Ilion High SchoolClass of 1966Alumni News
Digitized Class Yearbook....66 Mirror from the New York Heritage digital Ilion Free Public Library Yearbooks collection. Link opens in new browser tab. (added March 24, 2021)
Class History....Now everything you wanted to know about the IHS Class of 1966 is at your published in the 1966 Mirror Class History.
Class Roster....Class Roster, Officers and Honor Students, as published in the "The Mirror 1966", are available on the 1966 Class Roster page. (added February 22, 2022).
Class Historical Newspaper Articles....
1965 - Hosting Mini-Mega Class Reunion for Classes 1963 - 1966IHS Reunion Celebration Classes of 1963 - 1966 Reunion IHS Mini-Mega Reunion - hosted by the Class of 1965 Place: Ilion K of C, Ilion, NY When: Saturday July 20, 2024 Time: 6 - 8 Hot and Cold Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar 8 - 11 Dancing with John Seymour $25 Donation - Please RSVP with check by July 1, 2024 to Jean Maneen 1965 Jean Keddell Maneen, 174 W. State St., Ilion,(315)894-2034 email - (March 9, 2024)
1965 - Charles 'Boots' Day Retiring from BaseballEarlier this year, Boots announced his retirement from professional baseball after 56 years. He will be recognized prior to the Otters game in Evansville, IN., on Friday, August 13, 2021, at 6:30 pm. Friends and former classmates from the Ilion area are encouraged to travel to Evansville and congratulate Boots on his very successful career in professional baseball. Those interested in attending may contact the Evansville Otters ticket office at (812)-435-8686. When calling and reserving tickets, let them know that you are with the group from Ilion. Several members of the Ilion High School's class of 1965 and 1966 have already confirmed they are planning to attend. We hope to see you at the ballpark too. Contact 1966 alumnus Tim O'Connor for details. See the General News page for a link to a YouTube video interview with Boots and TV44.
William Holden, William 'Bill' Fischer and 'Betsy' Morris Klupa - IHS 1966 - Pharmacists
IHS 1966 alumni, William Holden, William 'Bill' Fischer and Anne 'Betsy' Morris, were among the graduates who pursued a career in pharmacy and were featured in the November 2020 Cover Story. Information about their education and careers were published as William Holden - IHS 1966 - Pharmacist and William B. Fischer - IHS 1966 - Pharmacist and Anne Elizabeth 'Betsy' Morris Klupa - IHS 1966 - Pharmacist. (December 2, 2020)
1966 Facebook Public Page Created to share 50th Reunion Plans....A public facing Facebook Group was created for the Class of 1976 to share Reunion ideas/news. see Ilion High School Class of 1966, to share Reunion plans. (March 6, 2016) Thanks to all those who have sent in their reservations for the 50th Reunion. The numbers increase weekly and I am certain there are many more out there who are planning to attend. Reminder that money is due ASAP but no later than June 15th. ($35/person for Friday and Saturday) Breakfast interest is also high and it looks to be a go. We also are still trying to locate the following people:
We have had only a few letters returned but thanks to the internet we were able to track down those people. We cannot assume that all letters were indeed received by a classmate. We have not heard from many of you out there as to your decision to attend. So if you still have the response form and the envelope, I would greatly appreciate it if you could return it to me. To date we have 46 classmates and 27 guests attending and only 8 classmates not attending. There is still plenty of time to make your decision. We hope that you will indeed plan to join us. If you have lost your letter, or have not received one, you may send your payment of $35 per person to Kathy Donahue
no later than June 15th to reserve your place. If you mail a check, please make it payable to IHS Class of 1966. Let me know if you will be attending either/or Friday at the Elks and Saturday at Francesca's, and include the name of your guest. Don't forget to include your contact information. This is the total cost for Friday and Saturday events. (April 16, 2016)
Timothy O'Connor named to CalPoly Engineering Board.....
Timothy O'Connor, P.E. managing partner at O'Connor Program Management LLC, Buffalo, NY and former CEO of Robson Woese Inc. Consulting Engineers was named to the California Polytechnic State University - College of Engineering Industry Advisory Board.
A graduate of California Polytechnic State University in Environmental Engineering, Tim is a 1966 graduate of Ilion High School and Managing Trustee of The O'Connor Engineering Scholarship at Central Valley Academy. Tim and his wife reside in Buffalo, NY. (April 22, 2016)
Ilion Engineers - Timothy O'Connor - LinkedIn Networking Group....Timothy O'Connor, along with Michael Baron, P.E. IHS 2002, recently launched Ilion Engineers. The group is open to engineers and technologists from Ilion, NY by request. Check out Ilion Engineers on LinkedIn Groups. The Ilion Engineers group's purpose is to help members in professional career growth through networking and mentoring. Ilion Engineers also focuses on assisting and mentoring Central Valley Academy students interested in a career in engineering and technology. The group is structured to be accessible to students inquiring about careers, profession specific scholarships and college & university programs. (April 23, 2016)
Ilion Sentinel - 1966 ClassmatesClassmate, Jeff Whittemore's dad Harold Whittemore and many of the articles Mr. Whittemore published in the late 1940s and early 1950s were featured for the June 2015 Cover story. Also included in the story were photos of other classmates that appeared in The Ilion Sentinel newspaper. Read the cover story for all five photographs of 'Our Gang'. (June 26, 2015)
Beginning at Christmas 1948 and annually until they were five years old, The Ilion Sentinel published the story of five babies. The children are members of the IHS Class of 1966 and named 'Our Gang'. "Here are five of Ilion's junior population, posed in the same general positions in which they were photographed one year ago but with their expressions changed from left to right our obliging subjects are Jimmy Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cooper; Sharon Dibble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Dibble, Steve Garnsey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Garnsey; Susan Strife, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Strife and Billie Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fisher. Perhaps typical of Ilion's extremely youthful population are the five boys and girls pictured above, The top photo was taken at, Christmas 1948, and the bottom one just last week, both by Howard Moore." - December 22, 1949.
Bill Burke's 30th Reunion ReportBill shared an email from 1996 that was the reunion report. In the email, he stated "If you didn't make the weekend, you were thought of and as a treat we had 'Black and White Heros' for a snack. I believe I ate 4 or 5." You can find Bill's version of the "Black and White Hero's" recipe on Bill Burke's 30th Reunion Report.
Dr. James Patrei Memorial - Valedictorian and Salutatorian TrophiesTen years ago, the Class of 1966 raised funds to create a special memorial for classmate and Class Valedictorian Dr. James Patrei. The trophies and recipient plaque were presented to the school during the 2002 Ilion Alumni-All Classes/Sesquicentennial Mega-Reunion. Presenting the plaque, during the football game half time ceremony, were Kathleen Carney Donahue, Dave Smithson and Lou Patrei. Each year, the trophies are presented to the hornorees and their names are added to the plaque which contains all the known names of past Valedictorians and Salutatorians. The Class of 2012 recipients are Bobbi Kristina Latray and Tressa Burrello. (May 5, 2012)
Images Courtesy of Ilion Central School District
IHS Combined Reunion Celebration Classes of 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 Reunion
IHS Combined Reunion $15 Donation - Please RSVP with check by June 15th, 2010 '63 Fran Polley Retzloff, 7 Crescent St., Ilion, NY (315)895-763 email
'64 Lesa Decker, Montgomery St., Ilion, NY (315) 894-2358 email
'65 Jean Keddell Maneen, 174 W. State St., Ilion,(315)894-2034 email
'66 Kathy Carney Donahue ,130 S. 5th Ave.,Ilion,NY13357(315)895-7905 email
Jerry Walsh "CakeEater Classic" Memorial Golf Tournament"My Dad, Jerry Walsh, was a 1966 graduate of Ilion High School. Unfortunately, he passed away on August 13, 2008 after a 15 month battle with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). Our family has decided to hold a golf tournament in his memory to benefit ALS of Utica for patient/family care and national research. We invite all Ilion alumni to join us on Sunday May 31 at Hidden Valley Golf Club in Whitesboro. For more information please call Carol Walsh at 894-9115 or email or visit our website at We hope to see as many alumni as possible. It is our hope that we can save other families from experiencing such a painful loss due to this horrible disease." Chris Walsh (May 5, 2009)
"Outstanding Design Industry CEO of the Year Award".....
The 2004 award recipient for the "Outstanding Design Industry CEO of the Year Award" was presented in Las Vegas, NV, to Timothy W. O'Connor, P.E. (IHS 1966), President & CEO of RobsonWoese Inc. Unlike any other national award in the industry, the award's purpose is to identify and provide recognition for outstanding leadership and achievement by a Chief Executive Officer of a design industry firm. Romania 2007 - Student/Faculty Exchange As a result of several trips to Romania, Tim O'Connor, P.E. (IHS - 1966) initiated and led a student and faculty exchange program between the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, and the State University of NY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY. Tim volunteers as an advisor to Dr. Cornelius B. Murphy, SUNY ESF President, to contribute community and industry feedback for policy and curriculum development. (modified March 26, 2009)
1957-58 West Hill School - 4th Grade Picture.....This submitted photo shows members of the class as they appeared in 1956 when they were 4th Graders at West Hill School. (July 18, 2004 - modified March 16, 2014)
Ilion Days Reunion Plans.....Class Reunions for the classes of 1953 (50th), 1958 (45th) and 1968 (35th) will be the weekend of the July 25 - 27. These reunions coincide with Ilion Days and the Alumni JamFest 2003. Working in conjunction with The Ilion Days Committee, is the Special Events Committee and members of the Ilion High School Class of 1968, who wanted their 35th reunion to coincide with Ilion Days and a Jam Fest music event. The events committee scheduled the Jam Fest for Friday, July 25, following the annual Doo-Dah Parade, which gets under way at 6:30 p.m. from Remington Arms. For information on the event, contact Linda Whittemore at 894-6455. Whittemore wants to have classmates meet at the Jam Fest outside Eckerd's Mall where music will be provided from 8 to 9:30 p.m. by Boss V, last year's Mega Reunion band that will also play from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Ilion Elks. The Steve Rigo Band will play outside from 9:30 to 11 p.m. Disc jockey Ron Clive will be at the Knights of Columbus on Saturday from 2-4 p.m. and Dale Edwards will perform in the evening at the Marine Corps League. Classmates will meet from 8-11 a.m. Sunday for breakfast at the Masonic Home on Otsego Street. "The Special Events Committee joined us to bring back some of the memories of last year's Megan reunion," Whittemore said. "It was an exciting experience and we wanted to do it again this year and invite all former Ilion High School students to join us." The committee will sponsor tours of the high school from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., July 26, and will raffle a "travel package" that includes a voucher from Liberty Travel, good for any travel, committee chairman Dick Bly said. Only 1,000 tickets at $5 each will be sold by local merchants and at the village offices. A winner will be drawn prior to the July 27 fireworks. The raffle and a donation booth set at the mall during Ilion Days will help fund several projects the committee has undertaken, including erecting a memorial to deceased classmates in the school's new courtyard, the Veteran's Memorial Auditorium Project at the municipal building and the committee's efforts to save the Ilion Pool. (July 14, 2003)
CondolencesMr. Richard F. Candella, IHS 1966, age 76, of 14 Huyck Avenue, passed away Saturday evening, November 16, 2024, peacefully in his home surrounded by loving family. He was born in Little Falls, New York, on February 14, 1948, the son of the late Frank and Rosemary (Vaniglia) Candella and he attended and graduated from Ilion High School, 'Class of 1966.' Richard went on in life to college, a proud graduate of Clarkson University, the recipient of a bachelor's degree. He was married to Sharon F. Deshaies on June 13, 1970 in the Herkimer Pentecostal Church. He was at one time employed by Mohawk Data Sciences, Fleet Bank, Bank of America, General Electric, and lastly with DFAS, Rome, New York, as a financial analyst. Richard was a Devout member of the New Life Church of Herkimer, where he remained active through the years. He was the treasurer of the church family and was often known to be very computer savvy. Richard is survived by his beloved wife, Sharon F. Candella; his children, Michelle Rife and her husband, Keith, and Kristen Candella; his grandchildren, Devon Candella, Trenton Stickles, Ashton & Colton Smith, Jarred Rife and his fiance Megan, along with his great-grand-kids, Freya Smith, and Jack Smith. He also leaves his sister, Renee Rucinski and her children Amber & Anthony. The family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to the angels of Hospice, particularly Anne and the team of nurses. Funeral Services will be held on Friday, November 22, 2024, at 11:30 a.m., at the New Life Church & Ministry Center, 337 Protection Ave., Herkimer, New York and interment will then be following the service on Friday at Oak Hill Cemetery, Herkimer, where he will be laid to rest. Family and friends may pay their respects at calling hours on Friday, November 22, 2024, from 10:00-11:30 a.m., at the New Life Church & Ministry Center and are invited to attend the Funeral Service to follow and the burial following at the cemetery. Those wishing to donate in Richard's memory may consider the New Life Church & Ministry Center. Envelopes will be available at the calling hours. Funeral arrangements have been entrusted to the Enea Family Funeral Home, 220 North Washington Street, Herkimer, NY (315)866-1011, under the care and guidance of Kevin Enea and Martin Ciaccia, Funeral Directors. Richard's obituary will appear online, and expressions of sympathy for her may be offered by visiting to on the Internet. Arrangements have been entrusted to Enea, Ciaccia, & Applegate Funeral Directors (315) 866-1011. (November 23, 2024)
Barbara Elaine White, IHS 1966, age 76, of Ilion, passed away on Thursday, May 23, 2024 at home, due to lingering health problems. Barbara was born on January 8, 1948 to Charles Earl and Thelma M. Holcomb White. She attended Ilion schools, followed by Monroe Community College, where she achieved an Associates Degree in Applied Science. Most of her working career was in various local banks; in later years, she joined Birnie Bus where she spent 8 years driving school bus in the Ilion area. She was always a great lover of sports. An avid bowler for many years on various leagues, she enjoyed the game and tournaments immensely, and her many bowling friends made. Later, she started playing golf at Maple Crest, a great way to be outside! And Sundays with Sandy at the Knights of Columbus, watching football and buying scratch off tickets, always hoping! She also loved her trips to the Turning Stone. During vacation time, she loved camping at 8th Lake in the Adirondacks, where she had been going since childhood, and road trips to Maine, Cape Cod, and Niagara Falls. She leaves her closest friend of 23 years, Lynn Hervey, her beloved cat Timmy, Gerry and Paul Presser, who she shared many wonderful holiday dinners with, and her great neighbors, Harold and Teresa Mitchell, Joe and Judy McKenzie, and Andy Monahan who have all been so very helpful throughout her illness. She also has always enjoyed getting together with old school friends and reunions. A funeral service will take place on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St., Ilion, NY 13357. Calling hours will take place from 10:00 AM until the time of services in the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home. Barbara will be laid to rest in Armory Hill Cemetery. To leave condolences for Barbara's friends and family, please visit (June 30, 2024)
Ann (Urtz) Cotter, IHS 1966, age 76, of Little Falls, NY and formerly of Ilion, NY, passed away peacefully on Thursday morning, March 28, 2024. Ann was born in Ilion on January 28, 1948, the daughter of the late Richard and Peggy (Dwyer) Urtz. Ann was a 1966 graduate of Ilion High School. She also graduated from Herkimer County Community College with an Associates Degree in accounting. On December 15, 1983, in Annunciation Church in Ilion, Ann was joined in marriage to the love of her life, James “Jimmy” Cotter, who predeceased her in 2002. Ann and Jimmy spent many summers at their camp at Half Moon Beach in Piseco where they developed many life-long friendships and memories. Ann was employed by Remington Arms for many years working in the business office. She also held employment with Utica Mutual Insurance at one time. Ann was a communicant of Holy Family Parish in Little Falls and a member of its Rosary Society. She also volunteered with the Red Cross and Piseco Lake Fire Department Auxiliary. Ann was an avid Syracuse Orange fan attending many home games. Ann is survived by her beloved family which includes her brother, Steven Urtz and wife Celenna of Fort Mohave, Az., her three sisters-in-law and their husbands, Noreen and Stan Zysk, Liz and Rod Pritchard, and Cathy and Dave Carpineti, all of Little Falls. She also leaves her beloved nieces and nephews, Jeff Urtz, Chris and Shannon Urtz, Lisa Urtz, Albert Scott and Katrina Kile, Andy and Sharon Zysk, Walt and Alicia Zysk, Shauna Cone, Laura and Manny Cruz, Ellen Cone, Bill Carpineti, Kait and Sean Regan, and Nora Sullivan. Survivors also include several great nieces and nephews, cousins, and close friends. Ann was predeceased by her husband Jimmy, her parents Richard and Peggy Urtz, her father- in-law and mother-in-law, Robert and Helen Cotter, brothers, Tom and Robert Urtz, sister-in-law, Cecelia Urtz, brother-in-law, Eddie Cotter, nephews, Jimmy Zysk and Jason Sullivan. Per Ann's wishes, there will be no public calling hours. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by the Rev. Brian Slezak, pastor, at Holy Family Parish, corner of East Main and John Streets, Little Falls on Friday, April 5, 2024 a 11am. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. In lieu of flowers, kindly consider and send donations in Ann's memory to Holy Family Parish, Little Falls or Rescue Mission, Utica. Committal service will be held later in the spring at St. Mary's Cemetery, Town of Herkimer. Arrangements for Ann are under the direction and care of the locally owned and operated Mohawk Valley Funerals and Cremations, 7507 State Route 5, between Little Falls and St. Johnsville, 315-508-5131. (April 6, 2024)
Ms. Becky J (Upson) Kasper, IHS 1966, age 75, of Ilion passed away Monday, October 9, 2023 at her home with her care givers, Renee and Paul after a long and courageous battle with cancer with her family by her side. She was born in Ilion, New York on July 15, 1948, the daughter of the late Floyd Leon and the late Bertha Zelie Upson She attended Ilion schools and graduated from Ilion High School with the class of 1966, later attended BOCES where she received her LPN Degree. She received her Registered Nurse degree from MVCC in 1991. She was married at one time married to Jack Pierce and together they had three children, Rob, Scott and Renee. She was later married to Lawrence "Larry" Kasper on December 23, 1989 in Ilion. Larry passed away in 2006. Becky was employed as a Registered Nurse for Lutheran Care, Clinton, NY until retirement in 2010. Becky is survived by two sons and daughters in law, Rob and his wife, Kim Pierce of Seneca, SC and Scott and his wife, Linda Pierce of Ilion; one daughter and son in law, Renee and her husband, Paul Grimes of Ilion; two brothers and sisters in law, Barry and his wife, Kathy Upson of Florida and Brad and Patricia Upson of Rochester; her grandchildren, Christopher Pierce, Alexander Matthews, Izzetta Matthews, Dante Grimes, John Scalise, Jack Pierce, Derek Pierce, Ryan Pierce, Kyle Pierce and Scott Pierce,; her great grandchildren, Sylvanas Pierce, Celaenas Pierce, Artimis Pierce, Asher Grimes and Sirius Pierce; her best friend and fellow shopper, Pamela "Pam" Pester and several nieces, nephews especially, Lance Upson of Milton Florida. Khara Upson of SC and Bradley (Grumpy) Upson of Rochester, NY and cousins. Her funeral will be held at the convenience of the family. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the V.J. Iocovozzi Funeral Home, Inc. 203 Second Avenue, Frankfort. Becky's family would like to express their sincere appreciation to Hospice and especially her nurses, Ann and Ashlee for the wonderful care and kindness shown to her. Expressions of sympathy may be placed on Becky's online memorial page by going to (October 13, 2023)
Deborah Smith Becker, IHS 1966, age 75 of Amsterdam passed away on Thursday August 10, 2023, at St. Mary's Hospital in Amsterdam. Debbie was born on May 18, 1948, in Ilion, she was the daughter of, the late, Floyd and Helen (Murphy) Smith. She was a graduate of Ilion Schools and retired from SOFCO in Amsterdam. Debbie was married to Randy Becker. Debbie was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. Family was extremely important to her. Debbie loved to gather with friends and family. She loved to laugh and had great sense of humor. Debbie touched many hearts and will be greatly missed by so many. She is survived by her husband Randy; her children Stephen and his wife Della Smith of Herkimer; Deanna Smith and her partner Eric Richards of Amsterdam; Ryan and his wife Apryl Smith of Clarksville, NY, and Donald Smith of Amsterdam. Her brother and sister-in-law Robert and Mary Pat Smith of Ogunquit ME; she also leaves 9 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Debbie is predeceased by her daughter Deborah and siblings Joanne, Patricia, Barbara, Nicholas, and James. A memorial service for Debbie will be held on Saturday August 19, 2023, at 10am at the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home 100 Otsego St. in Ilion. Fr. Paul Catena will officiate, interment will follow in the St. Agnes Cemetery. Friends and family may call from 9am until the time of the funeral. (August 17, 2023)
Larry Albert Capes, IHS 1966, age 74 of Pine Bluffs Wyoming passed away July 27, 2023 at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center following a courageous battle after suffering a stroke, with his loving wife Nancy Kempe Capes by his side. Larry was born on October 21, 1948 in Ilion NY to Seth George and Gladys (McCoy) Capes, where he was raised and educated along with his siblings Carolyn (Daniel) Beran, Ilion; Judy (Ernie/deceased) Bennett (Jack/deceased) Tinkler, Ilion; Barbara (Greg/deceased) Miller, Summerville, SC; Beverly Capes Sudakow (deceased) and JoAnn (Jim) Richards, Ilion. Larry was a 1966 graduate of Ilion High School. In 1973 he was united in marriage to Donna Dow Capes and father to children Scott and Staci Capes. On December 31, 1996 he married Nancy Kempe Capes and enjoyed a union of 27 years. In April 1968 Larry enlisted in the US Navy and served for one year and 11 months in the Seabees in Vietnam. Upon his honorable discharge in January 1972 he returned to employment with Remington Arms in Ilion as a senior gun assembler retiring in 2011 after 42 years. Larry was an avid outdoors-man from childhood and an accomplished hunter, trapper, fisherman and gardener. He also enjoyed cooking and canning from his garden, which he loved. Moving to Wyoming in December 2011 after his retirement, he enjoyed hosting family and friends from back home. He had many close friends including brother-in-law Ron Bunce, Mike Paragi, Mike Urtz, Randy Rapp, a buddy originally from NY now in Wy, and many other friends and co-workers too numerous to mention but we hope you know who you are. Special thanks to John and Andrea Bennett that have been by Nancy's side; Karen and Steve Fornstrom, neighbors that are here for and help Nancy through this trying time. Larry was a member of the Ilion Fish and Game Club for nearly 50 years serving on the board for 20 years; Pine Bluffs Sportsmen's Club; VFW and American Legion. Surviving him are his wife Nancy; son Scott and Kathy (Evans) Capes, grandsons Shawn and Seth Capes; daughter, Staci Capes (Stan Dawley), granddaughters Lalayna Capes, Isabella Maine, grandson Drew Maine, and great granddaughter Coraline Capes. Also many nieces, nephews, cousins and pet dog Einar. Preceding Larry in passing were his parents Seth and Gladys (McCoy) Capes, sister Beverly Capes Sudakow, brothers-in-law Ernie (Junior) Bennett, Gregory Miller, Jack Tinkler, nephew Gregory Miller, mother and father in-law Marguerite and Paul Kempe. Immediate family and close friends are invited to attend grave site burial in Armory Hill, Ilion on Saturday, September 16 at 10 AM where he will be laid to rest with his parents. A Celebration of Life will be held at 1 PM at the Ilion Fish and Game Club, 1276 Barringer Road. Cremation arrangements by Schrader Funeral Home in WY. In lieu of flowers please consider memorial donations to the Ilion Fish and Game Club or your favorite Veterans' organization. (August 18, 2023)
James 'Jim' Wilkins, IHS 1966, age 79, passed away on March 9, 2023 in Rochester, NY. He was the microbiologist for the Genesee Brewery for 43 years. He leaves a son, James Wilkins, a daughter, Heidi Lynn, sister, Dee Dee Wilkins Fischer and brother-in-law, William Fischer. Per his wishes, there will be a party to celebrate his life this summer in Rochester. Details will become available as they are arranged. (July 21, 2023)
Carol L. Denison, IHS 1966, passed away unexpectedly at home on Sunday December 20, 2020. She was born on November 7, 1948 in Ilion, the daughter of Tuthill (Ted) and Marion (Edick) Denison. Carol worked for the Ilion School district until her retirement. She continued to dedicate her time to helping the district for many years after by, volunteering to work the polls at the local elections, working as a bus monitor and coming in on occasion when a position needed filling. She loved the job and she loved the people she worked with and made many lifelong friends that she considered family. Although she was never blessed with children of her own, she was always so grateful that she got to be an 'Auntie' at a very early age. She loved every one of her nieces and nephews as if they were her own, and took great pride in spending as much time as she could with them. Eventually having to travel near and far, whether it be Connecticut, Arizona or everywhere in between, as they all grew and went on to have lives of their own. She would go there, just to get to spend one more day with them, as she was so happy to get to see as many of her great and great great nieces and nephews as she could. Being the children of one of Carol's younger siblings, she had a unique relationship with her nieces Sara Denison of Little Falls and Shannon (Denison) Stewart of Ilion. Carol was always proud of how close the girls were to her and how much of their lives they got to share with her and their grandmother, in the home the two resided in together, for most of their lives. Carol was an almost daily part in their lives, and continued to be an important part in the lives of Shannon's children, Fiona & Royal. She could often be seen at a school concert or in the bleachers at one of their games or just coming by to do a puzzle and spend the day. She cherished their time together and it was always worth it to see how happy it made her and to see how much it made her laugh and enjoy life. Carol had many friends that she enjoyed doing exciting things with, like traveling, shopping, dinners in and nights out. But she also enjoyed the simple things like long walks and sitting by the ocean. Once an avid bowler, she enjoyed participating in a bowling league. She also took great pride in her dedication to fund raising for 'Team Cassandra' for the Relay For Life. Carol was survived by three brothers, Gordon and wife Gale, Gary and wife Enola, all of Ilion, Keith of Arizona, and a sister-in-law Marie, of Ilion. She also leaves her beloved fur babies Sophie and Bella. She was predeceased by her parents, her brothers James and Ronald and her nephew Billy. Carol's service will take place in the spring, at a time later to be announced, due to COVID concerns. Family and friends are asked to please consider memorial donations to the Herkimer County Humane Society at 514 NY-5S Mohawk NY 13407 Arrangements are with Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home Inc. in Ilion. To send Carol's family an please go to (December 31, 2020)
Christine Ruth (Hanson) Castle, IHS 1966, age 72, of Monument, Colorado passed away Monday, Oct 19 at St. Francis Medical Center in Colorado Springs, CO with her family by her side. She is now with Jesus, her Savior and Lord that she dearly loved. She was born on March 14, 1948 in Ilion, NY where she graduated from high school and then attended Oswego State University, NY. Chris had many fond memories of spending her summer months as a child at her grandparent's farm in nearby Boonville, NY. In 1969 she married her longtime school friend, Steve, and together they were blessed with four children and seven grandchildren that were her pride, joy and the center of her life. She was a military spouse who gladly made many sacrifices as the family moved across the country with the United States Air Force. Chris was the ultimate volunteer serving as a girl scout leader, soccer coach, PTA member, teacher's aide, a missing child organization lead, youth soccer registrar and soccer tournament director at the United States Air Force Academy, Officers Wives Club member, treasurer for the Union Meadows Open Space committee and member of her church's vestry and hospitality committee. Chris personally made, collected and shipped thousands of Christmas stockings to soldiers on the front lines in Iraq and Afghanistan. She was recognized by the Armed Services and was awarded several flags that were flown over the battlefield. Some of her most prized possessions were the heartfelt thank you letters from the soldiers. Chris is preceded in death by her parents, Kenneth Hanson and Ruth Hanson. Chris is survived by her husband, Steve, of Monument CO, their four children and their spouses and grandchildren: Tom, Michaela and Callie Castle, Janis, Frank, Brianna and Kailey Ellsworth, Lisa, Frederick, Joshua, Rebecca and Elisabeth Stein, all from Colorado Springs; and Andrea, Mark and Payton Johnson of Pflugerville, TX; her sister, Joyce Hanson, of Malone, NY and her beloved Border Collies, Mia and Pippa, who watched over her and slept by her bedside during her final days. Chris was an active member of the St George's Anglican Church and dearly loved her church family. She had a life-long passion for beautiful and complex cross stitch patterns which she was still creating until her final days. Holidays and birthdays were Chris's favorite time of the year and there was no such thing as overdoing a special occasion. She loved to travel and visited all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and most of Western Europe. Her all time special places were Cinque Terre, Italy, the northeast coast of Maine and Canada, the Cotswold in England, Glenwood Hot Springs in Colorado, Rocky Mountain National Park when the elk were bugling and she insisted everyone should have Yellowstone National Park be on their bucket list. Chris loved soccer and attended well over a thousand games to include youth and high school soccer games sometimes in brutal Colorado weather conditions. But that never fazed her spirit if her children or grandchildren were playing. While living in England she became an avid Premier League Soccer and Liverpool fan. She traveled to numerous Men and Women World Cup Soccer games in Europe, the USA and Canada. But her most memorable experience was traveling across the Netherlands all dressed in orange as a crazy American supporting the Dutch National Team. Funeral services will be streamed by St George's Anglican Church, on Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 1:00 PM, MST, In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations in Chris's honor be made to AnySoldier ( which supports our deployed soldiers in harms way. Also in remembrance, of Chris please plant a peony which was Chris's favorite flower. Every year it will bring you the same beauty that Chris brought into our lives. (October 24, 2020) Michea S. (Ludden) Supry IHS 1966 age 68, of N. Columbia Rd., Ilion (Town of Columbia), passed away peacefully on Sunday Nov. 8, 2015 at Faxton-St. Luke's Healthcare, New Hartford, with her loving family by her side. She was born on April 12, 1947 in Ilion, the daughter of Myron C. and Bertina (Curtis) Ludden. Michea graduated from Ilion Central High School and Utica School of Commerce, receiving an Associates Degree in accounting. On July 23, 1983, she was married to Fred L. Supry at the Ilion Baptist Church. Michea was employed as a bookkeeper at Williams Furniture Store, Herkimer, for over thirteen years. She later was a bookkeeper at the Evening Telegram newspaper, Herkimer, for over ten years. Mrs. Supry was a member of the Ilion Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Fred; her sons, Chuck Boulia and his wife, Kelli, of Ilion, and Randy Supry, of Lake Luzerne, NY; her daughter, Patti Cook and her husband, Ron, of Hadley, NY; eleven grandchildren, Jessica, Randy II, Christopher, Bridget, Daniel, Laura, Beth, Justin, Fred III, Zachary and Autumn; eight great-grandchildren; her sister, Faith Smagalski and her husband, Gary, of FL; many nieces and nephews, who lovingly referred to her as 'Aunt Mike'; and several cousins. She was predeceased by her parents; her sister, Betsy Warner; her son, Fred Supry, Jr.; and her grandson, Jared Cook. Calling hours will be held on Thursday, November 12, 2015 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Applegate-Day & Enea Family Funeral Home's larger location at 4309 Acme Rd., Ilion (old Main St., between Ilion and Frankfort). Funeral services will immediately follow at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, 2015 at the funeral home with Pastor Chris J. Wintermute, officiating. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Michea, or add to her online memorial, may go to: In lieu of flowers, as an expression of sympathy, memorial contributions may be made to the Jesus Never Fails Community Church, c/o Sandy Dievendorf, 446 Spohn Rd., Ilion, NY 13357. Envelopes will also be available at the funeral home during calling hours and services on Thursday. The Supry family has entrusted Michea's funeral arrangements and supervision to their family Funeral Director and friend, Don Applegate. (November 14, 2015)
Barbara J. (Alexander) Coriale IHS 1966, loving wife, mother, and grandmother, passed away suddenly Tuesday, July 7, 2015. There are no prior calling hours. A mass will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 11 at St. Michael's Church, Penn Yan, followed by burial in St. Michael's Cemetery. Memorial donations may be made to St. Michael's Church, 210 Keuka Street, Penn Yan, New York 14527. Barbara was born October 28, 1948, the daughter of Neil and Helen O'Connor Alexander. She loved spending time with her family, enjoyed bingo and traveling to Las Vegas, and was an avid Giants and Yankees fan. She also loved shopping. Barbara is survived by her husband of 45 years, Salvatore; children, Salvatore James (Anna) Coriale of Stanley, and Mrs. Christa (Tim Moniot) Coriale of Dresden; two grandchildren, Matthew and Leah; one brother, Robert (Carol) Alexander of Oneida; and a sister, Patricia Morey of Sherrill. She was predeceased by her parents, Neil and Helen Alexander. Friends may sign the guest book at (July 10, 2015)
Richard Charles Janis IHS 1966. If the world seems a little dimmer, it is because a dear soul has moved on from this earthly existence. Richard Charles Janis (DJ, Dick, Dicky Chuck, Ricky) exited on May 5th, 2015. He brought a lot of love and joy into the world, and more than a few laughs. His insight and compassion were evident in his various occupations. Always the teacher, DJ developed the freshman studies program at SUNY Morrisville and coordinated the HEOP program at Syracuse University, where he met the love of his life, Jane. A stint teaching English at Fowler High School was followed by 10 years at the NYS Division for Youth. He took a break from human services to form the Parkside Painting Company but returned five years later as a Crisis Counselor at Cayuga County BOCES. He will be missed by many, but mostly by Jane, his wife of 28 years, daughters Emily Klink (Dave) and Abigail, and son Joseph. A celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, May 16th . All are welcome. Contributions can be made to the Fresh Air Fund. (May 29, 2015)
Carolyn 'Kay' G. (Wardle) Weiss IHS 1966 died peacefully in her home on February 10, 2015 at the age of 66. Born in Ilion NY, she was the daughter of Ernest Wardle and Betty Murray. Kay and her late husband Dennis moved to Western Massachusetts in 1973, where they raised their family. Carolyn worked at Smith & Wesson, Friendly's Ice Cream and The Hampden County Sheriff's Department before taking early retirement due to Dementia. Kay was an ambitious and strong woman who accomplished whatever she set her mind too. She was a dedicated mom who made her life all about her children. She loved to bake and always had a special homemade treat waiting for her kids when they got home from school. Kay's passion was her home, whether it was tearing holes through her wall to make a new entrance, putting in her own yard, or redoing flooring, she did it all and always on her own. Kay joins her beloved husband Dennis Weiss and parents Ernest Wardle and Betty (Mosher) Murray. She is survived by her devoted children Kelly (Weiss) Reyngold and her husband Boris and their children Jacob and Nicholas Reyngold, and Scott Weiss and his wife Cathy and their son Nicholas Rivet; her brother Raymond Wardle and his wife Joanne, her brother William and his wife Marie, her sister Barbara, and brother James and his wife Cathy; and her many nieces, nephews, extended family members, and dear friends. Visiting for Kay will be held on Sunday, Feb. 15th in Ludlow Funeral Home from 1:00-3:15pm concluding with a Celebration of Life Service at 3:30pm. Burial will be held privately by the family in Hillcrest Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Alzheimer's Association ( in honor of Kay. For additional information please visit (Feburary 22, 2015)
James E. Maddocks, Jr. IHS 1966 SAUGERTIES - James E. Maddocks, Jr., 66, passed away suddenly, Wednesday, July 2, 2014 at his residence. Born October 7, 1947 in Ilion, he was the son of the late James and Addie M. Davis Maddocks, a former resident of Ilion and Herkimer, had resided in Saugerties since 2000. Jim was a truck driver for Spindler Bulk Transport in Washingtonville. He was a member of International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Local 182 in Utica, and had driven for several companies over his career. He was a boy scout in his youth and later was a scout leader. He was a graduate of Ilion High School, class of 1966. He enjoyed camping in the Adirondacks and was fond of all animals. He lost his beloved pets, Gus and Mandy. Surviving are his wife of 25 years, Georgia Myer Maddocks, a daughter Chrystal Maddocks of Marcy, a son James E. Maddocks III of Pa., and his pets, Rosie and Miss Kitty. Friends will be received Saturday 11a.m. to 1p.m. at Lasher Funeral Home, Inc., 100 Tinker St., Woodstock. The funeral service will follow at the funeral home. Burial will be in Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Saugerties. Contributions to the UCSPCA, 20 Wiedy Road, Kingston, 12401, would be appreciated. Published in the Daily Freeman on July 4, 2014 (October 23, 2016)
William I. 'Burkie' Burke IHS 1966, age 66, of Herkimer, passed away peacefully on Monday, June 2, 2014, at St. Luke's Medical Center, New Hartford. He was born May 21, 1948, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the son of the late Irving and Corrine (Nottage) Burke. Bill was a graduate of Ilion High School. Mr. Burke was a United States Army veteran, enlisting on March 4, 1968, and was honorably discharged on Feb. 23, 1970, and re-enlisted on Feb. 2, 1981, and was honorably discharged on June 19, 1981, with the rank of second lieutenant. His marriage to Judy A. Hamberger took place on Sept. 2, 1988, in Clinton. Bill was last employed as a security guard for the New York State Court System. Prior to that, he worked for the Herkimer County Sheriff's Department, the Mohawk Police Department and also the Frankfort Police Department. Also, he was once employed by the Mohawk Central School District as a school bus driver. Burkie was an active member of the Dolgeville F&AM Lodge No. 796 and Ilion Masonic Lodge, having held the degree of Master Mason. He was also a member of the Shriners, MOVAC, the Army National Guard, the Hillbilly Club (Okie Dokie), the East Herkimer Volunteer Fire Department and the Amateur Radio Club. Bill was also active with the Herkimer County Sheriff's Boat Patrol. In his spare time, you could often find him teaching a boating safety course or a firearm course. He took great pleasure as an instructor. As patriarch of the family, Bill proved himself a loving and caring husband, father and grandfather. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. Bill was one of the first IHS graduates to volunteer as a Class Page Editor for the web site. He sent Bill Burke's 30th Reunion Report, which contained the Black & White Hero Recipe. (July 5, 2014) Survivors include his loving wife of 25 years, Judy; his loving daughter, Heather Burke of Herkimer; two sons, Brent Burke of Utica and Carl Burke of Waterville; a brother, Daryl Burke of Ilion; three sisters, Sue Hildreth of Massachusetts, Sharon Jarrell of Ilion and Lougene Michaud of Mohawk; several grandchildren; and many nieces, nephews, cousins and in-laws. In keeping with Bill's wishes, funeral services will be private and held at the convenience of the family.Arrangements have been entrusted to the Vincent A. Enea Funeral Service, 329 S. Washington St., Herkimer, 866-1500. All memorial contributions may be made to the Shriner's Hospital, 516 Carew St., Springfield, MA 01104. To add to Bill's online memorial, please go to The family would like to express a sincere thank you to Marty Benedict for caring for Bill like a brother and always being there to lend a helping hand. The family would also like to thank the staff of St. Luke's Critical Care Unit for the care and compassion that was shown to Bill during his stay. (July 5, 2014)
1966 Yearbook Article featuring ObyKarun 'Oby' Obyam, IHS 1966 passed away after a long illness on October 5, 2013 in Pathumthani,Thailand. Oby was an American Field Service Foreign Exchange Student in Ilion during the 1965-66 school year. He lived with the Menard family while in Ilion. Oby was active in many school activities including the Gymnastics team and Student Council and enjoyed the variety of social and sports events at IHS. He returned to Thailand to attend college and received a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering. He came to the United States again in 1983 with his wife, Aparat, to attend the University of West Virginia where he received a Master's Degree in 1984. He visited Ilion during that time, stayed with the Menard Family for several days and renewed acquaintances with his many Ilion friends. Oby will always be remembered as a kind and outgoing person who was an excellent student. He greatly enjoyed interacting with teachers and fellow students. He is survived by his wife, Aparat, and two sons, Thanat and Tanan. Messages of sympathy may be sent to the Obyam family at: 125 Sivleel Village Rangsit-Nakhonnay Road, Prachatiput Thayaburi, Pathumthani, 1230 Thailand. (October 12, 2013)
Kenneth E. Wood IHS 1966, died on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2014, at the age of 65. Family and friends are invited to call from 6 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, at the Robert L. Yost Funeral Home, Inc., 123 W. Main St., Palmyra. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 23, at Zion Episcopal Church in Palmyra. In memory of Ken, please consider donations to Zion Episcopal Church, 120 E. Main St., Palmyra, NY 14522, Rochester Breast Cancer Coalition, 840 University Ave., Rochester, NY 14607 or the Macedon Emergency Squad, 1620 WaynePort Rd., Macedon, NY 14502. Ken was an active member of Zion Episcopal Church, where he served in several capacities including as a Steven Minister and longtime choir member. He was a 38-year member and past board member and president of the Rochester Curling Club. Ken had been active with the Finger Lakes Chorale. An old hippie at heart, Ken loved rock and roll and was also a civil war enthusiast. Ken is survived by his wife, Carol; daughter, Melanie (Brian) Rellinger; son, Nathan (Deborah) Wood; brother, Victor (Linda) Wood; grandchildren, Evan and Elise Rellinger and Leah and Bryce Wood; mother-in-law, Minerva Robbins; aunts, Carolyn Roberts and Joyce Prosser; uncle, Harry Wood; nephews, Jason, Justin, Jonathon and Jerrod Wood; and his faithful companion, Zeus. Online condolences at (February 21, 2014)
Mr. Robert J. 'Jeep' Urtz IHS 1966, age 68, a native of Ilion, NY, passed away peacefully on Thursday morning, December 5, 2013, in Sharp Grossmont Hospital, La Mesa, CA. He was born in Ilion on October 25, 1925, son of the late Richard and Margaret Urtz, and graduated with Ilion High School, "Class of 1966". Jeep moved to San Diego, CA, in 1978. Survivors include his sister, Ann Cotter, of Little Falls; a brother, Steven Urtz and wife, Celena, of Arizona; a sister-in-law, Robin Urtz, of Tennessee; nephews, Jeffrey Urtz, of Ilion, and Christopher Urtz and wife, Shannon, of Frankfort; niece, Lisa Urtz, of Ilion; and several great-nieces and great-nephews. He was predeceased by his parents; a brother, Thomas Urtz, in June of 2009; and by his brother-in-law, Jimmy Cotter, on September 30, 2002. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to a graveside service at a time to be announced in the spring at St. Mary's Cemetery, Clinton. Funeral arrangements are in the caring guidance of Daniel J. Enea Funeral and Cremation Care, Route 5, between Herkimer and Little Falls, (508-5250). Those wishing may offer their condolences on his online memorial located at on the Internet. (February 21, 2014 - modified March 20, 2016)
Darlene Milspaugh-Pelletier IHS 1966, born September 3, 1948, died August 3, 2013 after a long illness. Daughter of James and Lois Patraw Millspaugh. She is survived by her devoted and longtime companion Kenneth Cleary; brother, Dennis (Grace) and a multitude of nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews. The family would like to extend their thanks and gratitude to the wonderful, caring staff of the Albany County Nursing Home. A memorial service will be held on August 12, 2013 at 10 a.m. at the Shaker Road Loudonville Fire Department, 550 Albany Shaker Road. Published in Albany Times Union on August 11, 2013 (August 22, 2013)
Donna Darlene (Perkett) Barrett IHS 1966, age 66, of County Highway No. 24, passed away on Monday evening, March 18, 2013, in Bassett Medical Center, Cooperstown. She was born on Oct. 13, 1946, in Ilion, daughter of the late Ellery and Mary Martin Perkett. A lifelong area resident, she was raised in Ilion and was a graduate of Ilion High School. For forty-two years, she had shared a loving and devoted marriage with Leo E. Barrett. For many years, Mrs. Barrett was employed by the Canajoharie Knitting Mills that were located in Richfield Springs. She retired in 2006. Donna had a strong belief in God and was a member of Saint Joseph the Worker Catholic Church in Richfield Springs. To all who knew her, she will always be remembered as a happy go lucky lady who loved to cook, listen to music and go hunting. To her many friends and family, she will be greatly missed. Along with her husband, Leo, she is survived by a son, William Barrett, of Richfield Springs; two brothers, Reuben Perkett and his wife, Barbara, of Schenectady, and Robert Perkett, of Melbourne, Fla.; two sisters, Betty Dubay, of Williamson, and Dawn Broadbent, of Dolgeville; and several nieces, nephews and cousins. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by four brothers, Vincent, Gary (Rendell), Richard, Rodney and Randy Perkett, and three sisters, Dianne Snyder, Gloria Perry and Bertha Ellen O'Connell. A graveside funeral service for Mrs. Barrett will take place later this spring in Saint Joseph's Cemetery, Richfield Springs. Expressions of sympathy may be made with memorial donations to the American Lung Association of Mid New York, 311 Turner St., Suite 415, Utica, NY 13501. Funeral arrangements are with J. Seaton McGrath Funeral Home, Richfield Springs. (March 24, 2013)
Douglas J. Brewer IHS 1966, age 62, died on Friday, April 23, 2010, after a brief illness. He was born on January 26, 1948, in Ilion, New York, to Marge and the late John Brewer. He was a 1966 graduate of Ilion High School, where he earned four varsity letters: one each in football, wrestling, hockey and track. He was a 1968 Mohawk County Community College graduate. In 1973, Douglas received his masters degree from Utica College at the University of Syracuse. He then worked as the director of the Herkimer County Department of the Aging. In 1966, he became the Herkimer County Administrator and continued as such until 1990, when he became the Greene County Administrator, until his retirement in 2001. He was an avid fly fisherman and golfer. Douglas is survived by his wife, Carol Stevens. He is the beloved father of Derek (Kanni Bassey) Brewer and Devin (Richard) Rappa; and beloved grandfather of six grandchildren. He is also survived by his brother, Terry (Betty) Brewer; and his sister, Cindy (Ed) Myers. He is predeceased by his brother, Jack Brewer. Friends may call on Tuesday, April 27, 2010, from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Decker Funeral Home, Windham. A private service will be held at the family's convenience. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Douglas memory to a charity of ones choice. (April 25, 2010)
John 'Jack' Winslow IHS 1966, 61, of state Route 4 in Hudson Falls, passed away unexpectedly on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009, at Glens Falls Hospital, with his longtime companion, Betty Moynihan, at his side. Born on June 25, 1948, in Ilion, he was the son of Mary (Ingro) Winslow and the late John Winslow, who passed away in February 2008. Jack graduated from Ilion High School and SUNY College of Technology in Utica. He was a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, serving from November 1966 to December 1970. Jack was in the Security Police Squadron, stationed at Tan Son Nhut Air Force Base in Vietnam and he received many distinguished awards. Among those, he was selected as "Airman of the Quarter" from among 900 service men, earning him a five-day furlough from his duties in Saigon. He had previously won the title in his own 377th Security Squadron. In the citation, he was honored for his "outstanding professionalism in the performance of his duties, which leave nothing to be desired." Jack was a longtime resident of Ilion, where he was employed at Remington Arms, before relocating to Hudson Falls and becoming supervisor at Nibco in Glens Falls. Most recently, he was a part-time employee of Morlock News in Gansevoort. Jack was a very dedicated employee, giving 100 percent to every job that he ever had. Jack was an avid sports fan, who was passionate about the New York Yankees. He loved watching and cheering on his beloved team. Anyone that knew Jack, recognized that he would help anyone in need. Jack was deeply loved by his family and his many friends. He will be greatly missed. Besides his father, he was predeceased by his brother in law, George "Skip" Vandawalker. Survivors include his three children, Lisa Alexander and her husband, Robert of Ilion, John Winslow of Mohawk and Shelly Winslow of Ilion; his two grandchildren, Sarah Alexander and Nicholas Winslow; his brother, Steven Winslow of Ilion; his sister, Nancy Haugen of Ormond Beach, Fla.; his mother, Mary Winslow of Ormond Beach, Fla.; his longtime companion, Betty Moynihan, of Hudson Falls; and several cousins, nieces and nephews. There will be no calling hours. A private graveside service will be conducted on Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2009, at Gerald B.H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery in Schuylerville. The family suggests that memorial donations be made to The Vietnam Veterans of America, 8605 Cameron St., Suite 400, Silver Springs, MD 20910. (Sept 27, 2009)
Mr. Eugene G. 'Jerry' Walsh IHS 1966 age 61, of First St., passed away in the comfort of his home under the loving care of his family on Wednesday morning, August 13, 2008. Born in Johnson City on April 2, 1947, he was the son of the late Jerry and Catherine (Gardner) Walsh and graduated from Ilion High School. On August 1, 1970, Jerry was united in marriage to Carol A. Seymour at Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Frankfort; a devoted and blessed union of 38 years. He was a well-known and well-respected barber for 32 years in both Syracuse and Ilion. For more than 25 years, he captured the memories and dreams of countless local residents as owner and videographer of Walsh's Video. He was a communicant of Annunciation Church, Ilion, Annunciation Parish Council, AYSO coach and board member, Ilion Elks Lodge and the Elks Golf League. Jerry's greatest enjoyment came from those times shared with family. The dearest times were those spent with his grandchildren. He was a remarkable husband, father, son, son in law, grandfather, brother, brother in law, uncle and friend. Jerry had the knack of making everyone around him feel special. A generous and caring man, Jerry was always ready to assist those who needed a hand; his gentle ways were a sign of his kind-hearted nature. An avid golfer, he had many good times and many friendships on the links. Jerry was loved and respected by many in Ilion and throughout the valley and will be sadly missed. Survivors include his beloved family; his wife of 38 years, Carol; his son: Jerry Walsh and wife Amanda of Rochester; his son: Christopher Walsh of Utica; his cherished grandchildren: Patrick and Grace. He is also survived by his brother: John Gardner and wife Kathy of Old Forge; three sisters: Sharon Applegate of Chapel Hill, NC, Mary Catherine Pasquariello and husband Charles of Exeter, PA and Mary June Wainman and husband David of Ilion; his mother-in-law: Adela Seymour of Ilion; in-laws: John and Mary Margaret Freedman of Skaneateles and Burt and Laurie Seymour of Florida; many loving and special nieces, nephews and friends. He was predeceased by his parents and by his father-in-law: Christopher Seymour. Relatives and friends are invited to calling hours at the Enea Family Funeral Home, 4309 Acme Rd., between Ilion and Frankfort (894-8000) on Friday, August 15, 2008 from 5-8 p.m. Members of the Ilion Elk's Lodge #1444 will gather at the funeral home to conduct their service at 6:15 p.m. on Friday. Jerry's funeral will commence at 9:15 am on Saturday, Aug. 16 from the chapel of the funeral home where prayer will be offered and at 10 am from Annunciation Church, West St., Ilion where the Very Rev. Anthony Barratt, Pastor will celebrate his Mass of Christian Burial. Funeral procession will follow to Armory Hill Cemetery, Ilion where he will be laid to rest. In Jerry's memory, kindly consider a contribution to the Jerry Walsh Scholarship Fund, Muscular Dystrophy Association or to the ALS Foundation (Lou Gehrig's Disease); envelopes may be obtained at the funeral parlor. "You made me so very happy."
Michael Lasky IHS 1966, age 59, of Mohawk, died December 17, 2007. Arrangements by Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, Inc., Ilion. (Jan 26, 2008)
Jon Stephenson IHS 1966, age 58, of 5821 Cypress St., N. St. Petersburg, Fla., passed away Thursday, Oct. 5, 2006, in St. Petersburg. He was born in Ilion, the son of the late John and Ruth Alexander Stephenson, and received his education in the Ilion Central schools. Mr. Stephenson served with the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War and was employed as a traffic controller with the city of St. Petersburg, retiring in 2005. John is survived by a son Eric, of St. Petersburg, a brother Jeff Stephenson, of Ilion, and a sister Jill Balderston, of Salisbury. Funeral services were held in Florida. Cards of sympathy may be sent to his son Eric Stephenson, 5821 Cypress St., N. St. Petersburg, FL 33703. Local arrangements are with the Whiter-Hendrix Funeral Home, 100 Otsego St., Ilion.(Oct 11, 2006)
Jean R. (Wakefield) Darling IHS 1966, age 60, of London Towers, Ilion, formerly of 27 E. Clark St., Ilion, died on Tuesday, April 18, 2006, at Bassett Healthcare, Cooperstown. She was born March 18, 1946, in Utica, the daughter of Frank and Nellie (Ward) Kasprzyk. She attended Holy Trinity School, Utica, until 1954. Jean then attended Ilion schools and graduated from Ilion Central High School in 1966. She also attended Herkimer County Community College and Herkimer County BOCES for nursing. At one time she was married to Henry B. Wakefield. In her early years, Jean worked at the Masonic Home and also at Mac's Taxi as a dispatcher. For several years, she was an assembler and clerk at Snyder's Bicycle Shop and also worked as an assistant teacher at Oneida County Head Start Program. Jean also worked as a residential counselor for five years at Herkimer County ARC. For many years she was a school bus driver and later office manager at Cook's Taxi. To further show her love for people, Jean put a lot of her time into volunteering for the Herkimer County Helpline and the Mohawk Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross, helping people who had disasters in their life. She also worked in the military division of the Red Cross. She was of the Catholic faith and a former member of the Ilion Chapter 31 Women of the Moose.Survivors include her six children, Henry Wakefield and his wife Wendy of Greenville, Tenn., Robert Wakefield of the town of Ohio, John Wakefield and his wife Cathy of Ilion, Tammy VanHorne and her husband Robert of the town of Ohio, Hope Darling of Florida and Kenneth Darling Jr. of Tennessee; five grandchildren, Stephanie, Kendra, Samantha, Jennifer and John (Jr.) Wakefield; her sister, Terry Simpson of Syracuse; two nieces, several cousins and her special companion, Donald Trask. She was predeceased by her grandson, Anthony Darling and her nephew, Warren Simpson. Funeral services will be held at 8:45 p.m. Friday evening, April 21, at the Applegate and Day Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion, with Father Alfred A. Lamanna officiating. Interment will be in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Utica. Calling hours are Friday from 5:45-8:45 p.m. prior to the service at the funeral home. Anyone wishing to share a memory of Jean or add to her online memorial go to on the Internet. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to American Diabetes Association or the American Heart Association. Donation envelopes are available at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home. (May 18, 2006)
Gene T. Zimmerman, age 55, of South Fourth Ave., Ilion, died unexpectedly on Saturday, March 27, 2004, at home. He was born Aug. 11, 1948, in Ilion, the son of Ross and Lorraine (Bennett) Zimmerman. He graduated from Ilion High School and SUNY at Stonybrook. On July 30, 1966, he was married to Helen Kubik at St. Killians Church, Farmingdale, L.I. During his career, Gene was employed for many companies in which he was instrumental as a troubleshooter on the A-10 aircraft, Harrier Jet, Howitser Tank and was a draftsman in designing the hull of the U.S.S. Nimitz. Most recently he worked at McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft in St. Louis, Mo., retiring in 1992. He also was a lecturer at the Archeologist Institute of America and was a professional photographer. Gene was an adviser for Boy Scout Troop 8 of Ilion and was a member of the Ilion Fish and Game Club and the Church of the Annunciation. He loved to write stories and enjoyed camping, fishing and hunting. Survivors include his wife, Helen; three sons, Gene A., Carl and Thomas Zimmerman, all at home; father-in-law, Joseph F. Kubik of South Farmingdale, L.I.; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, George and Kathy Boyle of Farmingdale, L.I., N.Y., Christine Kubik and Neil of Massapequa, Kenneth and Lorrie Kubik of Lake Ronkonkoma; several nephews, one niece and one cousin, Carol. He was predeceased by his mother, Lorraine Zimmerman on April 20, 1983, and his father, Ross Zimmerman on Jan. 10, 2000. Funeral services will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 1, at the Applegate & Day Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion and at 7 p.m. at the Church of the Annunciation, Ilion, where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Father Joseph Benintende, pastor. Spring burial will be in St. Agnes Cemetery, North Ilion. Calling hours are Thursday, April 1, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. prior to the service at the funeral home. Memorial contributions may be made directly to the family in Gene's memory. Special envelopes are available at the Applegate and Day Funeral Home, 102 West St., Ilion. (April 3, 2004)
"He will be missed by those who knew him."
Dr. James Patrei IHS Class of 1966 Valedictorian, age 54, a Syracuse-area ear, nose and throat doctor, died Friday August 2, 2002. Dr Patrei suffered an apparent allergic reaction after being stung by a bee. He was at his family's summer home on Skaneateles Lake, in Spafford, at the time of the incident. Dr. Sean Hodge, one of four physicians in practice with Patrei at Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Syracuse, said "This is just such an unbelievable tragedy, something that just comes out of nowhere. Jim was really a wonderful guy, a great doctor. He was a very nice person, he has two boys that they raised, he and his wife, Sharon." Born in Ilion, he graduated from Hamilton College and Upstate Medical Center. He was a partner and physician with Ear, Nose & Throat Associates of Syracuse for 18 years. He also was an attending physician at Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center and Harrison Outpatient Center. He previously was an assistant resident in otolaryngology at Upstate Medical Center. Survivors: His wife of 31 years, the former Sharon Antonucci; two sons, Matthew and Jonathan, both of Syracuse; his parents, Gil and Katherine Patrei of Easton, Pa.; a sister, Linda Lesko of Allentown, Pa. Services: 10 a.m. Tuesday at Pirro & Sons Funeral Home and 11 a.m. in Grace Assembly of God. Burial, Lakeview Cemetery. Calling hours, 4 to 8 p.m. Monday at the funeral home, 514 Turtle St., Syracuse. Contributions: Grace Assembly of God, Fay Road, Syracuse 13219 (August 4, 2002)
Golden Bombers Buzz WebSite.....Susan (VanCour) Dennis, retired, email, Frankfort, NY, registered in the directory. (May 29, 2015) William Remmers, retired, email, Myrtle Beach, SC, re-registered in the directory. (September 3, 2014) Roberta Peltier Riddell, retired police officer/court officer,email , from Mohawk, NY, registered. (July 5, 2014) Ron Tresohlavy, would you please resubmit the registration form. The email was deleted prematurely. (Nov 8, 2013) Kenneth Dye, 3rd Ward Alderman, Deputy Mayor, email, from Cortland, NY, registered. (Oct 7, 2013) Timothy O'Connor, email, from Buffalo, NY, re-registered. (Aug 22, 2013) Lucy McTague Coher, email, from Calabash, NC, re-registered. (June 30, 2013) James Maddocks Jr, Truck Driver, email, Saugerties, NY, registered. (Mar 8, 2013) Sam DeRocco, Retired, compleatly, email, from Ilion, NY, re-registered. (Feb 16, 2013) Sharon Dodge Vandawalker, retired, email , Ilion, NY, re-registered. (Oct 5, 2012) Kenneth Dye, Retired, email, Cortland, NY, registered. (Oct 3, 2010) Carol Whittaker Smith, Home Health Aide, email, from San Antonio, Fl, re-registered. (Aug 13, 2008) Sandy Rogers Cowen, email, sent news. (Jan 26, 2008) "Still residing in Surfside Beach,SC. This October will be 12 years since we relocateddown here (Ken class of '63 and myself class of '66)." Donna Darlene Perkett Barrett, registered. (Dec 14, 2007) "I just found this sight. I was looking for west hill school and came across this. I think it is so cool. I saw names that I haven't thought about in years. If anyone would like to get in touch please email me. I am retired now and have plenty of time." Bill Bracken, email, from Waterford, NY, re-registered. (June 27, 2007) Linda Bates Millkey, homemaker, email, from Smyrna, GA, re-registered. (May 11,2007) Michael Lasky, anthropologist/historian, Mohawk, NY, re-registered. (April 20, 2007) Janet Darling Vaughn, Retired Mail Carrier, email, Savannah, Ga, registered. (Feb 27, 2007) Gary Darling, retired, email, from Coumbia, KY, registered. (April 3, 2005) Karun Obyam, Government Official, from Prathumthani, Thailand, re-registered. (Feb 20, 2005) Gertrude Lucey Kaczorowski, email, re-registered. (September 6, 2004) Susan Borkowski Beadle, Manager of Accounting, email, Mohawk, NY, re-registered. (Feb 29, 2004) John Bullis, college administrator, email , Little Falls, NY, re-registered. (Jan 24, 2004) Kathy Petryk Murray, Receptionist, email, from Ilion, NY, registered. (February 8, 2003) Gerald Angelichio, email , Ilion, NY, re-registered in the directory. (October 24, 2002) Don Plunkett, email , from Ilion, NY, re-registered in the directory. (October 6, 2002) Jim Fitzer, email , from Utica, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (October 5, 2002) Peter Sarmie, email , from Jacksonville, FL, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 25, 2002) Cleo Bartron Adams, email , Mohawk, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 17, 2002) Wayne Grey, N.J. Dept. Of Corrections Sgt., email , from Browns Mills, NJ, registered. (September 15, 2002) Barbara Callahan McMahon, email , Poughkeepsie, NY, will be attending the mega-reunion. (September 9, 2002) Patricia Callahan Cullum, Albany, NY, will be attending the mega-reunion. (September 9, 2002) Barbara Morse, Ithaca, NY, will be attending the mega-reunion. (September 6, 2002) David Smithson, email , from Baldwinsville, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 5, 2002) Richard (Rich) Reynolds, email , from Newport, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (September 4, 2002) Patricia Callahan Cullum, Albany, NY, re-registered. (August 21, 2002) Linda Abeling Roberts, from Jordonville, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 19, 2002) Bill Bracken, email , from Altamont, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 17, 2002) John Wainwright, email , Ilion, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (August 1, 2002) Karen O'Connell Vosler, email , Mohawk, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (July 30, 2002) Barbara Alexander Coriale, email , from Penn Yan, NY, isattending the mega-reunion. (July 26, 2002) Jeffrey Whittemore, email , Dolgeville, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (July 25, 2002) David Clayton , Graphic Artist, email , Rahway, NJ, re-registered. (July 18, 2002) Richard Candella, email , re-registered. (July 5, 2002) Steve Castle, email , Colorado Springs, CO, is attending the mega-reunion. (July 2, 2002) Peter Donahue and Kathleen Carney Donahue, Ilion, NY, are attending the mega-reunion. (June 19, 2002) Michea Ludden Supry, Bookkeeper, email , Ilion, NY, registered. (June 19, 2002) Larry Hollar, email , Arlington, VA, is attending the mega-reunion. (June 15, 2002) James (Kirk) Menard, email , Averill Park, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (June 15, 2002) Leigh Potter, email , from Sumner, WA, is attending the mega-reunion. (June 13, 2002) Darlene Millspaugh Pelletier, Albany, NY , is attending the mega-reunion. (June 11, 2002) Sharon Russell Peelor, email , would like to know if anyone has any information on the whereabouts of classmate Michael Lasky. (June 7, 2002) Joe White, email , from Ilion, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 30, 2002) Sharon Vandawalker Dodge, from Ilion, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002) Sam DeRocco, email , from Ilion, NY, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002) William MacDougall, Director of Operations, email , from Ludlow, VT, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002) Robert Burke, email , San Mateo, CA, is attending the mega-reunion. (May 24, 2002) William Pelletier, email , re-registered. (April 13, 2002) Deborah Smith Becker, email , from Amsterdam, NY, submitted the reunion survey. (modified June 9, 2002) Leigh Potter, email , from Sumner, WA, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (March 9, 2002) James Fitzer, email , from Clayville, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (March 4, 2002) Dolores Rockwell Klippel, email , from Ilion, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (Feb 27, 2002) Mike Albin, email Frankfort, NY submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (February 22, 2002) Jeffrey Whittemore, email , Dolgeville, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (February 20, 2002) Letitia Grindlay Michelson, email , St. Albans, VT, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (February 20, 2002) Cleo Bartron Adams, email , Mohawk, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (February 17, 2002) John Wainwright, email , Ilion, NY, submitted the mega-reunion survey form. (February 17, 2002) Margery O'Connell Foose, preschool director/library assistant, email , Nunda, NY, registered. (February 11, 2002) Rodney (Skip) Whalen, Remington Arms, email , Herkimer, NY, registered. (February 3, 2002) Leigh Potter, NAV-Landing and Communications Technical Support - FAA, email , Sumner, WA, re-registered. (January 22, 2002) Karen O'Connell Vosler, speech pathologist, email , Mohawk, NY, registered. (January 21, 2002) Cleo Bartron Adams, Secretary, email , Mohawk, NY, registered. (January 20, 2002) Timothy O'Connor, is President & CEO of Robson Woese,Inc. Consulting Engineers. Tim's firm, along with the Architect James Jordan AIA, designed Ilion High's new school which is now under construction. Next time you shop at the Carousel Center Mall in Syracuse, remember that Tim's firm provided mechanical and electrical systems design, as well as fire protection analysis and design to include life safety and fire protection provisions for this mall. (January 18, 2002) James Kirk Menard, email, sent registration changes. (January 15, 2002)
Mega Reunion Class Contact.....Directory information was used to contact classmates regarding the All-Class Reunion.
Other classmates who've volunteered ideas and assistance with the Mega Reunion include: (January 18, 2002)
Original Class of '66 Contact Person....Bill Burke was the original developer of the Class of '66 pages. ![]() Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974
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