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Quill Gallery

The thumbnail images take you to the introductory page for that article's story. On each of those pages, you will find links to the corresponding detail story page. These stories were featured on the landing page for the General News Section of the site.

2023 November

List of Our Brave Boys Who Were Doing Service
for Uncle Sam During World War I

Ilion High Class of 1964 - Noreen Jones 2022 November

Noreen Jones - Dipiazza November 2022 Parole Information

Ilion YouTube Videos 2022 April

Ilion Videos - Golden Bombers Rewind YouTube Channel

Ilion High Class of 1964 - Noreen Jones 2022 February

Noreen Jones - Dipiazza February 2022 Parole Information

Ilion High Class of 1926 - Carleta Sterling 2021 December

Carleta Sterling Mixer-Cox Bequest

2021 July

Boots Day Retirement from Baseball

2021 May

Tribute to Liz Fairbanks-Barrell-Skinner

2021 January

Go Fund Me Campaigns for Alumni

2020 September

The historic Richardson-Shepard Mansion, on West Main Street, has a new owner.

2019 July

The 2019 Mini-Mega Reunion will take place Saturday, July 20, 2019 at Francesca's Banquet Hall in Ilion, NY. See the names of those attending.

2019 June

The David Doty (IHS 1947) Memorial Fundraiser will take place Sunday, June 30, 2019 (Rain or Shine) at Doty's Golf Course in Ilion, NY.

2018 June

The Seventh Annual Don Taylor Memorial 800 Meter Run/Walk will take place during Ilion Days on Saturday, July 18, 2018.

2018 January

Donate an Ilion Mirror, World War II Yearbook, to the National WWII Museum, New Orleans

2017 March

Paul T. McLaughlin Memorial.

2017 Feburary

Ilion Alumni working to "Save Our Stairs". The stairway is between Otsego Street and Armory Hill.

2016 October - January 2017

Ilion Alumni Featured in Books Donated to High School Library.

2016 April - September

Introducing the Alumni Hall of Fame.

2016 March

The year 2016 marks the 200th year of the Remington Company. To celebrate its 200th anniversary as the oldest American gunmaker, Remington is releasing four sets of limited addition rifles. Here's a salute to all Ilion graduates who worked for this company.

2015 October

Memorial Stone - Class of 2003 Gift Relocated. Linda Pugh Whittemore IHS 1968 shared what happened to this memorial monument.

2015 February

"Old Man Measles" on The Loose, Spending a Lot of Time at School - May 1949 Ilion Sentinel Story

2014 September - January 2015

Traditions such as Paint Night, have been a source of great fun for Alumni for many generations. Tom Seymour, Class of 1991, painted his name and class year on the West Shore bridge over Steele Creek.

2013 April - 2014 August

Fifty years ago, fireman Burt Seymour lost his life in the Ilion High School Fire on April 21, 1963.

December 2012 - 2013 March

IHS 1941 Alumnus, Jake Cooper's, was recently featured in a newspaper article by The Herkimer Evening Telegram about his World War II fighter pilot experiences.

September 2012 - 2012 November

The Ilion High School Fall Football Schedule was featured.

2012 May - August

The Mott Marathon

2011 October

1st Annual Ilion Alumni Basketball Game - Thanksgiving Weekend 2011

2010 September - 2011 September

1976 Football Co-Captains

2010 February - 2010 August

2010 School Musical - The Will Rogers Follies

2009 September

McLaughlins Class of 1941
Paul and Carol Baxter McLaughlin (both Class of '41) celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary at their home in Houston, TX. on September 11, 2009.

2007 February - 2009 August

Cast of 2007 School Musical - Beauty and the Beast

2007 January - March

Cast of 2005 School Musical - The King and I

2004 November - 2006 December

The Mirror give away and request for missing Yearbooks

2004 January - October

Remembering our deceased faculty members

2003 January - December

During 1984-1985, Producer-director Peter Watkins, filmed parts of the 14 1/2-hour film 'The Journey' at Ilion's Remington School.

2002 December

Barney Murray provided a unique image of Ilion High School. Did you know The Stutz brothers, Justin and Matthew, held the top two academic positions, Valedictorian and Salutatorian, in Class of 1991?

2002 September - November

More Ilion High School Traditions were explored during the mega-reunion period.

2002 July - August

The tradition of Senior Dress Down Day continues at IHS.

2002 March - June

The Class of 1950 commissioned local artist and Ilion Class of 1951 Alumnus, Jim Parker, to create a painting of Ilion High School as it would have appeared in 1950.

2001 September - 2002 February

September 11, 2001

2001 August

The history of Drivers Education

2001 June - July

The big Mirror give away!

2001 March - May

Guess The Village Landmark for March - May

2001 January - February

The 1928 Ilion Basketball Team

2000 November - December

Guess The Village Landmark for November - December

2000 October

Guess The Village Landmark for October

2000 September

Guess The Village Landmark for September

2000 August

Guess The Village Landmark for August

2000 July

Guess The Village Landmark for July

2000 June

Guess The Village Landmark for June

2000 May

Guess The Village Landmark for May

2000 April

Guess The Village Landmark for April

2000 March

Guess The Village Landmark for March

2000 February

Introducing Guess The Village Landmark

2000 January

The 1992 Winter Weekned

1999 December

Winter Festivities - Christmas Balls and Winter Carnival

1999 November

Tribute to Ilion Veterans for Veterans Day

1999 October

Annunciation School - the elementary school for many Ilion graduates

1999 September

1960 Football team and Coaches

1999 August

Class of 1943 Photo Submissions

1999 July

1998-99 Ilion Central School District - Board of Education

1999 June

Fathers and Sons for Father's Day Guess the Graduate

1999 May

Local History Teacher - Mr. Francis Cunningham

1999 April

Ilion Key Club

1999 March

Building Proposal passed.

1999 February

See the 1927-28 Girls' Basketball team winning season.

1999 January

Weber Ave. High School Steps

1998 December

Merry Christmas from Ilion, NY

1998 November

Celebrate over 100 years of Academic Honors

1998 October

1998 Homecoming Queen and Parade Floats

1998 September

1988 Homecoming Boy Cheerleaders

1998 August

1998 Doo Dah Prom King & Queen

1998 July

Welcome to the Class of '98!

1998 June

Guess the Graduate - IHS fathers and sons for Father's Day

1998 May

Guess the Graduate - Mothers and daughters for Mother's Day

1998 April

Spunky cheerleaders featured for Guess The Grad

1998 March

March is School Musical History month.

1998 February

Flu epidemics featuring school nurses

1998 January

1997 is History

1997 December

Guess The Graduate - November Answers revealed.

1997 November

Guess The Graduate featured Alumni Dentist.

1997 October

Mrs. Flora Bean introduces the answers to September's 'Guess the Graduate' Feature.

Created and maintained by Aileen Carney Sweeney - Class of 1974

Digital Image Copyright & Copyright © 1997 - 2023
Modified November 6, 2023