 2007 (Friday) and July 21, 2007 (Sat.).

Friday Evening - Informal Get Together at Elks Club at 8pm or after the Doo-Dah Parade

Saturday Morning 11 am - Tour of the high school

Saturday Evening - 6pm - Dinner Dance at Knights of Columbus (Cocktail hour 6-7 followed by buffet dinner.) Cash Bar. Dance to the 'Boss V'

Tickets for this event are $10/person for Friday night $25/person for Saturday night or $30/person if purchased together.

Respond by July 3 and checks can be made payable to:IHS Class of 1967 and sent to Nancy (Collea) Curley 10 Hillside Place, Ilion, NY 13357.

These classmates could not be located: Barbara Argersinger Golden, Marsha Davidson Lyons, Mark Cagwin, Linda Harter LaMarche, Joyce Hansen, Florence Spencer, Mary Elain Neuman, Marijke Geutskens (foreign exchange student)

If you are interested in helping out, buying stamps to send out the invitations, or making a monetary donation, please send them to Nancy (Collea) Curley (checks to be made out to: "IHS Class of 1967". WE ARE OUT OF FUNDS AND NEED YOUR HELP! My address is 10 Hillside Place, Ilion, NY 13357. More news to follow as plans are made... Thanks and hope to see you there! (modified May 24, 2007)


Ilion Days 2003 Reunion Held.....

Class Reunions for the classes of 1953 (50th), 1958 (45th) and 1968 (35th) were held the weekend of the July 25 - 27. These reunions coincided with Ilion Days and the Alumni JamFest 2003. Working in conjunction with The Ilion Days Committee, were the Special Events Committee and members of the Ilion High School Class of 1968, who wanted their 35th reunion to coincide with Ilion Days and a Jam Fest music event. The events committee scheduled the Jam Fest for Friday, July 25, following the annual Doo-Dah Parade, which got under way at 6:30 p.m. from Remington Arms. Information on the event was provided by Linda (Pugh) Whittemore. Music was provided from 8 to 9:30 p.m. by Boss V, the 2002 Mega Reunion band. The band also played from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Ilion Elks. The Steve Rigo Band played outside from 9:30 to 11 p.m. Disc jockey Ron Clive was at the Knights of Columbus on Saturday from 2-4 p.m. and Dale Edwards performed in the evening at the Marine Corps League. Classmates met from 8-11 a.m. Sunday for breakfast at the Masonic Home on Otsego Street.

"The Special Events Committee joined us to bring back some of the memories of last year's Mega-reunion," Whittemore said. "It was an exciting experience and we wanted to do it again this year and invite all former Ilion High School students to join us."

The committee will sponsored tours of the high school from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., July 26, and raffled a "travel package" that included a voucher from Liberty Travel, good for any travel, committee chairman Dick Bly said. Only 1,000 tickets at $5 each were sold by local merchants and at the village offices.

The raffle and a donation booth set at the mall during Ilion Days helped fund several projects the committee planned, including erecting a memorial to deceased classmates in the school's new courtyard, the Veteran's Memorial Auditorium Project at the municipal building and the committee's efforts to save the Ilion Pool. (modified June 16, 2004)


Don Ablin Inducted ....

On October 21, 2000, Ilion's Don Albin was inducted to Oneonta State's Athletic Hall of Fame. Don was one of the top baseball players while an undergraduate. He was a district all-star during his last two seasons and went on to pitch for seven years in the Montreal Expos farm system. (March 26, 2001)


Bob Turley Inducted ....

Section III Wrestling inducted Bob Turley into its Hall of Fame. Mr. Turley, Ilion's athletic director, was inducted along with former Whitesboro coach Jerry LaMonica. Bob and Jerry became the 35th and 36th inductees joining an impressive list of coaches in the wrestling hall. The Golden Bombers won almost 75 percent of their matches during the 22 years that Bob was their wrestling coach. He led Ilion to one Class B championship, 12 league titles, and had two wrestlers achieve 100 wins in their career (Jeff Noll and Tim Hyer). He finished with 208 career wins. Seven Golden Bombers reached the Section III finals under his direction with Tim Hyer advancing to the state meet in 1977 and 78. Current Ilion wrestling coach, Bob Bush, presented Mr. Turley with the plaque honoring his achievements. (Feb 26, 2001)


Class of '67 Alumnus Receives Award ....

Donald E. Sterling Jr., past commandant of the Department of New York Marine Corps League, received the Chapel of Four Chaplains Humanitarian award, at the recent state convention. The Legion of Honor award is a public recognition of persons who have rendered selfless service to others. Mr. Sterling is a life member of the Marine Corps League, Military Order of Devil Dogs, and Amvets Post 777. He is a member of the Mohawk American Legion and a recipient of the Loyalty Day Award. He has chaired and organized many Memorial Day parades, ceremonies and dedications, as well as the Desert Storm welcome home committee and parade. He has taught with the post office for five years and spoken to students about service and safety. He participated in many fund-raising efforts. The Chapel of the Four Chaplians award has been presented to presidents, cabinet officers, Congressional members and foreign heads of state. (July 30, 1999)


'The Boss V' - take a trip down memory lane.....

Revisit 60s & 70s bands with some photos provided by Joe Rossi '68. (March 27, 1999)

Band Links and Photos

Retro Band Photos -      Legends      The Corner Store       The Boss V


Condolences on Classmate's Loss....

Sgt. 1st Class Robert J. Mogensen, son of William Mogensen Jr., died Saturday, June 2, 2004 during a mission in Kandahar, Afghanistan, when his Humvee hit a mine. (June 16, 2004)



Arthur L. Patrei, IHS 1967, age 74 of Liverpool, NY passed away Thursday, April 11, 2024. Arthur was born in Ilion, NY on July 20, 1949, the son of the late Louis and Viola Patrei. He graduated from Ilion Central High School in 1967 and was a player on the varsity football team. He continued his education attending Albany Business College and Southern New Hampshire University, receiving a BA in business in 1971. After college, Art was employed at Marine Midland Bank in Syracuse, NY and eventually retired as an award-winning Regional Sales Manager for Primus, a division of Ford Motor Credit. After moving to Canastota, NY, Art was a Pop Warner football coach and was part of a Championship team. Art then became a high school football official. He continued to share his love of the sport with the youth of the community. It wasn't uncommon to see Art gathering the local kids for a weekend game in the snow. He had great appreciation and knowledge of the game. Art was a big fan of Syracuse University sports, especially football. From the NFL draft to the end of the season, he was an expert and loved all aspects of the game. Art enjoyed spending time with his family most, and always had a way to make them laugh. He loved his grandchildren dearly and was very proud of their accomplishments. His love, strength, advice and encouragement always motivated his children and grandchildren to succeed. Arthur will be greatly missed by all that knew and loved him. He is predeceased by his parents, Louis and Viola Patrei, brother, Samuel Patrei, and in-laws, William and Marian Howard. Arthur was previously married to the former Priscilla Byrnes of Ilion, NY. Arthur is survived by his wife, Karen, two daughters; Janine (Michael) Fitzgerald of Binghamton and Kassi (Derik) Tolone of Ridgeland, SC. his son, Ryan (Gina) Patrei of Rochester, his beloved grandchildren; Grace Fitzgerald, Maggie Fitzgerald, Ryan Samuel Patrei and Jake Patrei, his favorite dogs, Maggie and Rocky, a brother, Louis (Suzanne) Patrei of Clinton, NY and several nieces and nephews. A Mass of Christian burial will be celebrated on Saturday, June 1, 2024, at 11:00 am at Pope John Paul XXIII Roman Catholic Church, 8290 Soule Road, Liverpool, NY 13090. The Rite of Committal and burial will be held privately at the convenience of the family. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of Maurer Funeral Home Moyers Corners, Baldwinsville, NY. Please sign the Maurer Funeral Home on-line guest book for Arthur at to express your condolences to his family. (May 11, 2024)


Douglas DeRosia, IHS 1967, was born July 31st 1948 in Albany New York to Minerva Wood and Myron DeRosia. He had 3 siblings and moved to California to live with his mother and step-father until he was 12, at which time he moved to rural New York to live with his grandparents. He graduated Ilion High School in 1967 where he went by the nickname 'Bucky' and was known by many as a "real swell lad." After high school, he joined the United States Air Force where he was a student leader and became a Sergeant. He served from 1967-1971 and was an Air Traffic Control Radar Repairman in Turkey and Greenland with the 2861 GEEIA Squadron Radar Unit. He was honorably discharged after showing excellent performance on October 26th, 1971. His first college education began at Herkimer County Community College where he obtained an Associate of Applied Science Degree in 1979. He finished his education at Syracuse University of Utica with a Bachelors in Science Degree and notable mention on the Dean's List on August 26th, 1983. As a young man he dated and subsequently married the love of his life Carol Randt on August 4th 1974 with whom he had 2 children by: Steven Greggory born 1977 and Sandra Ann born 1983. Douglas and Carol were married for 35 years until Carol passed away in 2009. Douglas had a successful career in the tech industry starting as a nighttime stock boy during college in 1974 at Mohawk Data Sciences in Herkimer, NY and eventually ended his career as VP at Dothill Systems when he retired in 2010. He worked his way up from Stock Attendant to Dispatcher to Planner to Senior Test Engineer to Manager of Software Quality Assurance all while taking college courses full-time. He was well-liked and respected by his peers although too modest to admit it. In 1987 he moved to Utah near Salt Lake City to work for Beehive International. Then in 1988 he moved to Longmont, Colorado and began his time at McData Corporation in Broomfield, Colorado where he worked for 17 years as Senior Director of Engineering Services and Operations and Senior Director of Product Test and Integration until 2005. He had a brief stint at Crosswalk as Director of Quality in Broomfield, Colorado for 1.5 years before finishing his lifelong career at Dothill Systems in Longmont, Colorado as Vice President of Program Management when he retired at the beginning of 2010. After his retirement he enjoyed spending time with his children Alice and Sandra, his son-in-law Brian, his granddaughter Lily and the family dog Schmoop. He enjoyed reading, houseplants, national and state parks, computers, photography, car shows and he was proudest of his family. He is survived by his children: Alice DeRosia, Sandra DeRosia, her spouse: Brian Matsunaga, and his grandchild Lily Matsunaga. He was greatly loved and will be greatly missed.. (September 13, 2023)


Christine Marie (Forbes) Arno, IHS 1967 - It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Christine Marie Arno of Ilion, NY, born in Philadelphia, PA. She passed away on July 21, 2023 at the age of 74. Christine worked for the Herkimer County Department of Social Services for 35 years. She rose through the adversity of life and placed her children above all things. Her passions included cooking for her family and caring for the neighborhood stray cats, birds and squirrels. She is predeceased by her parents, John and Rose Forbes, and her sister, Janice Burling. She is survived by her children, Cynthia (Tedd) Couchman of Cleveland, TN and Jeffrey (Leslie) Arno of Nassau, NY; her siblings, Jack (Jane) Forbes and (Tom) Marybeth Harter; her brother in law, Jamie Burling; her brother and sister in law, Robert and Nancy Arno; grandchildren, Thadd Couchman, Samantha Couchman, Hailey Couchman, Kylee Arno, Bryce Arno and Cole Arno; great-grandchildren, Braiden and Grayson; and several nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. A service will be held privately at the convenience of her family at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St. Ilion, NY 13357. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating in Christine's memory to Herkimer County Humane Society, 514 NY-5S, Mohawk, NY 13407. To leave condolences for Christine's family, please visit (August 7, 2023)


William "Bill" Momberger, IHS 1967, passed peacefully in his Hillsboro, Oregon residence on July 5th, 2023 at the age of 74. Private Cremation Rites, Hoyt Crematory, Forest Grove, Oregon. Bill was born July 15th, 1948 in Rochester, New York to Shirley June (Burns) Momberger and Paul Momberger. Bill was one of three Momberger children, all boys, the others being Thomas and Robert. In his early years Bill was a plant manager and later in life operated two small business. Bill enjoyed playing tennis with friends as well as watching his children in their sport activities. Bill is survived by his loving wife Linda as well as his three children and nine grandchildren. Bill has also left behind his mother Shirley and brothers Thomas and Robert. Jenny Watts, Josh Momberger and Jacob Momberger are his surviving children and his grandchild are as follows: Alex, Austin, Aiden, Maddie, Cruz, Jagger, Maverick, Braxton and FinnLee. Bill was described as being a gentle soul who everyone loved. He will be missed deeply by everyone who had the opportunity to know him. (July 21, 2023)


Ilion High School Class of 1967 - John Michael 'Mike' Mackin

John Michael Mackin (Mike), IHS 1967, age 73, passed away on Sunday, December 25, 2022 in Jacksonville FL surrounded by his family and friends. Mike was born on June 9,1949, in Ilion, NY, to John and Pauline Mackin. A graduate of Jones College in Jacksonville, Mike began a career in accounting/finance at St. Regis paper company and later at Christ the King Catholic Church. He then transitioned to a career in programming and analysis with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida until his retirement. Mike enjoyed volunteering at his parish church and also serving several other organizations in the community. He is remembered for his warm personality, positive attitude, and maybe most of all, his laugh. Mike loved and absorbed every moment he was able to spend with his family and friends. He appreciated life to its fullest. Mike is survived by his sisters Gail (Jon) and Kathy (William); brother David (Maryann); former wife Nancy; two sons James (former wife Rebecca) and Stephen (Heather); and four granddaughters. A Memorial Service will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, January 6, at Avondale United Methodist Church, 1651 Talbot Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32205 ( Please wear something red to the service to honor Mike with his favorite color. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Mike's name to the Jacksonville Humane Society ( or the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI – Global Polio Eradication Initiative). Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Mackin family. (December 30, 2022)


Benjamin Thomas Fletcher, IHS 1967, age 71 of Winter Garden, Florida, went home to our Lord on December 16, 2020 after a courageous battle with cancer. Benjamin was born on November 4, 1949 in Ilion, New York, the son of Benjamin and Clydia (Hosler) Fletcher. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1967 and joined the US Navy. Benjamin proudly served his country aboard the USS America, CVA 66. His dedication to service continued as a firefighter, medic and Herkimer county deputy sheriff. He was a volunteer with the town of Colonie Fire Department and later the Van Hornesville Fire Department. He joined the Ilion Fire Department 1978. Affectionately known as "Fletch" and "Benji" he loved his time in the fire service and went on to retire as Deputy Chief of the Ilion Fire Department. Benjamin was also a New York state fire instructor. He earned numerous awards and certifications throughout his career. After retirement, he relocated to Winter Garden, FL and worked in security. He volunteered with the ESL and special needs ministries at church. Benjamin touched countless lives and leaves a legacy of Faith,patriotism and service. A beloved Dad, "Ampa" and friend, he will be missed by all. He is survived by daughter and son-in-law, Tracy and John Main, daughter and son-in-law, Tricia and Ken Claiborne, beloved grandchildren, John Charles Main and Ryleigh Ann Claiborne, as well as brother and sister-in-law John and Bonnie Fletcher, sister Betty Johnson, special friend Karen Kriener and several niece and nephews. A celebration of life will be held January 9, 2021 in Winter Garden, FL with a firefighter service in the summer of 2021 in New York. (December 31, 2020)


Mary E. Crossett, IHS 1967, age 71, of Derry Twp., PA, formerly of Ilion, NY, passed away on August 7, 2020 at her home surrounded by her family. She was born August 6, 1949 in Binghamton, NY, daughter of the late John and Dorothy (Minon) Crossett. After high school, Mary attended and graduated from S.U.N.Y Morrisville, NY and Upper Division College in Utica, NY. She was employed in the field of production and quality assurance management for several large pharmaceutical companies. After retiring, Mary relocated to the Hershey area to be near family and while here she enjoyed volunteering at the Mohler Sr. Center and attending Church of the Holy Spirit in Palmyra. Mary is survived by; sisters, Anne Shadis and Carol Hanna; a brother, Richard (Linda) Crossett as well as many nieces, nephews and cousins. A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday, August 19, 2020 at 10 AM in the Church of the Holy Spirit, 300 West Pine Street, Palmyra. Private interment will be in the Cedarville Cemetery in NY at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial contribution to the Mohler Sr. Center Hershey, 25 Hope Dr., Hershey, PA 17033 or Hospice of Central PA, 1320 Linglestown Rd. Harrisburg, PA 17110. Hoover Funeral Homes & Crematory of Hershey is handling the cremation arrangements. Send condolences via the online guest book at (August 15, 2020)


John W. Wright, IHS 1967, Age 70, of Vandalia, passed away Tuesday, June 18, 2019, at his home surrounded by his wife and children. John was born May 12, 1949 in Ilion, New York, to the late Leonard H. and Vivian (Pat) K. Caygill Wright. John graduated from Ilion High School in Ilion, New York and Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. His time at Miami was incredibly special to him as he made lasting friendships and memories as well as met the woman who would become his wife. His love and pride for Miami never ceased, going back year after year to attend football and hockey games with those very people he met and formed lasting friendships with during his time at Miami as well as visiting his daughter while she attended. After college, John worked to become one of the country's foremost stamp experts traveling around the country dealing in rare stamps and covers. He collected not only stamps & covers, but also a variety of collectibles throughout his life. Besides his passion for historical pieces and the stories they told, he loved his family, his friends, music, golf, Troy Country Club, and fishing. He was a member of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity, the Irish Club, the American Legion, and a variety of Philatelic organizations connected with his work. John is survived by his wife of 43 years, Vicki Wright; sister, Peggy Whipple of Plattsburgh, New York; son, Bryan Wright; daughter, Kendall (Wright) Stanley (Adam Stanley); three grandchildren, Gavin Wright, Lucas Stanley, & Vivian Stanley; and by his extended family and many good friends. The family will host a Celebration of John's life with friends and family from 11:00 am -1:00 p.m., Saturday, July 6, 2019 at the Vandalia United Methodist Church, 200 S. Dixie Dr, Vandalia with Chaplain Rhonda Alderman officiating. There will be a short service immediately following at 1:00 p.m., followed by the committal service and inurnment at Poplar Hill Cemetery, Vandalia. If friends and family desire, contributions may be made in memory of John either to The Hospice of Dayton or another charity of choice. Arrangements entrusted to Morton & Whetstone Funeral Home, Vandalia. (July 4, 2019)


Clinton E. Geer, IHS 1967, Mr. Clinton E. Geer, affectionately known to us as "Clint," passed away at the age of 71, on Thursday, March 14, 2019, in Ilion, NY. It is a comfort to us to know that Clint is at peace and he received wonderful care at The Grand, in Ilion, where the staff treated him and his loved ones like family. He was born on December 30, 1947, in Ilion, a son of the late Walter E. "Gene" and Virginia A. (Parker) Geer. He went to Ballston Spa schools, followed by Utica Free Academy, finally graduating with Ilion High School Class of 1967. He went on to attend Herkimer County Community College. His marriage to Nancy E. Martorano took place, September 2, 1978, at Ilion United Methodist Church. He was a veteran of the United States Army, serving from 1968-1970, during the Vietnam Era; he was a true American Patriot. He was last employed with House of Good Shepherd, New Hartford, as a custodian. He and his wife, Nancy, enjoyed faithfully attending Mohawk Reformed Church together and Clint participated in the Men's Bible Study group, as well as a singer in the church choir. He excelled at bowling, enjoyed racing, was a classic car enthusiast and even was an avid biker, riding both bicycles and motorcycles alike! He was ever-so-family oriented and Clint's dedication to his wife and children was unending. He will be dearly missed and is survived by his beloved family: his wife, of over 40 years, Nancy; his daughters, Bridget Burt and Katherine Tisi and her fiancé, Matthew Heath; his son-in-law, Robert Burt; his grandson, Theo Burt; his sisters and brothers-in-law, Sheila Harp and husband, David and Kay Woodrick and husband, Ed; several nieces, nephews, cousins; and a very special cousin who was like a brother, Ronald Dawley. He was predeceased by his two brothers, Daniel and Earl. Funeral services will be held, Tuesday, March 19, 2019, at 1:00 PM at the Mohawk Reformed Church with Pastor Brian Engle, officiating, assisted by Rev. Greg Harp (Clint's nephew), followed by a luncheon for family and friends, downstairs. Calling hours will be held on Monday, March 18, 2019, from 4 until 7 PM at The Enea & Ciaccia Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Road (Town of Frankfort), Ilion, NY. A spring Graveside Service will be held, with full Military Honors, at a time to be announced at Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion, New York. Those wishing to remember Clint in a special way are asked to consider a donation, in his memory, to the Wounded Warrior's Foundation, PO Box 758517, Topeka, Kansas, 66675-8517. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. An online memorial page in honor of Clinton Geer may be visited at All arrangements are in care of Funeral Directors, Harry J. and Kevin E. Enea and Martin L. Ciaccia at (315) 894-8000. (February 7, 2022)


Jean (Goldin) George, IHS 1967, age 68, of Ilion, passed away peacefully at home, on Friday January 5, 2018. Jean was born on January 26, 1949 in Ilion, she was the daughter of the late Maurice and Martina (Warner) Goldin, and she was a 1967 graduate of Ilion Schools and attended Utica Computer and Business Machines. She had various jobs, in the area, throughout her life. Jean was an active member of the Ilion First United Methodist Church and the church choir as well as the UMW. She is survived by her son Thomas of Liverpool NY; two brothers Maurice and his wife LeVeta Goldin of Battlefield MO, and Thomas and his wife Diane Goldin of Ilion; a sister Janet Palmer and her companion Fred Liddle of Otego. She also leaves several nieces and nephews. Funeral services for Jean will be held on Tuesday January 9, 2018 at 5 pm, Rev. Robert Wollaber will officiate. Friends may call on Tuesday from 3 pm until the time of the funeral, at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego St. in Ilion. Interment will be in the spring at Armory Hill Cemetery in Ilion. In lieu of flowers Jean's family ask the memorial donations be made to Morning Star Ministries 36 Second St. Ilion. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. To send an online condolence please go to (January 20, 2018)


Sandra E. Walby, IHS 1967, 67 of Ilion, went home to be with her Lord on Tuesday March 28, 2017 after a long courageous battle with cancer. Sandra was born on November 29, 1949 in Ilion, daughter of the late Donald and Dorothy (Sterling) Walby. She graduated from Ilion High School, class of 1967. She attended MVCC. In 2008 she graduated from the Herkimer County BOCES Practical Nurse Program and became a licensed practical nurse. From 1967 to 72 she was employed as a secretary-receptionist at several companies. She then was a senior ER clerk at Herkimer Hospital, until its closing. She was active in the union, serving as president. Sandie then worked at St. Luke's Hospital as an admissions clerk in the ER. She worked until illness forced her to retire. Sandie served as president of the Mountain View Cemetery Board. Under her leadership many improvements were made. In 2006 Sandie converted to Catholicism. She faithfully attended the Church of the Annunciation in Ilion, where she substituted as a faith formation teacher. A position the brought her great pleasure, as she loved sharing her faith and teaching prayers to "her kids". During Sandie's time of struggle she never questioned "why me". She felt others "had it worse" and was willing to help anyone find medical information to ease their burdens. She felt her faith and others' prayers helped her through trying times. Sandie always had a positive attitude and felt she was truly blessed. Sandra leaves behind a special aunt, Leta Sterling; a sister Donna Smith; three nieces Dana, Denise and Danielle. She also leaves 8 great nieces and nephews as well as several cousins and many friends. Sandie's family would like to thank all of her doctors and nurses at Bassett Health Care for their support and encouragement during her illnesses and treatments. They would also like to thank Ilion Ambulance and the doctors and nurses at Faxton-St. Luke's special care unit, also the love and support shown by her friends Nancy, Deb and Bill. A special thank you to her cousin Becky Way for the care, love and comfort given while Sandie was in St. Luke's. A mass of Christian burial will be celebrated for Sandie on Tuesday April 4, 2017 at 10:30 am the Church of the Annunciation in Ilion, Fr. Paul Catina will officiate. Interment will be in the spring. In keeping with Sandie's wishes there are no calling hours. Arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego St. Ilion, NY. Friends and family may leave an online condolence by going to, they are also asked to please consider memorial donations to; Annunciation Church, St. Jude's Hospital or Friends of Bassett Hospital. Envelopes will be available at church or the funeral home. (April 1, 2017)


Mrs. Gail L. (Lauer) Polus, IHS 1967 age 67, a lifelong Mohawk Valley resident, joined her husband in Heaven on Friday morning, October 14, 2016. She passed peacefully in the privacy and comfort of her home, with the love and support of her family by her bedside. Born on June 18, 1949, Gail was the daughter of the late Arthur and Pauline (Ennis) Lauer. She was raised and educated in Ilion, graduating from Ilion High School. On November 26, 1966, Gail was wed to Mr. Anthony Peter Polus, II, and the two shared in a blessed union of almost 47 years, until Peter's passing on April 22, 2014. This year would have marked their 50th wedding anniversary, and their children take great comfort and joy in the fact that Peter and Gail will be reunited for that occasion, together once again. Gail was steadfast and dedicated to her husband, who was the founder of Fiberdyne Labs in Frankfort, a company which she spent many years with as the Human Resource Manager. Gail was previously employed by Herkimer County Board of Elections; In her younger years, Gail generously served in the snack bar and Hospital Guild of the former Herkimer Hospital and was an avid supporter of the Herkimer County Humane Society to this day. She was a longtime parishioner of the First Presbyterian Church in Ilion, where she also taught Sunday school. Peter and Gail together, as long time Republican supporters, established the Ambassador Club for the Herkimer County Republican Party. Through all of her endeavors, Gail never forgot the importance of family, and her number one priority was always her children and grandchildren. She loved any time spent with them, and was especially fond of travelling to Key West, Florida. She will be dearly missed by those that she leaves behind. Gail is survived by her sons and daughters-in-law, Anthony Peter, III and Shaula Polus, and Chad and Jennifer Polus, her daughter and son-in-law, Heather and Mark Mosny; all of Herkimer; and her grandchildren, Zachary Zaborek, Maxwell Polus, Zachary Polus, Nathaniel Polus, Abigail Polus, Jillian Polus, Alexis Swieton, Justin Swieton, Meara Mosny and Peter Mosny. She also leaves her sister, Gwen Conroy and Bill Gahan of Ilion; her in-laws, James and Noreen Polus and Dean and Carole Ouderkirk; many nieces, nephews, and cousins; a special friend, Mary Bass, and her beloved puppies, Sami and Mandy. She was predeceased by her granddaughter, Bella Polus Mosny, and her sister-in-law, Rosemarie Ouderkirk, and nephew Kelly Ouderkirk. Friends and relatives are invited to attend Gail's visitation, which will be held on Thursday, October 20, 2016 from 4:00PM – 7:00PM at the Enea Family Funeral Home (F.K.A. Holleran Funeral Service) 220 North Washington Street, Herkimer, NY (315) 866-1011. Gail's funeral service and Celebration of Life will commence on Friday morning, Friday, October 21, 2016 at 11:00AM at the First Presbyterian Church, 90 Morgan Street, Ilion, with Rev. Rick Riggles, Pastor, officiating. Procession will follow to Calvary Cemetery where Gail's body will be laid to rest beside her husband. For those wishing to do so, please consider memorial contributions to Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc., 4277 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford, NY 13413 OR to the Herkimer County Humane Society, 514 NY-5s, Mohawk, NY 13407. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. The Polus family wishes to extend their gratitude to the nurses and staff of Hospice and Palliative Care and to Dr. Richard Mills, for the compassion provided to her throughout her last days. Gail's final arrangements have been entrusted to Harry J. and Kevin E. Enea, funeral directors of the Enea Family Funeral Home, (F.K.A. Holleran Funeral Service) 220 North Washington Street, Herkimer, NY (315) 866-1011. (October 22, 2016)


Ron Sterling IHS 1967, 67, of Ilion, NY, passed away peacefully, Friday, February 26, 2016 at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Utica, NY, with his family by his side. Ron was born on October 7, 1948, in Ilion, the son of late Gerald and Betty (Binney) Sterling and graduated from Ilion High School in 1967. He was one of 11 children. On October 6, 1973, he was united in marriage to Debbie (Travis) Sterling, in the town of German Flats. They shared a devoted union of 42 years. Ron was a proud veteran serving his country in the U.S. Marine Corps. He retired from the Evening Telegram as the Circulation Manager. He was also an Ilion Police Officer, Owner of Sterlings Pic-N-Pay, part owner of Sterlings Market, Foreman for Academy Paving Road Construction and worked part time as a Fed-Ex driver. Ron's Legacy will be known best for the Holly Days Christmas For Children, Inc., program. His greatest passion was to make sure that every child had a Merry Christmas. This program was near and dear to his heart. Ron's heart and soul were found in his grandchildren. He loved spending time with them whenever possible. He will be greatly missed by Cayla, Carter, Mika, Jack, Derek, Ryan and Kyle. He will forever be known as "POD". He was an active member of The Rotary Club, American Legion Post 38, Administrator of the Ilion Moose Lodge 1010, and one of the original members of the MCL. Ron also helped orchestrate the annual Veteran's Appreciation Day. Over the years, he has received several local and state awards. Survivors include his beloved wife, Debbie; his Son and Daughter-in-Law, Tony and Hope Sterling of Ilion,NY, his Daughter and Son-in-Law, Kimberly and Robert Pierce of Ilion, NY, his Daughter and Son-in-Law, Kelly and Michael Caporale of Ilion, NY, 7 Grandchildren, 5 Brothers Donald "Donnie" and Patti Sterling of Ilion, Arthur "Ozzie" and Mary Sterling of Ilion, Jack and MJ Sterling of Herkimer, Lee H (Peanut) and Betty Sterling of Ilion, Gerald "Jerry" and Sherry Sterling of Arizona; 2 Sisters, Lillian "Penny" and Claude Nelon of West Virginia and Geraldine "Cheeko" and David "Big D" Pettengill of Ilion; and several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his 3 Sisters, Dorothy "Dody" Hotaling, Christine "Chris" Champion and Catherine "Katy" Trask. The family would like to thank the nursing staff of the CT-ICU at St. Elizabeth Medical Center for their compassion and patience shown during this trying time. We would also like to thank the entire community for their outpouring of well wishes and support. As per Ron's wishes, there will be no formal funeral service or calling hours. A Celebration of his Life will be held at the Ilion Moose Lodge on Sunday, March 6, 2016 beginning at 2pm. Memorial Contributions may be made to; Holly Days Christmas For Children, Inc. PO Box 207, Ilion, NY 13357. Envelopes will also be available at his Celebration at the Ilion Moose Lodge, 302 Barringer Rd. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to family friends Harry J. and Kevin Enea, Funeral Directors of the Enea Family Funeral Home 4309 Acme Road (Town of Frankfort) Ilion, NY (315)-894-8000. To share a memory or send condolences, go to (March 6, 2016)


John Michael 'Mike' Purcell IHS 1967, age 67, a lifelong Ilion resident, passed away peacefully on Sunday, April 12, 2015, at the Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare Center. Born in Ilion on March 27, 1948, Mike was the son of the late John O. Purcell and Anne (Stagg) Purcell Tiel. He also knew the love and support of his stepfather, William Tiel. He attended Ilion schools and was a graduate of Ilion High School. Upon completion of his schooling, Mike went to work and spent the majority of his career as an auto mechanic, most recently with Orion Bus Industries in Oriskany. He also worked for a time alongside his stepfather as a member of a survey team. Mike was a man dedicated to his Catholic faith. He was a member of the Church of the Annunciation in Ilion and a former member of the Pastoral Council. He involved himself in his community through his membership in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge 1444 and was a past member of the United Auto Workers. In his spare time, he enjoyed watching sports and was an avid fan of the NY Yankees. Mike is survived by his sister, Marianne Shepherd Lee and her husband, Francis Lee of Sauquoit, and his family; his brother, Timothy J. Purcell and his wife, Lynne, of Alta Loma, CA; his nephews, Daniel J. Purcell, of CA, Sean Shepherd and Blythe Huestis, of Scottsdale, AZ, Ryan Shepherd and his wife, Nicole, of Buffalo, and Thomas Shepherd and his wife, Bree of Chandler, AZ; his great-niece, Taylor Shepherd; and his great-nephews, Sawyer Shepherd and Keane Shepherd. He also leaves his stepfather, William S. 'Bill'Tiel, of Oneonta; his stepsisters, Lynne Stone and her husband, John, and Mary Thuma and her husband, David; his aunts, H. Elizabeth Stagg, of Syracuse, and Rita Morrison, of Florida; along with numerous cousins in New York, New Jersey and Florida, with special mention of Lori Geise and her husband, Thomas, and Jayne Stagg, all of Ilion, and William Stagg, of Frankfort. It would be remiss not to mention Mike's long time friend, Tom Farnham, of NC, and all of his 'Buds' at JD's Lounge in Ilion. Besides his parents, Mike was predeceased by his brother-in-law, Thomas R. Shepherd, II, and a special cousin, Lindsay Stagg. Friends and relatives are invited to attend Mike's funeral service, which will be held at 8:30AM, Saturday, April 18, 2015, at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's newly reopened home at 102 West St., Ilion, and at 9:30AM from the Church of the Annunciation, where his Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Father Paul Catena, Pastor. Calling hours will be held on Friday evening, April 17, 2015, from 4:00PM -6:00PM at the funeral home at 102 West St., Ilion. Members of the Ilion Elks Lodge 1444 will conduct their ritualistic service at 5:45 from the funeral home. Interment will take place at Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Mike, or add to his online memorial, may visit Memorial contributions may be made to the Ilion Ambulance Fund, Central Fire Station, Ilion, NY 13357 or to the Church of the Annunciation, 109 West St., Ilion, NY 13357. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. Mike's funeral service and supervision were prearranged and entrusted to his family Funeral Director and long time friend, Don Applegate, and Funeral Director, Martin Ciaccia. (April 18, 2015 modified March 20, 2016)


Donald H. Fitch IHS 1967, 65, of Fredericksburg, VA, formerly of Ilion, passed away unexpectedly at home on February 17, 2015. Don was born on October 18, 1949 in Ilion; he was the son of the late Harry and Ethel (Woodard) Fitch. He was a 1967 graduate of Ilion Schools. On August 8, 1971 he married the former Rosa Faga at St. Anthony's Church in Herkimer. In the spring of 1968 Don joined the Army, serving in Vietnam in 1970 and 1971. Don left the Army in 1976, having reached the rank of 1st Sgt. Following his service he was General Manager for many bowling lanes owned by Brunswick Lanes in Corning, Watertown, NY and Lowell, MA. Don then worked for the DOD at Griffiss AFB as the General Manger of the Bowling Alley and then transferred to the Traffic Management Office where he worked until the base closed in 1995; he then transferred to the Traffic Management Office in Quantico MCB in VA, where he retired in 2012. For many years Don was a member of the Ilion Volunteer Fire Dept., the Ilion Moose Lodge and the Ilion VFW. He was an avid golfer and bowler and enjoyed hunting, especially at his brother Bob's camp, where he had time with the boys. Don also enjoyed his yearly trek to the NASCAR race in Watkins Glenn with his family and friends. Don is survived by his wife Rosa; two daughters Michelle Fitch of Herkimer and Susan and her husband Jason Piaquadio of Rotterdam, NY; a son Brian and his wife Amy of Fredericksburg, VA; a beloved granddaughter Isabella Jewel Fitch of Fredericksburg; two brothers Bob and his wife Deb Fitch of Ilion and Larry and his wife Katharina of Newport, NY; a sister Betty Rende of Ilion; his mother in law Natalina Faga of Herkimer; sister-in-law Mary and her husband Rick Tyner of Germantown, MD; two brother in laws Joe and his wife Lina Faga of Naples Italy and Angelo and his wife MaryJane Faga of Nyskayuna, NY. He also leaves his lifelong friends Joe White, Sam DeRocco and Patty Moynihan; as well as several aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews and many friends and his faithful companion Carolina Justice. He is predeceased by his parents, his father-in-law Agostino Faga and lifelong friend Dick Nichols. Funeral services for Don will be held on Monday February 23, 2015 at 7 pm with Deacon James Bower officiating, interment will be in the spring in the Cedarville Cemetery. Friends may call on Monday from 4 pm until the time of the funeral at the Whiter­Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego St. in Ilion, and are asked to consider memorial donation to America's Greatest Heart Run and Walk, envelopes will be available at the funeral home. To send an online condolence please go to www.whiter­ (April 18, 2015)


Frank 'Fran' Carl Plano

Mr. Fran Plano
Everywhere I roam
Over land or sea or foam
You can always hear me singing this song
Show me the way to go home.
-Irving King

Frank 'Fran' Carl Plano IHS 1967, age 63, of Bowling Green, Kentucky entered into Heaven's rest August 21, 2013 at 10:23 a.m. Frank is survived by his wife of 39 years: Linda Plano; his mother: Theresa Plano of Holly Hill, Florida; three daughters: Angela Tavarez and husband Eddie of Brewer, Maine, Melissa Bieber and husband Brad of Holly Springs, North Carolina, and Amanda Plano and Alex McDougall of Santa Monica, California; and two grandchildren: Kaitlyn and Antonio Tavarez. He was preceded in death by his father: Carl Plano and his daughter: Tiffany Sue Plano. A native of upstate New York, Frank was the son of Theresa and Carl Plano. Frank dedicated his life to teaching and helping others. A high school English teacher for 7 years, Frank then went to work in Human Resources, specializing in training and retired in 2009. Frank loved life (especially retired life!), enjoying golfing, traveling, and spending time with friends and family. He taught all his children and friends, old and new, to embrace life with laughter. He will be missed greatly as a husband, a father, a son, a grandfather, and a dear friend. Celebrate with us as we honor Frank on August 31 at 4 p.m. in the Spirit Hall of Holy Spirit Catholic Church. In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations to be made to Hosparus-Barren River of Bowling Green in Frank's memory. (Sept 1, 2013)


Donald W. Tennant IHS 1967, 63 of Jones Rd. passed away on Thursday October 4, 2012 at his home. Don was born on September 24, 1949 in Ilion the son of Donald Q. and Therese (Paro) Tennant. He was a graduate of Ilion High School. On June 27, 1970 Don married the former Deborah Sweeney at Annunciation Church in Ilion. Don worked as a cook from a young age, he retired from Herkimer County in August. He was a member of Annunciation Church in Ilion and enjoyed sports, especially the NY Giants. Don is survived by his wife Debbie; a son and daughter in law Matthew and Peggy Tennant and their children Zachary and Alexis of West Winfield; a daughter and son in law Stephanie and Stanley Malinowski and their son Samuel of Ilion; his mother Therese Heath of Ilion; sisters and brothers in law Beverly and Ray Bentz of Ilion and Mary and Bill Warner of West Winfield. He is pre deceased by his father Donald and a sister Judith Stannard. In keeping with Don's wishes there are no calling hours and funeral services will be private at the convenience of the family. Friends and family are asked to consider memorial donations to one's favorite charity. Arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. 100 Otsego St. in Ilion. On line condolences may be sent by going to (Oct 14, 2012)


Barbara Dawson IHS 1967, age 60, of Bellinger Street, passed away peacefully, Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010, in Folts Homes. Barbara was born on Dec. 9, 1949, in Ilion a daughter of the late Clifford and Virginia Voelkle Dawson. She was raised and educated in Ilion and graduating from Ilion High School then attending Herkimer County Community College. At one time she worked for Univac in Utica as a computer operator.She was a member of the First United Methodist Church Herkimer and Little Falls and for six years ran the Four Dollar Boutique at the church. Barbara was always concerned that others have the necessary clothing, especially during the cold winter months. It gave her great pleasure knowing she could provide these items, and by using her unique fashion sense she could pick the perfect outfit. Barbara had a wonderful network of friends who helped her when needed. She was a friend to many and will never be forgotten. Surviving her two brothers, Ronald Dawson and his wife, Audrey, of Burnt Hills, and Jack Dawson and his wife, Sandra, of Akron, Ohio; a sister, Dianne Petronis and her husband, William, of Burnt Hills; a stepbrother, Orville Eckler, of Chaumont; three stepsisters, Shirley Jones, of West Winfield, Pat Quinlan, of Morgan, Utah, and Georgine Ehmann, of Rochester; and four nieces, Mandy Petronis, of Zephyr Hills, Fla., Jenny Petronis, of Saratoga Springs, Alison Dawson, of Fredericks, Md., and Sherry VanderGast, of Kintersville, Pa. A memorial service celebrating Barbara's life will be on Saturday, Nov. 6, at 11 a.m. in the First United Methodist Church of Herkimer and Little Falls with the Reverend Janet Gleason officiating. Expressions of sympathy may be made with memorial donations to the Herkimer Salvation Army. Funeral arrangements are with Fenner Funeral Home, Inc., 115 Court St., Herkimer. (Dec 11, 2010)


Linda M.(Peters) Seiselmyer IHS 1967 54 of 4 Harriett Ave., Ilion, died Sunday, Sept. 15, 2002, at home after a long illness, with her family by her side. She was born July 28, 1948, in Ilion. She was the daughter of Francis and Viola (Perry) Peters. Linda was a 1967 graduate of Ilion Jr. Sr. High School. She was also a graduate of Herkimer County Community College. Linda was a legal secretary for O'Donnell and O'Donnell Attorneys at Law of Herkimer for 17 years. She attended the Church of Annunciation and enjoyed gardening and crafts. Survivors including her parents, Francis and Viola Peters of Ilion; her son, John Seiselmyer and his wife Patty of Clinton; her sister and brother-in-law, Sharon and Stephen Martin of Ilion; her grandson Trevor; two nieces, Tina Vance and Shannon Loomis both of Ilion; and a very special nephew, Charles Humphreville of Litchfield; three great-nephews, one great-niece; several cousins and very special friends and neighbors, Jen Iglesias and her family. Thank you for being there and for all the help and support you gave while Linda was ill Funeral services will be held 12:15 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion, and 1 p.m. at the Church of Annunciation, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Father Joseph Benintende, pastor. Interment will be in Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion. Calling hours are Tuesday, 5-8 p.m. at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home, Ilion. A special thanks to Dr. Razia and her staff for all the care given to Linda during her recent illness. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Caner Society. Donation envelopes are available at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home. (submitted August 9, 2009)


Michael J. Scott IHS 1967 age 59, died Sunday, October 26, 2008, at his home in Knox. Born in Lackawanna, NY, Mike grew up in Ilion, NY, the son of the late William and Lavina Scott. He graduated from Ilion High School in 1967 and Albany State University in 1971 with a degree in accounting. He worked for the State of New York for 30 years, retiring in 2004. Mike was an avid environmentalist and conservationist. He loved his land, his community and especially his children, his family and his friends. He was predeceased by his beloved wife, Faye Anne Scott, in 2000. Survivors include his children, Emma and Charlie Scott; his sister, Mary Lois Scott Marotta, of Tallahassee, FL; his nieces, Sarah Marotta, of Orlando, and Danielle, Nicole and Michelle Sommers; his nephews, Michael (Denisha) Marotta, of St. Petersburg, and Jeremiah Sommers; his brother-in-law, Dennis Sommers; and many cousins. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Thursday at 10 a.m. at St. Lucy's Church, Grand St., Altamont. Friends may call on Wednesday (today) from 4-8 p.m. at the Fredendall Funeral Home, 199 Main St., Altamont. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, Berne. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Community Hospice of Albany, 445 New Karner Road, Albany, NY 12205 or to the local animal shelter of one's choice. (Nov 1, 2008)


Roy Bachman IHS 1967, of San Diego Calif., passed away on Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008, after a battle with cancer. He was 58 years old and the son of LeRoy and Joyce Backman, formerly of Ilion. Roy was predeceased by his father, LeRoy and his sister Sharon. He leaves behind his mother Joyce "Muzz;" his brothers and sisters, Judy, Gary, Linda, June and Jon and their familes. He also leaves his children, Heather and Brandon and their children Talia, Jayden, Joslyn and Jeremiah. He leaves many brothers and sisters-in-law as well as nieces and nephews and friends who all loved him very much. We would like to thank the San Diego Hospice group who gave such good care to him. Please direct any contributions to your local Hospice in Roy's memory. Thank you. The Backman Family. (Mar 7, 2008)


Carl L. Woolver IHS 1967, 58, of 214 Dise Road, Little Falls, passed away unexpectedly of natural causes on Saturday, Oct. 20, 2007, while hunting in the town of Ohio. He was born on Jan. 17, 1949, in Oneonta, the son of the late Ernest and Helen (Wood) Woolver Jr. He was a graduate of Ilion High School and attended SUNY- Morrisville. He was united in marriage to the former Scarlett A. Walo on May 31, 1984, at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Little Falls. An avid hunter, fisherman and outdoorsman having gathered many big game trophies from his may hours spent in the woods doing what he enjoyed most. He was a member of the National Rifle Association, NYS Snowmobilers Association, Salisbury Ridge Runners, Little Falls Municipal Golf Course and a long time NASCAR Fan, who enjoyed traveling to races several times a year. Mr. Woolver was the owner and operator of Carl's Citgo Service Station, Main Street, Little Falls. He is survived by his wife Scarlett; three sons, Jason M. Woolver, Rochester, Jeremy Woolver, Oklahoma and Jason A. Woolver and his wife Joette, Rome; his daughter, Jennifer Thompson and her husband James, Edison, N.J.; his sister, Carol Turkett and her husband Doug, Rochester; two stepbrothers, James Wilkins, Rochester and Lee Woolver and his wife Brenda, Johnstown; a stepsister, Deanna Fischer and her husband William, Ilion; a brother-in-law, Michael Walo, Irvine, Calif.; three grandchildren, Abby, Will and Jack Thompson and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007, at 10 a.m. from the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 512 E. Gansevoort St., Little Falls. Interment will take place in Holy Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Little Falls. Relatives and friends are invited to pay their respects at the Chapman-Moser Funeral Home, Inc., 42 N. Ann St., Little Falls, on Tuesday, Oct. 23, from 5-8 p.m. It is the wish of the family that contributions in memory of Mr. Woolver be considered to the Cure Autism Now Foundation, 5455 Wilshire Blvd. 2250, Los Angels, CA 90036. Envelopes are also available at the funeral home for this purpose. (Nov 14, 2007)


Elizabeth A. (Pelletier) Backus IHS 1967, 58, of 519 Doty Drive, Ilion, passed away on Friday, Oct. 26, 2007 at the Abraham House in Utica. She was born March 12, 1949 in Herkimer, N.Y., the daughter of the late Alton and Inita Sexton Pelletier, and received her education in the Ilion Central School system. Elizabeth was employed as a customer service representative with ConMed in Utica and also was employed at Weiser's Jewelers in Herkimer. Elizabeth was a member of the Red Hat Society and enjoyed spending time with her family and friends. Elizabeth is survived by one son and daughter-in-law, Craig and Gail Backus of Redford, Mich.; one daughter and son-in-law, Jennifer and Conrad Bottorff of Ilion; two brothers, William Pellitier of Brewster, N.Y. and Robert Pellitier of Naugatuck, Conn.; and two grandchildren, Timothy Eric Farmer, Jr. and Nathanial Craig Backus, as well as several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held on Monday, Oct. 29 at 11 a.m. from the Ilion Presbyterian Church, with Rev. Victor McKusick officiating. Interment to follow at the Fort Plain Cemetery. Friends may call on Sunday, Oct. 28 from 4-7 p.m. at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Inc., 100 Otsego St., Ilion. Friends are asked to consider memorials in Elizabeth's memory to the Abraham House. Envelopes are available at the funeral home. Online condolences may be left by going to (Oct 30, 2007)


Karen A. (Warner) Shaut IHS 1967, age 59, of High Street, a lifelong Ilion resident, passed away at home Friday, Sept. 7, 2007, following a long illness. Karen was born June 3, 1948, at Mohawk Valley General Hospital, Ilion, daughter of the late John and Nona (Reyome) Warner. She attended Ilion schools and was a graduate of Ilion High School "Class of 1967." Following high school, Karen was enrolled in Stewardess training for the airlines in California. At one time she was married to William E. "Bill" Shaut, the father of her two daughters. Karen and Bill remained close till the end. He was her best friend and confidant. Karen was last employed by X-Tra Mart on West Main Street in Ilion. Prior to that she was a longtime employee of Dave Cramer's Video Plus, and at one time worked at Fay's Drug store in Ilion. Karen was an avid reader, loved gardening, was an excellent baker and a fan of the Kansas City Chiefs and New York Giants, and was affectionately known as 'Ma Shaut' to her daughter's friends. She was a dedicated and devoted mother and grandmother whose life was centered around her loved ones. She will be dearly missed by those she touched. Survivors include her beloved daughters, Victoria L. "Vicki" Alexander and her significant other Tim Hagan, both of Ilion, and Kristin M. "Krissy" Matthews and her husband Christopher "Gwee" of Ilion; her cherished granddaughter, Abigail Victoria "Abby" Matthews; two brothers, John M. Warner and his wife Patricia of Ilion, and Daniel S. Warner and his significant other Robin, both of Ilion; a special aunt, Martha Wengert of Mohawk; her best friend and father of "her girls," Bill Shaut of Ilion; several nieces, nephews, cousins and many dear friends. She was predeceased by her parents and her aunt and uncle Jack and Rusty Reyome. Family and friends are invited to visitation Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2007, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion. A celebration of her life will be held Wednesday commencing at 1 p.m. at the funeral home following visitation, with the Rev. Robert Wollaber of Morningstar Ministries conducting the funeral service. Procession to St. Agnes Cemetery for her interment on the Warner lot will follow the service. Karen's family would like to thank Dr. Dwyer, Cara and Michelle at Bassett Cancer Center, Herkimer, for their kindness and care during her illness. Those wishing to do so may consider memorial contributions in Karen's memory to the Bassett Cancer Center. Donation envelopes will be available at the funeral home. (Sept 11, 2007)


Anne Doolen Tanguay IHS 1967, 56 of 72 Spruce St., Ilion, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 4, 2006, at St. Luke's Hospital in Utica after a long illness. Anne was born on June 8, 1949, in Utica, the daughter of the late Owen E. and Betty (Williams) Doolen. Anne was a graduate of Ilion High School and was employed by Duofold for many years in the accounting department. Anne leaves behind her six cherished sisters, Mrs. Joseph (Bonnie) Pettograsso of Guilderland, Mrs. Richard (Ida) Akullian of Guilderland, Betty Mae Pye of Ilion, Mrs. Lance (Linda) Crisman of Ilion, Mrs. Douglas (Darlene) Bauer of Guilderland and Mrs. Richard (Deborah) Stacks of Apollo Beach, Fla. She is also survived by several nieces and nephews. Anne was predeceased by her loving husband, Rosaire Tanguay, in October of 2001. Anne's family will receive relatives and friends on Friday, June 9, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St., Ilion. Anne's funeral service will follow at 1:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in Ilion, with the Rev. Kristine Jane Jensen officiating. Interment will follow in the Mohawk Cemetery. Friends have been asked to consider memorial donations in Anne's memory to the Dialysis Center at Little Falls Hospital, the Ilion Ambulance, or the Herkimer County Humane Society. (September 7, 2006)


Robert A. (Bob) List IHS 1967, age 51, East Herkimer, passed away peacefully after a long illness on Friday, April 6, 2001, at his home with his family by his side. He was born Sept. 19, 1949 in Ilion, the son of the late Arthur and Mary (Emerson) List. Bob was a graduate of Ilion High School and also graduated from Mohawk Valley Community College as an Engineering Technician. For many years, Bob was a resident of the Herkimer area. He was first married to Brenda Hooley in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1972. While married to Brenda, the couple had two sons. He was later married to Michelle Dintruff on Sept. 12, 1981 at Big Moose Chapel in Eagle Bay by the Rev. George Greene. Mr. List was a United States Army veteran, enlisting on Nov. 4, 1970 and was honorably discharged on May 9, 1972, with the rank of specialist 4 in the Military Police. For 30 years, Bob was Road and Bridge Construction Engineer for the New York State Department of Transportation in Utica. With family his foremost priority, he proved himself as a loving husband, father and grandfather. As an avid sportsman, Bob loved fishing and golf, but what he found most enjoyable was ice skating. In his leisure he enjoyed the time spent at his camp on Third Lake. Survivors include his wife of 19 years, Michelle, three sons; Keith List and wife Gina of Utah, Scott List and wife Frances of Utah and Karl List of East Herkimer; and two grandchildren, Paige and Erica List. He was predeceased by a brother, Michael List, in 1969. A memorial service will be held on Monday, April 9, 2001 at 7 p.m. from the Holleran-Enea Funeral Home, 220 N. Washington St., Herkimer, with the Rev. William Otis of the First United Methodist Church of Herkimer officiating. All memorial contributions may be made to the Sue Campagna Hospice of Herkimer County. Envelopes will be available at the funeral home. (April 10, 2001)


Ann M. Acquaviva-Nasca IHS 1967, age 51, of Fulton, died Monday, Aug. 14 2000 at Oswego Hospital after a long illness. A native of Fort Collins, Colo., Mrs. Acquaviva-Nasca had resided in Fulton for 25 years. She was a G.E.D. Educator in the Fulton Consolidated School System, Fulton. She was a communicant of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Fulton. She was a past president of the Fulton Kiwanis Club. She was a graduate of Ilion High School class of 1967 and S.U.N.Y. Oswego, where she received her B.S. degree in Education. She was a member of the N.Y.S. Teacher's Association. She was predeceased by her father, Nicholas Acquaviva, who died in 1967. Surviving are a son, Charles J. Nasca III, of Fulton; her mother, Margaret Acquaviva of Fulton; four sisters, Mary Clark, Joan Dean, Catherine Acquaviva, and Peggy Acquaviva, all of Fulton; five brothers, Nicholas Acquaviva of Liverpool, Thomas Acquaviva of Middleburg Heights, Ohio, John Acquaviva of Land O Lakes, Fla., and Arthur Acquaviva and Patrick Acquaviva, both of Fulton; and several nieces and nephews. Services were held Thursday at Foster Funeral Home, Fulton and at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Fulton. Burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery, Fulton. Contributions may be made to the Fulton Kiwanis Club, c/o Jim Schreck, Nestle Company, 555 S. Fourth St., Fulton, N.Y. 13069.(Jan 13, 2001)


Elaine (Ferguson) Ladd IHS 1967 lost her battle with cancer on August 13, 1998. (July 12, 1999)


Golden Bombers Buzz WebSite.....

Keith Edwards, IHS 1967, entertainer, email, Sebring, FL, re-registered. (December 16, 2016)

Dennis Staskus, Sales, email, from Clearwater, Fl, registered. (Jun 23, 2015)

David "Zig" Steele, retired, email, from Pahoa, Hawaii, re-registered. (Nov 13, 2013)

Jack Miller, retired, from Sun Prairie, WI email, re-registered. (March 26, 2013)

John Sweeney, retired, email, from Newport, NY, re-registered. (Dec 13, 2012)

"I am enjoying my retirement from Remington Arms as of May 31st 2012 with 40yrs 8mos and 15days,but who was counting."

Tom Fletcher, from Winter Garden, FL email, sent news. (Feb 20, 2012)

"Retired a Deputy Chief from Ilion Fire Department after 25 years. Now a happy resident of Fla. recovering from heart surgery."

Jack Miller, from Sun Prairie, WI email, sent news. (April 26, 2011)

"Four years since kidney transplant, Sandy is very healthy and leads a vigorous, normal life. We are retiring to Wisconsin in June 2011 to be near our children and four grandchildren. I've played plenty of golf during our years in Kentucky. Fran Plano is a mere 75 miles south. We see each other regularly to golf and socialize. Retirement means I'll have to cheer the Packers and Badgers, learn to bowl and drink an awful lot more beer. Have no fear... I can handle it."

Michele Bacon Jeror, Retired, email, The Villages, FL, re-registered. (Nov 28, 2010)

William Mogensen, Semi Retired - USPS / Mail Driver Regional, from Dupont, PA, email, registered.(Aug 29, 2010)

Keith Edwards, email, from Spencer, NC sent news. (Dec 3, 2009)

"While the rest of my classmates are either retired or contemplating retirement, I have embarked on a new career as a Country Vocalist/Guitarist under the name BLUE. Check out my website at and maybe somewhere down the road I will see you at one of my performances."

Terry Baker, Director mortgage banking, email , from Attleboro, MA, registered and sent a tribute to Bob Turley. (Dec 14, 2007)

"Hello. What a nice site. Good job by all involved. Hey, this past June the new athletic facilities were dedicated to Ilion graduate, Class of 67, long time teacher, coach and Athletic Director, Bob Turley. What a great honor for Bob and well deserved. Bob graduated from Springfield College and returned to his alma mater, Ilion, to teach, coach and mentor thousands of Ilion students. Bob has touched so many Ilion graduates in such a positive way. Bob's commitment to the students of Ilion High School is second to no one I have ever encountered. Turl, thanks from all of us who know you and have had the experience to play for you. Much happiness in you and Rory's retirement. Coach Robert Turley, Class of 1967, has left his mark on Ilion High School."

Sandra Loftis Russell, from Andover, NY, email, re-registered. (Aug 10, 2007)

Doug DeRosia, Retired, Longmont, CO, email, re-registered. (Aug 10, 2007)

David Hammond, Land. Architect, Planner email, from Silver Spring, MD re-registered. (Aug 10, 2007)

Barbara Burke Kubota, Elementary Teacher, email, from Belmont, CA registered. (July 2, 2007)

Bill Bracken, parts / warehouse mgr, email, from Waterford, NY, re-registered. (June 27, 2007)

Barbara Keddell Griffin, Accounting Specialist, email, from Ilion, NY, re-registered. (May 11, 2007)

Michael Mackin, Retired, email, from Jacksonville, FL, registered. (May 11,2007)

Vic Norman, retired email, Herkimer, NY, re-registered. (Feb 25, 2007)

Tom Clark, Technical Director, email, from Chattanooga, TN, re-registered. (Dec 14, 2006)

Linda Harter LaMarche, retired, email, from Plattsburgh, NY, re-registered. (Dec 14, 2006)

Phyllis Powell Guido, Semi-Retired, email, Mohawk, NY, re-registered. (Sept 14, 2006)

Donna Compeau Riter, email from Pittsford, NY, re-registered.(July 14, 2006)

Don Dunn from Hendersonville, NC., email, has a new email address. (April 5, 2006)

Sherry Streeter Mahoney , from Utica?, NY, registered. (May 28, 2005)

Christine Miller, semi-retired, wallpaperer/painter, email, from Springfield Center, NY, registered. (April 25, 2005)

Lynn Reynolds, Delivery Willcall Supervisor, email, from N. FT. MYERS, FL, re-registered. (April 3, 2005)

David Chesebrough, Industry Association President, email, from Woodbridge, VA, re-registered. (Feb 20, 2005)

Linda Wright Smelser, Executive Assistant, email, Santee, CA, re-registered. (July 18, 2004)

Donald Albin, Manager, email, Ilion, NY, re-registered. (April 3, 2004)

Bill Ortlieb, Logistics Manager, email, from Charlotte, NC, registered. (July 19, 2003)

Joel McGovern, Warehouse supervisor, from Mohawk, NY, email, re-registered. (April 3, 2003)

Nancye Robertson Seymour, email, from Herkimer, NY, re-registered. (December 8, 2002)

Margaret Slocum Haggerty a teacher from Ilion, NY, email, re-registered in the alumni directory. (October 19, 2002)

Jayne Maxson Becker, email, Macedon, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (October 7, 2002)

Barbara Gardinier Parella, email, from Troy, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (October 5, 2002)

Richard Bly, Ilion, NY, is attending the mega reunion. (September 30, 2002)

Michael Scott, East Berne, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 28, 2002)

Mark Cagwin, email, from New Hartford, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 17, 2002)

Orie (John) Falzareno, email, Ilion, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 17, 2002)

Mary Carney Houlihan, from River Forest, IL, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 4, 2002)

Patricia Trevor Reynolds, email, from Newport, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 4, 2002)

Stephen Reul, email, from Clifton Park, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 21, 2002)

Sandy Paragi Lind, Technical Information Specialist, email, Colorado Springs, CO, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 28, 2002)

Patricia Cirillo Brooks, email, from Lincoln City, OR, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 19, 2002)

Fran Hosel Zaccaria, email, Watauga, TX, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 11, 2002)

Cindy Mead, email, Mohawk, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 7, 2002)

Theresa DeForrest Herms, email, Naples, FL, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 3, 2002)

David Coons, email, Jamesville, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (modified October 8, 2002)

Bob Turley, a teacher, email, from Ilion, NY, re-registered. (July 23, 2002)

Donald "Buddha" Raux, email, from Ballston Lake, NY, re-registered. Visit Donald's Dr. Donald J. Raux, Ph.D., C.P.A., C.G.F.M. Sienna home page (July 15, 2002)

Melinda Marley, email, from Ilion, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (July 13, 2002)

Bill Leach, Engineer, email, from Depew, NY, registered. (July 8, 2002)

"What a wonderful site. Just found it today. Will send address to all my 'kin'. Our family had Ilion graduates in 4 different decades. My 2 sisters (56, 57) my brother (59), me (67), my oldest son (87), daughter (92) and son (93)." (July 8, 2002)

Peter Chapin, Electronic Engineer, email, from Tempe, AZ, registered. (July 5, 2002)

Margaret (Peg) Getman, psychologist, email, from St. Paul, MN, is attending the mega-reunion. (June 12, 2002)

Raymond DeRocco, Administrator, email, Schenectady, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002)

Peter Garlock, Executive - Garlock Printing and Converting Corporation, email, Ashburnham, MA, registered and is attending the mega-reunion. (May 21, 2002)

Joan Withington Wing, email, Boca Raton, FL, sent news and is attending the mega-reunion. (May 12, 2002)

"On May 10th our first granddaughter was born. Emma Madelyn to our youngest daughter Sarah and her husband Jared. Hope everyone is signing up for the mega reunion. If anyone has their old scrapbooks saved or have made new ones to record what has happened since 1967 - bring them along so we can have a blast from the past and catch up on what's happened since." (May 12, 2002)

Christine Bremer Sweeney, email, Fairfax, VT, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002)

Chris O'Connor, email, tried Guess The Grad. (April 2, 2002)

Michael Raymond, email, from Cheshire, CT, submitted the reunion survey. (March 10, 2002)

Donald Greig, email, from Ilion, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form.(March 3, 2002)

Christopher Eller, Teacher, email, Woodstock, VA, registered. (February 18, 2002)

Austin Greene, pipefitter-weldor, email, Kelso, WA, registered. (November 20, 2001)

Beth Campbell Pyle, physical education teacher, email, Decatur, IL, registered. (Nov. 20, 2001)

"I have achieved National Board Certified Teacher status in the area of Early and Middle Childhood Physical Education. It was a yearlong process and required submitting an 80 page portfolio, 2 videos of my teaching, and a 3-hour exam. Although it was a time and energy consuming project, it is one which was very worthwhile and rewarding both personally and professionally."

Deborah Miller Moran, Academic Administrator, email, Castleton, NY, registered. (October 7, 2001)

Christopher Bouck, Director Veterans Service Agency Herkimer County, email, from Dolgeville, Ny, registered in the directory. (Modified Aug 21, 2001)

John Callahan, Supervisor-Ilion Board of Light Comm., email, Ilion, NY, registered. (Feb 27, 2001)

"I just became aware of this site. It is great fun. My youngest daughter, Renee Aimee, was married to Steve Matthews, on July 24, 1999 and are living in Tully, New York. My eldest D.J. and his lovely wife, Gina, are expecting my second grandchild, in April inRutland, Vt. I am a tenured Professor, at Siena, and finally completed my Ph.D. in 1998-that would truly amaze Mr. Dempster and Ms.Ford that helped me set the school record for getting thrown out of class, during my Sophomore year-I guess we all eventually mature. I would love to hear from my class mates and friends."

Joan Withington Wing, a teacher from Boca Raton, FL, email, sent the following news.(updated August 27, 2000)

"Still teaching at Pine Crest School in Ft. Lauderdale FL. Spent 3 weeks on Squam Lake in NH this summer to be near my Dad. Loved the cool weather and the mountains. My hair is so gray they ask me if I need a senior citizen discount. Hope the years have been good to all of you. - Joan

Donald Sterling, Letter Carrier, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (March 1, 1999)

Marsha Davidson Lyons, Music Teacher, email, from Ballston Lake, NY, registered in the directory. (email modified Feb 27, 2002)

Rosemary Hall Yaw, Travel Agent-outside sales, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (February 19, 1999)

"Hi Class of 1967, just found this web site, great idea, now everyone can see what others are up to. Have my own Travel Agency out of my home, went to college for travel in 1994, kinda late, but I did it. Would like to hear from others of the 1967 class that remember me." - Rosemary

Ronald Engell, Supervisor, Remington Arms, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (December 4, 1998)

Debbie Harris, Designer, email, from Ft Lauderdale, FL, registered in the directory. (June 25, 1998)

Gary Rigo, member of the Mersey Side Five, voc counselor/musician, email, from Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (modified December 27, 1998)

C. Jean Maury, Physical Education teacher, email, Ilion, registered in the directory. (modified Nov 20, 2001)

"Memories!!!!! Where are the rest of the class of 1967?" - Jean in the gym

Barbara Keddell Griffin, Banking Rep-AFSA Data Corp, email, Ilion, NY, registered in the directory. (updated August 23, 1998)

"Great site! Always enjoy "checking in" and seeing who-all have signed, so figured it was about time I signed in myself! Moved back to Ilion 6 yr ago after my divorce (14 yr in Beaumont, Texas). Presently working at AFSA in Utica, processing school loans (and no, I can't wipe out anyone's debt to the Dept. of Education!) I have 2 children, a son Daniel (21) still in TX and a daughter Sandra (17) who will graduate from Ilion this yr. I'm still an avid reader and am also a stamp collector. I was too far away to make any class reunion (our last was the yr before I moved back to NY). Would love to hear from some classmates (or a fellow stamp collector)..." Barbara

Judy Bachman Matteson, San Diego, CA, registered in the directory. (March 3, 1998)

John Whittaker, an Engineer, email, from Plymouth, MA, registered in the directory. (modified October 7, 1999)

Jack Wilcox a Criminal Investigator, from Herkimer, NY., email, registered in the alumni directory. (December 9, 1997)

Gail Lauer Polus a Personnel Director, from Herkimer, NY., email, registered in the alumni directory. (December 7, 1997)

Corky Fischer Bull , from Herkimer, NY, email, registered in the alumni directory.(modified October 13, 2001)

Laurel Morrisette, email, is the WINNER in the December Guess the Graduate contest.(December 4, 1997)


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Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

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Modified May 11, 2024